2012-11-15 15:57 CET P&G's supports Movember in the name of fine moustaches and men’s health!

Movember gains strong support in Denmark and Sweden where Gillette commits to inspire men to grow moustaches so vital funds and awareness can be raised for men’s health issues. The Gillette Styler is the perfect tool for trimming and styling your moustache during the campaign so your style stands out and creates the intended awareness.

Throughout November Gillette will create attention around Movember amongst its own employees at Procter & Gamble and on the company’s Facebook page:

”The aim is to support the Movember campaign by creating attention and turn as many people into Mo Bros (Movember ambassadors) as we possibly can”, says Peter Wallentin, Nordic PR Manager for Gillette. “We start with ourselves at P&G where many of us will create awareness by registering at Movember.com and growing a moustache in Movember, and we encourage everyone around us to join in and support the good cause: friends, family, Gillette fans on Facebook, and other companies employees – the more people who join in, the better Movember can do”.

It is all about the Mo: Moustache equals money

Movember moustaches were first grown in Australia back in 2003 and became a great success in Denmark in 2011. First step is to registering at movember.com, guys then start Movember 1st with a clean-shaven face and for the remainder of the month dedicate themselves to growing a fine moustache. Supported by the women in their lives, known as Mo Sistas, Movember Mo Bros raise funds by seeking sponsorship for their Mo growing efforts. In other words: It is all about the Mo.

“Movember is about doing a difference for men’s health. Ultimately that difference is funds raised but the original thought of this campaign is how fine moustaches create attention, new Mo Bros’ for the movement and support for the cause. The key is standing out with your moustache to create awareness and the new Gillette Styler is the perfect facial hair styling tool for the job.” says Peter Wallentin.

Gillette has recently launched the Master Your Style platform on Facebook in both Denmark and Sweden. The competitions, style discussions and grooming tips now get an extra dimension with an increased focus on moustaches.

It's not too late, register at www.movember.com, grow a mustache during Movember, and keep your mustache in perfect shape with the Gillette Fusion ProGlide Styler. Together we can make a difference.

Peter Wallentin is available for interview - if interested please contact him via phone: 08-53 52 84 56 or [email protected]

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