The Classification of Halictine Bees: Ribest and Old World Nonparasitic Genera with Strong Venation
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Utah State University DigitalCommons@USU Mi Bee Lab 11-14-1978 The Classification of Halictine Bees: ribesT and Old World Nonparasitic Genera with Strong Venation Charles D. Michener University of Kansas Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Entomology Commons Recommended Citation Michener, Charles D., "The Classification of Halictine Bees: ribesT and Old World Nonparasitic Genera with Strong Venation" (1978). Mi. Paper 99. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Bee Lab at DigitalCommons@USU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Mi by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@USU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ._..... " I I , '\.,,""""'-"'" , ' ---,,.-·- .•.. -·- -•-•.•-..•.•=•:•:•:-:-:-:-:-:•.············ .·-•············~·~-:. ~.:.:.~.~.~.:--~·~·~-~-~-~.~.~- ...~ -::.:•.~.:.~.~··• .•~···-' ._._.:•.•. •.•:• . •~ •.•-• •••·=·=·=•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•: _:_ :•:.:. :.:.• ·• ·•·•·•·•·•·• -·· •·•·•·•·•····· ·~·:·...·:· .·~· --~· --~·~-~· .. ·:· ~- ~·:•·: ·:: .:. .......- •-. -.-.-.... THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS ..... ..• , ...• ~.. ·• .. SCIENCE BULLETIN ..•. :•:• ·.=.•.:. !~~~ ::::.... .... :::: ~-==-~•·:; i.=~•.:.•••:::: .... :,•.•.·: . :::: ... ::::'•·· :·:=:·,·.· j.:.1:1:l: \~~~:::: :•:•i . .• -=-==·.::: ..•.!~:~ ,.!~~~ :::: ·=•: lm .~:_;!_.::!==!:: THE CLASSIFICATION OF HALICTINE BEES: !I..•. TRIBES AND OLD WORLD NONPARASITIC t Il GENERA WITH STRONG VENATION :=: :::: l~ j.... •:•:1 :::: ....:-:• ..•.•:•: By Charles D. Michener .•..::::Ii Iii II I!!l Vol. 51, No.16, pp. 501-538 November 14, 1978 .••.:::: l~~l ANNOUNCEMENT The University of Kansas Science Bulletin ( continuation of the Kansas Uni versity Quarterly) is an outlet for scholarly scientific investigations carried out at the University of Kansas or by University faculty and students. Since its incep tion, volumes of the Bulletin have been variously issued as single bound volumes, as two or three multi-paper parts or as series of individual papers. Issuance is at irregular intervals, with each volume prior to volume 50 approximately 1000 pages in length. Effective with volume 50, page size has been enlarged, reducing the length of each volume to about 750 pages. The supply of all volumes of the Kansas University Quarterly is now ex hausted. However, most volumes of the University of Kansas Science Bulletin are still available and are offered, in exchange for similar publications, to learned societies, colleges and universities and other institutions, or may be purchased at $20.00 per volume. Where some of these volumes were issued in parts, individual parts are priced at the rate of 2 cents per page. Current policy, initiated with volume 46, is to issue individual papers as published. Such separata may be purchased individually at the rate of 3 cents per page, with a minimum charge of $1.00 per separate. Subscriptions for forthcoming volumes may be entered at the rate of $20.00 per volume. All communications regarding exchanges, sales and subscriptions should be addressed to the ExcHANGE LIBRARIAN,UNIVERSITY OF KANSASLIBRARIES, LAWRENCE, KANSAS 66045. Reprints of individual papers for personal use by investigators are available gratis for most recent and many older issues of the Bulletin. Such requests should be directed to the author. The International Standard Serial Number of this publication is US ISSN 0022-8850. Editor Eugene C. Bovee Editorial Board William L. Bloom Philip W. Hedrick Rudolf Jander Harvey Lillywhite Charles D. Michener Norman A. Slade Henry D. Stone George W. Byers, Chairman THE UNIVER SITY OF K AN SAS SCIENCE BULLETIN Vol. 51, No. 16, pp. 501-538 Nov emb er 14, 1978 The Classification of Hali ctine Bees: Trib es and Old World Non parasitic Genera with Strong Vena tion 1 CHARLE S D. MI CH ENER D EP ART.l\I ENTs oF E N TO l\IOL OGY AN D OF S YSTE;..rAncs AND EcoLOGY, AND SNOW E N TO:\JOL OGICAL MUSEUM UNIV ERSITY OF K ANSAS, L AWREN CE, KA NSAS 66045, U.S.A. TABL E OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ·········· ·········· ······· ···· ................... ..... .... .. .............•......••.. •.. .. .. .•..•.....•••••.•••••••••. ..• •..•.•... .... 502 INTRODUCTION ································ ········· ····································· ·· ···· ········· ································· 502 KEY TO THE TRIB ES OF HALICTINAE ······································ ·················································· 503 TRIBE Nol\1IOIDINI ................ .. ... ......... ............................... ... ... ................................................... 503 TRIBE A ·UGOCHLORINI ····························· ····················· ······ ·························································· 505 TRIBE HALICTI N I ....... ........................... ...... ............. ................................................................ ... 505 Key to the Old-World Non-parasitic Genera with Strong Apical Win g Venat ion .. 506 Genus Patella pis .................................................................................................................... 507 Key to the Subgenera of Patellapis ............................................................................ 508 Lomatalictus new subgenus ........................................................................................ 509 Chaetalictus new subgenus .......................................................................................... 509 Subgenus Patellapis ........................................................................................................ 511 Zona/ictus new genus .......................................................................................................... 513 Genus Pachyhalictus ............................................................................................................ 515 Key to the Subgenera of Pachyhalictu s ...................................................................... 517 Subgenus Pachyhalictus ................................................................................................ 517 Dictyohalictus new subgenus ........................................................................................ 518 Genus T hrincohalictus ........................................................................................................ 519 Genus Thrinchostoma ........................................................................................................ 521 Key to the Subgenera of Thrin chostom a .................................................................... 523 Subgenus Eothrincostoma ............................................................................................ 523 Subgenus T hrinchostoma .............................................................................................. 523 Subgenus Diagonozus .................................................................................................... 525 Genus Ha/ictus .................................................................................................................... 525 Key to the Subgenera of Ha/ictu s ................................................................................ 527 Subgenus Seladonia ........................................................................................................ 527 Subgenus Vestitohalictus .............................................................................................. 529 Subgenus Ha/ictus ........................................................................................................ 530 AcKNO\VLEDGEl\IENTs ............... ........... .. ...................................................................................... 535 APPENDIX ·································· ···································································································· 535 LITERATURE CITED ················· ·······························································································•····· 538 502 THE UNIVERSITY oF K AKSAS Sc1 ExcE B uL LETIN ABSTRACT This study segregates and describes the tribes of th e subfam ily H alictinae. The Nom ioidini is the most distincti\ ·e, but has not usually been recognized as a tribe. Th e Old \Vorld non-par :1sitic Halictini \\'ith strong wing vena tion arc revi sed to the sub gene ric le\' el. Th e reco g niz ed species arc listed for re\'ised faunas; otherwise tr ivia l names are listed without indications of synonymies .. \ merican representatives of th e Old \\Torld groups are included. The name Patel lapis is resurrected for a large .,\fri can g roup , divided in to thr ee subge nera, Lom atalictus n. subg., Cliaetalictus n. subg .. :rnd P£1tcllapis s. str. A related, lar ge, African genus, Zona/ictus n. g., is recognized. The primar ily Oriental gro up Pach ylwli ctw is raised to th e gener ic le\'el and Dic tyoh £1!ict11:,·11. suhg. is described for its African r ep resent ati\'e. Thrincolwlictus is raised to the generic le\·el. Only three sub gene ra of T hri11cho stoma are recog niz ed, Eothrincostoma, T hrin c/1ostoma s. str., and Diagonozus. For H alictw the usual thr ee subgenera Seladonia, Vestitohalic tus and Ha/ictus arc recogn ized. l ?\TRODL'C TIO::-S La sioglossum (including Evylaeus), are ex Thi s \\'Ork on the cbssificJtion of swea t cluded from th e present paper and will be treate d later. Also excl uded from this pa bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea. H alictida e) per are a number of strictly American