A Conic Sections
A Conic Sections The ellipse, hyperbola, and parabola (and also the circle, which is a special case of the ellipse) are called the conic section curves (or the conic sections or just conics), since they can be obtained by cutting a cone with a plane (i.e., they are the intersections of a cone and a plane). The conics are easy to calculate and to display, so they are commonly used in applications where they can approximate the shape of other, more complex, geometric figures. Many natural motions occur along an ellipse, parabola, or hyperbola, making these curves especially useful. Planets move in ellipses; many comets move along a hyperbola (as do many colliding charged particles); objects thrown in a gravitational field follow a parabolic path. There are several ways to define and represent these curves and this section uses asimplegeometric definition that leads naturally to the parametric and the implicit representations of the conics. y F P D P D F x (a) (b) Figure A.1: Definition of Conic Sections. Definition: A conic is the locus of all the points P that satisfy the following: The distance of P from a fixed point F (the focus of the conic, Figure A.1a) is proportional 364 A. Conic Sections to its distance from a fixed line D (the directrix). Using set notation, we can write Conic = {P|PF = ePD}, where e is the eccentricity of the conic. It is easy to classify conics by means of their eccentricity: =1, parabola, e = < 1, ellipse (the circle is the special case e = 0), > 1, hyperbola.
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