Rollins Alumni Record, March 1937 Rollins College Office Ofa M Rketing and Communications

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Rollins Alumni Record, March 1937 Rollins College Office Ofa M Rketing and Communications Rollins College Rollins Scholarship Online Rollins Magazine Marketing and Communications Spring 1937 Rollins Alumni Record, March 1937 Rollins College Office ofa M rketing and Communications Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Rollins College Office of Marketing and Communications, "Rollins Alumni Record, March 1937" (1937). Rollins Magazine. Paper 88. This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the Marketing and Communications at Rollins Scholarship Online. It has been accepted for inclusion in Rollins Magazine by an authorized administrator of Rollins Scholarship Online. For more information, please contact ^Sfe^ Hooker, Lyman and Gale Halls, three of the live dormitories constructed during the past summer by a Government Loan. These buildings were dedicated on Alumni Day, February 20. Pinehurst, a boys' dormitory 50 years ago and now housing the Alumni Office, may be seen in the background. N 1 VOL. XV «- Published quarterly by the Alumni Association oj Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida r.<*<c *^ ?■ &'**<■■* W^^^^m^mm t.'-'.-.K- /S'.Ki mm ••»& HOW ARE YOU AT ANAGRAMS ? Believe us when we tell you the Rollins Alumni Fund needs your financial support badly. Crucial is an over-worked word but that is the only one we can think of. If you can think of another one which means that the Alumni Fund is desperately in need of resuscitation, just write it at the top of tbe check with your contribution. But please don't waste too much time thinking about that synonym. We shall be mighty glad to get that contribution with or without embellishment. This appeal is not a sharp-shooting contest. We are aiming at every loval alumnus. We don't like this idea of "passing the hat" either. But a good way to cut down on the frequency with which we do it depends entirely upon your cooperation NOW. The Rollins Alumni Record Katharine Lewis, '27, Editor Alumni Fund Severin Bourne, '32, Advertising and Business Manager Contributors CONTENTS For 19 3 7 Alumni Fund Founders Week Activities Rollins Writers President Holt's Message DON'T LOSE TOUCH! Sports No one of us can found a college. But we can all help Rollins to grow in prestige College Calendar and in usefulness. Everyone who has Club and Class Notes ever attended Rollins is its debtor in more ways than one. We know we can never pay that debt—but we can all get Vol. XV, No. 1 March, 1937 a great satisfaction in trying to pay it by contributing to the Rollins Alumni Fund. Mrs. Reinhard Siedenburg (Paula Dom- 1919 Each year Rollins moves forward to- merich), Greenwich, Conn. Dr. Florence Stone, New York City wards its goal of being the outstanding Isabel L. Strong, Winter Park small cultural College of the South. Your J. Frederick Turner, Jupiter 1920 contribution to the Alumni Fund helps to L. Gertrude Wilcox, New Bedford, Mass. Mrs. H. Lane Coachman (Delia Clifford make this possible. It also keeps you in Mrs. A. B. Whitman (Maud Neff), Or- McManus), Tampa touch with the College through the visits lando Mrs. Peyton Musselwhite (Vanetta Hall), of the Rollins Alumni Record. Mrs. Belle Dimick Whitman, West Palm Winter Park (Pledge OCPF) Incidentally, any donation to the Rol- Beach lins Alumni Fund is exempt from our in- 1904 1921 come tax payment. More alumni have Mrs. Norma McFadden Wells, Ft. Worth, made contributions to the Rollins Alumni Helen Steinmetz, Norristown, Pa. Tex. Fund since January ist than during any previous quarterly period. Why not join 1905 them ? Ira Johnson, Winter Park 1922 Mrs. W. W. Yothers (Ada Bumby), Warren M. Ingram, Winter Park (Pledge (OCPF, indicates pledges made last Orlando OCPF) year to the Orange County Progress Fund) 1906 1923 Faculty No one has contributed Alice Campbell, Winter Park (Pledge Mrs. Betsy Chaffee, Winter Park (Pledge OCPF) OCPF) 1907 Frank W. Palmer, New York City Dr. Helen Cole, Winter Park J. Merle McElroy, Orlando (Pledge Robert Sedgwick, North Chicago, 111. E. Ethel Enyart, Winter Park OCPF) A. S. Fluno, Winter Park (Pledge OCPF) 1924 1908 Hiram Powers, Winter Park (Pledge No one has yet contributed. A long list OCPF) Lillian Bingham, Daytona Beach is hoped for by June Mary Robinson, Orlando (Pledge OCPF) Charter Students Mrs. Henry L. Barnes (Marian Coan), 1909 1925 Rockville, Conn. Mrs. William M. Peak (Linette Bran- Rebecca Caldwell, Lake Wales Jacob Gazan, Savannah, Ga. ham), Glasgow, Va. Trellis Wessler Windom, Winter Park Mrs. John H. Livingston (for the late John H. Livingston), Quitman, Ga. 1911 1926 Andrew Ahik, Jr., Winter Park (Pledge Stanley Warner, Crescent City The Gay Nineties OCPF) 1927 Mrs. Lorena D. Baker, Wildwood Mary L. Branham, Orlando Rex Beach, Sebring Donald Cheney, Orlando (Pledge OCPF) Mrs. Guy Colado (Janette Dickson), Win- Grace D. Bingham, Daytona Beach Werner Nehrling, Orlando ter Park Fritz J. Frank, New York City Mabelle O'Neal, Orlando Karl Lehmann (Hon.), Tavares (Pledge J. Calvin Hull, Orlando Dr. John C. Reed, Harrisburg, Pa. OCPF) Col. George Morgan King, Hyde Park, Mrs. William R. Leigh (Beatrice Jones), Mass. 1910-1916 San Diego County, Calif. Katharine Lewis, Winter Park Katherine Lyman, Pasadena, Calif. No contributions have been received Frank L. Miller, Sanford Charles A. Spross, Orlando Henry B. Mowbray, Demorest, Ga. 1917 1928 John H. Neville, Winter Park A. J. Hanna, Winter Park Mrs. F. E. Ohlinger (Sophronia Carson), Harrv Trovillon, Winter Park (Pledge Mrs. H. W. Barnum (Gertrude Ward), Babson Park OCPF) Winter Park (Pledge OCPF) Robert P. Oldham, Seattle, Wash. Isabel Green, Winter Park (Pledge Mrs. Ella Dimick Potter, West Palm 1918 OCPF) Beach Sara M. Muriel, Jacksonville Katherine Hosmer, Summitt, N. J. Elizabeth Rand, Orlando Joseph Musselwhite, Orlando (Pledge Leonard D. Seaver, Waterbury, Conn. E. L. Ricker, Jacksonville OCPF) Mrs. Clinton Scollard (Jessie B. Ritten- Mrs. B. M. Robinson (Marian Curtis), Loretta Salmon, Winter Park house), Winter Park (Pledge OCPF) Orlando Anne Stone, Winter Park (Continued on page y) The Rollins Alumni Record, March 1937. Published by Rollins College Alumni Association. Annual Subscription $1.00 per year, single copies, 25c. Remittance should be made to Rollins College Alumni Association. Published quarterly during the college year, June, September, December and March. Office of publication Pinehurst Hall, Winter Park, Fla. Entered as second class matter at the Post Office, Winter Park, Fla., Nov. 17, 1923, under the Act of Congress, March 3, 1879. Member American Alumni Council and Graduate Group, Inc. THE ROLLINS ALUMNI RECORD for MARCH 1937 The 39th Alumni Reunion and News of Founders' Week Rollins Writers Rollins Alumni began gathering on Friday evening, By ROBERT BLACK, '35 February 19th, in anticipation of the annual Reunion Saturday. A number were in evidence at the splendid production by the Student Players of "The Bishop Misbehaves" which was given that evening in the Annie Russell Theatre. The 39th annual luncheon-meeting of the Alumni Association was held in the Commons at one o'clock. About one hundred fifty alumni, friends and distin- guished guests were present. Because of the serious Elsewhere in these pages, alumni and friends of illness of Mrs. Frank, Fritz J. Frank of New York Rollins will find colorful and detailed discriptions of City was unable to act as toastmaster, and in his ab- as brilliant and exciting a literary event as could occur sence A. J. Hanna, Chairman of the Alumni Council, at any single time in any part of the country. The acted as master of ceremonies. Members of the senior gathering together of such a talented group of literary class were guests of the Association and the alumni luminaries to celebrate the birthday of Rollins through were welcomed by Miss Helene Keywan, vice-presi- the medium of the unique Animated Magazine is in det of the Student Council, and by President Holt. itself sufficient advertisement of her interest and The first address was given by Mrs. Elon H. Hooker, achievements in the various fields of letters. who with her sister donated the Alumni House at Vas- It is the purpose of this column, however, to illus- sar. She described in a most interesting way the many trate how, week by week, throughout the year in all important usages to which such a house may be put. parts of the literate world the influence of Rollins is alive and active. Dr. John Palmer Gavit, Associate Editor of The Writh this issue, that fact becomes increasingly ap- Survey and The Survey Graphic and former managing parent. For, in the material at hand, Rollins people editor of the New York Post, whose thought-provoking are found figuring in, or producing outstanding ma- book, entitled College, has been widely discussed since terial in fiction, drama, law, religion, biography, poetry, its recent publication, spoke of the phases of the Rol- geography, and in the magazine field. lins plan which most appealed to him. He paid high One of Rollins most entertaining and faithful "Mag- tribute to the seriousness and happiness of the Rollins azine contributors" has recently published a new novel students. which, according to expert opinion, surpasses all his The annual report of Katharine Lewis, Alumni Sec- previous efforts. Joseph C. Lincoln's new novel of retary, and Frederic H. Ward, Alumni Treasurer, were Cape Cod entitled Great Aunt Lavinia, introduces to approved. John H. Neville announced that the Gay Lincoln readers a new and delightful personage, whose Nineties Fund for the furnishing of a room in the new characteristic shrewdness and humor are guaranteed dormitories had reached a total of #137.00. to win him thousands of new admirers. Arthur Guiterman, whose contributions to the Mag- Mr.
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