ISSUE 11 thE nEw PCA MInD MAttERS campaign gOES LIVE thE gAME UnItES In MAynARD’S MEMORy PUttIng yOUR nEw bUSIness In gOOD company nAtwESt PCA PLAyER OF thE yEAR nICk COMPtOn: ‘tRESCOthICk’S My InSPIRAtIOn’ EDITOR’s WELCOME jason ratcliffe from the editor Beyond the Boundaries is puBlished By the professional cricketers’ association, Welcome to issue 11 of Beyond the Boundaries. however the views expressed in contriButed articles are not necessarily those of the It is a sad fact that cricket has one of the highest suicide rates in sport and pca, its memBers, officers, employees or group companies. the PCA have been working hard for a number of years to help our members identify crucial warning signs and how to get help. beyond the boundaries EDITOR jason ratcliffe
[email protected] The setting up of the confidential helpline and Addictive Behaviour Programme were both important steps on the road and the recent launch of our ‘Mind EDITOR (for bowlesassociates) simon CLEAVES Matters’ series of online tutorials on the PCA website is a further significant
[email protected] leap forward. The tutorials have refreshed the content of the addictive contributors behaviour initiative from four years ago and expanded it into four separate nick denning areas, so that information is now available on alcohol, drug and gambling phil dicks simon ECCLESTONE addiction, anxiety, depression and self-harm. Presented by Marcus Trescothick, MATT halfpenny Mike Yardy and Tim Ambrose, the intention is to develop the content further jim hindson charlie mulraine with case studies in the future. It’s also important to remember the tutorials ian thomas are designed as a resource for all PCA members to access - please make sure to lynsey williams matt WOOD spread the word.