Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for Chemical Communications This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013 Matrix Isolation and Spectroscopic Properties • of the Methylsulfinyl Radical CH3(O)S [a] [b] [b] Hans Peter Reisenauer,* Jaroslaw Romanski, Grzegorz Mloston,* Peter R. Schreiner[a] [a] Justus-Liebig University, Institute of Organic Chemistry, Heinrich-Buff-Ring 58, D-35392 Giessen, Fax: (+49) 641-99-34209; E-mail:
[email protected] [b] University of Lodz, Section of Heteroorganic Compounds, Tamka 12, PL-91-403 Lodz, Fax: (+48) (42) 665 51 62; E-mail:
[email protected] Supplementary Information Table S1. Experimental (Ar, 10 K) and computed (AE-CCSD(T)/cc-pVTZ, harmonic approximation, no scaling) the IR spectra of 3. 13 3 C-3 D3-3 a b a b a b Sym. Approx. Band Position (Intensity) Band Position (Intensity) Band Position (Intensity) Mode Computation Experiment Computation Experiment Computation Experiment a’’ CH str. 3151.3 (2.1) 2995.4 3139.3 (2.1) n.o. 2336.4 (1.2) 2247.2 a’ CH str. 3149.3 (4.1) (vw) 3137.5 (4.0) n.o. 2334.5 (2.2) (vw) 2919.4 2095.5 a’ CH str. 3065.6 (4.3) 3062.7 (4.5) n.o. 2194.2 (1.4) (vw) (vw) CH 1062.8 a’ 3 1477.4 (6.5) 1417.1 (w) 1474.8 (6.6) 1414.6 (w) 1028.7 (s) def. (17.3) CH a’’ 3 1464.4 (7.8) 1405.2 (w) 1461.7 (7.8) 1401.4 (w) 1058.5 (3.7) 1025.6 (w) def.