CAPTAIN FLASHBACK A fanzine for the 392nd distribution of the Turbo- THE SWORD OF OAKEY: Charged Party-Animal Amateur Press Association, Memory and Metal from the joint membership of Andy Hooper and Carrie Root, residing at 11032 30th Ave. NE Seattle, Not long after January 1st, I was busily typing in WA 98125. E-mail Andy at
[email protected], descriptions of old fanzines for auction when the and Carrie at
[email protected]. This is a doorbell rang in what seemed to be a particular Drag Bunt Press Production, completed on urgent manner, as if someone were really 2/22/2019. leaning on the button, and making one ring run CAPTAIN FLASHBACK is devoted to old fanzines, directly into another. I bounded up the stairs as monster movies, garage bands and other fascinating fast as I could, to find a delivery driver half- phenomena of the 20th Century. Issue #3 is a grab- concealed behind a long box balanced on the top bag of antique subjects, considering first the return step. I was mystified at first, and assumed it was of a family artifact that made a major impression on something which my brother-in-law Gary had me in my childhood; and a pair of fan articles by shipped to himself in care of us; he has a scheme Mae Strelkov (1917-2000) in the I REMEMBER to transit the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence ENTROPY Department. As the only known fanzine this coming summer in some kind of roped- fan in Northwest Argentina, Mae brought a unique together craft made of kayaks, and has been perspective to her activities.