CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E1186 HON
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E1186 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks August 31, 2018 Mr. Trimmer has been a fixture of our com- Israeli families. Such dedication to local and RECOGNIZING DAN OVERBEY’S RE- munity for a century. From his lifelong mem- international service is certainly deserving of TIREMENT FROM SOUTHEAST bership with the Trinity Evangelical United widespread recognition. MISSOURI REGIONAL PORT AU- Brethren Church and his established career as Mr. Speaker, please join me in recognizing THORITY a mechanist and small business owner of the Zionist Organization of America’s Greater Millersport Garage, he has built a wonderful Philadelphia Chapter as they celebrate their HON. JASON SMITH and fulfilling life in Millersport surrounded by 2018 Gala and honor these seven outstanding OF MISSOURI his wife, Pauline, two children, Nelson and men and women. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Pamela, their ten grandchildren, seventeen f Friday, August 31, 2018 great-grandchildren and five great-great-grand- children. TRIBUTE IN HONOR OF SANDY Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I rise Beyond his career as a machinist, Mr. Trim- RUNYON today to honor Dan Overbey for 25 years of mer holds a deep appreciation for antique dedicated service to his community serving as cars, which he is always willing to share with HON. HAROLD ROGERS Executive Director of the Southeast Missouri Regional Port Authority. His positive attitude others, as evidenced by his founding of a Hot OF KENTUCKY and problem solving mindset has been a great Rod Club for local youth and his continued in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES asset to the Port and the Eighth District of volvement with the Lancaster Old Car Club. Friday, August 31, 2018 Missouri. He has achieved many accomplish- Perhaps what is most remarkable about Mr. ments during his tenure, such as obtaining 12 Trimmer is his commitment to serving all those Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. Speaker, I miles of railroad track for port use, Port expan- around him. As a member of the Army Air rise today to pay tribute to one of Eastern Kentucky’s greatest champions, my friend sions, securing businesses and infrastructure. Corp, he served our nation in the Second Dan pursued a business degree and grad- World War, and as Mayor of Millersport, he Sandy Runyon, who is retiring after 18 years of dedication as Executive Director of the Big uated with honors from Southeast Missouri spent his days diligently working to improve State University and received his MBA from the lives of his neighbors. Moreover, there Sandy Area Development District (ADD). She has been a staunch advocate for economic University of Texas. Mr. Overbey worked at was never a need that went unnoticed by Mr. Missouri Pacific Railroad, Frisco Railway and Trimmer. He dedicated his free time for over development and infrastructure enhancement in Kentucky’s Appalachian region for many BN Transport. For a short time, he was a mar- three decades as a volunteer member of the keting professor at Southeast Missouri State years. Millersport Fire Department and delighted local University. All of these experiences led Mr. Throughout her life, Sandy has always self- children as he and his beloved dog, Bootsy, Dan Overbey to his role, as Executive Director lessly served those around her, which has drove the school bus. of Southeast Missouri Regional Port Authority. been overwhelmingly visible within the various Mr. Trimmer is a ray of sunshine who brings The Port’s standing has improved significantly positions she has held. Before Sandy was ap- smiles to everyone he meets. Millersport is un- since he took over 25 years ago; there are deniably a better place because of Mr. Nelson pointed as the Executive Director of the Big now over $60 million in assets from compa- Lee Trimmer, and I encourage my colleagues Sandy ADD, she was my first Field Represent- nies operating at SEMO Port that employ 155 to join me in wishing him a very happy 100th ative in the Big Sandy area and an ardent people. The Port itself now has land, harbor, birthday as he celebrates on September 1, campaign advisor. In fact, she helped manage railroad tracks, and utilities that total to $29 2018. my 1992 campaign in the Big Sandy region million in assets. f when the boundaries of Kentucky’s Fifth Con- Mr. Overbey is a dedicated husband to his gressional District expanded to the state’s wife Gail and father of their two sons—Jeffrey RECOGNIZING THE ZIONIST ORGA- West Virginia border. In a region where Re- and Douglas. He looks forward to traveling NIZATION OF AMERICA GREATER publicans were few and far between, Sandy during his retirement visiting with family and PHILADELPHIA CHAPTER’S 2018 put her name on the line and introduced me two grandsons, Mattox and Jaxson. GALA to everyone she knew, and more. With several For his many years of dedication and serv- new counties joining the district, it proved to ice to the Southeast Missouri Regional Port HON. LOU BARLETTA be the closest election of my congressional Authority and his community, it is my great OF PENNSYLVANIA service, but I owe a great debt of gratitude to pleasure to honor Dan Overbey of Cape IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Sandy Runyon for that victory. After the elec- Girardeau, Missouri today before the United tion, I hired Sandy to open and run my new States House of Representatives. Friday, August 31, 2018 Pikeville office. In both the congressional of- f Mr. BARLETTA. Mr. Speaker, it is a great fice and the Big Sandy ADD, she has served honor to recognize the Zionist Organization of the great people of Eastern Kentucky with tre- HONORING MICHAEL GUERRA- America’s Greater Philadelphia Chapter as mendous compassion and vigor. YORK they celebrate their 2018 Gala. This event She has proven to be a diligent advocate for highlights America and Israel’s important rela- infrastructure enhancement in our small, rural HON. SAM GRAVES tionship, as well as provides an opportunity to communities, and a trusted guide for local OF MISSOURI honor individuals who have been especially government leaders. In fact, she personally IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES active in their communities. spent hours with the Bureau of Prisons to Friday, August 31, 2018 Since its founding in 1897, the Zionist Orga- make the Big Sandy Penitentiary a reality in a Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I nization of America has sought to raise aware- region desperately in need of good paying proudly pause to recognize Michael Guerra- ness of the American-Israeli relationship and jobs. Throughout her time as Executive Direc- York. Michael is a very special young man to educate the American public on the realities tor, the Big Sandy region has experienced who has exemplified the finest qualities of citi- of the Israeli experience. The Greater Phila- overwhelming economic progress and growth. zenship and leadership by taking an active delphia Chapter has remained a strong source She has demonstrated admirable leadership in part in the Boy Scouts of America, Troop 247, of Israeli activism, as it provides educational trailblazing the way for new projects and part- and earning the most prestigious award of opportunities and resources to the citizens of nerships that have tremendously benefitted Eagle Scout. my home state of Pennsylvania. the Big Sandy area. Michael has been very active with his troop, I want to extend a special congratulations to Sandy’s love for Eastern Kentucky has been participating in many scout activities. Over the this year’s honorees at the 2018 Gala: Sam evident in her tireless dedication and adamant many years Michael has been involved with Rohrer, Sharon Meller, Menachem Meller, Wil- advocacy. Her service to our region has been scouting, he has not only earned numerous liam Wanger, Cynthia Wanger, Sharon nothing short of phenomenal. She is truly one merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- Resnick, and Jeff Resnick. These dedicated in a million, and it is people like her who make ily, peers, and community. Most notably, Mi- individuals are important advocates for one of Eastern Kentucky such an incredible place. chael has contributed to his community the United States’ most trusted allies, and I deeply appreciate Sandy’s service, her through his Eagle Scout project. their work remains vital to our nation’s inter- leadership, her advice and most importantly, Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in national strategy. Throughout their impressive her loyal friendship. As she enters retirement, commending Michael Guerra-York for his ac- careers, they have advanced and uplifted their my wife, Cynthia, and I wish Sandy and her complishments with the Boy Scouts of Amer- communities, fostered the growth of young family tremendous joy and blessings in the ica and for his efforts put forth in achieving the professionals, and empowered American and years to come. highest distinction of Eagle Scout. 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