Exclusive English Programmes 2021

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Exclusive English Programmes 2021 EXCLUSIVE ENGLISH PROGRAMMES 2021 USA · UK 2 EC Academy 2021 Contents 4 Our Covid Commitment to you 6 EC Academy Experience 8 Welcome to Your Summer 9 Our Unique Programmes 10 Activities, Excitement, Discovery 12 Your Home from Home THE SCHOOLS 16 Wellington School, Somerset 20 UCLA, Los Angeles THE ACTIVITIES 26 Multi Activities 27 Climbing & Bouldering 28 Art & Design 29 Dance 30 Horse Riding 31 Tennis 32 Surfing 33 Watersports 34 Intensive English 35 Summer Academic Study 36 Academy MBA OTHER OPTIONS FROM EC 38 Embassy Summer 38 EC English Language Schools 40 EC Virtual EC Academy 2021 3 Our Covid Commitment to you The safety, welfare and wellbeing of our students SAFETY WHILE PLAYING has always been our number one priority, never Covid-Secure programmes readily available for both of our locations should they be necessary more than during the current global pandemic. Whole school activities replaced with whole ‘bubble’ activities Our experienced operational team has been Replacements for firm favourites such as karaoke and discos working hard to ensure additional, relevant, Regular cleaning of all sports equipment before, after and measures are in place for our EC Academy during activity sessions students in 2021. A move to majority, outdoor activities to minimise risk of transmission and maximise safe fun! ADAPT. DEVELOP. REMAIN POSITIVE. HAVE FUN. Covid-19 risk assessments for all activities and excursions All staff are trained to deliver fun and effective summer school Covid-19 risk assessments carried out with all our specialist programmes. This year we are also including specific training on sports and activity providers to ensure compliance how to ensure students have fun and remain safe whilst working within the constraints of social distancing and Covid-19. SAFETY WHILE EXPLORING Numbers in private transport vehicles limited to follow any local In addition we are introducing a designated Covid-Coordinator for guidelines in place during your stay with us each of our locations. This person is responsible for overseeing Hand sanitiser provided for all students as they board coaches all Covid-19 testing requirements, possible isolation, and medical for their trips assistance related to Covid-19. They will work in coordination with Additional preparation in classes for all trips to ensure no our existing Welfare Managers and first aiders on site. handouts necessary SAFETY WHILE LEARNING SAFETY WHILE RESTING, EATING AND SLEEPING Student temperatures taken every day at the start of lessons Enhanced deep cleaning in our host partner dining rooms, All classes risk assessed to ensure they comply with Covid-19 and accommodation and social distancing requirements Increased and regular cleaning of all our communal areas and Classroom furniture arranged to minimise risk of transmission high touchpoint areas, such as door handles and ensure social distancing is achievable Clearly defined designated areas and timetables for each Hand sanitiser available in all classrooms ‘bubble’ to relax, eat and sleep in, to de risk cross contamination Face coverings, face masks and face shields worn in line with all Agreements with our host partners to manage the safe local Government Guidelines distribution of food during your stay Signs posted prominently throughout the school as a reminder Hand sanitiser available in all eating spaces with staggered of the importance of social distancing and hygiene timings for each ‘bubble’ to minimise queues and large crowds No shared resources in any of our classrooms. All books will be sanitised and quarantined between use SAFETY IN GENERAL Online testing and induction to avoid larger indoor gatherings Floor markings giving clear guidance on social distancing All students will remain in the same class and same seat to Hand sanitisers stationed throughout our centres ensure quick tracing is available Regular, vigorous cleaning practices will ensure our centres are as safe as possible for you EC Academy staff will work in strict dedicated bubbles with no cross over in accommodation or the programme EC Academy staff will follow local protocols for any staff or students who may show symptoms of, or test positive for, COVID-19 4 EC Academy 2021 At EC Academy our students come first. We do not react, and we do not settle for the “easy fix”. We research. We reflect. We make decisions based on the best overall experience for our students. We are continuously monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation. We will continue to comply with the national advice for each location and do everything possible to secure the safety of our students and staff. EC Academy 2021 5 The Academy Experience Our experienced and friendly staff provide a At EC Academy, our high staff to student ratio provides students positive learning environment for all our students. with focused attention both in their English classes and their chosen specialist activity, ensuring that they get the most out of Students will practise their English language skills, their time at the school. make new friends from all around the world, and develop their passion through speciality courses. Outside of classes the students also have the opportunity to develop their non-academic pursuits with professional instructors and coaches in their chosen activity programme. The professionalism, experience and commitment of our Academy team will ensure students leave their EC Academy summer with a real sense of achievement. Learn skills for the future 6 EC Academy 2021 TEACHING KEY FACTS Qualified English teachers Minimum 15 hours of English language tuition per week for all students* Maximum class size of 12 (General English), 6 (Intensive English), 8 (Summer Academic Study) Classes appropriate to student’s level, designed to improve and encourage communication and fluency End of course certificates and reports to take home. * Excluding our Summer Study and MBA programmes, see relevant course pages for further details and a specific course breakdown Support is always available Individual attention I made a lot of friends. I want to say that the people that are part of EC Academy are now my family. ROBERTO, STUDENT FROM ECUADOR EC Academy 2021 7 Welcome to Your Summer Create the perfect summer experience of English Wellington School is one of the most prestigious independent language and sports, creative, and academic schools in the popular location of the South West of England. Set in a small market town in Somerset with excellent facilities, dating courses provided by professionally qualified back to its founding in 1837 and is now considered a modern and teachers and coaches, set in the stunning forward-thinking educational establishment. Close to the county grounds of our Academy locations. town of the region and bordering Somerset, Dorset, and Devon. Our Academies are set in some of the most beautiful locations University of California Los Angeles is located in the hills across the globe and offer students the chance to experience life as surrounding Los Angeles where you can find a great student a local student. neighbourhood. UCLA is one of the most respected educational institutions in the USA, with alumni including the NBA superstar Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, George Takei from Star Trek, and Taylor Wang, the first Chinese-born astronaut. Programmes for all ages 8 EC Academy 2021 Interactive lessons in LA Our Unique Programmes A unique blend of English language and specialist courses alongside a full programme of activities EC ACADEMY OFFERS and excursions with students from all over the Maximum class size of 12 for English lessons world – that is what makes the EC Academy experience something special. A choice of 1 to 5 weeks With maximum class sizes of 12, and an on-site staff to student English language tuition from qualified ratio of 1:5, students will get the personal attention they need English teachers to maximise their progress with EC Academy. The international Professionally taught sport, arts and environment in our academies is perfect for learning English and academic courses will encourage students to step outside their comfort zone. 11 courses to choose from As well as developing skills in the English language and their chosen specialist course, students will develop vital life skills A safe and secure environment with a staff through their participation in classes, activities and excursions. to student on-site ratio of 1:5 They will also get the opportunity to discover different cultures and explore new places which will boost their confidence and broaden A full program of excursions and on-site activities their horizons in a supportive environment. For ages 8 to 17, students can spend the summer creating memories of a lifetime. EC Academy 2021 9 Activity, Excitement, Discovery Professional instruction A great addition to a summer of learning CHOOSE BETWEEN 11 DIFFERENT SPECIALISED COURSES ACTIVITIES Activities are organised every evening to ensure students make friends, continue to put their English into practice, as well as develop important life skills. Four afternoons a week, students will spend an hour in a whole- academy activity which is a great opportunity for existing students to meet new starters and catch up with friends they have already made. Evening activities range from talent shows and the Academy Carnival where students get to be creative and have fun, to quizzes and games which require students to use their teamwork and problem-solving skills. Our activity programmes also include a lot of different sports. An adventurous summer at Wellington School Professional instructors will focus on developing students’ techniques and skills required to progress in their chosen specialised course with fun and The students get the enjoyable sessions. At EC Academy we strive to ensure that every student leaves with confidence in opportunity to use English their newly developed or improved skills and with a away from the classroom real sense of achievement. and to do some great EXCURSIONS All students go on two half-day and three full day activities every two activities weeks.
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