Archeology in Washington
QRCU,l6£0qlJ ' / \. .' .. ,. fJ.n ' WQ~H!l-1:lqTon' I . "i "" ·~ ~ \. 81.J srru e e tra e.1!. ano ARCHEOLOGY IN WASHINGTON Lakes Colville J. Lower Spokon Uwer Middle Spolcon Spokon Cpeur d olene Polus Nu Perce Wouyukmo Walulo Coyuse FRONTISPIECE. Indian tribes of Washington. State of Washington ALBERT D. ROSELLINI, Governor Department of Conservation EARL COE, Director DIVISION OF MINES AND GEOLOGY MARSHALL T. HUNTTING, Supervisor Information Circular No. 30 ARCHEOLOGY IN WASHINGTON By BRUCE STALLARD $TATE PRINTING PLANT ~ OLYMPIA. WASH •• 19$8 For sale by Department of Conservation, Olympia, Washington. Price, 50 cent.s. PREFACE This booklet came into being as part of a program of archeological research conducted by the State College of Washington for the Washington Division of Mines and Geology, using funds appropri ated to the Division by the State Legislature. The research program was under the direction of Dr. Richard Daugherty. The booklet owes its existence to Mr. Marshall T. Huntting, Supervisor, Division of Mines and Geology, who encouraged its writing. Dr. Richard Daugherty and Dr. Allan Smith of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, the State College of Washington, read and criticized the manuscript. The drawings were done by Mr. Steve Allured, Printing Department, the State College of Washington. The author, a research assistant in anthropology at the State College, received his formal training at the University of Washington and at the State College of Washington. As a representative of these two institutions, he has done archeological field work on both sides of the Cascade Mountains, but it is to be understood that the information contained in this booklet does not result from his own field work or, for that matter, the work of any other individual.
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