ALUMNI NEWS Volume 19 December, 1967 Number 2
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ALUMNI NEWS Volume 19 December, 1967 Number 2 We WisL you a Aerrj CLvistmas Great Grandfather, Standing beside the portrait of the first presi- dent of Indiana Central College is his great Great Granddaughter granddaughter, Karen Ruona, of Mooresville, In- diana. The great grandfather is Dr. John Taylor Roberts, first president and business manager of Indiana Central. Dr. Roberts had six children, four sons and two daughters: the Rev. John C. Roberts, retired EUB minister living in Muncie, Ind.; Wm. Glenn Roberts; Olive (Roberts) Sten- ger of Indianapolis; Irene (Roberts) Reed of Belleview, Washington; Alfred Leslie Roberts of Charlotte, N. Carolina; and Alva Taylor Roberts of Phoenix, Arizona. All but the second, Wm. Glenn, are graduates of Indiana Central. He went eastward to Earlham, where he must have found Karen’s grandmother, a Quaker, as is Karen. A family ancestor is Zachary Taylor, the 12th President of the United States. The writer has been told that classes began at Indiana Central in September of 1905 with 74 students and 10 faculty members. At the time of its beginning it was called Indiana Central Uni- versity and included an aqademy (High School), a college of liberal arts, a teachers college, con- servatory of music, Bible institute, and schools of art, commerce and oratory. The number of students today has grown to 975 full time and 58 part time day students, 51 full time and 1338 part time evening students, and 103 graduate students, making a total of 2425 individual students. The present faculty number 61 full time William Shakespeare and 52 part time. Some say, that ever ’gainst that The area of the college was called University season comes * Heights because its elevation at ground level is Wherein our Savior’s birth is that of the top of the Soldiers and Sailors Monu- celebrated, ment in the heart of the city. The bird of dawning singeth Karen’s mother, Mrs. Rachel Roberts Ruona, is all night long; the daughter of Wm. Glenn Roberts and teaches So hallowed and so gracious is the 4th grade at Mooresville. Her father is in gov- time. ernment service. Key Appointed To Dr. Plum is a native of Indianap- olis and a graduate of Arsenal Tech- Governor’s Committee nical High School. He completed a Sheldon A. Key, ’29, recently was two-year course in business adminis- reappointed a member of the Com- tration at LaSalle Extension Univer- mittee for Special Institutions of the sity. He joined the phone company as State of Indiana by Governor Roger a clerk in 1924 and rose through the D. Branigin for a term of four years. years to the position he held at his Mr. Key has been engaged in the retirement. practice of law in Indianapolis since He has been active in many civic 1936, and has served as Chairman enterprises. He is president of the of the Commission since 1961 when board of Indianapolis YWCA; di- he was first appointed by Governor rector and chairman of the finance Matthew E. Welsh. Special institu- committee and past president of the tions under this Commission include Central Indiana Council of Boy the Indiana Soldiers and Sailors Chil- Scouts; and a member and former dren’s Home at Knightstown, Indiana president, vice-president and director State School for the Deaf, Indiana of the Kiwanis Club of Indianapolis. School for the Blind, Southern Indi- ana Tuberculosis Hospital, Indiana Plum is a member of the Columbia State Sanitorium, and the Indiana Club, Woodland Country Club, Mys- State Soldiers Home. tic Tie Lodge, Scottish Rite, Murat Shrine, and the steering committee Mr. Key resides at 455 West Hill of the Central Indiana region of the Valley Road, Indianapolis, with his E. G. Plum Named Indiana Indiana Mental Health Planning Com- wife Velma and their daughters Susi mission. and Barbara Ann. Central Vice-president *** President I. Lynd Esch has an- He also is a member of the board nounced the appointment of Edwin of governors of Associated Colleges Winn Electronics G. (Ted) Plum as vice-president for of Indiana, composed of 15 private Instructor development of the college. colleges, including Indiana Central. Arthur Winn, ’51, an art major, Mr. Plum retired on August 1 as In the past he has served many was trained in the Air Force in elec- vice-president and comptroller of In- other community agencies. He is past tronics. When discharged, he used his diana Bell Telephone Co. after 43 president of the Indianapolis Com- Air Force training as an employee years with the firm. He has been a munity Fund, the Childrens Bureau of the SAAMA (San Antonio Air Ma- member of the Board of Trustees of of the Indianapolis Orphans Asylum, terial Area). To make a long story Indiana Central since 1953 and chair- Mayer Chapel Neighborhood House, short, Arthur is now instructing stu- man of its Development Committee. and Indianapolis Christmas Commit- dents in electronics, and received the The college conferred upon him an tee. Sustained S u p e r i o r Performance honorary doctor of law degree in 1958. He also was vice-president of the Award last year. He was sent to President Esch announced Plum’s Marion County Child Guidance Clinic. Lowry AFB, and while in Instructor’s appointment at a luncheon of the In- He was chairman of the metropolitan Technical Training school he won the dianapolis Public Relations Society, division of the United Hospital Cam- honor graduate award. whose members were guest of the paign, and a director and past presi- college in its new Schwitzer Center. Arthur has a family of five girls dent of the Community Service Coun- Plum is the first person to hold the and two boys. His wife, Elvira is cil of Indianapolis, as well as a mem- rank of vice-president at Indiana registered with ASCP and is working ber of its personnel committee. as a Medical Technologist at the Bap- Central. tist Memorial Hospital in San An- He assumed his new position No- Plum formerly was a member of tonio. vember 1. Arnold H. Hodgson, as- the Indianapolis Athletic Club, the *** sistant to the President and director housing subcommittte of the Greater of development at the college since Indianapolis Progress Committee, the Masten Wins In Golf 1961, will continue in that office. advisory board of the Metropolitan Morris E. Masten, ’56, broke the During Plum’s tenure as chairman Planning Commission, the advisory record in winning the Annual Fall of IC’s Development Committee, the committee of the Indiana University Festival Golf Tournament at Martins- college has built seven new buildings : executive development program, and ville recently. He shot a 6‘7 on Satur- Academic Hall, Physical Education the personnel committee of the In- day and a 68 on Sunday for a 135, Building, Krannert Hall (a coed dor- diana State Chamber of Commerce. which broke the former low of 138. mitory), Married Student Apart- In 1929 Plum married the former He had nine birdies, an eagle and ments, L il ly Science Hall, Louis Madaline Stevenson. They have one two bogeys, and was nine under par Schwitzer Center, and Nelson House for the two days. (the president’s residence). son, John W. Plum, who lives in Cin- cinnati. The Plums live at 8500 Mud He was runner-up in the City Ama- In the same period, the four older Creek Rd. teur Tournament this past summer dormitories and the college’s first and in the Monticello Open and the structure-Administration Building - Dr. and Mrs. Plum returned a few Fort Harrison Open. were completely renovated. weeks ago from a European trip. Vol. 19 December, 1967 No. 2 on the campus and did seem to have The President Reports a good time. We hope they will re- The Alumni Board of Directors has peat their reunion in 1972. ALUMNINEWS directed that a President's Column be Published in October. December, February and The names of those present on printed in each issue of the ALUMNI May by Indiana Central College. 4001 Otterbein Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana 46227. campus June 3 follow: Leolin Long, NEWS. As your alumni president this Second class postage paid at Indianapolis. Herschel Adams, Alletah Eash Catt, Indiana. year, I will attempt to keep you in- Printed in U.S.A. Olive Howe Fosha, Thelma Petty formed regarding our progress. Virginia Crave-. Editor and Schmalzried, Xena Martin McCune, Executive Secretary Arthur Knepp, Othniel Catt, Dick The Board of Directors has met OFFICERS ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Lenore Gilliatt Gill, Rev. J. C. Stad- once, October 21, and will meet again President on January 13, March 23, and June 1. Rcbert L. Theil '67 ler, Mae McCoy, Russell Hiatt, G. Vice President Shubert Frye, Oscar Valentine, May- At our last meeting, a discussion H. William Fisher '60 Second Vice President nard Mylin, Lorin L. Rapp, George was held on how the alumni can bet- John W. Trinkle '60 Secretary-Treasurer C. Vance and Mary Maby Carpenter. ter serve I.C. We would like to have MI%.Mary Calvert Shambaugh '68 ~ ~~ more alumni visit the campus, es- BOARD OF DIRECTORS Miss Sims Commended pecially those who have not been WiUi back for several years. The improve- Virginia Sims, director of nursing ment in the campus is hard to believe. education, has received a letter of Alumni are asked to contact prospec- commendation for her outstanding tive college students and encourage contribution to the field of nursing their interest in Indiana Central. Let education from Gerald Griffin, di- these prospects share your pride in rector of the National League for the improved campus of your Alma Nursing's Department of Associate Mater.