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StandardsStandards Global Harmonization of Safety Standards Examining the European influence on the practice of safety By Fred A. Manuele

“ALMOST 99 PERCENT OF dards regulation will come from the impacts AEuropean Union over time.” Those are the U.S.-based organ- words of Jeffrey Immelt, CEO of General Electric, izations and extends the as quoted in the April 23, 2002, issue of the Wall Street knowledge needs of SH&E professionals. Journal (Mitchener). A safety director of a Fortune 100 Based on the author’s evaluations and the com- entity recently said that his company had more lobby- mittee work now in progress related to European ists in Brussels, Belgium, than it did in Washington. safety standards and guidelines, the following pre- According to Michael Taubitz, whose safety re- dictions are offered. sponsibilities at General Motors are global, on 1) The concept of safety through design will be policy-level issues, the Europeans have the organiza- moved forward by the adoption of ANSI standards tions in place to bring together all stakeholders—gov- containing provisions which will require equipment ernment, employers, labor, suppliers, consumers and manufacturers to document that other interest groups. They also have developed have been identified and analyzed, and Fred A. Manuele, P.E., CSP, is processes through which these stakeholders can reach that risks have been reduced to an accept- president of Hazards Limited, agreement on and issue standards and guidelines. able level. which he formed after retiring These statements prompted an inquiry to deter- 2) It will become commonplace for from Marsh & McLennan, where mine the extent to which standards and guidelines equipment purchasers to develop de- he was managing director and developed in Europe have affected the practice of tailed specifications for inherently safer manager of M&M Protection safety and quality management in the U.S. and designs to be implemented by design and Consultants. Manuele is an ASSE throughout the world, and how they may have an engineering personnel in organizations Fellow, an inductee into the additional influence in the future. that supply machinery and equipment. Safety and Health Hall of Fame 3) Provisions requiring identifi- International and a recipient of The Path of Globalization cation and analysis, and National Safety Council’s (NSC) Global harmonization of safety, quality and envi- risk reduction will be included in stan- Distinguished Service to Safety ronmental standards has progressed considerably. dards pertaining to occupational safety Award. He is also a former board Prudent SH&E professionals must be aware of and health management systems, and member of ASSE, Board of Certified developments with respect to those standards and SH&E professionals will become skilled Safety Professionals and NSC, and a guidelines as they influence the expanding knowl- in those fields. former member of ASSE’s Editorial edge needs in the practice of safety. Several exam- 4) The value of including management Review Board. Manuele is a ples are cited here to illustrate how European of change (as now contained in OSHA’s professional member of ASSE’s activity on safety, quality and environmental stan- Process Safety Management standard) as Northeastern Illinois Chapter. NOVEMBER 2005 PROFESSIONAL SAFETY 41 Manuele Feature Nov 2005.qxd 10/14/2005 8:21 AM Page 42

an element in all safety and health management sys- passing standard with broad application. ISO 14121 tems will be recognized. provides guidance with respect to the risk assess- 5) As is the case in quality and environmental man- ment provisions in ISO 12100-1. These excerpts are agement, certified personnel independent of the em- from the scope of ISO 14121. ployer will make accreditation of occupational This international standard gives guidance on safety and health management systems. the information required to allow risk assess- Safety in the Design Process ments to be carried out. Procedures are de- The central secretariat for the European Committee scribed for identifying hazards and estimating for Standardization is based in Brussels. It has attained and evaluating risk. The purpose of the inter- consensus on many standards that member countries national standard is to provide advice for deci- in the European Union (EU) are to apply. Three of sions to be made on the safety of machinery those standards related to occupational safety and and the type of documentation required to health have had considerable impact on manufactur- verify the risk assessment carried out. ers worldwide: Under the heading “Strategy for Risk Reduction,” •European standard EN 292-1, Safety of ISO 12100-1 states that the designer shall take the fol- Machinery—Basic Concepts, General Principles for lowing actions—in this order: Design. Part 1: Basic Terminology, Methodology. (EN •specify the machine’s limits; stands for European Norm.) •identify the hazards and associated hazardous •EN 292-2, Technical Principles. situations; These standards were issued in 1991. EN 292-1 •estimate the risk for each identified hazard and required that designers of workplace machinery and hazardous situation; equipment perform risk assessments and reduce the •evaluate the risk and make decisions about the risks to tolerable levels. Since guidance was needed need for risk reduction; concerning what was expected in risk assessment, a •eliminate the hazard or reduce the risk associat- third standard was issued in 1997—EN 1050, Safety ed with the hazards by protective measures. of Machinery: Principles of Risk Assessment. Under the same heading, one finds extensive pro- These three standards have been adopted—with visions for hazard identification, risk estimation and some modifications—as international standards by the risk evaluation; or reduction via International Organization for Standardization (ISO). protective measures; and achievement of risk reduc- EN 1050 was adopted as ISO 14121 in 1999. EN 292 tion objectives. ISO 14121 (Safety of Machinery: Prin- parts 1 and 2 became ISO 12100-1 and ISO 12100-2 ciples of Risk Assessment) sets forth a hazard in 2003. Titles of the standards remained the same. identification and risk assessment methodology. ISO is the world’s largest nongovernmental devel- All machinery and equipment that meets the defi- oper of standards, working with a network of the nition of a machine in ISO 12100-1 which is exported national standards institutes of 148 countries. The U.S. to EU countries by American companies must meet is represented at ISO by ANSI. A central secretariat the requirements of these standards. That trade based in Geneva, Switzerland, coordinates the system. encompasses many billions of dollars. To illustrate the An early stated purpose of ISO was “to facilitate extent of the impact of those standards, following is a the international coordination and unification of review of actions taken by the ANSI committees industrial standards.” Since its formation in 1947, responsible for standards pertaining to machine tools. ISO has issued more than 13,700 international stan- dards. Although ISO standards are voluntary, coun- tries have adopted them as part of their regulatory B11.TR3 and administrative framework—particularly quali- ANSI’s B11 Accredited Standards Committee ty, safety and health, and environmental standards. (ASC) on Machine Tool Safety Standards formed a As of 1997, most of the machinery and equipment subcommittee to develop a technical report (TR) to to be used in workplaces throughout the EU must provide guidance on the application of risk assess- bear a Compliance European (CE) mark. To obtain ment principles for machine tool manufacturers and this mark, a “responsible person” (most often the users. The committee’s report (B11.TR3) is titled manufacturer) must ensure that certain documenta- “Risk Assessment and Reduction: A Guideline to tion concerning the product’s safety is available for Estimate, Evaluate and Reduce Risks Associated inspection by enforcement authorities. By affixing with Machine Tools.” TR3 became a registered ANSI the CE mark, a manufacturer indicates that the prod- document in November 2000. One guiding principle uct complies with all applicable directives in adopted by the committee was to produce a techni- force—including the risk assessment and risk reduc- cal report that to the extent possible was harmonized tion provisions initially stated in EN 292-1 and with European standards. included (with revisions) in ISO 12100-1. The CE B11.TR3 is a guideline for the committees respon- mark is the passport for goods entering EU countries. sible for the 24 machine tool standards administered The provisions stated in ISO 12100-1 are intended by the B11 ASC. To date, revisions made in about 75 for the designer. The standard defines the basic ter- percent of those standards incorporate the risk minology and methodology designers are to use to assessment concepts set forth in TR3. Similar revi- achieve safety of machinery. It is a generic, all-encom- sions are in progress for the remaining 25 percent. 42 PROFESSIONAL SAFETY NOVEMBER 2005 Manuele Feature Nov 2005.qxd 10/14/2005 8:21 AM Page 43

Current Activity in the U.S. duced as the principal methods to be used to achieve Related to European Standards acceptable risk levels for personnel. Minutes of the January 2005 meeting of the B11 Another significant standard that will have ASC include this paragraph. impact on the content of the practice of safety is ANSI The B11 ASC reiterates its intent to pursue Z10, Occupational Health and Safety Management adoption of the ISO standards 12100-1 and -2 Systems. Approved in late July 2005, this standard (concerning general requirements for safety of was also influenced by European standards. The machinery, including risk reduction) and scope of Z10 is to develop a standard of management 14121 (concerning risk assessment). principles and systems to help organizations design and implement deliberate and documented The B11 ASC is responsible for the ANSI standards approaches to continuously improve their occupa- pertaining to the design, construction, care and use of tional safety and health performance. machine tools and for the technical reports that give Because of the broad implications of an ANSI the individual standards committees guidance on the standard on occupational safety and health manage- specific subjects the reports cover. Assn. for Manu- ment systems, many companies and organizations facturing Technology (AMT) is secretariat of the com- have an interest in it. The introduction states: mittee. Committee members have reported sensing a This . . . voluntary standard . . . uses recog- need to be more involved in the provisions of subse- nized management principles in order to be quent revisions of ISO standards that pertain to their compatible with quality and environmental products. If the three standards now being addressed standards such as the are adopted as ANSI standards, the committee mem- ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 series. The standard bers believe they will have greater influence when the also draws from approaches used by the Inter- standards are next revised. Furthermore, as ANSI national Labor Organization’s (ILO) Guide- standards, they will have great influence on all lines on Occupational Safety and Health machinery and equipment manufacturers, not just Management Systems and from systems in those making machine tools. use in organizations in the U.S. To repeat for emphasis, ISO 12100-1 is a generic, all-encompassing standard with broad application; it contains extensive requirements for hazard identi- ILO-OSH 2001 fication and analysis and risk assessment. Consider Reference in Z10 to the ILO-OSH Management the long-term impact on the knowledge needs of Systems Guidelines is another indication of the SH&E professionals with respect to risk assessment progress of global harmonization on standards. ILO is if it becomes generally accepted that “the entry point a United Nations entity based in Geneva, Switzerland. for any safety improvement effort is the qualification Its governing body includes representatives of gov- and quantification of risk.” If that occurs, a culture ernment, employers and worker organizations. change will have occurred in the practice of safety. Thirty-seven entities—including representatives from The quote in the preceding paragraph appears in the U.S.—helped to develop these guidelines. It is the notes of a PowerPoint presentation on Residual unique in that it serves two purposes. Risk Reduction (R3), a technique developed and The guidelines may be applied at two lev- issued by Liberty Mutual in 2004. These notes also els—national and organizational. At the nation- state that the risk assessment technique recommended al level, they provide for the establishment of a in the B11.TR3 was an inspiration in its development. national framework for occupational safety and Similar language has also recently appeared in health management systems, preferably sup- other documents. The Packaging Machinery Manu- ported by national laws and regulations. facturers Institute is secretariat of B155.1, Standard At the organizational level, the guidelines for Packaging and Packaging-Related Converting encourage the integration of OSH management Machinery: Safety Requirements for Construction, system elements as an important component of Care and Use. Last issued in 2000, this standard is overall policy and management arrangements. being revised. A review of the latest draft indicates that provisions will be extended with respect to iden- This is an exceptionally well-written, thorough and tifying and analyzing hazards, assessing risks, apply- important document. It is, therefore, not surprising ing a hierarchy of controls and reducing risks to an that it is referenced in ANSI Z10. Of particular note are acceptable level over the life cycle of the packaging its provisions on hazard prevention and risk assess- machinery. According to the foreword: ment; management of change; emergency prevention, preparedness and response; procurement and con- This version of the standard has been harmo- tracting; performance monitoring and measurement; nized with European (EN) and international and audits—all of which are also addressed in Z10. (ISO) standards by the introduction of hazard The guidelines can be viewed at identification and risk assessment as the prin- lic/english/support/publ/xtextoh.htm. cipal method for analyzing hazards to person- nel and achieving a level of acceptable risk. The British Influence Again, the European influence is noteworthy, and In codes and standards with legal and enforce- hazard identification and risk assessment are intro- ment status that include provisions for hazard iden- NOVEMBER 2005 PROFESSIONAL SAFETY 43 Manuele Feature Nov 2005.qxd 10/14/2005 8:21 AM Page 44

tification and analysis and risk assessment, it seems tion is to be obtained. It has had a global impact. Of that the British have gone the furthest. The British particular note is the extent of the requirements for Standards Institution (BSI) publication, Guide to hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control, Occupational Health and Safety Management and periodic audits. Systems (BS 8800:1996), states that “the organization Wording in the requirements is similar to that in should carry out risk assessments including identifi- ISO’s 14001 standard on environmental management. Safety-related cation of hazards.” An eight-page annex describes the risk assessment process. Quality & Environmental Standards standards and In 1999, the U.K. Health and Safety Commission Worldwide adoption of the ISO 9000 quality issued the Approved and Guid- management and assurance standards and the ISO guidelines ance, known as Management of Health and Safety at 14000 environmental management system stan- Work Regulations. This document has legal status. dards indicate the progress of global harmonization originating in Its risk assessment requirements cover more than of standards developed in Europe. These statements seven pages. Consider the specificity of the follow- by ISO reflect the extent of the acceptance of those ing language requiring that risk assessments be per- standards throughout the world. Europe have formed and to which employers the law applies. ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 standards are imple- had—and will This regulation requires all employers and self- mented by some 610,000 organizations in 160 employed people to assess the risks to workers countries. ISO 9000 has become an international continue to and any others who may be affected by their reference for quality management requirements work or business. This will enable them to and ISO 14000 is well on the way to achieving as have—a identify the measures they need to take to com- much, if not more, in enabling organizations to ply with health and safety law. Those who meet their environmental challenges. prominent employ five or more employees should record the significant findings of that risk assessment. ISO 9000 global influence OHSAS 18001:1999, Occupational Health and The ISO 9000 series was originally titled Quality Safety Management Systems: Specifications, is not a Management and Quality Assurance Standard: on the practice standard. However, it has achieved the status of a Guideline for Selection and Use. The ISO 9000 series quasi-standard in that some countries, particularly in was adopted verbatim as an American National of safety. Asia, expect employers to obtain certification indicat- Standard—the ANSI/ASQ Q9000 series (ASQ is the ing that their operations comply with its provisions. American Society for Quality). Affected U.S. Many U.S. businesses are among those employers. In Companies worldwide have built their quality addition, there is a companion document designated management systems around the ISO 9000 series. It entities must as OHSAS 18002:2000, Occupational Health and has become common for purchasers of products and Safety Management Systems: Guidelines for the components to become a part of a purchaser’s product become more Implementation of OHSAS 18001. to require that suppliers be certified as meeting the How did this guideline/quasi-standard and its requirements of the ANSI/ISO quality standards. involved in companion piece emerge? According to an article in For example, the Automotive Industry Action the June 2004 issue of Occupational Hazards, “A lead- Group formed by DaimlerChrysler, Ford and General their initiation ing registrar argues that OHSAS 18001 is emerging Motors has published quality system requirements as the standard of choice for companies seeking to (QS-9000) that are a close adaptation of the ISO 9000 and revision. implement a comprehensive safety management series. All suppliers of automobile components to system.” The leading registrar was BSI Management those companies must meet the quality system Systems, an independent third-party certification requirements contained in QS-9000. One of its provi- entity (O’Connell). sions requires a supplier to conduct a failure modes On two occasions—in 1996 and 2000—ISO voted and effects analysis on the components being sup- on developing a standard for an occupational safety plied. Other industries have published adaptations of and health management system. Neither proposal the ISO 9000 series as well. was approved. The ISO membership is worldwide Revisions to the ISO 9000 family of standards and a consensus for such a standard has not yet were approved as American National Standards in emerged among its membership. December 2000. The standard now has three parts: Nevertheless, after the 1996 vote, BSI Manage- •Q9000: Quality Management Systems—Funda- ment Systems assumed a leadership role and devel- mentals and Vocabulary; oped OHSAS 18001:1999. BSI Management Systems •Q9001: Quality Management Systems—Require- is a part of the BSI Group. One entity within that ments; group is BSI British Standards, which is the national •Q9004: Quality Management Systems—Guide- standards body of the U.K. lines for Performance Improvement. While it is clearly stated in OHSAS 18001 and The original standard was designed principally for 18002 that they are not British standards, OHSAS manufacturing companies and was based on 20 key 18001 looks like a standard, is compatible with ISO quality management elements. Following a major re- quality and environmental standards, and has vision, the standard is now structured on a process achieved considerable global success as the occupa- model. That change was made to accommodate any tional safety management system for which certifica- enterprise, regardless of its product or service or size. 44 PROFESSIONAL SAFETY NOVEMBER 2005 Manuele Feature Nov 2005.qxd 10/14/2005 8:21 AM Page 45

ISO 14000 SH&E professionals must The ISO 14000 series contains 18 standards, two recognize that these stan- More on of which are relevant to this discussion. dards require periodic man- 1) ANSI/ISO 14001-1996, Environmental Manage- agement system audits and Globalization ment Systems: Specifications with Guidance for Use, that it has become globally sets forth the system elements required for effective accepted that they be con- More information on this subject is environmental management. It is the conformance ducted by independent certi- available at standard within the ISO 14000 series and it serves as fying bodies. It should also be eur-lex/en/com/pdf/2002/com2002 the basis for auditing and certification. recognized that this auditing _0118en01.pdf. This document is a 2002 2) ANSI/ISO 14004-1996, Environmental Manage- idea has been extended to an communication from the Commission ment Systems: General Guidelines on Principles, occupational health and safe- of the European Communities titled Systems and Supporting Techniques, focuses on the ty management systems stan- “Adapting to Change in Work and development and execution of environmental man- dard (ANSI Z10). Having Society: A New Community Strategy agement systems and their coordination with other safety management systems on Health and Safety at Work 2002-06.” management systems. audited by third-party agen- Another helpful reference on Joint sponsors ASC, American Society for Testing cies and certified as being in European Standards is available at and Materials and NSF International obtained compliance with a standard is approval of these standards. (NSF describes itself as in the future. gsig/eu-guides/sp951/text-sp951.htm. an independent, not-for-profit orgranization that This National Institute of Standards offers programs to support the work of regulatory and Technology (NIST) publication is Related Documents titled, “NIST Special Publication 951: officials, including standards development. Services One reference used by are also provided to companies, including quality and A Guide to EU Standards and Con- writers of safety standards formity Assessment.” environmental management system audits and regis- and guidelines is ISO/IEC trations). These standards, originating in Europe, have Guide 51:1999, Safety As- been adopted globally as the basis for obtaining certi- pects: Guidelines for Their Inclusion in Standards. fication on the adequacy of the environmental man- Its stated purpose is to provide standards writers agement system in place. Revisions in ISO 14001:2004 with guidelines for the inclusion of safety aspects in and ISO 14004:2004 were released on Nov. 15, 2004; standards. Pertinent sections include terms and def- they have not yet been adopted as ANSI standards. initions; use of the words safety and safe; concept of safety (there can be no absolute safety; residual risk; Certification tolerable risk); and achieving tolerable risk. The ISO quality and environmental standards ISO/IEC Guide 73:2002, : Vocab- require that periodic management system audits be ulary—Guidelines for Use in Standards, is a compan- performed. An example of the intent of an audit, as ion to Guide 51. According to the introduction, “this defined in ANSI/ISO 14001, follows: guide is intended to be used as a top-level generic doc- Environmental management system audit: a sys- ument in the preparation or revision of standards that tematic and documented verification process of include aspects of risk management.” These guides objectively obtaining and evaluating evidence to were jointly developed by ISO and International determine whether an organization’s environ- Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Their forewords mental management system conforms to the note that ISO and IEC form the specialized system for environmental management system audit crite- worldwide standardization. IEC is a global organiza- ria set by the organization, and for communica- tion that publishes international standards for all elec- tion of the results of this process to management. trical, electronic and related technologies. Many of Requirements for quality management system those standards have safety implications as well. IEC’s audits in Q9001 are comparable. Both the quality central office is also in Geneva. and environmental standards state that the auditors must be objective and impartial. Governmental bod- Conclusion ies and many other private organizations interpret Safety-related standards and guidelines originat- this requirement to mean that the auditors should be ing in Europe have had—and will continue to have— external to the entity being audited. That does not a prominent global influence on the practice of safety. mean the auditors must be from outside a company. Affected U.S. entities must become more involved in An entity may self-declare conformance and have its their initiation and revision. Some entities have internal staff perform the required audits. begun to do so. For example, ORC Worldwide (for- Nevertheless, these audit requirements have merly known as Organization Resources Coun- spawned a new industry—a proliferation of compa- selors), of which about 125 Fortune 500 companies nies which will perform the audits and certify that are members, has formed an emerging issues com- the location being audited is in conformance with the mittee that gathers and distributes information. standards. Although ISO states that compliance cer- ASSE and ORC Worldwide are among those tificates are not delivered on its behalf, having recog- groups that have encouraged OSHA to take a more nized a need to disseminate information on audit active role in standards-writing that has global influ- requirements and certifying bodies, ISO does have a ence. The March 2005 Government Affairs column in directory of certification bodies. Professional Safety reports that “ASSE would also like NOVEMBER 2005 PROFESSIONAL SAFETY 45 Manuele Feature Nov 2005.qxd 10/14/2005 8:21 AM Page 46

OSHA to establish and pro- hazard identification and analysis and risk assess- vide the needed proactive ment, of which superior knowledge and proficiency Web Links leadership to help ensure that is needed to move the state of the art forward in the U.S. safety and health efforts practice of safety. However, as Michael Taubitz sug- to Key European are harmonized with efforts gests, Americans need to be attentive to the emer- around the globe. This could gence in Europe of discussions about issues such as Agencies be a great new area for OSHA corporate , quality of work, to advance safety and health mainstreaming the gender dimension (women in the British Standards Institution and ensure competitiveness workplace) into risk evaluation, reducing psychoso- (BSI) for U.S. companies.” cial risks (stress, depression and anxiety due to In an Internet article workload or environment), systems for classification Contacts/index.xalter titled, “The New Global and labeling chemical materials (reach), and en- Drivers of Workplace Safety hanced prevention of occupational illnesses. Ⅲ BSI Management Systems and Health: Will OSHA and U.S. Business Help Steer or References American Industrial Hygiene Assn. (AIHA). Standard on mation/Management+Systems.xalter Just Be Along for the Ride?” Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems. ANSI/ ORC Worldwide states: AIHA Z10. Fairfax, VA: AIHA, 2005. Commission of ORC believes strongly American Society for Quality (ASQ). Environmental Man- the European Communities agement Systems: General Guidelines on Principles, Systems and that all stakeholders in Supporting Techniques. ANSI/ISO 14004-1996. Milwaukee: ASQ the U.S. occupational (revision issued by ISO, November 2004). com/pdf/2002/com2002_0118en01.pdf safety and health com- ASQ. Environmental Management Systems: Specifications munity must find new with Guidance for Use. ANSI/ISO 14001-1996. Milwaukee: ASQ European Union (revision issued by ISO, November 2004). strategies and resources ASQ. Quality Management Systems: Fundamentals and to become more fully Vocabulary. ANSI/ISO/ASQ Q9000-2000. Milwaukee: ASQ, 2000. guide.htm engaged in the global ASQ. Quality Management Systems: Guidelines for Perfor- mance Improvements. ANSI/ISO/ASQ Q9004-2000. Milwaukee: policy debates over ini- ASQ, 2000. European Community tiatives that are likely to ASQ. Quality Management Systems: Requirements. for Standardization affect the safety and ANSI/ISO/ASQ Q9001-2000. Milwaukee: ASQ, 2000. health of workers in the Assn. for Manufacturing Technology (AMT). Risk Assess- ment and Reduction: A Guideline to Estimate, Evaluate and U.S., as well as workers Reduce Risks Associated with Machine Tools. ANSI B11.TR3. U.K. Health & abroad. ORC also be- McLean, VA: AMT, 2000. Safety Commission lieves that OSHA, as the British Standards Institution (BSI). Guide to Occupational institution at the “point” Health and Safety Management Systems. BS 8800:1996. London: BSI, 1996. of occupational safety BSI. Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems: International Electrotechnical and health policy in the Guidelines for the Implementation of OHSAS 18001. OHSAS Commission U.S., should lead the way 18002:2000. London: BSI, 2000. . . . and help facilitate BSI. Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems: Specifications. OHSAS 18001:1999. London: BSI, 1999. increased engagement of Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Management of Health International Labor other U.S. stakeholders in and Safety at Work Regulation 1999, Approved Code of Practice & Organization these debates (www.orc Guidance. Sudbury, Suffolk, England: HSE Books, 1999. International Labor Organization (ILO). Guidelines on port/publ/xtextoh.htm Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems. ILO-OSH It is proposed that OSHA 2001. Geneva, Switzerland: ILO, 2001. take on an extended role— International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Risk International Organization which some may view as dif- Management: Vocabulary—Guidelines for Use in Standards. ISO/IEC Guide 73. Geneva, Switzerland: ISO, 2002. for Standardization ficult to achieve. Neverthe- ISO. Safety Aspects: Guidelines for Their Inclusion in less, it is appropriate to Standards. ISO/IEC Guide 51. Geneva, Switzerland: ISO, 1999. suggest that OSHA be more ISO. Safety of Machinery: Basic Concepts, General Principles involved in the global policy for Design. Part 1: Basic Terminology, Methodology. ISO 12100-1 (formerly EN 292-1). Geneva, Switzerland: ISO, 2003. debates on SH&E standards and guidelines. ISO. Safety of Machinery: Basic Concepts, General Principles One must also ask whether, as a service to its for Design. Part 2: Technical Principles. ISO 12100-2 (formerly EN members, ASSE should take a more aggressive and 292-2). Geneva, Switzerland: ISO, 2003. proactive role, particularly on information gathering ISO. Safety of Machinery: Principles of Risk Assessment. ISO 14121 (formerly EN 1050). Geneva, Switzerland: ISO, 1999. and distribution. It is an obvious fact that consider- Manuele, F.A. Innovations in Safety Management: Addressing able progress has been made in the global standard- Career Knowledge Needs. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2001. ization and harmonization of safety, quality and Manuele, F.A. On the Practice of Safety. 3rd ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2003. environmental standards and new developments Mitchener, B. “Rules, Regulations of Global Economy Are In- will continue to emerge. SH&E professionals must creasingly Being Set in Brussels.” Wall Street Journal. April 23, 2002. be aware of developments with respect to those O’Connell, R. “Making the Case for OHSAS 18001.” Occupa- standards and guidelines—which will expand the tional Hazards. June 2004. Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Institute (PMMI). knowledge needs in the practice of safety. Standard for Packaging and Packaging-Related Converting This article relates principally to safety, quality Machinery: Safety Requirements for Construction, Care and Use. and environmental management systems, and to Draft ANSI B155.1. Arlington, VA: PMMI, 2004. 46 PROFESSIONAL SAFETY NOVEMBER 2005