WINTER PARK TOPICS a Weekly Review of Social and Cultural Activities During the Winter Resort Season
WINTER PARK TOPICS A Weekly Review of Social and Cultural Activities During the Winter Resort Season Vol. 3—No. 11 Winter Park, Florida, Saturday, March 14, 1936 Price 10 Cents THE WINTER'PARK FLOWER SHOW It was indeed, a kindly whim of ture which was lent by Mr. R. G. the Weatherman to give to the Coffman of Ye Olde Forge, Orlan- Winter Park Garden Club two such do, with bowls of cut flowers and lovely days for their Eleventh An- callas from the gardens of Mr. Ben nual Flower Show, ..when skies low- Green, Fairvilla grower, the whole ered and rain poured both before gTouped to make an attractive and after. As a result, there was room. In front and below the stage a probably record-breaking attend- were laz'ge; scarlet azaleas and ance, with over 1300 present. Peo- palms, lent by Mr. M. J- DBaetwy- ple were there from many other ler, of the Supei'ior Nurseries, Or- towns in the state, a . number of lando. The entire center and north won en of importance in Garden side of this room was occupied by Club circles, among them including the horticultural specimens and the Mrs. M. M. Parrish, President of arrangements grouped at the right the Florida Federation, Mrs. Fred of the stage, the soft, pastels of Borland, the Corresponding Secre- the flowers blending into a charm- tary, Mrs. Harry Griffin, Record- ing ensemble.1 ing Secretary, and Mrs. Charles Morris, Past Recording Secretary. At the left of the stage was the Mrs. Waldo Cummer, one of the educational exhibit arranged under judges of arrangements, is a com- the direction of Mrs.
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