

Combination medications are pills, tablets, or injections that contain more than one to treat HIV. They are listed in the tables below. Pharmaceutical companies have been working hard to make their medications easier to take. Part of this effort has been to combine more than one medication into a single pill. These combinations are referred to as fixed-dose combinations (FDCs). Combinationantiretroviral therapy (ART), sometimes called highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), has revolutionized the management of HIV and rendered it a chronic manageable disease.

The first FDC to treat HIV wasCombivir , manufactured by ViiV Healthcare. Combivir contains two nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs): lamivudine and zidovudine. This was followed byTrizivir , also manufactured by ViiV Healthcare. Trizivir includes three NRTIs:abacavir , lamivudine, and zidovudine. Both Combivir and Trizivir are no longer widely used in the U.S. due to the frequency and severity of side effects.

Be sure that you do not take a combination medication along with any of its components!For example, do not take Truvada (which contains emtricitabine and tenofovir DF) with tenofovir DF (Viread) or emtricitabine (Emtriva). Your healthcare provider will help you decide which HAART regimen is best for you; take your medications exactly as your healthcare provider tells you to.


Brand name Year Approved Individual Components Also Known As Manufacturer

lopinavir – PI Kaletra* 2000 LPV / RTV AbbVie Inc. ritonavir – PI abacavir – NRTI Epzicom* 2004 ABC / 3TC ViiV Healthcare lamivudine – NRTI

emtricitabine – NRTI Truvada* 2004 FTC / TDF tenofovir DF – NRTI

efavirenz – NNRTI Atripla* 2006 emtricitabine – NRTI EFV / FTC / TDF Gilead Sciences tenofovir DF – NRTI

emtricitabine – NRTI Complera 2011 rilpivirine -- NNRTI FTC / RPV / TDF Gilead Sciences tenofovir DF – NRTI

elvitegravir – Integrase Inhibitor cobicistat – PK Enhancer QUAD Stribild 2012 Gilead Sciences emtricitabine -- NRTI EVG / COBI / FTC / TDF tenofovir DF – NRTI

abacavir – NRTI Triumeq 2014 dolutegravir – Integrase Inhibitor ABC / DTG / 3TC ViiV Healthcare lamivudine – NRTI

darunavir – PI Prezcobix 2015 DRV / COBI Janssen Therapeutics cobicistat – PK Enhancer atazanavir – PI Evotaz 2015 ATV / COBI Bristol-Myers Squibb cobicistat – PK Enhancer

elvitegravir – Integrase Inhibitor cobicistat – PK Enhancer Genvoya 2015 EVG / COBI / FTC / TAF Gilead Sciences emtricitabine – NRTI tenofovir AF – NRTI

emtricitabine – NRTI Odefsey 2016 rilpivirine – NNRTI FTC / RPV / TAF Gilead Sciences tenofovir AF – NRTI

emtricitabine -- NRTI Descovy 2016 FTC/TAF Gilead Sciences tenofovir AF – NRTI

dolutegravir – Integrase Inhibitor Juluca 2017 DTG / RPV ViiV Healthcare rilpivirine – NNRTI

bictegravir – Integrase Inhibitor Biktarvy 2018 emtricitabine – NRTI BIC / FTC / TAF Gilead Sciences tenofovir AF – NRTI

efavirenz – NNRTI Symfi and 2018 lamivudine – NRTI EFV / 3TC / TDF Viatris Symfi Lo* tenofovir DF – NRTI lamivudine – NRTI Temixys Cimduo 2018 Viatris tenofovir DF – NRTI 3TC / TDF

doravirine – NNRTI Delstrigo 2018 lamivudine – NRTI DOR / 3TC / TDF Merck & Co., Inc. tenofovir DF – NRTI

darunavir – PI cobicistat – PK Enhancer Symtuza 2018 DRV / COBI / FTC / TAF Janssen Therapeutics emtricitabine – NRTI tenofovir AF – NRTI

dolutegravir – Integrase Inhibitor Dovato 2019 DTG / 3TC ViiV Healthcare lamivudine – NRTI

cabotegravir – Integrase Inhibitor Cabenuva 2021 CAB / RPV ViiV Healthcare rilpivirine – NNRTI

*Generic versions have been approved under the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).

Reviewed March 2021