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Q.1. Which company retained its position as the world's top retailer as per Deloitte Report 2021 ranking of global power retail houses? Ans: Wallmart

Q.2. Which organization has launched a hub known as Asia Pacific Tax Hub? Ans: ADB

Q.3. What is the theme of this year's 3rd Arctic Science Ministerial 2021? Ans: Knowledge for a Sustainable Arctic Dhrubajyoti Bhunia

1. Yukti

2. Akansha Jain

3. Hunny Kumari

4. Nidhi Gaur

5. Aakanksha Singh

Q.1. Which state’s CM has launched ‘Marun Gaam: Corona- Mukt Gaam’ (My Village: Corona-Free Village) campaign?

किस रा煍य िे मख्ु यमत्रं ी ने 'म셁ण गाम: िोरोना मक्ु त गाम' (मेरा गांव: िोरोना मक्ु त गांव) अभियान शु셂 किया है? (a) Gujarat / गजु रात A (b) Karnataka / िनााटि (c) Bihar / बिहार (d) Uttar Pradesh / उत्तर प्रदेश (e) Punjab / पंजाि

● Ans.1.(a)

● Exp. Gujarat chief minister Vijay Rupani launched ‘Marun Gaam: Corona-Mukt Gaam’ (My Village: Corona-Free Village) campaign on the occasion of the state's foundation day.

● The campaign was launched to check the spread of infection due to coronavirus at village level to ensure the villagers remain free from the pandemic. Q.2. India’s first Agriculture Export Facilitation Centre has been set up in which of the following city?

िारत िा पहला िृ षि ननयाात सषु वधा िᴂ द्र नन륍नभलखित मᴂ से किस शहर मᴂ स्थाषपत किया गया है? (a) Mumbai / मिुं ई E (b) New Delhi / नई दद쥍ली (c) Hyderabad / हैदरािाद (d) Bengaluru / िᴂगल셁ु (e) Pune / पुणे

● Ans.2.(e) ● Exp. The Maharashtra Chamber of Commerce Industries and Agriculture and NABARD (National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development) recently launched the first Agricultural Export Facilitation Centre in Pune. ● The Centre will aid in boosting the agricultural and food exports of the state of Maharashtra. The centre will act as a one-stop shop to export agricultural food productions. ● It will provide guidance in areas such as Minimum residue level, orchard management, branding and marketing, country-wise protocols, special export treatments and government export schemes. Q.3. Moctar Ouane has been reappointed as the prime minister of which of the following country?

मोक्टार उआने िो नन륍नभलखित मᴂ से किस देश िे प्रधान मंत्री िे 셂प मᴂ किर से ननयुक्त किया गया है? (a) Nigeria / नाइजीररया B (b) Mali / माली (c) Eritrea / इररदिया (d) / सडू ान (e) Yemen / यमन

● Ans.3.(b)

● Exp. Mali's Prime Minister Moctar Ouane resigned and was subsequently reappointed transitional president, the Malian presidency announced 15th May.

● Ouane will have to form a new government with room for the political class, under instructions of President Bah N'Daw.

Q.4. Which of the following company has partnered with SpaceX for providing satellite internet service?

नन륍नभलखित मᴂ से किस िं पनी ने सटै ेलाइट इंटरनेट सेवा प्रदान िरने िे भलए स्पेसएक्स िे साथ िागीदारी िी है? (a) Google Cloud / गगू ल क्लाउड A (b) Amazon Web Services / अमेजन वेि सेसषवसा ेज (c) Microsoft Azure / माइक्रोसॉफ्ट एजरू (d) Kamatera Cloud / िामातेरा क्लाउड (e) Serverspace / सवारस्पेस

● Ans.4.(a)

● Exp. Google Cloud and SpaceX signed a deal for providing internet service through Starlink satellite.

● Google will provide the Cloud infrastructure for this connectivity Project, while Space X will install ground terminals in Google’s cloud data centres for connecting Starlink satellites. It will help in providing fast internet service to the rural areas. This service will be available to customers before the end of 2021. Q.5. International Day is celebrated on ______every year.

हर साल अंतरााष्ट्िीय संग्रहालय ददवस ______िो मनाया जाता है। (a) 15 May/ 15 मई D (b) 16 May/ 16 मई (c) 17 May/ 17 मई (d) 18 May/ 18 मई (e) 19 May/ 19 मई ● Ans.5.(d)

● Exp. The world celebrates International Museum Day on May 18, every year. As the name suggests, it is a day dedicated to raising awareness on the importance of .

● . Q.6. What was the theme for International Museum Day 2021?

अंतरााष्ट्िीय संग्रहालय ददवस 2021 िा षविय क्या था? (a) Museums for Equality: Diversity and Inclusion C (b) Museums and contested histories: Saying the unspeakable in museums (c) The Future of Museums: Recover and Reimagine (d) New challenges and new inspirations (e) Museums and Cultural Landscapes ● Ans.6.(c)

● Exp. The world celebrates International Museum Day on May 18, every year. As the name suggests, it is a day dedicated to raising awareness on the importance of museums.

● Theme 2021: “The Future of Museums: Recover and Reimagine” Q.7. UN Global Road Safety Week (UNGRSW) 2021 has been celebrated from ______to ______May.

सयं ुक्त राष्ट्ि वैश्ववि स蔼ि सरु क्षा सप्ताह (UNGRSW) 2021 ______से ______मई ति मनाया गया है। (a) 15 - 21 May / 15 - 21 मई (b) 16 - 22 May / 16 - 22 मई C (c) 17 - 23 May / 17 - 23 मई (d) 18 - 24 May / 18 - 24 मई (e) 19 - 25 May / 19 - 25 मई ● Ans.7.(c)

● Exp. The United Nations is celebrating its sixth United Nations Global Road Safety Week between 17th May, 2021 and 23rd May, 2021.

● It is a biennial global road safety campaign hosted by the World Health Organisation. The first Global Road Safety Week was celebrated in 2007. The week is celebrated to create awareness of road safety and reduce road deaths. Q.8. What was the theme for UN Global Road Safety Week (UNGRSW) 2021?

सयं ुक्त राष्ट्ि वैश्ववि स蔼ि सरु क्षा सप्ताह (UNGRSW) 2021 िा षविय क्या था? (a) Improving global road safety (b) #SpeakUp to Save Lives D (c) #SpeakUp for #RoadSafety (d) Streets for Life (e) Leadership ● Ans.8.(d)

● Exp. The United Nations is celebrating its sixth United Nations Global Road Safety Week between 17th May, 2021 and 23rd May, 2021.

● It is a biennial global road safety campaign hosted by the World Health Organisation. The first Global Road Safety Week was celebrated in 2007. The week is celebrated to create awareness of road safety and reduce road deaths.

● Theme 2021: Streets for Life Q.9. World AIDS Vaccine Day (HIV Vaccine Awareness Day) is observed annually on ______.

षववव ए蕍स वैक्सीन ददवस( एचआईवी वैक्सीन जाग셂िता ददवस) प्रनतविा______िो मनाया जाता है। (a) 18 May/ 18 मई A (b) 19 May/ 19 मई (c) 20 May/ 20 मई (d) 21 May/ 21 मई (e) 22 May/ 22 मई ● Ans.9.(a)

● Exp. World AIDS Vaccine Day also known as HIV Vaccine Awareness Day, is observed annually on May 18 to promote the continued urgent need for a vaccine to prevent HIV infection and AIDS.

● The first World AIDS Vaccine Day was thus observed on May 18, 1998, to commemorate the anniversary of Clinton’s speech Q.10. Padma Shri awardee KK Aggarwal passed away recently. He was a/an ______.

प饍म श्री पुरस्िार से स륍माननत िे िे अग्रवाल िा हाल ही मᴂ ननधन हो गया। वह एि ______थे। (a) Astrophysicist / अस्त्रोकिश्जभसस्ट B (b) Cardiologist / िार्डायोलॉश्जस्ट (c) Paleontologist / पेभलयोन्टोलॉश्जस्ट (d) Radio Astronomer / रेर्डयो एस्िोनॉमर (e) Cosmologist / िॉस्मोलॉश्जस्ट

● Ans.10.(b)

● Exp. Padma Shri awardee and former national president of the Indian Medical Association Dr KK Aggarwal passed away after a long battle with Covid at New Delhi’s All India Institute of Medical Sciences on 17th May.

● Dr Aggarwal was a cardiologist and the head of the Heart Care Foundation of India. He received the Dr BC Roy Award in 2005 and the Padma Shree in 2010. Q.11. What is the capital of Mali?

माली िी राजधानी क्या है? (a) Amsterdam / ए륍स्टडाम (b) Luanda / लआु ंडा E (c) Windhoek / षवंडहोि (d) Maputo / मापुटो (e) Bamako / िमािो ● Ans.11.(e)

● Exp. Capital: Bamako

● Currency: West African CFA franc Q.12. An Unmanned Aircraft System for delivery of vaccines and medicines being operated by which company?

टीिⴂ और दवाओं िी र्डलीवरी िे भलए एि मानव रदहत षवमान प्रणाली किस िंपनी 饍वारा संचाभलत िी जा रही है? (a) DTDC / डीटीडीसी B (b) Blue Dart / ब्ल ू डाटा (c) Delivery / र्डलीवरी (d) Buzzbees / िुज浍िीस (e) None of these ● Ans.12.(b) Q.13. Who has been appointed as one of the four Vice President of the International Council for Advertising Self-Regulation from India in 2021?

2021 मᴂ िारत से षवज्ञापन स्व-षवननयमन िे भलए अंतरााष्ट्िीय पररिद िे चार उपाध्यक्षⴂ मᴂ से एि िे 셂प मᴂ किसे ननयुक्त किया गया है? (a) Manisha Kapoor (b) Gital Mittal A (c) Rohit Gupta (d) Arman Shah (e) Ravish Kumar ● Ans.13.(a)

● Exp. Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) said that its General Secretary Manisha Kapoor has now been appointed to the executive committee of the International Council for Advertising Self-Regulation (ICAS) Q.14. India & which country has renew Cultural Exchange Program till 2023?

िारत और किस देश ने 2023 ति सांस्िृ नति आदान-प्रदान याक्रमिा िा नवीनीिरण किया है? (a) / मंगोभलया (b) Mali / माली A (c) Qatar / ितर (d) UAE / सयं ुक्त अरि अमीरात (e) Cambodia / िंिोर्डया ● Ans.14.(a)

● Exp. Q.15. Who has received International Invincible Gold Medal 2021 by Maharshi orgnaisation?

महषिा संगठन 饍वारा अंतरााष्ट्िीय अजेय स्वणा पदि 2021 किसे प्राप्त हुआ है? (a) Narendra Modi / नरᴂद्र मोदी E (b) Amit Shah / अभमत शाह (c) Rajnath Singh/ राजनाथ भसंह (d) Piyush Goyal / पीयूि गोयल (e) Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank/ रमेश पोिररयाल ननशंि ● Ans.15.(e)

● Exp. Award will be presented on Guru Purnima – 24th July 2021 TN- National Park

1. Guindy N.P 8. Point Calimere W.S

2. Gulf of Mannar Marine N.P 9. Vedanthangal B.S

3. Anamalai Tiger Reserve

4. Madumalai N.P

5. Mukurthi N.P

6. Vedanthangal Bird S.

7. Indira Gandhi W.S Home Work:

Q.1. Which Indian state has reported a resurgence of the African Swine Fever?

Q.2. Which state government has announced free education for children who lost their parents or guardians to COVID- 19?

Q.3. Airline carrier GoAir has rebranded itself to become an ultra-low-cost carrier amid the COVID pandemic. What is the new name of the company? Online Mock Tests for Bank, SSC, Railway, JAIIB, CAIIB, Para 13.2 and Others Visit: