Good Governance: Improving Quality of Life
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GOOD GOVERNANCE: IMPROVING QUALITY OF LIFE Prepared for Publication by: FİKRET TOKSÖZ BBookook 11.indb.indb i 88/14/08/14/08 11:49:43:49:43 PPMM GOOD GOVERNANCE: IMPROVING QUALITY OF LIFE ISBN 978-605-5832-00-1 TESEV PUBLICATIONS Prepared for Publication by : Fikret Toksöz, TESEV Book Design: Rauf Kösemen, Myra Cover Design: Ragıp İncesağır, Punto Prepared for Print by: Punto Printed by: Punto Baskı Çözümleri Türkiye Ekonomik ve Sosyal Etüdler Vakfı Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation İyi Yönetişim Programı Good Governance Program Bankalar Cad. Minerva Han No: 2 Kat: 3 Karaköy 34420, İstanbul Tel: +90 212 292 89 03 PBX Fax: +90 212 282 90 46 [email protected] Copyright © MAY 2008 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be produced electronically or mechanically (photocopy, storage of records or information,etc.) without the permission of the Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation (TESEV) The viewpoints in this book belong to the authors, and they may not necessarily concur partially or wholly with TESEV’s viewpoints as a foundation. This book had been published with the financing of World Bank and Japan Social Development Fund BBookook 11.indb.indb iiii 88/14/08/14/08 11:49:44:49:44 PPMM Contents PROJECT TEAM, 1 FOREWORD, 3 INTRODUCTION, 5 BOOK I GOVERNMENT – GOVERNANCE, 13 GOVERNANCE, 13 Developments that Led to Governance, 13 Globalization – Localization, 13 Changes in the Process of Political Participation, 14 New Middle Classes and New Social Movements, 15 From Citizen to Stakeholder, 15 What has Changed ?, 16 What is Governance ?, 17 What does Governance Do ?, 18 Principles of Governance, 18 TRANSITION FROM GOVERNMENT TO GOVERNANCE IN TURKEY, 21 From Tanzimat to the Republic, 21 Political and Legal Transformations, 21 Changes Concerning Administrative Structure: Decentralization under the Leadership of the Centre, 25 Local Governments under the Protection of the Centre, 27 The Process of Civil Society Formation, 27 Republican Period, 36 Political and Legal Transformations, 36 Constitutional Regulations and the Establishment of the Republic, 36 Structure of Local Government, 38 Development of Municipal Management in Turkey, 39 Formation Process of Civil Society in the Republic, 65 PROBLEMS – PROSPECTS, 93 Problem Areas Related to Governance, 93 Problems With Regards to Participation, 93 Traditional Government Concept, 94 Prospects that Emerge from the Governance Concept, 94 Strategic Planning in Urban Management, 94 Urban Councils: Civil Society Involved in Government, 95 BBookook 11.indb.indb iiiiii 88/14/08/14/08 11:49:45:49:45 PPMM Mahalle Becoming Important, 96 Regulatory Impact Analysis, 98 Conclusion, 99 BOOK II PARTICIPATORY TOOLS FOR GOVERNANCE, 101 TOOLS FACILITATING THE GOVERNANCE PROCESS, 101 TESEV “Good Governance: Improving Quality of Life” Project, 101 Socio-economic Development Maps, 102 Transformation of Data to Information, 104 From Data to Indicator , 106 Mapping Information, 113 Map Components, 116 Mapping Software, 124 What Type of Indicators are Calculated ?, 128 What Type of Indexes are Calculated ? , 130 Data Sources, 132 Public Expenditure Analyses, 134 Introduction, 134 Key Concepts, 135 What is Public Expenditure Analysis ?, 136 What is the Purpose of Public Expenditure Analysis ?, 137 Why Public Expenditure Analysis is Important ?, 137 World Examples: Public Expenditure Analysis, 137 Data Used in Public Expenditure Analysis, 138 Total Public Resources / Expenditures and the Scope of the Analysis, 138 Data Sources and Data Collection Method, 145 Evaluation of Data and the Method of Calculation, 146 Using Public Expenditure Analysis together with other Tools of the Study: Cross Tabulation, 154 Conclusion, 155 Service Satisfaction Surveys, 156 Points to be Considered in Survey Design, 156 Basic Survey Types, 157 Service Satisfaction Surveys as Tools for Good Governance, 158 Who Should Measure Service Satisfaction and Why ?, 159 Purpose and Scope, 160 How the Surveys are Designed ?, 161 Determining the Survey Framework, 161 Sample Design, 162 Focus Group Discussions, 163 Adaptation of the Question Form to the Local Circumstances, 165 BBookook 11.indb.indb iviv 88/14/08/14/08 11:49:45:49:45 PPMM Question Form Design, 165 Sections of the Question Form, 166 Field Work and Data Control, 167 Analysis and Interpretation of Results, 168 Dissemination of Results, 170 Scope of the Study, 171 Examples from Turkey and the World, 171 Basic Concepts related to Surveys, 172 Scope and Sample of the Survey, 174 Examples of Comparative Results, 174 Çanakkale, 176 Yalova, 178 Comparison of Service Satisfaction Levels for Yalova, 181 CONCLUSION, 183 FURTHER READING, 193 TABLE INDEX Female Population and Illiterate Population, 104 Percentage of Illiterate Female Population, 105 Women Development Data, 108 Women Development Indicators, 110 Women Development Index, 111 Housing Quality Indicators, 128 Economic Development Indicators, 128 Education Indicators, 129 Agricultural Indicators, 129 Women Development Indicators, 129 Health Indicators, 129 Other Indicators, 130 Handicapped Index, 130 Economic Development Index, 131 Agriculture Index, 131 Education Index, 131 Housing Quality Index, 132 Women Development Index, 132 Table 1, Comparison of Per Capita Expenditures from the General Budget to Pilot Provinces with the Country Average (2005, YTL), 139 Table 2, Comparison of Per Capita Expenditures out of Revolving Funds to Pilot Provinces (2005, YTL), 141 Table 3, Per Capita Special Provincial Administration Expenditure to Pilot Provinces (2005, YTL), 142 BBookook 11.indb.indb v 88/14/08/14/08 11:49:45:49:45 PPMM Table 4, Per Capita Municipal Expenditures to Pilot Provinces (2005, YTL), 143 Table 5, Total Public Expenditure for Sivas in 2005 (per capita, YTL), 146 Table 5a, Per Capita Social Security Expenditure in Pilot Provinces (2005, YTL), 148 Table 6, Using Public Expenditure Analysis Together With the Other Tools of the Study: Cross Tabulation, 154 Sections of the Question Form, 166 Satisfaction With the Drinking Water, 170 Reasons for not Being Satisfied With the Drinking Water in Kars, 170 The Provincial Distribution of the Number of Interviews Carried Out, 174 Health Institutions Visited in the Past Two Years, 174 Waiting Time for Doctor Consultation, 175 Sufficiency of Income for Education Expenditures, 175 Comparison of Service Satisfaction Levels for Çanakkale, 178 Satisfaction with the Services Provided in Yalova after the Earthquake, 179 Confidence in the Provision of Necessary Services in Case of a Possible Earthquake, 179 Confidence in the Public Buildings and the House of Residence to be Earthquake Resistant, 181 Comparison of Service Satisfaction Levels for Yalova, 181 GRAPHICS INDEX Graphic 1, District Development Index / Special Provincial Administration and KÖYDES Infrastructure Expenditure per Village, 152 Graphic 2, District Development Index / Total Expenditure Per Student in Primary Education (2005, YTL), 152 Graphic 3, District Development Index / Number of Students per Teacher in Primary Education, 153 Graphic 4, District Development Index / Per Capita Expenditure to Public Clinics (2005, YTL), 153 Graphic 5, District Development Index / Per Capita Expenditure to Green Cards (2005, YTL), 154 BBookook 11.indb.indb vivi 88/14/08/14/08 11:49:45:49:45 PPMM Project Team Dr. Yılmaz Argüden (Representing TESEV Board of Directors) Fikret Toksöz Consultants : Ahmet Buldam Çağlar Keyder Çiğdem Timurçin Emre Erdoğan Ethem Yenigün Güçlü Atılgan Gülay Atar Hasan Karacal Levent Koç Mehmet Şerif Sayın Mehmet Ferda Balancar Melike Olgu Okumuş Meltem Aslan Muhammed Mesud Fırat Ülge Uğurlu Ülkü Zümray Kutlu Partners : Abdül Menaf Şeker Canan Koca Deniz İnsel Emin Berk Sevel Halil İbrahim İnce Hasan Soygüzel Hayriye Uyav İbrahim Yıldırım İrfan Sıngın Kumral Sarıkaya Levent Kaya 1 BBookook 11.indb.indb Sec1:1Sec1:1 88/14/08/14/08 11:49:46:49:46 PPMM Mehmet Öztürkler Melda Akbaş Nilüfer Avcı Mustafa Ungan Sezai Yazıcı Şefika Albayrak Note : The participatory tools in the Seconds Book were written by different authors. Socio - Economic Development Maps, Public Expenditure Analyses, Service Satisfaction Surveys were written respectively by Fikret Toksöz, Hasan Karacal, Ethem Yenigün and Çiğdem Timurçin. Introduction and Conclusion are authored by Dr. Yılmaz Argüden. 2 1 YYEE.indd Sec1:2 8/14/08 4:25:35 PM Foreword The word ‘governance’ became common currency everywhere including Turkey. This concept which entered our vocabulary with 1996 İstanbul Habitat II Conference, encountered great resistance. Certain people claim it was unnecessary to create a new term such as governance where there is already a corresponding word for that concept, that is govern- ment. Etymological reasons are put forward to support these claims. Others claim that ideologically speaking, governance is the imposition of the forces of globalization. It is normal for such new terms to encounter great objections. If, on top of that, the meaning and content of the term is not clearly understood, these objections prove even more resilient. Good governance is a new approach that includes all the principles neces- sary for the consolidation of democratic management. These principles can be stated as participation, transparency, accountability, effective- ness, consistency, fairness and rule of law. Lately, many segments of society including public managers and intel- lectuals and even political representatives suggested using the principles of governance for solving problems encountered in public