Dionisio Anzilotti (1867-1950) Biographical Note with Bibliography
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Dionisio Anzilotti (1867-1950) Biographical Note with Bibliography edited by Antonio Tanca * Dionisio Anzilotti was bom in Pescia (in the Tuscan province of Pistoia) on 20 February, 1867. He studied law at the University of Pisa, graduating in 1890 with a thesis in Private International Law, and commenced his career as a barrister at the Court of Appeal of Florence. In the same city, from 1892 to 1902, he taught Civil Law and Private International Law at the Royal Institute of Social Sciences 'Cesare Alfieri'. Having obtained a professorship in International Law in the State university, he left Florence and taught first in Palermo (1902-1903), and then in Bologna (1904-1911). After his appointment as 'professore ordinario' in 1906, he was appointed to the International Law chair at the University of Rome in 1911. Anzilotti remained at that University until his retirement in 1937. In 1906, together with Arturo Ricci Busatti and Leone Adolfo Senigallia he founded the Rivista di Diritto Internationale, which he edited and actively promoted for about twenty years, after which his pressing international engagements kept him away from Rome most of the time. For a considerable period Anzilotti was a member of the 'Advisory Committee for Legal Questions' (Consiglio del contenzioso diplomatico) of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs at Rome. He acted as counsel for that ministry on many occasions: notably in the 'Carthage', 'Manouba' and 'Tavignano' cases in 1912-13 before the Permanent Court of Arbitration. He remained a member of the Committee until the Committee itself was wound up, pending reformation. At the same time he collaborated with other ministries, taking part in various temporary committees. In 1919 he was legal adviser and technical delegate of the Government of Italy at the Paris Peace Conference. Already a member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration from 1916, he was appointed Under-Secretary General of the League of Nations in 1920. In this position he was entrusted with the preparatory work for the drafting of the Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice. On 14 September, 1921, the Assembly and the Council of the League of Nations elected him as judge at the Permanent Court. He held the presidency of the Court between 1928 and 1930. In 1930 he was re-elected for a second term of nine years. He became national member of the ' Accademia dei Lincei' in the field of moral sciences in 1926, and a fellow of the Royal Academy of Italy in 1929. Anzilotti was an associate member of * University of Florence. 3 EJ1L(1992) 156 Biographical Note the'Insti tut dedroit international* from 1908, and achieved full membership in 1921. He was First Vice-President of the same Institute from 1932 to 1934. Anzilotti was a member of many other cultural institutions in Italy and abroad, among them, the' Accademia dei Georgofili', the Bologna Academy of Sciences, the American Institute of International Law, the 'Acade'mie de droit compare', the Consultative Committee for the Conferences on Private International Law and the Utrecht Academy of Sciences. He ceased writing academic works in 1932 with a work on the limits of the Italian jurisdiction vis-a-vis foreign companies. D. Anzilotti died in Pescia, where he had retired, on 23 August, 1950. Works by Dionisio Anzilotti 1. Books - La scuola del diritto naturale nellafilosofia giuridica contemporanea (A proposito del libra di H. Spencer, Justice). (The school of natural law in contemporary legal philosophy), Firenze, LeMonnier(1892). - La filosofia del diritto e la sociologia (Philosophy of law and sociology), Firenze, Tip. Bonducciana(1892). - Contro il divorzio (Against divorce), Firenze, Loescher-Seeber (1894). - Die Zustandigkeit inldndischer Gerichte gegeniiberfremden Staaten, Leipzig, DunckeF und Humblot(1895). - Studicriticididiritto intemazionale (Critical essays in international law), Rocca S. Casciano, Licinio Capelli ed. (1898). - / mutamenti dei rapporti patrimonialifra coniugi nel diritto intemazionale privato (Changes in the property arrangements of married couples in private international law), Firenze, Tip. Bonducciana (1900). - Teoria generate della responsabilita dello Stato nel diritto intemazionale (General theory of state responsibility in international law), Firenze, Lumachi ed. (1902). - II diritto intemazionale neigiudizi intend (International law before domestic courts), Bologna, Zanichelli ed. (1905). - Corso di diritto intemazionale (Appunti ad uso degli studenti) Vol. I, Parte generate (Course of international law), Roma, Athenaeum (1912-1914). - Corso di diritto intemazionale (Appunti ad uso degli studenti) Vol. Ill, I modi di risoluzione delle controversie intemazionali, Parteprima, (Course of international law - Methods of settlement of international disputes), Roma, Athenaeum (1915). - Corso di lezioni di diritto intemazionale (Diritto privato), (Course of international law - Private law), Roma, Athenaeum (1918) (mimeograph.). - Corso di diritto intemazionale, Roma, Athenaeum (2nd ed., 1923). - Corso di diritto intemazionale privato (incomplete) (Course of private international law), Roma, Athenaeum (1925). - Corso di diritto intemazionale. Vol. I. Introduzione e teorie generali, Roma, Athenaeum (3rd ed., 1928). - Corso di diritto intemazionale. Vol. I - Introduzione - teorie generali. IV ed. con aggiunta di note inedite dell'autore e un capitolo sugli accordi lateranensi (with unpublished notes and a chapter on the Laterano agreements), Padova, Cedam (4th ed., 1955). 157 Antonio Tanca 2. Articles - 'Competenza dei tribunali italiani in confronto di Stati esteri' (Jurisdiction of Italian courts vis-a-vis foreign states), Giurisprudenza italiana (1894). - "Trasmissione degli obblighi patrimoniali degli Stati nelle annessioni territoriali' (Transmission of states' financial obligations in territorial annexations), Giurisprudenza italiana (1896). - 'Sulla competenza dei Tribunali italiani nelle questioni di stato personale concernenti stranieri' (Jurisdiction of Italian courts on questions concerning the personal status of foreigners), Giurisprudenza italiana (1896). - 'Un programma d'insegnamento del diritto internazionale privato' (A teaching programme of private international law), Unione Universitaria, anno in. - 'Rlosofia del diritto' (Philosophy of law), Digesto italiano (1897). - 'Dei casi in cui e necessario il giudizio di delibazione di una sentenza straniera' (On cases where the recognition of a foreign judgment is necessary) Giurisprudenza italiana (1901). - 'L'indaginesullacompetenzadelgiudicestranieronelgiudiziodidelibazione' (The competence of the foreign judge in the recognition of judgments), Giurisprudenza italiana (1901). - 'L'azione individual contraria al diritto internazionale' (Acts by individuals in breach of international law), Rivista di diritto internazionale e di legislazione comparata (1902). - 'II principio dell'autonomia dei contraenti nei rapporti fra articolo 9 delle disp. prelim, al codice civile e l'articolo 58 del codice di commercio' (The autonomy of the contracting parties in article 9 of the introductory provisions of the Civil code and article 58 of the Commercial code), Diritto Commerciale (1904). - 'Sulla competenza del Tribunali italiani in confronto di stranieri e suU'ammissibilita della eccezione di litispendenza fra autorita giudiziarie di Stati diversi' (The jurisdiction of Italian courts with respect to foreigners and the admissibility, as among judicial authorities of different states, of the plea of 'simultaneous pendency'), Tend (1905). - 'Sulla competenza dei Tribunali italiani nelle successioni di stranieri aperte all'estero' (The jurisdiction of Italian courts on inheritance rights of foreigners dying abroad). Tend (1905). - 'Trattati generali di diritti internazionale pubblico: Rassegna critica' (General' treaties of public international law: a critical survey), Rivista di diritto internazionale (1906). - 'Legge regolatrice delle obbligazioni secondo l'articolo 58 codice di commercio' (The applicable rule to obligations under article 58 of the Commercial Code), Rivista di diritto internazionale (1906). - 'Sull'inidoneita delle sentenze straniere a produrre effetti in Italia indipendentemente dal giudizio di delibazione' (On the impossibility to enforce foreign decisions in Italy without a recognition judgment), Rivista di diritto internazionale (1906). - 'La responsabilite intemationale des Etats a raison des dommages soufferts par des Strangers', Revue ginerale de droit international public (1906). - ' Validiti del patto che deferisce determinate controversie ad un collegio arbitrale all'estero' (Validity of agreements submitting certain disputes to a foreign arbitral tribunal) Rivista di diritto internazionale (1906). - 'L'articolo 8 delle disposizioni preliminari al codice civile e la regola quot territoria tot haereditates' (Article 8 of the introductory provisions to the Civil Code, and the rule quot territoria tot haereditates), Rivista di diritto internazionale (1906). 158 Biographical Note - 'Legge regolatrice dei rapporti derivanti dalla filiazione naturale in caso di conflitto fra la legge personale del padre e quella del figlio' (The applicable rule to illegitimate birth in cases of conflict between personal laws of the father and the son), Rivista di diritto internazionale (1907). - 'Intorno ad alcuni piu generali rapporti tra le norme di diritto transitorio e quelle di diritto internazionale privato' (The more general connections between transient law and private international