Fundamentals of C Programming

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Fundamentals of C Programming Index Fundamentals of C Programming .............................................................................................. 3 Discrete Mathematics ............................................................................................................... 3 Fundamentals of Data Structures .............................................................................................. 5 Fundamentals of Logic and Computer Design ........................................................................... 7 Laboratory for Fundamentals of Logic and Computer Design ................................................ 10 Object-Oriented Programming (C++) ...................................................................................... 12 Database Systems .................................................................................................................... 14 Computer Organization ........................................................................................................... 14 Laboratory for Computer Organization ................................................................................... 16 Java Programming ................................................................................................................... 18 Principles of Database System ................................................................................................ 20 Advanced Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis ................................................................. 22 E-commerce Technologies ...................................................................................................... 23 Assembly Language and Microcomputer Interface ................................................................ 25 Theory of Computation ........................................................................................................... 27 Numerical Analysis .................................................................................................................. 28 Operating System Principles .................................................................................................... 31 Human-Computer Interaction Engineering ............................................................................. 32 Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction ....................................................................... 34 Multimedia Technologies ........................................................................................................ 36 Principle of Compilers ............................................................................................................. 38 Principles of Information Security ........................................................................................... 40 Overview of Digital Communication Systems and Networks .................................................. 42 Software Architecture ............................................................................................................. 43 Project Management and Case Study ..................................................................................... 43 Software Engineering .............................................................................................................. 44 Computer Architecture............................................................................................................ 46 Fundamentals of Computer Networks .................................................................................... 49 Network Programming ............................................................................................................ 51 Algorithm Design and Analysis ................................................................................................ 52 Capability Maturity Model ...................................................................................................... 55 Compiler Design ...................................................................................................................... 57 Design and Project of Network System ................................................................................... 58 Mutual Fund Management and Services ................................................................................ 60 Middleware Technology .......................................................................................................... 62 Operating Systems: Analysis and Projects............................................................................... 64 Software Quality Assurance/Testing ....................................................................................... 65 Fundamentals of C Programming Course Name Fundamentals of C Programming Course Code 21186020 Weekly Hours 3.0-2.0 Credits 4 Offered Semester Fall-Winter semester The C Prorgramming Language, Second Edition, Brian W. Kernighan Textbooks &Dennis M.Ritchie Fundamental principles and concepts of C language,with definations of data, expressions, control-flow constructions, functions,input and output, Prerequisites preprocessing,command line arguments. Basic problem solving and programming techniques;structured programming ideas, fundamental algrithms and data structures. Discrete Mathematics Course Name Discrete Mathematics Course Code 211B0010 Weekly Hours 4-0 Credits 4.0 Offered Semester Spring-Summer semester Discrete Mathematics and Its Application(fifth Edtion), Kenneth H. Rosen Textbooks McGraw Hill(2003) Prerequisites Calculus, Linear Algebra Discrete Mathematics is the introductory course for theory in Computer Science. You will learn the mathematical tools necessary to analyze and talk about problems that can or cannot be solved with a computer system. It is a necessity that you learn to write good proofs as well as understand Course Description the concepts in Discrete Math. Discrete mathematics underlies almost all present day information processing systems, and a thorough knowledge of the subject is necessary to appreciate the capabilities and limitations of computers. Teaching Program Course Code: 211 B0010 Course Name: Discrete Mathematics Weekly Hours: 4-0 Credits:4.0 Teaching Goal and Basic Requirements: To give fluency in the mathematical language necessary to deal with discrete structures (with particular application to computer science), and to develop knowledge of mathematical proof, algorithmic problem solving, and recursive thinking. Content of Courses & Hours Allocation: 1 The Foundations: Logic, Sets, and Functions (24) 1.1 Propositional Logic (8) 1.2 Predicates Logic (8) 1.3 Sets (6) 1.4 Functions (2) 2 The Fundamentals: Algorithms, the Integers, and Matrices (4) 2.1 Algorithms (1) 2.2 Computational Complexity (1) 2.3 Recursive Definitions and Recursive Algorithms (2) 3 Counting (16) 3.1 The Basics of Counting, Permutations and Combinations (2) 3.2 The Pigeonhole Principle (2) 3.3 Generalized Permutations and Combinations (2) 3.4 Generating Permutations and Combinations (1) 3.5 Recurrence Relations (2) 3.6 Solving Recurrence Relations (3) 3.7 Generating Functions (2) 3.8 Inclusion-Exclusion (2) 4 Relations (14) 4.1 Relations and Their Properties (3) 4.2 Representing Relations (2) 4.3 Operations of Relations (2) 4.4 Closures of Relations (3) 4.5 Equivalence Relations (2) 4.6 Partial Orderings (2) 5 Graphs (10) 5.1 Introduction to Graphs (1) 5.2 Graph Terminology (1) 5.3 Representing Graphs and Graph Isomorphism (2) 5.4 Connectivity (1) 5.5 Euler and Hamilton Paths (2) 5.6 Shortest Path Problems (2) 5.7 Planar Graphs (2) 5.8 Graph Coloring (1) 6 Trees (4) 6.1 Introduction to Trees (1) 6.2 Applications of Trees (1) 6.3 Spanning Trees (1) 6.4 Minimum Spanning Trees (1) Teaching Plan: 1. 4 quizs after evry chapter 2. Lecture Notes, Solutions to homeworks, and past examinations are available online. Recommended Textbooks and Other References: (books, editors, publishing company, publishing time) Textbook: Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications (Fifth edition) Kenneth H. Rosen McGraw Hill 2003 Reference: Discrete Mathematical Structures,(Fourth edition) B. Kolman, R.C. Busby, S.C. Ross Prentice Hall 2001 Fundamentals of Data Structures Course Name Fundamentals of Data Structures Course Code 211C0020 Weekly Hours 2-1 Credits 2.5 Offered Semester Fall semester Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C (Second Edition), Mark Allen Textbooks Weiss, Yue Chen (Adapter), Posts & Telecom Press, Pearson Addison Wesley,2005 Prerequisites Fundamentals of C Programming, Discrete Mathematics This course investigates the definitions, implementations, and functions related to non-numerical data objects. The content of this course consists of the basic methods for time-space complexity analysis; fundamental data structures for stack, queue, list, tree and graph; implementations and Course Description analysis of sorting and searching. Students are supposed to learn how to organize data, to represent problems in a computer, to select the optimal data structure and algorithm for a specific problem, and hence improve their ability of programming. Teaching Program Course Code: 211C0020 Course Name: Fundamentals of Data Structures Weekly Hours: 2.0-1.0 Credits: 2.5 Teaching Goal and Basic Requirements: Teaching Objective: This course investigates the definitions, implementations, and functions related to non-numerical data objects. Students are supposed to learn how to organize data, to represent problems in a computer, to select the optimal data structure and algorithm for a specific problem,
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