Former President This spring, same-sex marriage was legalized in Iowa, Vermont, Connecticut, Maine and New Hampshire. In his most recent remarks on the subject, Clinton said, ‚I think all these states that do it, should do it.‛ Asked if he personally supported same-sex marriage, Clinton replied, ‚Yeah. I personally support people doing what they want to do,‛ Clinton said. ‚I think it's wrong for someone to stop someone else from doing that [same-sex marriage].‛i

Upon the introduction of the Respect for Marriage Act, former President Clinton released a statement praising its sponsors and stating, ‚Throughout my life I have opposed of any kind. When the was passed, gay couples could not marry anywhere in the or the world for that matter. Thirteen years later, the fabric of our country has changed, and so should this policy.‛ii

Former Vice President Al Gore ‚ and women ought to have the same rights as heterosexual men and women—to make contracts, to have hospital visiting rights, to join together in marriage, and I don’t understand why it is considered by some people to be a threat to heterosexual marriage,‛ he said on a video blog that appeared on his Current TV network. ‚Shouldn't we be promoting the kind of faithfulness and loyalty to ones partner regardless of sexual orientation?‛iii

Former Vice President Dick Cheney ‚I think that freedom means freedom for everyone. As many of you know, one of my daughters is gay and it is something we have lived with for a long time in our family. I think people ought to be free to enter into any kind of union they wish. Any kind of arrangement they wish.‛iv


Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) Senator Boxer supports marriage equality and was an early opponent of Proposition 8. She was one of only 14 Senators to vote against the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996. She has been vocal in her opposition to the Federal Marriage Amendment, which would enshrine discrimination against gays and into the federal Constitution.v

Senator Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) Senator Brown is a strong advocate of gay rights. He opposed an amendment to Ohio’s constitution that banned same sex marriage. Brown was also one of the few U.S. Representatives to vote against the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996.

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) This op-ed by Senator Chris Dodd ran in The Meriden Record-Journal and is posted on his website

‚Public officials aren’t supposed to change their minds. But I firmly believe that it’s important to keep learning. Last week, while I was in Connecticut meeting with members of the gay and community from across the state, I had the opportunity to tell them what I’ve learned about marriage, and about equality.

While I’ve long been for extending every benefit of marriage to same-sex couples, I have in the past drawn a distinction between a marriage-like status (‚civil unions‛) and full marriage rights.

The reason was simple: I was raised to believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. And as many other Americans have realized as they’ve struggled to reconcile the principle of fairness with the lessons they learned early in life, that’s not an easy thing to overcome.

But the fact that I was raised a certain way just isn’t a good enough reason to stand in the way of fairness anymore.

The Connecticut Supreme Court, of course, has ruled that such a distinction holds no merit under the law. And the Court is right.

I believe that effective leaders must be able and willing to grow and change over their service. I certainly have during mine – and so has the world. Thirty-five years ago, who could have imagined that we’d have an African-American President of the United States?

My young daughters are growing up in a different reality than I did. Our family knows many same-sex couples – our neighbors in Connecticut, members of my staff, parents of their schoolmates. Some are now married because the Connecticut Supreme Court and our state legislature have made same-sex marriage legal in our state.

But to my daughters, these couples are married simply because they love each other and want to build a life together. That’s what we’ve taught them. The things that make those families different from their own pale in comparison to the commitments that bind those couples together.

And, really, that’s what marriage should be. It’s about rights and responsibilities and, most of all, love.

I believe that, when my daughters grow up, barriers to marriage equality for same- sex couples will seem as archaic, and as unfair, as the laws we once had against inter- racial marriage.

And I want them to know that, even if he was a little late, their dad came down on the right side of history.

I have always been proud of my long record fighting for the civil rights of the LGBT community. I’ve co-sponsored legislation to strengthen hate crime laws and end discrimination in the workplace. I’ve spoken out against ‚don’t ask, don’t tell‛ and always supported equal rights for domestic partnerships.

But I am also proud to now count myself among the many elected officials, advocates, and ordinary citizens who support full marriage equality for same-sex couples.

I understand that even those who oppose discrimination might continue to find it hard to re-think the definition of marriage they grew up with. I know it was for me.

But many of the things we must do to make our union more perfect – whether it’s fighting for decades to reform our health care system or struggling with a difficult moral question – are hard. They take time. And they require that, when you come to realize that something is right, you be unafraid to stand up and say it.

That’s the only way our history will progress along that long arc towards justice.‛vi

Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) ‚Gay and lesbian couples should be able to marry and have access to the same rights, privileges, and benefits that straight couples currently enjoy. Denying people this basic American right is the kind of discrimination that has no place in our laws, especially in a progressive state like Wisconsin. The time has come to end this discrimination and the politics of divisiveness that has become part of this issue.‛vii

Senator (D-CA) ‚As a state, I believe we should uphold the ability of our friends, neighbors, and co- workers who are gay and lesbian to enter into the contract of marriage.‛

Senator Al Franken (D-MN) Senator Franken has been a longtime champion for gay rights and has stated that marriage is a basic issue of civil rights. ‚I’m pro-same-sex marriage,‛ he said. ‚I think DOMA will be history soon.‛viii

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) ‚I believe in marriage equality.‛

Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) Senator Harkin was asked about this year’s Iowa Supreme Court ruling in support of marriage equality. He responded on an Iowa television show, ‚Iowa Press,‛ that, ‚We all grow as we get older, and we learn things and we become more sensitive to people and people’s lives. And the more I’ve looked at that, I’ve grown to think differently about how people — how we should live. And I guess I’m at the point of live and let live.‛

‚There’s always going to be some who feel that they have to push this issue, and for whatever reason, they’re going to try to push it and try to divide people up, but they’re on the losing end. They’re on the losing end of history.‛

Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA) Senator Kennedy was one of the most visible champions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and rights in the history of the Senate. A vocal proponent of same-sex marriage, he received the Gerry Studds Visibility Award from the Fenway Community Health Center in , the nation's largest LGBT-focused health facility.

Senator John Kerry (D-MA) On October 22, 2008, Senator Kerry delivered a speech at Tufts University, after which he was asked if he supported marriage rights for same-sex couples. His answer: ‚Absolutely.‛

Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) ‚The government should get out of the business of telling same-sex couples in committed relationships that they can't marry. Anything else is not equality.‛

Senator (D-VT) Senator Leahy has long supported equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people, and supports marriage equality.

Senator (D-OR) Senator Merkley states that he ‚strongly supports marriage equality and will lead the way for equal rights in the U.S. Senate.‛

Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) Senator Reed supports gay rights, voting against the Federal Marriage Amendment, and voting in favor of measures that prevent job discrimination and hate crimes against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people.

Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) Senator Sanders is a strong supporter of gay rights, including marriage equality.

Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) In a letter jointly signed with the NY's Junior U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Senator Schumer said, ‚Equal protection under the law has always been a hallmark of the American political and legal system, and in this instance we believe this principle should be extended to all those in our state who seek the civil contract of marriage and the numerous legal rights and protections that come with it.‛

Senator (D-NH) After Governor John Lynch signed the marriage equality bill in New Hampshire, Senator Shaheen stated: ‚I congratulate Governor Lynch and the state legislature on advancing a marriage equality bill that also protects religious freedom. New Hampshire has a long history of leadership on issues of civil rights and equality, and I'm proud our state continues to lead the way in ending discrimination with this bill signing today.‛

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) ‚I support the right of states to allow same-sex marriage. It is wrong for the federal government to intervene in what has always been a state issue—the regulation of marriage. I think it is particularly wrong to amend the Constitution to single out gay people and prevent them from exercising their rights.‛

Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) Senator Wyden voted against the amendment to enshrine marriage discrimination into the U.S. Constitution and is recognized by eQuality Giving as supporting Marriage Equality.


Representative Gary Ackerman (D-NY, 5th District) Rep. Ackerman is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Neil Ambercrombie (D-HI, 1st District) Rep. Abercrombie is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Rob Andrews (D-NJ, 1st District) ‚I support marriage equality. The recent commission report on civil unions was pivotal in my thinking. The law has failed to give gay couples equal rights.‛ Rep. Andrews is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Tammy Baldwin (D-WI, 2nd District) Congresswoman Baldwin is the first woman to represent Wisconsin in the U.S. Congress. Moreover, she was the first ever openly gay non-incumbent and first lesbian to be elected a U.S. Representative.

Rep. Baldwin is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Law.

Representative Xavier Beccera (D-CA, 31st District) Rep. Beccera is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Howard Berman (D-CA, 28th District) Rep. Berman is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Shelley Berkley (D-NV, 1st District) Rep. Berkley has been longtime advocate for marriage equality and gay rights. She most recently co-sponsored a repeal of DOMA, the Respect of Marriage Act.

Representative Earl Blumenauer (D-OR, 3rd District) ‚As someone who recently married, I feel no threat to my relationship because others may want to pursue a lifelong and legal commitment to their partner. I support same- sex couples having this right, the same as any couple.‛

Rep. Blumenauer is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Robert Brady (D-PA, 1st District) Rep. Brady is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Lois Capps (D-CA, 23rd District) Rep. Capps is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative (D-MA, 8th District) Rep. Capuano is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Andre Carson (D-IN, 7th District) Rep. Andre Carson went on the record as a supporter of marriage equality during his special election victory. Since then he has joined the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Equality Caucus chaired by fellow congressman, .

Representative Kathy Castor (D-MN, 4th District) Rep. Castor is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Yvette Clarke (D-NY, 11th District) ‚My position on same sex marriage has been consistent throughout my career in public service to the people of Central Brooklyn. I remain committed to work to ensure that all of our citizens have equal economic, civil and legal rights regardless of sexuality, gender or gender preference.‛ Rep. Clarke is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Steve Cohen (D-TN, 9th District) ‚American history is a study in the expansion of human freedoms. What began as equality for white, male landowners has over these centuries blossomed into a guarantee of civil rights for the poor, for women, for all races, creeds, and colors. It is the natural progression of this great expansion of freedom that equal rights now, without any further delay, are extended to the LGBT community.‛

Representative John Conyers (D-MI, 14th District) Rep. Conyers co-sponsored the introduction of the Respect for Marriage Act to the House of Representatives.

Representative Joe Courtney (D-CT, 2nd District) Rep. Courtney supports marriage equality and the full repeal of DOMA. He is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Joseph Crowley (D-NY, 7th District) Rep. Crowley supports marriage equality.

Representative Susan Davis (D-CA, 53rd District) Rep. Davis an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Diana DeGette (D-CO, 1st District) Rep. DeGette is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative (D-MA, 10th District) Rep. Delahunt supports the repeal of DOMA and is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Rosa DeLauro (D-CT, 3rd District) Rep. DeLauro is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Mike Doyle (D-PA, 14th District) Rep. Doyle is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Donna Edwards (D-MD, 4th District) Rep. Edwards is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Keith Ellison (D-MN, 5th District) Rep. Ellison supports marriage equality and is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Eliot Engel (D-NY, 17th District) Rep. Engel is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Chaka Fattah (D-PA, 2nd District) Rep. Fattah is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Sam Farr (D-CA, 17th District) Rep. Farr is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Bob Filner (D-CA, 51st District) Rep. Filner is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Barney Frank (D-MA, 4th District) Congressman Frank is perhaps the most outspoken elected federal official on LGBT civil rights issues.

Representative Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ, 8th District) ‚One of the most basic principles of our great nation is our respect for personal freedom, and I am committed to protecting the freedom of each and every American. The government should not determine what marriage is or is not. That is up to the people in the relationship. I also support equalizing the treatment of same- sex couples and families. The civil rights of all Americans should be honored and strengthened. That is one of my top priorities in Congress.‛

Representative Raul Grijalva (D-AZ, 7th District) Rep. Grijalva is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Luis Gutierrez (D-IL, 4th District) Rep. Gutierrez is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Jane Harman (D-CA, 36th District) Rep. Harman is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Alcee Hastings (D-FL, 23rd District) Rep. Hastings is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Martin Heinrich (D-NM, 1st District) Rep. Heinrich is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Maurice Hinchey (D-NY, 22nd District) Rep. Hinchey is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Jim Himes (R-CT, 4th District) Rep. Himes is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Mazie Hirono (D-HI, 2nd District) Rep. Hirono is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Paul Hodes (D-NH, 2nd District) Rep. Hodes is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Rush Holt (D-NJ, 12th District) ‚Life commitments that are monogamous and mutually supportive have a wide array of benefits in social, economic, and personal terms. Allowing all people to enter into them strengthens the institution of marriage, it does not weaken it. Recognizing the legal rights associated with marriage regardless of sexual orientation will not diminish the number of people who enter into marriage, nor the satisfaction those that are married find in their relationships. No marriage is made weaker because two women or two men are living together somewhere in New Jersey as a married couple.‛

Representative Mike Honda (D-CA, 15th District) Rep. Honda has been a strong advocate for ending discrimination against immigrant LGBT families. He introduced the LGBT-inclusive Reuniting Families Act on June 4, 2009. Rep. Honda is also an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Steve Israel (D-NY, 2nd District) Rep. Israel is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-IL, 2nd District) Rep. Jackson is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Hank Johnson (D-GA, 4th District) Rep. Johnson is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Patrick Kennedy (D-RI, 1st District) ‚Discrimination against any individual because of their sexual orientation or gender identity is simply unacceptable. That's why I'm so proud to be a founding member of this caucus. The LGBT Equality Caucus will provide a crucial platform in our fight for comprehensive hate crimes legislation, marriage equality, and an end to workplace discrimination. At this point in history, we have a unique opportunity to advance the cause of equality.‛

Rep. Kennedy is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Mary Jo Kilroy (D-OH, 15th District) Rep. Kilroy co-sponsored the introduction of the Respect for Marriage Act to the House of Representatives.

Representative Dennis Kucinich (D-OH, 10th District) Representative Kucinich is a longtime champion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and , and supports marriage equality. ‚We cannot have states making separate rules with respect to basic human rights.‛

Rep. Kucinich is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative John Larson (D-CT, 1st District) Rep. Larson is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Barbara Lee (D-CA, 9th District) Representative Lee supports marriage equality. She believes that loving and committed same-sex couples should have the right to get married, receive legal recognition of their marriage in the eyes of the government, and exercise all the legal benefits associated with their marriage.ix

Rep. Lee is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act. ‚The so called Defense of Marriage Act is discriminatory and unfair and denies fundamental civil liberties to countless families across America. Gay, lesbian and transgendered Americans deserve nothing less that equal protection under the law.‛x

Representative John Lewis (D-GA, 5th District) Rep. Lewis supports marriage equality and is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act. In an op-ed in a 2003 Boston Globe op-ed, Rep. Lewis states, ‚It is time to say forthrightly that the government's exclusion of our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters from civil marriage officially degrades them and their families. It denies them the basic human right to marry the person they love. It denies them numerous legal protections for their families.‛xi

Representative Zoe Lofgren (D-CA, 16th District) Rep. Lofgren is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Nita Lowey (D-NY, 18th District) Rep. Lowe is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Dan Maffei (D-NY, 25th District) Rep. Maffei is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Carolyn Maloney (D-NY, 14th District) ‚I am proud to be among the growing ranks of House members who support full marriage equality for same-sex couples.‛

Rep. Maloney is a co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative (D-MA, 7th District) Rep. Markey is one of the original co-sponsors of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Doris Matsui (D-CA, 5th District) Rep. Matsui is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Betty McCollum (D-MN, 4th District) Rep. McCollum is one of the original co-sponsors of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA, 7th District) Rep. McDermott is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Jim McGovern (D-MA, 3rd District) Rep. McGovern is a supporter of marriage equality and has been a leader in the fight to prevent adding a marriage discrimination amendment to the federal constitution in 2006. ‚This bill, to put it simply and bluntly, is about adding discrimination and intolerance to the United States Constitution.‛ He is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Greg Meeks (D-NY, 6th District) Rep. Meeks is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act. Representative George Miller (D-CA, 7th District) Rep. Miller is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Jim Moran (D-VA, 8th District) Rep. Moran’s press secretary confirmed his commitment to marriage equality, saying, ‚He believes that if two men or two women are in a loving relationship, who is to say they shouldn't?‛

Rep. Moran is an original co-sponsor of the Respect of Marriage Act.

Representative Chris Murphy (D-CT, 5th District) Rep. Murphy supports marriage equality and is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Jerrold Nadler (D-NY, 8th District) ‚The Iowa Supreme Court’s unanimous decision that equal protection means that gay and lesbian couples must be allowed to marry in Iowa is a victory for liberty and equality. This is a resounding endorsement of core constitutional principles coming from the heartland of our nation and a mark of Iowa’s continued leadership and courage on critical civil rights issues. Just as Iowa led the nation in rejecting slavery, desegregating its schools, and opening doors for women in the workplace, Iowa has now taken its place as a leader in this fight for equality. I maintain my hope that the federal government, , and other states will follow its lead.‛

On September 15, 2009, Rep. Nadler, along with Rep. Tammy Baldwin, Rep. , introduced the Respect of Marriage Act to repeal DOMA. ‚The full repeal of DOMA is long overdue,‛ said Rep. Nadler. ‚When DOMA was passed in 1996, its full harm may not have been apparent to all Members of Congress because same-sex couples were not yet able to marry. It was a so-called ‘defense’ against a hypothetical harm. This made it easy for our opponents to demonize gay and lesbian families. Now, in 2009, we have tens of thousands of married same-sex couples in this country, living openly, raising families and paying taxes in states that have granted them the right to marry, and it has become abundantly clear that, while the sky has not fallen on the institution of marriage, as DOMA supporters had claimed, DOMA is causing these couples concrete and lasting harm. Discrimination against committed couples and stable families is terrible federal policy. But, with a President who is committed to repealing DOMA and a broad, diverse coalition of Americans on our side, we now have a real opportunity to remove from the books this obnoxious and ugly law.‛xii

Representative Grace Napolitano (D-CA, 38th District) Rep. Napolitano is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Congressional Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-District of Columbia, At-large) Congresswoman Norton is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative (D-MA, 1st District) ‚Before millions of Americans, President Bush, who characterizes himself as a unifier, not a divider, stated his divisive belief that gay Americans do not deserve the right to marriage that all other Americans enjoy. I believe that gay and lesbian citizens should have the same rights and responsibilities as other citizens.‛

Rep. Olver is one of the original co-sponsors of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ, 6th District) ‚I hope the legislature now passes legislation that defines a union between same-sex couples as marriage.‛ He is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Ed Pastor (D-AZ, 4th District) Rep. Ed Pastor is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi (D-CA, 8th District) On May 15, 2008, Speaker Pelosi issued a statement supporting the California Supreme Court's decision in favor of marriage equality, calling it ‚a significant milestone for which all Californians can take pride." She condemned "any ballot measure that would write discrimination into the State Constitution.‛

Representative Chellie Pingree (D-ME, 1st District) ‚Maine is a very tolerant state; I think we are far more tolerant of people of the same sex living together or choosing to get married and raise their family, and we feel that’s the way life should be.‛

Rep. Pingree is an original co-sponsor of the legislative effort to repeal DOMA, the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Jared Polis (D-CO, 2nd District) ‚I believe that two committed adults of the same sex should be able to enjoy full marriage rights in the United States and that no federal, state, or local jurisdiction should be able to deny any of the benefits of the marriage to same-sex couples.‛

He is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Mike Quigley (D-IL, 5th District) Rep. Quigley is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Charlie Rangel (D-NY, 15th District) Rep. Rangel is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Steve Rothman (D-NJ, 9th District) Rep. Rothman is a member of the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) Equality Caucus in the House, along with 51 other representatives. The goal of the caucus, formed by openly gay Representatives Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Barney Frank (D-MA), is to raise awareness in Congress about gay and lesbian issues. He has a lesbian daughter and also announced his support for marriage equality.

In February 2009, Rep. Rothman received the Legend Award from Garden State Equality. Upon receiving the honor, he said,‛As you may know, last year I announced that I’d changed my position on marriage equality for same sex couples. I said that civil unions were not enough, not fair and not equal. And that there was no good or sensible reason to deny same sex couples the right to marry.‛xiii

He is also an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA, 30th District) Rep. Roybal-Allard is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Linda Sanchez (D-CA, 39th District) Rep. Sanchez is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative John Sarbanes (D-MD, 3rd District) On May 31, 2007, during a radio interview on the Marc Steiner Show, Rep. Sarbanes expressed full support for marriage equality.

Representative John Schakowsky (D-IL, 9th District) Rep. Schakowsky is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL, 20th District) Rep. Schulz is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Bobby Scott (D-VA, 3rd District) Rep. Scott is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Carol Shea-Porter (D-NH, 1st District) Rep. Shea-Porter is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Brad Sherman (D-CA, 27th District) Rep. Sherman is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Jose Serrano (D-NY, 16th District) Rep. Serrano is one of the original 91 co-sponsors of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Joe Sestak (D-PA, 7th District) Rep. Sestak is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Jackie Speier (D-CA, 12th District) ‚We do not limit, based on sexual orientation, the ability of adults to enter into other contracts, so it makes no sense to treat the marriage contract any differently.‛xiv

Rep. Speier is one of the original 91 co-sponsors of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Pete Stark (D-CA, 13th District) Rep. Stark is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative John Tierney (D-MA, 6th District) Rep. Tierney is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative (D-MA, 5th District) ‚Four years ago I rallied on the steps of the State House with my daughters in support of same-sex marriage and I was proud that Massachusetts became the first state to recognize same-sex marriage.‛xv

Rep. Tsongas is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act

Representative Paul Tonko (D-NY, 21st District) Rep. Tonko is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Ed Towns (D-NY, 10th District) Rep. Towns is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Nydia Velasquez (D-NY, 12th District) Upon the introduction of the Respect for Marriage Act, Rep Velazquez said, ‚We must work to promote fairness, tolerance, and justice for all Americans, regardless of their sexual orientation. The Respect for Marriage Act will help to ensure that the rights provided to married couples are extended across state lines and without prejudice.‛ Rep. Velasquez is an original co-sponsor of the act.xvi

Representative Tim Walz (D-MN, 1st District) On July 28, 2008, the congressman’s support for marriage equality was reported in local news, ‚And the best thing that ever happened to me was to get married and I don't see a reason to deny that to anyone. So I'm pretty consistent on that, of where government should not be in our lives.‛xvii

Representative Diane Watson (D-CA, 33rd District) Rep. Watson is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Henry Waxman (D-CA, 30th District) Rep. Waxman is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Anthony Weiner (D-NY, 9th District) ‚As someone who has long fought against discrimination, I believe that the time has come to extend to all Americans the fundamental right to marry the person of their choosing, regardless of sexual orientation.‛xviii He is also an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Peter Welch (D-VT, At-Large) Rep. Welch is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Robert Wexler (D-FL, 19th District) Rep. Wexler is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative Lynn Woolsey (D-CA, 6th District) On Rep. Woolsey’s website she promises ‚to continue to fight vigorously and passionately for a time when all people – regardless of sexual orientation – have completely equal rights under the law, including the right to marry.‛xix Rep. Woolsey is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Representative David Wu (D-OR, 1st District) Rep. Wu is an original co-sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act. GOVERNORS

New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine ‚I’m a Democrat and I’m straight and I believe in marriage equality . . . If we work together, 2009 will be the year when I will take this pen out of my pocket and we will sign the marriage equality bill.‛xx

Howard Dean, Former Governor of Vermont and Former Democratic National Committee Chair Former Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean discussed his evolution on gay marriage Tuesday, telling ABC News’ ‚Top Line‛ that he would have signed a bill legalizing same-sex marriage in Vermont if he had still been governor.

‚Sure,‛ said Dean when asked if he would have signed the same-sex marriage bill. ‚Look, things have changed. There were a lot of things I didn't know. I was the first in the nation. I believe that equal right under the law is for everyone. Each state has the right to make up its mind about how they want to do equal rights under the law. We chose civil unions because we were the first state in the country. Marriage never would have passed. Even I wasn't really ready for that. But I thought the people of Vermont would get used to civil unions and they did,‛ he added. ‚Now they want to move on.‛

‚This is changing,‛ said Dean. ‚You know, gay people are seen as people first and then as gay or lesbian later, that’s the way it should be. The same as African- Americans. The same as Hispanics. The same as everybody who is a member of a minority group. We have to see our humanity first and then whatever category we fall into afterward.‛xxi

Maine Governor John Baldacci ‚In the past, I opposed gay marriage while supporting the idea of civil unions. I have come to believe that this is a question of fairness and of equal protection under the law, and that a civil union is not equal to civil marriage.‛xxii

Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick ‚People come before their government as equals... If the government is going to give marriage licenses to anyone, it has to give them to everyone, regardless of whether the spouse you choose is of the same gender.‛xxiii

New Hampshire Governor John Lynch Upon signing New Hampshire’s marriage equality bill, Governor Lynch said, ‚Today, we are standing up for the liberties of same-sex couples by making clear that they will receive the same rights, responsibilities — and respect — under New Hampshire law.‛xxiv

New York Governor David Paterson In 2008, Governor Paterson signed an executive order instructing the state of New York to recognize marriages of same-sex couples from other states. In April 2009, he formally announced plans to introduce legislation ending marriage discrimination in New York.

‚We stand to tell the world that we want equality for everyone. We stand to tell the world that we want marriage equality in New York State. ‚xxv

Washington Governor Christine Gregoire ‚As Governor, I do not believe the state should discriminate against any citizen. I also believe that personal religious beliefs are protected by our Constitution.

I believe the state should provide these same rights and responsibilities to all citizens. I also believe the sacrament of marriage is between two people and their faith; it is not the business of the state.‛xxvi

i Michael Tracey, ‚Bill Clinton Backs Same-Sex Marriage‛ The Nation. Jul.14, 2009 (http://www.thenation.com/doc/20090720/tracey) ii ‚The Respect for Marriage Act Garners Support of President Clinton and Former Rep. , DOMA’s Original Author.‛ Sep. 15, 2009. The Office of Representative Jerrold Nadler. iii Al Gore. ‚Gay Men and Women Should Have the Same Rights.‚ Current TV. (http://current.com/items/88817757_gay-men-and- women-should-have-the-same-rights.htm). iv ‚Cheney Hints He Supports Gay Marriage.‛ Real Clear Politics.Jun. 1, 2009. (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2009/06/01/cheney_hints_he_supports_gay_marriage.html) v ‚LGBT Issues.‛ BarbaraBoxer.com. (http://www.barbaraboxer.com/issues?id=0014) vi Chris Dodd. ‚Rights, Responsibility, and Love.‛ The Office of Sen. Chris Dodd’s website. (http://dodd.senate.gov/?q=node/5040) vii ‚Feingold Opposes Discriminatory Amendment; Supports Marriage Equality‛Apr. 4, 2006. The Office of Sen. Russ Feingold. (http://feingold.senate.gov/releases/06/04/200604044.html) viii Chris Steller, ‚Franken: My Tuesday swearing-in will feature Biden, Mondale, Klobuchar‛ Minnesota Independent, Jul. 2, 2009. (http://minnesotaindependent.com/38525/franken-coleman-biden-mondale-klobuchar) ix ‚Supporting Equal Rights for the LGBT Community‛ The Office of Rep, Barbara Lee’s website. (http://lee.house.gov/index.cfm?sectionid=79§iontree=38,79) x ‚Nadler, Baldwin and Polis Introduce the Respect for Marriage Act to Repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).‛ Sept. 15, 2009. The Office of Representative Nadler. (http://www.house.gov/apps/list/press/ ny08_nadler/repealDOMA091509.html) xiJohn Lewis, ‚At a Cross Roads on Gay Unions.‛ Boston Globe. Oct. 25, 2003. (http://www.boston.com/news/globe/editorial_opinion/oped/articles/2003/10/25/at_a_crossroads_on_gay_union) xii ‚Nadler, Baldwin and Polis Introduce the Respect for Marriage Act to Repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).‛ Sept. 15, 2009. The Office of Representative Nadler. (http://www.house.gov/apps/list/press/ ny08_nadler/repealDOMA091509.html) xiii ‚Congressman Rothman Receives ‚Legend‛ Award at 2009 Garden State Equality Dinner‛ Feb. 28, 2009. The Office of Rep. Steve Rothman. (http://www.rothman.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task= view&id=1051&Itemid=92) xiv ‚Marriage Equality.‛ The Office of Rep. Jackie Speier’s website. (http://speier.house.gov/index.cfm? sectionid=32§iontree=28,32) xv ‚Tsongas joins Congressional Equity Caucus for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Americans.‛ Jun. 4, 2008. The Office of Rep. Niki Tsongas. (http://tsongas.house.gov/index.cfm?sectionid=49&parentid= 48§iontree=48,49&itemid=67) xvi ‚Nadler, Baldwin and Polis Introduce the Respect for Marriage Act to Repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).‛ Sept. 15, 2009. The Office of Representative Nadler. (http://www.house.gov/apps/list/press/ ny08_nadler/repealDOMA091509.html) xvii Tim Walz Interview, "Lambert and Janacek," KTLK-FM. July 27, 2006 xviii ‚Weiner Praises California’s Supreme Court Decision to Allow Marriage Equality.‛ May 16, 2008. The Office of Anthony Weiner. (http://weiner.house.gov/news_display.aspx?id=979) xix ‚Standing up for Civil and Human Rights.‛ WoolseyforCongress.com. (http://www.woolseyforcongress.com/ index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=195&Itemid=110) xxhttp://www.philly.com/philly/news/homepage/20090621__Evolving__Corzine_gives_gay_marriage_big_spot_in_ campaign.html?page=1&c=y xxiTeddy Davis, ‚Howard Dean Switches on Gay Marriage.‛ ABCNews.com. May 12, 2009. (http://blogs.abcnews.com/thenote/2009/05/howard-dean-swi.html) xxii Domenico Montaro, ‚Maine, Fifth State to Allow Gay Marriage.‛ MSNBC.com. May 6, 2009. (http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2009/05/06/1924233.aspx) xxiii Deval Patrick, ‚Marriage Equality in Massachusetts.‛ Boston Globe podcast. Jun. 7, 2007. (http://multimedia.boston.com/m/12085757/06_07_07_marriage_equality_in_massachusetts.htm) xxiv ‚Gov. Lynch Statement Regarding Same-Sex Marriage Legislation Signed Into Law Today.‛ Jun. 3, 2009. The Office of Rep. John Lynch. (http://www.governor.nh.gov/news/2009/060309_marriage.html) xxv ‚Governor Paterson’s Remarks on the Introduction of a Marriage Equality Bill.‛ Apr. 16, 2009. The Office of Gov. David Paterson. (http://www.ny.gov/governor/keydocs/speech_0416091_print.html). xxvi ‚Statement from Governor Gregoire on Supreme Court Decision‛ July 26, 2006. The Office of Gov. Chris Gregoire. (http://www.governor.wa.gov/news/news-view.asp?pressRelease=325&newsType=1).