Tuesday, June 16 2020
(No. 035) TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 2020 (474) Twelfth Parliament Third Session REPUBLIC OF KENYA TWELFTH PARLIAMENT – FOURTH SESSION THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 2020 (AFTERNOON) 1. The House assembled at Thirty Minutes past Two O’clock 2. The Proceedings were opened with Prayer 3. Presiding – the Honourable Speaker 4. COMMUNICATION FROM THE CHAIR The Speaker issued the following Communication:- (i). Guidance on the Consideration of the Special Motion on Appointment of a Parliamentary Service Commissioner who is Not a Member of Parliament [Communication made after the Vice Chairperson of the Parliamentary Service Commission had laid a Paper on PSC Commissioner Appointment and given its subsequent Notice of Motion] “Honourable Members, this Guide relates to the Paper that has just been laid by the Vice-Chairperson of the Parliamentary Service Commission, the Hon. (Dr.) Naomi Shaban, EGH, MP, and the subsequent Notice of Motion. The Paper and the Notice of Motion relate to the proposed appointment of the Hon. Rachel Ameso Amolo as a Member of the Parliamentary Service Commission. Honourable Members, Article 127(2)(d) of the Constitution provide for the appointment of two (2) persons, being one man and one woman, from among persons who have experience in public affairs, but are not members of Parliament, to the Parliamentary Service Commission. The position of female non-Member of the Parliamentary Service Commission fell vacant on 18th March, 2020, upon the expiry of the six (6) year term of the immediate former office holder, Dr. Lonah Mumelo. Consequently, and in accordance with the provisions of Article 127 of the Constitution and section 10 of the Parliamentary Service Act, 2019, Parliament is required to appoint a person (female) to fill the now vacant position.
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