May 2013 Issue, Me So Much and Also the Evangelista Said Her Parents Made Relationship That I Was In,” She Said
Vol. XXXI No 5 May 2013 FNAQ Gala celebration marks 21st anniversary and Nurses Week The Filipino Nurses Association of Quebec (FNAQ) held a gala event on May 4, 2013 at the Holiday Inn Diamond Room. to celebrate its 21st anniversary as well as Nurses Week from May 12-18 in Quebec this year and Mothers’ Day. The guest of honor was Mme Lucie Tremblay, president and chief executive officer of the Order of Nurses (Ordre des Infirmiers et Infirmieres du Quebec), accompanied by her husband, Mr. Gerald Perron. Upon their arrival, they greeted and chatted with all the guests consisting of mostly doctors, nurses, government officials, community leaders, their friends and families. The evening’s program started with the welcome addresses by President Cresconia Fernandez and Vice-President Josefina Toledo. This was the first time that FNAQ had both officers give the welcome The Executive Board 2012-2014 - L-R: Christian B. Plaza, Eugenia F. Magalit, Myrna Sarmiento, Preciosa G. Emboscado, Cirila D. Carrera, address and wish to make it a tradition from Mila Gobeil, Thelma Untalan, Aderlina R. Gracia, Clarice A. Mackay, Cresconia A. Fernandez, Sophie R. Toledo, Malou P. Dee, Dolly S. now on. Belandres, Corazon D. Abdon, Shirlyne D. Chin, Elvira C. Maximo, and Maggie Calcetas. (Photo: Al Abdon) The Director of Nursing and Chief Nursing Officer of McGill University Health the FNAQ Founder, Maggie Calcetas. contributions of the Filipino nursing performance of the healthcare system in Center (MUHC), Ms. Patricia O’Connor, Ms. O'Connor paid tribute to the community, both in their roles played as Montreal and Quebec.
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