Campaign Sourcebook and Catacomb Guide

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Campaign Sourcebook and Catacomb Guide Dungeon Master's Rules Guide Supplement Campaign Sourcebook Catacomb Guide Sample file TSR, Inc. Table of Contents Introduction 3 Logistics of Play 4 Styles of Play 8 Pacing and Theatrics 17 Uses of Judgment 33 Creating the Campaign 51 Creating the World 53 Maps and Map Making 75 Creating the Adventure 84 Making NPCs Live 92 Dungeon Settings 101 The Dungeon Campaign 106 Generic Dungeons 113 The Great Pyramid 114 The Primitive Temple 116 The Modern Temple 118 The Limestone Cavern 120 The Beehive Fort 122 The Castle on Moors 124 Typical Map Symbols 126 Forced Perspective Map Grid 127 Written by Paul Jaquays and William W. Connors Edited by William W. Connors and Warren Spector Black and White Art by Thomas Baxa, Valerie Valusek, and George Barr Color Art by Keith Parkinson, Dean Morrisey, and Jeff Easley Graphic Design by Linda Bakk and Dee Barnett Typography by Gaye SampleO'Keefe file Cartography by Dave Sutherland Special Thanks to Douglas Niles and Kim Mohan ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, AD&D, FORGOTTEN REALMS, WORLD OF GREYHAWK, DRAGONLANCE, BATTLESYSTEM, PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATION, and the TSR logo are all trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. ®1990 TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random House Inc. and in Canada by Radom House of Canada, Ltd. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors. Distribution in the United Kingdom by TSR UK Ltd. This product is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any repro- duction or other unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of TSR Inc. TSR Inc. TSR Ltd. POB 756 120 Church End. Cherry Hinton Lake Geneva, Cambridge CBl 3LB WI 53147, U.S.A. United Kingdom TSR, Inc. ISBN 0-88038-817-X Or YOUR IMAGINATION" 2112XXX1501 Introduction The dungeon master's task is tention of your players. advice on how to pace the events not an easy one. On his shoulders If you are new to the fine art of of your games, set up campaign rests the' responsibility for the dungeon mastering, you will find worlds, make better game maps, whole game. It is the DM's job to that the information in this book and reduce the amount of time make sure that everyone, himself can make you seem like a pro you must spend to make ready for included, has a good time when who's been doing it for years. If a game. In addition, we've in- they play the AD&D® game. If you you are a pro who's been doing this cluded a section on making NPCs are an experienced DM then you for years, you'll find hints to help more realistic and important in are sure to know that there are you get the most out of your exist- your campaign. times when this task is so daunt- ing campaign. Thirdly, we've included chap- ing that you wonder why you The first section of the Cam- ters about what it is that sets a didn't stick with a safe hobby like paign Sourcebook and Catacomb dungeon based campaign apart stamp collecting. Guide provides information on set- from a wilderness campaign. Here, The AD&D 2nd Edition Player's ting up a gaming group. We'll you'll find tips on making the most Handbook and Dungeon Master's touch on a number of points rang- out of those gloomy passages that Guide give the referee everything ing from good gaming manners (I run beneath the surface of even he needs to set up and run a role- brought the soda last week! It's the most pacific nation. playing game—they are the tools. somebody else's turn!) to dealing Tb close out the book, we present In this book, we will share with you with disruptive players. After all, a number of maps for use by ref- a wide array of tips and techniques part of being a good dungeon mas- eree's when time is tight. Unlike for weaving the tales of adventure, ter is managing relations with the tradition "hole in the ground" which fill your active imagination, your players! dungeon, however, each of these is into games which will grab the at- In the second section we'll offer somewhat—unusual. Sample file Chapter i: Logistics of Play Designing a game world and ings, depend on having both the tion without spending an hour plotting out the dynamic stories players and the DM observe a looking for it. and spine-tingling excitement number of basic, but greatly ap- that takes place in it requires a preciateSampled courtesies file. The DM Hosting a Game great deal of imagination and should follow these "rules of eti- more than a few creative skills. Yet quette" and encourage his players It is not the DM's responsibility to the job of the DM doesn't end to heed them too. provide a place to play. Nor should there. A good DM not only has to he be held responsible for bringing make a good adventure, he has to Be Prepared the food and drinks or even sched- run a good adventure session and uling the time for the game and make decisions about his world Probably the greatest mistake calling the players. That responsi- that even the best rules can never that a DM can make prior to a bility should be shared among the adequately cover. The latter tasks game session is to fail to prepare. players, the DM included. Often, it go beyond mere creativity and en- Proper preparation can be should be enough that the DM pro- ter into the realm of social eti- summed up in two words, study vides the adventure. quette and administration. and organization. Nothing spoils a However, the DM is responsible game more quickly than a DM who for setting up before a game, even Gaming Etiquette hasn't studied his material before- though the game may take place in hand and doesn't know the gist of someone else's home or in a public While one does his adventure, if not all the details. place such as a lounge in a college not necessarily need to know Take the time to organize mate- dormitory. If possible, he should be which side of the plate a salad fork rial in a logical manner. If players the first to arrive and should have goes on to successfully entertain ask questions or go off in an unex- his game materials in order before gamers, good gaming sessions, pected direction, the DM should the players arrive. If the game will like other types of social gather- know where to find that informa- take place in a public area, the DM Logistics of Play (or another player) should take it A wise DM will encourage his share. As stated before, this is not upon himself to secure a play area players to keep verbal expression the DM's responsibility. Com- in advance, one that will accom- of excitement or dismay ("What do monly, refreshments are acknowl- modate the players and, just as im- you mean he's dead! He's 16th edged "junk foods:" soda pop, portantly, not disturb others who level! He can't be dead!") to con- peanuts, pretzels, cookies, and may wish to use the facility. versational decibel levels. chips of all kinds, including the The game session host should four basic gamer food groups: caf- ensure that a clean play area and Prerolling Characters feine, sugar, salt, and carbohy- enough seating is available for all drates. In deference to good eating anticipated players. If at all possi- Whenever possible, create new habits and in an attempt to avoid ble, arrange for the DM to be seated player characters ahead of time. pear-shaped bodies, try to balance at a separate table in the gaming Prerolling new player characters the type of snacks provided. For area. It's very important that the before the day or scheduled time of long game sessions, suggest ahead DM keep his game notes and maps a game session is a small but of time that the players come pre- out of the players' sight. greatly appreciated courtesy. pared to participate in some form Character creation, especially of deliverable food (like pizza). when any type of background de- Courtesy to the Host velopment is involved, takes time. Allow breaks for eating and, if If the DM waits until the game ses- possible, keep food and drink away At the end of each game session, sion to roll up new player charac- from the gaming table. Don't let clean up the play area, regardless ters, valuable game time is wasted. food disrupt the game or become a of whether the game is played in a Instead of playing the game, the distraction. student lounge or at a player's other players must find ways to home. Toss out food and drink con- entertain themselves until the DM Distractions tainers (don't make the host re- is ready to play. In this regard, the Anything that doesn't add to the sponsible for returning empty DM runs the risk of losing his play- beverage containers). Sweep up playing of the game will detract ers to whatever has distracted from it. Where possible, eliminate any mess. Offer to help put away them. excess chairs, books, tables, min- all outside distractions. It is diffi- iatures, etc. Failure to do so may Sample file cult to concentrate on roleplaying result in your having to find an- Opening Ceremonies while a ball game or loud music is other place to play next time.
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