32O 7– - Aprepared by Co-Saponfication 3Oo
March 22, 1960 L. W. SPROULE ET AL PHYSICAL COMBINATION OF CALCIUM AND LITHIUM 2,929,782 HYDROXY STEARATES FOR FORMING GREASES Filed July 17, 1957 38O 360 340 MIXTURE 32O 7– - APREPARED BY CO-SAPONFICATION 3OO 4O 6O 8O IOO % LITHIUM SOAP 6O 40 2O % CACUM SOAP Lorne W. Sproule inventors Worren C. Pottenden By 3 oz. Sizzlace-é Attorney 2,929,782 United States Patent Office Patented Mar. 22, 1960 2 These greases are valued for their high dropping points. 2,929,782 Their water resistance leaves something to be desired, the PHYSICAL COMBINATION OF CALCUM AND conventional calcium greases usually giving better service LITHIUM HYDROXY SEARATES FOR FORM in the presence of water. In order to use a minimum NG GREASES 5 amount of thickener in a grease, the lithium soaps must be prepared at a temperature above 400 F. Lorne W. Sproule, Sarnia, Lambton, Ontario, and War ren C. Pattenden, Courtright, Lambton, Ontario, Can Ca 12-hydroxy stearate greases have also been dis ada, assignors to Essa Research and Engineering Comic closed in the art, and are valued because they do not have pany, a corporation of Delaware to be plasticized with water. Their dropping points, O however, do not exceed 290 F., and they must be pre Application July 17, 1957, Seria No. 672,432 pared at relatively low temperatures in the order of 275 F. It has also been found, and this is believed to be un 3 Claims. (C. 252-40) appreciative by the art, that calcium 12-hydroxy stearate greases are very water sensitive.
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