15th National Week

Brazil celebrates the International Day ( 18th) promoting the National Museums Week. The Brazilian Institute of Museums (Ibram), executive agency under the Ministry of Culture, invites Brazilian museums to develop a special week program to celebrate the date, inspired by a guiding topic proposed by the International Council of Museums (ICOM). In 2017, its 15th edition will take place from 15 to 21 May, when museum institutions throughout the country promote activities on the theme Museums and contested histories: saying the unspeakable in museums.

The first edition of the National Museums Week was held in 2003, with the participation of 57 museums, organizing about 270 events. In 2017, more than 1,000 museums applied, with close to 3,000 activities.

The effectiveness of this initiative demonstrates that the national coordination of cultural initiatives is a fruitful tool for increasing access to cultural goods, whilst it also increases museums’ visibility. Furthermore, it is responsible for a significant increase in public/visitation: during the National Museums Week, the average museum visitation grows by 80%.

Promoting the National Museums Week, Ibram strengthens the presence and relevance of museums in Brazilians’ daily lives, contributing to the consolidation of democracy and social justice in .


Museums plan a whole range of diverse activities during the National Museums Week, ranging from exhibits and guided visits to lectures and film sessions, among others. In 2017, some of them have international participation, such as in the Museu da Fotografia Documental (Museum of Documentary Photography), in Brasília, with works by the Portuguese photographer living in Macau, Gonçalo Lobo Pinheiro. The Museu de Arte Contemporânea da USP (São Paulo University’s Museum of Contemporary Art), in São Paulo, will exhibit seven works by the Russian artist Fyodor Pavlov-Andreevich. Casa Museu Érico Veríssimo (Érico Veríssimo House Museum), located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, will hold the exhibition "Photographic memory of the genocide of North America’s : the confrontation between remembrance and forgetfulness". Also, an Italian musical will be presented by the Casa da Memória Italiana (Italian Memory House), located in the state of São Paulo.

Complete Schedule

The complete schedule of the 15th National Museums Week, with all participant museums and activities, is available at Ibram’s website: http://guiadaprogramacao.museus.gov.br/. Brazilian Institute of Museums