CONNX Installation Guide Version 11.5

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CONNX Installation Guide Version 11.5 CONNX Installation Guide Version 11.5 Table Of Contents Preface .......................................................................................................................................................... 1 About the Installation Guide .......................................................................................................................... 1 Database Terminology .................................................................................................................................. 2 Installation Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 3 CONNX Installation Checklist ....................................................................................................................... 4 Upgrade Installation Checklist ...................................................................................................................... 5 Displaying Your CONNX Version .................................................................................................................. 6 To display the CONNX version and build numbers ............................................................................... 6 How CONNX Works ...................................................................................................................................... 7 Related Topics ....................................................................................................................................... 7 How CONNX JDBC Works ........................................................................................................................... 8 CONNX JDBC Function Block - UNIX Installation ................................................................................. 8 Related Topics ....................................................................................................................................... 8 Preparing for Installation ............................................................................................................................. 10 Step 1 - Installation Checklist and System Requirements .......................................................................... 11 General Information .................................................................................................................................... 11 Pre-Installation Checklist Procedure ........................................................................................................... 12 To complete the Pre-Installation Checklist .......................................................................................... 12 System Requirements Checklist ................................................................................................................. 13 Verify System Requirements Procedure ..................................................................................................... 14 To verify system requirements ............................................................................................................. 14 CONNX System Requirements ................................................................................................................... 15 Client and Web Server Requirements ........................................................................................................ 21 UNIX Client System Requirements ............................................................................................................. 22 User Application Requirements .................................................................................................................. 23 CONNX JDBC Client Requirements ........................................................................................................... 25 CONNX JDBC Server Requirements .......................................................................................................... 26 Default Port numbers .................................................................................................................................. 27 Step 2 - Install CONNX Administrator and CONNX Client ......................................................................... 28 Windows Installation ................................................................................................................................ 28 General Information for Installation ............................................................................................................. 28 CONNX Installation Procedure ................................................................................................................... 29 To install CONNX Administrator and CONNX client components ....................................................... 29 UNIX Installation ...................................................................................................................................... 38 General Information for Installation - UNIX System .................................................................................... 38 CONNX Installation Procedure - UNIX ....................................................................................................... 39 Completing CONNX Installation for UNIX ODBC Drivers ........................................................................... 43 Completing CONNX Installation for UNIX JDBC Servers ........................................................................... 45 CONNX Sample Database Tables .......................................................................................................... 46 ii Table Of Contents Creating CONNX Sample Database Tables ............................................................................................... 46 To create Oracle sample database tables .................................................................................................. 47 To build CONNX for DB2 sample tables on the target host via TCP/IP ..................................................... 48 To build CONNX for DB2 sample database tables on the target host via SNA APPC LU 6.2 ................... 50 To build Enterprise OLE DB sample database tables ................................................................................ 52 To build Enterprise ODBC sample database tables ................................................................................... 55 To build Desktop OLE DB sample database tables .................................................................................... 57 To install Desktop ODBC sample database tables ..................................................................................... 60 To build SQL Server OLE DB sample database tables .............................................................................. 62 To build SQL Server ODBC sample database tables ................................................................................. 65 To build Desktop Informix sample database tables .................................................................................... 67 To build Desktop Sybase sample database tables ..................................................................................... 69 To build C-ISAM sample database tables ................................................................................................... 71 Step 3 - Install CONNX JDBC Server and Client ........................................................................................ 73 CONNX JDBC General Information ............................................................................................................ 73 Related Topics ..................................................................................................................................... 73 JDBC Resources ......................................................................................................................................... 74 CONNX JDBC Server ................................................................................................................................. 75 Related Topics ..................................................................................................................................... 75 Starting and Stopping the CONNX JDBC Server on Windows Systems .................................................... 76 To start the CONNX JDBC Server on Windows systems .................................................................... 76 To stop the CONNX JDBC Server on Windows systems .................................................................... 76 Moving a Client to a Non-Windows Platform By Transferring the .jar File .................................................. 77 To move a client to a non-Windows platform....................................................................................... 77 Related Topics ..................................................................................................................................... 79 Activating the CONNX JDBC Router .......................................................................................................... 80 To activate the CONNX JDBC Router ................................................................................................. 80 Related Topics ..................................................................................................................................... 80 Connecting to the CONNX JDBC Server
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