While Fleeing from Posse Was This New Hazelton's Gang Of

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While Fleeing from Posse Was This New Hazelton's Gang Of 'rirtts THE LEADING WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLOMBIA f ————————~~~——t VOL. Ill, NO. 13 HAZELTON, B. C, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1913 PRICE.$2.00 A YEAR Local and District News Notes WAS THIS NEW HAZELTON'S A. Chisholm returned to Smith­ Taylor Michael, of Seattle, and ers on Wednesday. Forest L. Hudson, a civil and WHILE FLEEING FROM POSSE Wm. Croteau; of Aldermere, mining engineer from the same GANG OF BANK ROBBERS? city, have been looking over the Railroader Known as Frank Hill Shot Dead by Special is in town for a few days. Five Armed Bandits Attempt to Hold Up Bank of B. N. A. Kitwankool and Naas districts. Constable Who Took Victim for One of Bank Robbers Mrs. and Mrs. Jas. MacKay are in Agassiz, But are Foiled by Merchant Who Shows Mr. Michaels came to Hazelton —Verdict of Culpable Homicide paying a visit to Vancouver. Fight—Gang Escapes Without Spoil during the week, and is now ex­ W. E. Taylor, of Vancouver, is amining lands in Kispiox. The mistaken zeal of a special was one of the New Hazelton is spending the week in Hazelton. Agassiz, B. C, Nov. 25:—Five i staff. Their efforts were frus- armed men, believed to be for-1 trated by A. C. Webster, a local constable was responsible for the bank robbers, lhe fugitive, con­ Forester Allen has gone to lower One of Harold Price's parties, dsathof Frank Walimacki, known tinuing his flight when called sent to survey lands near Kitwan­ eigners, made an unsuccessful i merchant, who was leaving the river points, on official business. ; as Frank Hill, a demented Finn upon to stop, was fired upon by kool, was driven off by the Indians attempt to rob the Agassiz branch bank at the time, and who showed J. C. Scofield, of Prince Rupert, who had been working on con­ Edgar and was struck by two of that village. The authorities of the Bank of B. N. A. this: fight. Several shots were fired, was among the week's visitors in struction. After a pursuit lasting bullets, death resulting almost were called upon for protection, afternoon. At three o'clock the land the would-be looters, afraid Hazelton. for several hours, Hill was shot immediately. A verdict of cul­ and a party of constables, under bandits entered the bank, with j of being surrounded, made their Rev. W. J. H. Petter and Mrs*. and killed on Saturday morning, pable homicide was returned. Chief Owen, of Prince Rupert the intention of holding up the!escape without booty. Petter, of Terrace, are visiting near Skeena Crossing. The in­ The inquest was conducted by district, was sent to the scene. friends here. Boyd Affleck, who was surveying HINDUS SUCCEED IN HOCKEY LEAGUE quest, which was held at Hazel­ Government Agent Hoskins, act­ APPEALS TO COURTS WILL GET BUSY ton, concluded at 2 a.m. Wednes­ ing in the capacity of coroner. R. 0. Jennings, road superin- land in the same district, but day. The evidence showed that The jury included E. H. Hicks tendent on the Skeena, was in further from the village, suc- Vancouver, Nov. 26: — The A meeting of the Northern deceased, who had been missing Beach, foreman, R. S. Sargent, town yesterday. ceeded in completing his work, thirty-five Hindus whose appeal British Columbia Hockey League for a week, and was supposed to W. J. McAfee, J. Willett, W. F. Angus McDonald, of Cunning­ returning on Saturday, with his! against deportation was adverse- will be held in Smithers on Wed­ be demented, was followed by Brewer and A. Leverett. ham's, has returned from a va­ party. I ly decided by the federal author- nesday, December 10. President Edgar and Wikner, another ities, took their case into the | MacCormick, of Hazelton, will Magnus Edgar, a half-breed cation trip to Vancouver. special constable, are in custody, CANADIAN JUBILEE British Columbia courts, un invite the attendance of delegates special constable, and two In­ awaiting the action of the au­ Jack Wrathall, government EXHIBITION PROPOSED hearing arguments of counsel, from Hazelton, New Hazelton, dians, on the supposition that he thorities, telegraph agent at Pacific, has Chief Justice Hunter decided the Telkwa, Rose Lake and Smithers. been transferred to Terrace. London, Nov. 17:—The move­ ASQUITH INSISTS ON MEXICANS IN BATTLE appellants had a right to enter The purpose of the meeting is to Anehor ice is forming in the ment to celebrate Canada's jubi­ HOME RULE MEASURE NEAR U. S. BORDER Canada, holding the federal elect officers and arrange a sched­ Bulkley. A winter bridge is be­ lee by an international inter- ule for the season. Negotiations London, Nov. 26:—Premier As­ El Paso, Texas, Nov. 25:-A orders-in-council under which ing constructed by extending the imperial exhibition in 1917 is be­ have been opened with a Vancou­ quith today repeated his declar­ battle is now going on between the deportation was ordered to ferry approaches. ver firm which has signified its ation that the Irish home ruie the Mexican Federals and the ing warmly supported in official, exceed the authority given by J. S. Cline and his bride, who willingness to donate a handsome bill will pass as it stands. Constitutionalists at South Jua­ financial and business circles Dominion statutes. The decision, was Miss Anderson, formerly of trophy for the season, to take Ulster men maintain their de­ rez. It appears to be a general here. Expressions of approval which was rendered in Victoria, the Hospital staff, are expected the place of last season's Ross termined stand, and declare engagement with both sides in have been received from Lord occasions much surprise in Ot­ to arrive from the coast on this tawa. cup, won by Hazelton. they will resist all attempts to strong force. Artillery is being Strathcona, Lord Desborough, evening's train. It is expected that at least four impose Irish government upon used by the Federals. Many of "•VW. W. Wrathall, who is at Earl Grey, Sir Thomas Skinner, Vancouver, Nov. 27:—The min­ teams will compete for honors them. the wounded are crossing the ister of justice is reviewing Jus­ present in Prince Rupert, is re- Mr. A. W. Smithers, chairman during the winter. An Irish national volunteer boundary into United States. tice Hunter's decision in the ported to have purchased a photo-! the Grand Trunk; Mr. Burbidge, A party headed F. B. Chettle­ force was organized yesterday in The United States troops here Hindu case. Twenty more Hin­ graphic supply and stationery j f Harrod's Stores; Sir burgh, supeiintendent of the Dublin to oppose the Ulster are held in readiness for imme­ manager 0 dus have arrived in Vancouver. business in that city. Copper river coal property, left Unionists. The new corps has diate service. Trevor Dawson of Vickers and J. W. Paterson, the Kitselas on Monday morning to locate the for its ostensible object the up­ also from 3,000 leading manu­ Immigration Increases Washington, Nov. 25: — In merchant, who now has several route of the sleighroad which is holding of the authority of the spite of reassuring reports from facturers of London, Liverpool, stores in various parts of the Ottawa, Nov. 23:—Three hun­ to be constructed to the property, Crown. the oilfields on the east coast of Manchester, Birmingham, Shef­ district, was a business visitor in dred and twenty-eight thousand to allow of the transportaion of Mexico, the foreigners of that field, Leeds, Bradford, Halifax, diamond drill outfits. It is ex­ May Form New Party Hazelton on Saturday. new settlers arrived in Canada section are still making very ap­ Hull, Bristol, Glasgow, Aberdeen, pected that work on the road London, Nov. 26:—In conse­ Communion service will be in the six months from April to prehensive appeals to Washing­ will begin within a few days. quence of the many and persist­ held in the Presbyterian church Dundee and Belfast. Many of October, according to statistics ton. They indicate that they ent attacks on his naval adminis­ hall at New Hazelton tomorrow these manufacturers state that just made public by the govern­ fear not only for their properties SAYS SHE SIGNED tration, Winston Churchill may evening at 7:30. There will be they are considering the estab­ ment. This is an increase of but for their lives. UNDER COMPULSION be driven to form a new party of no Presbyterian service in Hazel­ lishment of Canadian branches. nine per cent, over the corres­ ton. ponding period of 1912. Vancouver, Nov. 24:—Claiming his own, it is reported. El Paso. Nov. 27: The Mexi­ There is every prospect that Geoffrey G. Macdonell, the Australia will make a representa­ that she was forced by threats Condemned Men Appeal can federalists were defeated in Bids Were Too Low of violence to sign a transfer of the battle near Juarez. Huerta'sj Bulkley Valley lumberman, was tive display, the Commonwealth Vancouver, Nov. 27:—Counsel desiring to promote the closest nine timber limits to her hus- losses were 300 killed and 7001 married in Vancouver a few days Vancouver, Nov. 24: — The for Clarke and Davis, under ago. His bride was Miss Aileen possible relations with Canada. j band, who disposed of them next prisoners, Many of the latter stern wheel steamer Skeena, sentence of death for the murder Allen, of Vancouver. Mr. and Mr. Leonard Palmer, who re­ day for $20,000, Mrs. Mary Ellis were executed. The remainder which has been in service here is suing in the supreme court to­ of Constable Archibald, are en­ | Mrs. Macdonell will spend their cently returned from a consulta­ of the army is in flight.
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