SIGNATURE AUTO FROM MARK STORM The Accelerator MOCSEM PO BOX 39088 REDFORD, MI 48239 MAY– Volume 33 Number 5 CULVERS SOCIAL APRIL 2007 The Accelerator Official Publication of MOCSEM Is published monthly and is the service locations and more. Some club activities include car shows, picnics, Official Newsletter of the Mustang Owners Club sporting events, cruise nights and technical sessions. of Southeastern Michigan Membership dues for MOCSEM are $30.00 per year; [$40.00 per/yr Founded in 1975 by James Egyed American funds for Canadians.] MOCSEM OFFICERS: Using the application from the website send payment to: President N. Holcomb 734.459.4704 MOCSEM V. President M. Rey 313.304.5244 PO BOX 39088 Secretary K. Holcomb 734.459.4704 REDFORD, MI 48239 MOCSEM HOTLINE: 313.438.4174 Treasurer P. Berk 734.591.2250 nd General membership meetings are held on the 2 Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm, at COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Editor: B. Paul 734.425.6196 Mama Mia Restaurant Historian: B. Paul 734.425.6196 27770 Plymouth Rd. Livonia, MI MCA Rep: M. Sove 248.355.1477 734.427.1000 Membership: D. Davis 313.530.5521 Come early and have dinner with your fellow members Merchandise: J. Holmes 248.474.5301 Business-Ad Rate (per month) Classified Rate (3 months) Social Dir: J. Root 313.532.4310 Trustee: M. Berk 734.591.2250 Full Page $40.00 Members FREE *************************************************** ½ Page $20.00 Non-Members $9.00 MOCSEM CLUB AFFAIRS Business Card $5.00 Photo Ads $9.00 PO Box 39088, Redford, MI 48239 Contact Editor: Email:
[email protected] Internet Web Site: *************************************************** Newsletter Editor: Bob Paul 6405 Elizabeth Ave.