20 April 2010 Year 4, Issue 14 20 April 2010 • Kabayan Times International 2
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20 april 2010 www.kabayantimes.org Year 4, Issue 14 20 april 2010 • www.kabayantimes.org kabayan times international 2 THE pilot of the Polish plane that world crashed in Russia killing President Lech Kaczynski and 95 others refused to listen to advice to divert to news another airport Bin Laden is not in Pakistan Crashed plane pilot WASHINGTON - Paki- good Taliban and bad Taliban. ignored orders stan’s Prime Minister Yousuf I always believe that militants Raza Gilani said that Osama are the militants. They just MOSCOW - The pilot of approached the airport in tinue to guide the plane and bin Laden was not in his want to destabilize the sys- the Polish plane that crashed worsening weather, Anatoly observe it. We warned about country. tem. Our people have let it be in Russia killing President Muravyev, one of the air traffic the bad weather but the crew His statement goes known that they would not Lech Kaczynski and 95 others controllers who handled the moved to landing without against the perception of allow a handful of extremist refused to listen to advice to plane, told the Komsomolska- permission,’ Mr Muravyev said, many in the US intelligence bigots and terrorists to repre- divert to another airport, air ya Pravda daily. adding that the crew had also community who suspect that sent our peaceful way of life traffic controllers said on Tues- ‘At the start, the Tu-154 not given air traffic controllers the Al-Qaeda chief has holed and inclusive culture,’ he said. day. came into land steadily, with- crucial information. himself up in Pakistan’s law- Pakistan had been the Controllers who were the out swerving. But then we had Kaczynski and all the 95 less areas bordering Afghani- main international backer of last people to talk to the Pol- doubts that it could land nor- other people killed on the stan. the Taliban’s hardline 1996- ish presidential jet as it ap- mally,’ he said. ‘The head of the plane were heading to a me- PM Gilani said he had lit- 2001 rule in Afghanistan, proached Severny military air- air traffic control team three morial service at Katyn, near tle information on bin Laden’s but US officials have recently port outside the Russian city times told the crew to divert to Smolensk, for 22,000 Polish whereabouts, but pointed to Osama bin Laden welcomed what they see of Smolensk Saturday also said a different airport but the crew officers and troops killed by Pakistan’s assaults since last ziristan. “I am not in favor of as a shift to a more aggres- the plane had not followed did not listen. Soviet forces in World War II 70 year on extremists in regions the negotiations with Taliban sive stance against extremist standard procedures. ‘When the crew refused to years ago. such as Swat and South Wa- because at times we talk about groups. The Russian-made Tu-154 listen, all we could do was con- Dutch prostitutes to register Polands acting president takes THE HAGUE - Prostitute right course of action in the Netherlands should be Politicians belonging to cellery of the president, is at least 21 years old and carry the national conservative Law an unpolitical official who a pass with their photo and a and Justice Party [PiS] of Lech works a lot, not a politi- special registration number, Kaczyński, the Polish president cian who was lucky enough says a law amendment filed in who died in a plane crash on to wangle a good post. The parliament on Thursday. the weekend, have criticized nomination of Stanisław People of 21 are better acting president Bronislaw Koziej to chief of the BBN [Na- able than people of 18 to make Komorowski of the liberal-con- tional Security Bureau] is a bow a well-considered decision servative Civic Platform party to the opposition, because about whether or not to work for already having nominated Koziej was deputy defense as a prostitute,’ caretaker jus- successors to the chiefs of se- minister in the PIS govern- tice minister Hirsch Ballin, who curity and the chancellery of ment. The two posts have to be submitted the amendment, the presidency, who also died filled because the state must said in a statement. ‘They are in the crash. continue to function. And both better able to deal and negoti- ‘The new law aims to a national register and to have The daily Gazeta Wybor- can be relieved from office at ate with clients. They are more make a contribution to the an entry interview on the risks cza has no sympathy with any time.” likely to have some further fight against force, abuse and of the job and alternatives, said Michałowski, who has been such complaints: “Jacek education and thus be less human trafficking’ in the sex the statement. nominated to lead the chan- economically dependent on trade, ‘given the risk that pros- Registered prostitutes will prostitution work. titutes between the ages of 18 receive a pass with a profile Prostitution has been legal and 21 would disappear into photograph and registration in the Netherlands since 2000, the criminal underworld’. It had number, which will enable cli- Shuttle vans used for human but Mr Ballin said the new mea- been decided to counter that ents to control that they are us- sures sought to ‘draw a clearer risk with ‘strong controls and ing the services of a legal prac- smuggling line between legal and illegal penalties for illegal prostitutes, titioner. Under the current law, their handlers and clients’. only brothel owners and other prostitution’. ‘The law is aimed PHOENIX — With sweeps The amendment, yet to be prostitute handlers require au- at regulating the prostitution on both sides of the border adopted by parliament, will thorization. trade, not to obstruct the legal Thursday, American and Mexi- compel prostitutes to enroll on part of it,’ said the statement. can authorities delivered what they called their most serious blow toward dismantling hu- man smuggling organizations South Korea finds bodies of that have brought thousands of illegal immigrants to the 32 crews in a submerged warship United States. The investigation, which Twelve sailors remain unac- used 800 law enforcement offi- counted for after the 1,200-ton cers, the largest deployment in vessel exploded three weeks a human smuggling investiga- ago near the North Korea bor- tion, focused on what the au- der thorities said were suspicious Immigration officials made an arrest during a raid Thursday at a shut- South Korea lifted part of companies running shuttle tle business in Tucson. a warship from the sea ,three vans that provide a crucial link migration enforcement. charge would succeed. weeks after it exploded and in the transportation chain This week, the Arizona Smugglers would guide sank with dozens of sailors that brings illegal immigrants Legislature moved closer to people, typically on foot, across trapped inside. Salvage work- from the border to cities across adopting what is widely be- the border. A car or sport util- ers found dead bodies of 32 the United States. lieved to be the most stringent ity vehicle would pick them crew members in the vessel. While some 47 people immigration enforcement bill up and take them to Tucson, Fifty-eight crew members were arrested Thursday, includ- among the states, giving local where in “very quick handoffs,” were rescued shortly after the ing some in Mexico in what police agencies broad powers an immigration official said, 1,200-ton Cheonan exploded ies identified as the Cheonan including that the ship might officials called exceptional co- to check people’s legal status. the immigrants would board on 26 of March during a rou- crew, according to the joint have been struck by a North operation with officers there, For nearly a decade, fed- the shuttle vans to Phoenix. tine patrol near the border chiefs of staff in Seoul. Divers Korean torpedo or a mine left only about 17 were illegal im- eral immigration authorities From there, after having paid with North Korea. So far 34 had retrieved two bodies dur- over from the 1950-53 Korean migrants being smuggled, and have been stymied by a fleet fees of several thousand dollars bodies have been recovered, ing an underwater hunt. War. some of them will be granted of shuttle vans, similar to those — $75,000 in the case of some while 12 sailors remain unac- The stern was to be moved South Korea has asked permission to remain in the that carry people to airports Chinese immigrants — to be counted for. to a naval base to investigate the US, Australia, Britain and United States to serve as wit- and the like, that they say have taken into the United States, A huge naval crane hoisted the cause of the explosion Sweden to send experts for a nesses in the case, The an- operated under a veil of legiti- they would transfer to private the stern portion of the ship – while the remaining two-thirds joint investigation. A team of nouncement of the arrests, macy. cars and head to destinations where most of the missing sail- of the ship is to be salvaged eight US investigators, led by which focused on four shuttle When stopped, even if across the United States. ors are believed to be trapped sooner, military officials said. Rear Admiral Thomas Eccles, van businesses in Tucson and the passengers were found to Agents on Thursday morn- – a day after divers succeeded The cause of the blast has arrived in South Korea earlier one in Phoenix, comes at a be illegal immigrants, drivers ing searched the offices of Ser- in tying the wreckage with not been determined.