Legend Regional and State Trails Watershed District Legal Boundary Regional Parks Municipal Boundary Parks and Open Spaces County Boundary Scientific and Natural Areas Wolsfeld Woods Baker Park Scientific and Subwatersheds Mississippi National River and Recreation Area Reserve Natural Area Major Arterial MCWD Land and Easements

School Lake Wood-Rill Interstate Freeway Historic Districts Scientific and 2 1 0 2 Maple Plain Holy Name Lakes 24 Natural Area Katrina Medina Lake Streams Miles Lake Mooney Chain of Lakes Lake Plymouth er Cr k Regional Park t e ain ee P k e r

C 12 Long Lake R Independence

a n m

e Long Lake s

110 k s s e Gleason Nokomis-Hiawatha

e a re y

l C Lake e Regional Park C C k Golden Valley Noerenberg Wayzata a 394 o L


Gardens Stubbs g

n 15 o Bay L Orono 94 Wayzata M Maxwell Cedar i North s Bay Bay Lake Lake Jennings Arm s of the i s Gale Woods Bay s Minnetonka Isles i Crystal Woodland a h a C r e Minnehaha Rp egional Regional Park h e West Bay e k p Harrisons Lower Lake Libbs Lake n St. Louis Park Park and Dutch Lake Arm n i

Lake . North M i Powderhorn 55

Bay o Minnetonka Beach Calhoun Minnehaha FR alls Lake C Mound 7 Spring Park 35W i n v Lake Minnetonka Langdon 15 Lafayette i p


Lake Bay 100 e Regional Park r Watertown n

Cooks Hopkins n Township e

Bay Spring Park Deephaven Meadowbrook H 92 Lower Lake Lake Lake Bay 494 Lake Minneapolis South Harriet Hiawatha Tonka Bay Big Island 169 e k Halsteds East Upper Greenwood r e h a C Lake Regional Park M a Bay West Upper 19 in n h Lake le k e St. Bonifacius Mi Cre e Lake Nokomis 6 Shorewood 101 Minnetrista Excelsior Mud 7 44 Christmas Country Club District Edina Diamond Lake Lake Hennepin Co. Lake C

Stone Lake a Nokomis Knolls District r 62 Lake Lake v Parley Virginia Lake Le ake Minnewashta Richfield r

Zumbra Lake Minnewashta RC egional Park Camp Coldwater Spring 30 Schutz Lake o . . 212 Minnehaha Distr3i5cWt o Chanhassen C 77 ta Carver Park o Lake Stieger k Crane Island District a Reserve Auburn Lake D Victoria 5 Laketown Township 13 494

Wassermann Landscape Lake Arboretum Source of all base data is the Minnesota Piersons Department of Natrual Resources. Lake Regional parks from Metropolitan Council. Historic districts from Minnesota Historical Society. L:/0185/_4315 - plan revision/mxd file/unique features and scenic areas.mxd

MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT JAN 2006 Unique Features and Scenic Areas in the Minnehaha Creek Watershed Figure 7