E912 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 14, 2016 RECOGNIZING TALK He began working under Myron Kinley, a channel catfish, crappie, and bluegill atop the RADIO HOST WARREN KRECH ON pioneer and innovator in oil-well firefighting. list, fishing is a great pastime for lake goers. HIS RETIREMENT Adair worked diligently to learn the many new Lake Wappapello State Park is located on the inventions and techniques Kinley had created, edge of the lake and is run by the Missouri HON. and by 1959 he was ready to strike out on his Department of Natural Resources. The 1,854- OF MISSOURI own. He founded the Red Adair Co., a private acre State Park offers fishing, swimming, pic- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES company solely devoted to fighting large scale nicking, and, lodging as well as trials for oil fires, and over the course of his career he horseback riding, all-terrain biking, and back- Tuesday, June 14, 2016 put out more than two thousand of these fires, packing. The park also offers camping with Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise both on land and on offshore platforms. both modern and traditional, rustic camp- today to honor a constituent of mine, Mr. War- In November of 1961, a particularly large grounds. ren Krech. ‘‘Mr. Jefferson City’’, has retired fire, nicknamed the ‘‘Devil’s Cigarette Lighter,’’ For the special place it holds in the hearts after 30 years in Jefferson City radio and over broke out in the middle of the Algerian Sa- and lives of many in the community, as well 40 years in the radio industry. Warren most hara. Mr. Speaker, the flame was over four as its place as a landmark in Wayne County, recently spent his time entertaining listeners hundred and fifty feet high. Despite best ef- it is my pleasure to recognize the 75th anni- as the morning news and talk host on KWOS forts, the fire burned continuously, with no end versary of Wappapello Lake and Dam. News Radio 950. in sight. That was, until Adair and his crew f A native of South Dakota and graduate from were called to the scene. the University of Minnesota, Mr. Krech found Driving a modified bulldozer right up to the PERSONAL EXPLANATION his love of radio while serving in the United well where the fire was burning, Adair was States Army—specifically with the American able to get a large nitroglycerin charge into the HON. Forces Radio & TV in East Africa. Warren and well, allowing the explosion to displace OF VERMONT his family moved from Wisconsin to Jefferson enough oxygen that the monster of a fire was IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES City, Missouri in 1984. When Mr. Krech moved finally extinguished. Tuesday, June 14, 2016 to Missouri, he worked for Frank Newell at His feats in the Sahara gained him and his KJMO. While some consider broadcasting to crew a reputation worldwide. They additionally Mr. WELCH. Mr. Speaker, I was unable to be a nomadic business, Warren wanted to set- helped with a large gas leak off the coast of vote on Roll Call 283. I would like to indicate tle his then young family in the Jefferson City Australia, and contributed to capping the big- that I would have voted ‘‘Nay’’ on Roll Call community. gest oil well to have ever been re- 283 had I been there. Throughout his radio years, Mr. Krech sat in corded in the . f the DJ chair, but found his niche when he was Even in 1991 at the age of seventy-five, MARITIME PIRACY AND PIRATES able to enter talk radio format. For 23 years, Adair took part in the extinguishing of count- Warren has worked with John Marsh at KJMO less oil well fires that were set by Iraqi troops and KWOS. During Operation Desert Storm, in during the . Soon after he HON. TED POE Mr. Krech and John Marsh, hosted a ‘‘Tape retired, he sold his world famous company. OF TEXAS from Home’’ at the local mall where people His top employees went on to form their own IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES could come record their comments for friends company, the International Well Control. His Tuesday, June 14, 2016 and family who were serving in the military. great courage and success in his field led to Mr. Krech is the current and three time win- a movie called ‘‘Hellfighters’’ to Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, when the ner of the News Tribune’s ‘‘Readers’ Choice’’ be made, which was loosely based on his en- word pirate comes to mind, many envision award for favorite local radio personality. Addi- counters in the Sahara. In 2004, at the age of treasure seeking ruffians with eye patches. tionally, Warren is an active local emcee and eighty-nine, Paul Adair passed away, but both Unbeknownst to most of us, pirates still exist: speaker for charities including: Samaritan his men and many others will remember him lurking the coast of East Africa, specifically Center, Special Olympics, and Heart Associa- as a pioneer in firefighting who not only saved Somalia and Kenya, the Gulf of Aden, the Gulf tion. Mr. Krech has been host of the Jerry many cities from millions of dollars in dam- of Guinea, The Malacca Strait, and the Indian Lewis MDA Telethon for 13 years on KOMU– ages from these large scale oil fires, but also subcontinent. Pirates today, however, can do TV. thousands of lives. more damage than forcing a poor fellow to With this retirement, Mr. Krech will now be And that’s just the way it is. walk the plank. Regions plagued by poverty and extreme terrorism have raised a whole able to spend more time with his wife, Marcia, f who is a retired Jefferson City teacher. He has new breed of manipulative, violent, maritime a daughter, Sarah, who lives in St. Louis and 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF hijackers who will stop at nothing to achieve a son, Ben, who lives in Washington, DC. WAPPAPELLO LAKE AND DAM their goals. Modern piracy is not simply a mat- Warren also enjoys the St. Louis Cardinals, ter of economic loss or threatened safety, but running, cycling, gardening, and his two cats. HON. JASON SMITH a risk to the entire globe due to the close-knit I ask you in joining me in recognizing Mr. OF MISSOURI ties pirates have with terrorists. Warren Krech on his retirement. His commit- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES All eyes of the international community were suddenly turned to the coast of Somalia when ment to the radio industry and his local com- Tuesday, June 14, 2016 munity makes this a commendable accom- pirates hijacked a Russian supertanker full of plishment. Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I rise oil and army tanks. What did the American government do? Nothing. Nothing that is, until f today to honor the 75th anniversary of Wappapello Lake and Dam in Wayne County, the unimaginable happened. A U.S. cargo ship TUESDAY’S IN TEXAS: RED ADAIR Missouri. Lake Wappapello hosts 2.5 million was openly attacked by pirates, and the cap- people annually and has made an incredible tain was held as ransom for several days. HON. TED POE impact on its surroundings. Since then, efforts have been taken to defend OF TEXAS Senator John Overton proposed the ships from maritime crime, such as legaliza- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wappapello Lake and Dam project in June of tion of weapons on board for commercial ship- 1936. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ping vessels. Is this passive defense enough? Tuesday, June 14, 2016 began the project in 1938 and completed When analyzing the cost of insurance, freight, Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, born the Wappapello Lake and Dam in 1941. It was rerouting, and ransoms, the price we pay to son of an Irish blacksmith in Houston, Paul constructed along the St. Francis River in watch these pirates roam the high seas Neal Adair, commonly known as ‘‘Red’’ started order to provide flood control and ranges to as high as $16 billion a year. Yet his long service as a fire fighter in World War hydroelectricity to southeastern Missouri. there are far greater non-monetary costs II with the 139th Bomb Disposal Squadron. Wappapello Lake is one of five man-made awaiting us in the future. If a ship is attacked While enlisted, he was sent across Japan to lakes in the St. Louis District and is one of the at just the right place, it could result in the clo- find undetonated bombs and safely disarm nation’s oldest Corps of Engineers projects. sure and seizure of invaluable international them. However, it wasn’t until after his service The project includes 44,000 acres of land and waterways. in the Army that he became renowned for his water, providing ample opportunity for water Though many pirates have different motives bravery and skill as a fire fighter. recreation. With largemouth bass, white bass, than terrorists, terrorist tactics are frequently

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Jun 15, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K14JN8.020 E14JNPT1 smartinez on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS June 14, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E913 used in hijackings. Both terrorists and pirates time from the British navy or from the U.S. ing of the polls, we will officially be embarking traumatize civilians and prey off of fear. As of fleet. As we speak, there are 27 vessels and on the first general election in 50 years with- now there is no international community spe- 449 hostages being held by Somali pirates’’ out the full protection of the Voting Rights Act cifically designated to prevent piracy like there Yet nothing substantial is done. of 1965. is for terrorism, simply because the legal juris- Though many ships are now well-armed, pi- Countless Americans gathered together in diction of piracy is in question. What we all racy continues without hiccup. It’s time the the years up to the passing of the historic leg- should agree on, however, is that maritime pi- takes some action and put islation that banned discrimination in voting racy is a devastating form of terrorism. these outlaws in the high seas out of business polls, and solidified voting equality. Back- The topic of most apprehension is the prov- and send them to Davy Jones’ locker. An esti- pedaling into times of racial disparity in the en fact that modern pirates fund terrorist mated $160 million was paid as ransoms to pi- voting process is a dangerous course of action groups. Whether taken by force or friendship rates in one year alone. Using a private navy that we should refrain from venturing into. We from the pirates, Al-Qaeda now possesses is almost as drastic of a cost. So, the question are currently defacing the legacy of those who around 15 cargo vessels. Confiscation of ves- is: what should we do? One of the most con- gave up their lives in order to secure equal sels hasn’t been the only recent breach in sidered solutions is that of modern representation in the voting booth. maritime security. Thanks to unobstructed privateering. Privateers as defined by inter- It is imperative that we rally together and leadership of Somali pirates, we’ve experi- national law are ‘‘vessels belonging to private Restore The Vote. We cannot allow this presi- enced an increase in maritime trafficking of owners, and sailing under commission of war dential election to greet us without being pro- narcotics, people and illicit goods, and arms empowering the person to whom it is granted tected against those who wish to slant the proliferation. The evidence shows that mari- to carry on all forms of hostility which are per- election through harsh voting laws. It is the time terrorism has recently gained the atten- missible at sea by the usages of war.’’ Pri- right of every eligible American to cast a ballot tion of most terrorist groups. Large and heavily vateers will be given the opportunity to disable in the favor of their interests without hurdles loaded commercial vessels, offshore gas rigs, dangerous non-state enemies, and in the being placed in their path. Through the pas- and maritime hub ports are easy shots for process, create revenue. This is not a hard sage of the Voting Rights Advancement Act of maritime terrorists, who seek mass destruction decision. It’s a win-win. 2015, we will be able to complete the order of human life, infrastructure, and nature. The U.S. military has used a form of handed down to us by the Supreme Court of Though piracy off the Somalia coast has re- privateering in the past certain types of air the United States. We will be able to recreate cently decreased, it has caught flame and combat and warfare. In fact, in the 1930’s, the the safe haven in voting, where everyone feels prospered in other regions of Africa, such as U.S. Navy bought blimps from—and hired—a entitled and able to exercise their democratic the waters of Guinea and Nigeria. Squashing private company, Goodyear Tire and Rubber right. I ask my colleagues to join me in sup- these pirates once and for all is easier said Company, to build a fleet of airships and port of the Voting Rights Advancement of than done. They do not proudly announce blimps. These blimps were previously used for 2015 so that we can make the democratic their presence on the sea, but rather use si- advertising, yet the Navy used these simple ci- process democratic again. lence and stealth to steal an average of vilian mechanisms to help defend the country. $5,000 to $15,000 per ship. Some of these In the past, the problem of piracy was large- f raids are exceedingly violent, while others are ly wiped out due to privateers. The privateers, TRIBUTE TO EMERGENCY bloodless. In both terrorism and maritime pi- though used as a sort of political pawn, were MEDICAL SERVICE WORKERS racy, there must be extensive planning, and extremely successful and motivated. In a sys- those involved must be willing to sacrifice their tem of capitalism, it’s important to consider all lives. parties, and the relationship in which each HON. DAVID W. JOLLY Our friends in England recently recognized benefits another. If privateering and letters of OF FLORIDA a dire loophole in worldwide attempts to com- marque were used by the United States gov- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES bat terrorism. Since 2010, the international ernment today, the government would gain a Tuesday, June 14, 2016 community has poured billions into the hands significant amount of hegemony, credibility, of pirates as ransom for the release of vessels and sea power. The privateering ship owners Mr. JOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I would like to rec- and crew. These pirates are not necessarily would receive rewards or payments in return ognize the emergency medical service (EMS) terrorists themselves, yet many have direct for the seized pirate ships, as well as a higher workers of Pinellas County for their hard work connections to major terror groups. We can be safety and low insurance prices. Maritime pi- and sacrifice. sure that piracy has summoned nearby ter- racy is indeed a threat that, if not soon From May 15th to May 21st we recognize rorist groups with the scent of money and the stopped, will lead to increased terrorism and the importance of our EMS workers who sac- bribe of civilian fear. Maritime piracy is now economic disaster. rifice every day to provide the emergency care used as the ever-prosperous bank for terror- In my Congressional office, we employ in- our community needs. ists. Great Britain understands this and is in terns to help with writing and tasks around the EMS workers put their lives on the line for the midst of editing a bill which prohibits all office. One of our interns, Rachel Jones, re- the people of Pinellas County. City Council forms of ransom payments to terrorists. searched this issue regarding piracy on the Member Jerry Beverland’s son was recently Somali pirates appear to give the ransoms open seas. Her help this summer was valu- saved by his local EMS team who were on the from their pirated material to al-Qaeda. There able and I thank her for all of her work and as- scene within four minutes of his call for help. is no doubt that piracy could not only fund, but sistance. I wish Rachel luck in her future en- It is only right that EMS workers get the rec- also be used as a form of terrorism or for po- deavors and with the rest of her time at my ognition they deserve for their dutiful efforts. litical purposes, especially because of the un- alma mater—Abilene Christian University. Several members of our local emergency usual amount of security breaches easily ac- And that’s just the way it is. response teams received awards for their ef- forts. Aaron Gonzalez, a Fire Rescue adminis- cessible on ports and at sea compared to f land. Take for example al-Qaeda’s attack on trator for Oldsmar, accepted the EMS Week United States. It only took two men in a tiny WHAT KIND OF HISTORY SHOULD Award, and Chris Collins, who has been a boat to kill seventeen U.S. citizens and injure WE MAKE? Sunstar paramedic for two years, was recog- 39 more, just by placing a shape charge nized as Paramedic of the Year. Nick against the hull of the USS Cole while it was HON. TERRI A. SEWELL Eberhardt won the Emergency Medical Tech- refueling at a Yemeni port. OF ALABAMA nician of the Year award, and Eric Fayad was We must ensure the future does not hold a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES named Emergency Medical Dispatcher of the pirate-terrorist group merger. This event would Year. He also works fulltime as a lieutenant spin to a halt all anti-terrorism efforts. Al Tuesday, June 14, 2016 for the Seminole Fire Department. Shabaab and al-Qaeda are difficult and resil- Ms. SEWELL of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, I want to thank and acknowl- ient as it is, but imagine these groups with ac- today on this Restoration Tuesday, I rise to edge these award winning emergency re- cess to strategic waterways, billions of dollars, acknowledge the continued voter suppression sponse workers who sacrifice their time and high grade ships in their grasp, and American around the country during this election year lives for the residents of Pinellas County. Their captives at their disposal. Debate on the floor and the ongoing battle for protection of the work makes our community a better place, of the House has found, Piracy is ‘‘Booming constitutional right to vote. and I ask that this body join me in recognizing without any credible deterrence, without the This Restoration Tuesday is particularly spe- our EMS teams of Pinellas County for their ex- type of deterrence you saw at one point in cial, as it is the last primary vote. At the clos- ceptional work.

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