CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E333 HON
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March 16, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E333 HONORING AMELIA BOYNTON HONORING GWEN MCCLAIN A TRIBUTE TO ANN NEILSON—28TH ROBINSON CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT HON. JASON SMITH WOMAN OF THE YEAR HON. MARC A. VEASEY OF MISSOURI OF TEXAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF CALIFORNIA Monday, March 16, 2015 Monday, March 16, 2015 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I rise Mr. VEASEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Monday, March 16, 2015 today to honor Gwen McClain of Steeleville, honor Amelia Boynton Robinson, a woman Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in who made vast contributions to the civil rights Missouri, for her outstanding achievement of receiving the Patriot’s Pen Award. The Na- honor of Women’s History Month. Each year, movement. we pay special tribute to the contributions and Amelia Boynton was born on August 18, tional Patriot’s Pen Essay Contest is an an- sacrifices made by our nation’s women. It is 1911 in Savannah, Georgia, and was first ex- nual competition sponsored by the Veterans of an honor to pay homage to outstanding posed to the fight for equal rights at the age Foreign Wars. While over 200 essays were women who are making a difference in my of 9, when she joined her mother in the wom- submitted in the state of Missouri, Gwen’s Congressional District. I would like to recog- en’s suffrage movement. She learned four stood out above the rest. nize a remarkable woman, Ann Neilson of La principles of life that she still carries on today: The theme of the 2015 National Patriot’s Can˜ada Flintridge, California. daily praying, always helping and showing Pen Contest was ‘‘Why I appreciate America’s Born in Los Angeles and raised in Manhat- compassion for others, standing up for the Veterans.’’ Students were encouraged to ex- tan Beach, Ms. Neilson and her husband, morally right, and becoming economically amine America’s history, along with their own Bob, have lived in La Can˜ada Flintridge for independent. experiences in modern American society. As a After graduating from Tuskegee University, recipient of this award, Gwen has shown re- over fifty years. Well-regarded as a straight- she also studied at Tennessee State, Virginia markable creativity and maturity. forward, tireless community leader, Ann is in- State, and Temple University. She became a It is my pleasure to congratulate Gwen volved in numerous charitable organizations in registered voter in 1932, and was one of the McClain on her great accomplishment before La Can˜ada Flintridge. She has been a Docent first people to pass tests used as a barrier to the U.S. House of Representatives. at the Lanterman House for over two decades, and is a past and present Board member. She prevent Southern blacks from being able to f vote. is active in the Assistance League of Flintridge In 1930, Amelia met Dallas County exten- HONORING BRANDAN SCOTT (ALF), a nonprofit service organization of vol- sion agent Samuel Boynton. The two shared FITZGERALD unteers committed to serving the needs of the the desire to improve the lives of African- community through philanthropic programs de- Americans in their community. As a result, the HON. SAM GRAVES veloped and administered by its members. Ms. Boynton’s became co-founders of the Dallas Neilson was Chair of the College Application OF MISSOURI County Voters League in 1933. In 1936, Amel- Essay Committee, Chair of the Retired Service IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ia and Samuel married and had two sons, Bill, Volunteer Committee, a volunteer at the Bar- Jr. and Bruce Carver. After losing her husband Monday, March 16, 2015 gain Box Thrift Shop, and a member of the in 1963, Amelia was not deterred from her Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I Budget Committee. Ann’s current project with commitment to improve the lives of African proudly pause to recognize Brandan Scott ALF is Chair of their impressive Summer ˜ Americans. Fitzgerald. Brandan is a very special young School program for La Canada Flintridge chil- On February 29, 1964, Amelia Boynton ran man who has exemplified the finest qualities dren grades one through eight, a project that on the Democratic ticket for a seat in Con- of citizenship and leadership by taking an ac- the league subsidizes. Another organization that is near and dear gress representing the state of Alabama, be- tive part in the Boy Scouts of America, Troop to her heart, Ann has been active in the Girl coming the first African-American woman to 314, and earning the most prestigious award Scouts of America for nearly forty-six years. run as a Democratic candidate as well as the of Eagle Scout. She served as a Leader, was President of the first woman to run in the state’s history. Brandan has been very active with his Mt. Wilson/Vista Girl Scout Council for six On March 7, 1965, at the age of 53, Amelia troop, participating in many scout activities. years, Director and Co-Director of two Girl joined fellow civil rights activist Martin Luther Over the many years Brandan has been in- Scout Day Camps in La Can˜ada Flintridge, King, Jr. in organizing the marches from volved with scouting, he has not only earned and Co-Organizer of the 100th Anniversary Selma to Montgomery, Alabama. On that fate- numerous merit badges, but also the respect Girl Scout Float for the 2012 Pasadena Tour- ful day, 600 peaceful protestors tried to cross of his family, peers, and community. Most no- nament of Roses Parade. Ms. Neilson is also the Edmund Pettus Bridge and were met with tably, Brandan has contributed to his commu- very involved in the La Can˜ada Flintridge the violence known as ‘‘Bloody Sunday.’’ For- nity through his Eagle Scout project. Tournament of Roses Association, established ever immortalized by photograph, the nation Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in in 1979, where she is a Founding Member. saw Amelia Boynton beaten unconscious and commending Brandan Scott Fitzgerald for his The association has produced volunteer-made left for dead on this tragic day. accomplishments with the Boy Scouts of ‘‘Bloody Sunday’’ prompted swift action by floats for the Pasadena Tournament of Roses America and for his efforts put forth in achiev- Congress and resulted in President Lyndon B. Parades for nearly four decades, winning ing the highest distinction of Eagle Scout. Johnson signing the Voting Rights Act on Au- awards in the majority of the parades. She gust 6, 1965. President Johnson invited Amel- f served as President for three years and now ia as a guest of honor during the signing of serves as Past President. OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL this important civil rights legislation. Married for nearly sixty years, Ann and Bob DEBT After the signing of the Voting Rights Act, have four children, Beth, Karen, Nancy and Amelia continued her leadership across the Jim, and one grandchild, Emily. nation as a writer, speaker, and social change HON. MIKE COFFMAN I ask all Members to join me in honoring an ambassador. OF COLORADO exceptional woman of California’s 28th Con- In 1990, Boynton was awarded the Martin IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gressional District, Ann Neilson. Luther King, Jr. Medal of Freedom. She con- Monday, March 16, 2015 f tinued to tour the United States on behalf of the Schiller Institute, which continues to de- Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on January TRIBUTE TO DORIS DIDDY fend the human and moral rights of all. 20, 2009, the day President Obama took of- And on March 7, 2015, I was proud to have fice, the national debt was HON. DAVID YOUNG walked alongside Amelia Boynton during the $10,626,877,048,913.08. OF IOWA 50th Anniversary of the March in Selma, Ala- Today, it is $18,152,457,339,107.97. We’ve IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES bama. I ask my colleagues who also traced added $7,525,580,290,194.89 to our debt in 6 the very footsteps that Amelia took to pledge years. This is over $7.5 trillion in debt our na- Monday, March 16, 2015 to go beyond just remembering those who tion, our economy, and our children could Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise sacrificed for us and resolve to carry on their have avoided with a balanced budget amend- today to recognize Doris Diddy for her many legacy with action. ment. years of service at the bank in Menlo, Iowa. VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:35 Mar 17, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A16MR8.011 E16MRPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.