ISSN 0973-1555(Print) ISSN 2348-7372(Online) HALTERES, Volume 6, 33-50, 2015 © HEO C.C., LATIF B., KURAHASHI H., HAYASHI T., NAZNI W.A. AND OMAR B.

Coprophilic dipteran community associated with horse dung in Malaysia

*Heo C.C.1,2, Latif, B.1, Kurahashi H.3, Hayashi T.4, Nazni W.A.5 and Omar B.6

1Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Sungai Buluh Campus, Jalan Hospital, 47000 Sungai Buluh, Selangor, Malaysia 2Institute of Forensic Science (IFS), Universiti Teknologi MARA, Level 4, Academic Building, Faculty of Medicine, 47000 Sungai Buluh, Selangor, Malaysia 3International Department of Dipterology (IDD), Hikawadai 1-2-21, Higashikurume City, Tokyo 203-0004, Japan 4Department of Medical Entomology, National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Toyama 1-23- 1, Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo 162-8640 Japan 5Medical Entomology Unit, Institute for Medical Research (IMR), Jalan Pahang, 50588 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 6Department of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Jalan Raja Muda Abdul Aziz, 50300 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

(email: *[email protected])


Blood-sucking are known as vectors of pathogens to farm worldwide. However, little is known about dipteran biodiversity associated with horse dung in Malaysia which could serve as vectors. Thus, a field trip to a horse farm located in Tanjung Rambutan, Perak, peninsular Malaysia was conducted in 2010. We examined adults and larvae of dipterans associated with 100 horse dung pats. A total of 1480 dipteran specimens from nine families were collected including Sphaeroceridae, , Sarcophagidae, Calliphoridae, Sepsidae, Tabanidae, Ulidiidae, Dolichopodidae and Milichiidae. The lesser dung (Sphaeroceridae) which consisted of four species was the most abundant dipteran followed by sarcophagids and muscids. Seven species of muscids were collected from the horse farm and three of them were haematophagic namely Musca conducens Walker, 1859, Musca ventrosa Wiedemann, 1830 and Stomoxys calcitrans (Linnaeus, 1758). Fly larvae collected from the dung were raised to adult stage and subsequently identified as M. conducens and Neomyia gavisa Walker, 1859. We reported new locality records for three species of Muscidae in Malaysia namely Pyrellia proferens Walker, 1859, Lispe kowarzi Becker, 1903 (new to peninsular) and N. gavisa Walker, 1859.

Keywords: Coprophilic Diptera, horse dung, Malaysia, new record, Pyrellia proferens, Lispe kowarzi, Neomyia gavisa.

Received: 24 February 2015; Revised: 22 April 2015; Online: 4 May 2015.

Introduction Spencer, 1973). Most importantly, flies have The Diptera, or known as two-winged been incriminated either as biological or flies, is one of the largest orders of Insecta and mechanical vectors to wide range of infectious can be found almost ubiquitously on Earth diseases that are prevalent in both developed (Triplehorn and Johnson, 2005). Members of and developing countries (Gubler, 2002). Diptera play variety of roles in ecosystem Other than ticks (Acari: Ixodida), either as pollinators, nutrient recyclers, or Diptera is considered a significant group of carrion decomposers (Borkent and Harder, in term of medical and veterinary 2007; Hirabayashi and Wotton, 1998; Putman, importance (Cleton et al., 2012). Flies are 1978). However, there are many dipteran found accountable for the transmission of species of economic importance which are variety of pathogens namely viruses, bacteria, responsible for loss of agricultural products protozoans and helminthes (Gestmann et al., and commodity (White and Elson-Harris, 1992; 2012), which are responsible for the spread of infectious diseases such as malaria, lymphatic


Heo C.C., Latif B., Kurahashi H., Hayashi T., Nazni W.A. and Omar B. filariasis, dengue, yellow fever, West Nile Escherichia sp., Klebsiella sp. etc.) isolated fever, and chikungunya (transmitted by from feces, vomitus, external surfaces and nematocerans such as mosquitoes), internal organs of house flies. However, newly leishmaniasis, onchocerciasis, loiasis emerged house fly did not harbor any bacteria. (transmitted by sand flies, black flies and deer The importance of house fly wings in flies, respectively) (Service, 2012). Other mechanical transmission of Vibrio cholerae members of Diptera such as house flies was assessed and the results revealed that the (Musca domestica L.), face flies (Musca wings did not play an important role in autumnalis De Geer), dog dung flies (Musca pathogen transmission (Yap et al., 2008). sorbens Wiedemann), and blow flies (Lucilia Nazni et al. (2013) carried out a study on spp.) are a source of nuisance to humans and house fly to establish whether the house flies animals (Graczyk et al., 2001). Some species can transmit the H1N1 virus mechanically. may act as the causative agent to myiasis The findings indicated that the persistency of either obligatory or facultative on hosts H1N1 virus on fly legs could be detected up to (James, 1947; Hall and Wall, 1995). Besides, 24 hours either in chilled or actively flying there are many dung-frequenting and carrion- flies. However, virus was not found in the breeding dipterans which may spread vomitus, feces and the external body of the pathogenic organisms to the surrounding flies. environment, including human dwelling Recently, filth fly surveys were (Howard, 2001). conducted in Malaysia by Nurita and Hassan Other than the diseases mentioned (2013), Khoso et al. (2015) and Heo et al. above, veterinary important Diptera have been (2010) where they found a very high diversity reported to impose a serious economic loss to of filth flies in the region. Nurita and Hassan the agricultural sector (Bowman, 2014). For (2013) recorded eight dipteran species instance, In the United States, flies had breeding in the solid waste namely: M impacted the cattle production substantially by domestica, M. sorbens, Synthesiomyia losing $2,211 million per year (Taylor et al., nudiseta Van der Wulp, Hydrotaea 2012a). The stable fly, with just 200,000 flies chalcogaster (Wiedemann), C. megacephala, emerging from an average sized winter hay Lucilia cuprina (Wiedemann), Hemipyrellia feeding site could reduce annual milk ligurriens (Wiedemann) and Sarcophaga sp.; production of 50 dairy cows by an estimated whereas Heo et al. (2010) recorded 16 families 890 kg (Taylor et al., 2012b). of Diptera from the cow dung. These results In Malaysia, Reid (1953) published the showed that landfills and animal farms can act first note on the local house flies and blow as major breeding grounds for filth flies. flies and indicated their important roles as From the above stated data, it is clear potential mechanical transmitter of pathogens that little is known about the coprophilic causing human diseases. Subsequently, dipteran community associated with horse Sulaiman et al. (1988) demonstrated that the manure in Malaysia, particularly the blood cyclorrhaphan flies collected from four sites in sucking flies that might feed on horses. Hence, Malaysia are carriers of human parasitic there is a need to identify the veterinary helminths such as Ascaris lumbricoides, important Diptera in the horse farm, as the Trichuris trichiura, and filariform larva of baseline data would be of paramount important hookworm (Necator americanus). Sulaiman et in terms of risk management and in vector al. (2000) trapped four species of synantrophic control programs in future. The present study flies in downtown Kuala Lumpur viz. was aimed to determine the diversity and Chrysomya megacephala, Chrysomya abundance of coprophilic Diptera associated rufifacies (= Achoetandrus rufifacies), M. with horse manure, and to identify the domestica and M. sorbens. A total of 18 veterinary and medically important dipterans bacterial species was isolated from these in a horse farm in Malaysia. specimens, with Burkholderia pseudomallei, the causative pathogen for melioidosis, had Materials and Methods been reported for the first time. Nazni et al. Horse farm located in Tanjung (2005) examined bacteria from the house flies Rambutan, Perak, Malaysia was selected as the and found 10 different species of bacteria (e.g., study site (4°41’13” N 101°09’31” E, ~89 m Bacillus sp., Staphylococcus sp., Proteus sp., a.s.l.) located approximately 212 km northwest


Coprophilic dipteran community associated with horse dung in Malaysia

from the capital city, Kuala Lumpur (Fig. 1). from horse dung were processed for A total of four visits to the horse farm were preservation and identified by using respective conducted from 8-11 November 2010. taxonomical keys to the lowest taxon. Duration and time of fly collection was 5 Collembola, ants and centipedes were hours per visit from 9 am to 2 pm. The mean preserved in vials filled with 70% ethanol temperature and humidity during the survey while Coleoptera were pinned and labelled. period was 28.92 ± 2.36 °C and 73.88 ± For acari processing, the mite specimens were 10.72%, respectively. The weather conditions placed in lactophenol (50% lactic acid, 25% during the four-day field trials were mostly phenol crystal, and 25% distilled water) for cloudy and all weather data was obtained from clearing purposes. They were left in clearing the nearest weather station in Ipoh, Perak. medium for a week and then transferred on We examined a total of 100 horse slides by using a probe. Hoyer’s medium was dung pats scattered in an area of used as the mounting fluid and then the approximately 5,900 m2. The age of horse specimens were covered with thin cover slips. dung examined was from fresh to 3-day old. The slides were then placed in a drying oven at Each dung pat was examined for the presence 40°C for a week. The mites were identified to of adult flies and dung-breeding larvae. Adult family level based on Krantz and Walter (2009) flies either resting on or swarming around the whereas of Macrochelidae was dung pats were collected using a sweep net or confirmed using the key of Emberson (1980). transparent plastic bags, which were then Diversity and abundance data of the transferred to a killing jar which contained collected dipterans was calculated for cotton balls soaked with ethyl acetate. A pair ecological indices (Dominance, Species of forceps was used to examine and recover fly Richness, Simpson’s Index, Shannon-Wiener larvae from the dung pats. Any larvae or soil Index, and Evenness) for the study period. arthropods observed in the dung were then Dominance (Di) was calculated according to collected and preserved in vials (diameter: 25 the equation: mm; height: 85 mm) containing 70% ethanol 푛 with label. Several larvae from the same batch 퐷 = 푖 × 100 were also collected and placed in a transparent 푖 푁 plastic container (diameter: 44 mm; height: 57 mm; volume: 70 ml) together with a small Where ni is the number of individuals collected amount of horse manure which served as food during the study period, and N is the total source for rearing purposes. The screw cap of number of specimen collected. Species the rearing container was removed and dominance of all families or species were replaced with a breathable paper towel which classified according to Tischler’s scale: had been tighten with a rubber band around the eudominant 10%≤ Di ≤100%, dominant 5%≤ lid. Few drops of water were added ad-libidum Di ≤10%, subdominant 2%≤ Di ≤5%, recedent to maintain the moisture of the horse manure 1%≤ Di ≤2%, and subrecedent 0%≤ Di ≤1% throughout the rearing periods. All preserved (Tischler, 1949). and rearing specimens were then transferred to Species richness (S) is the total of parasitology laboratory at the Faculty of different species presented in the sample while Medicine, Sungai Buluh Campus, Universiti Simpson’s Index (D) measured both richness Teknologi MARA. and proportion of each species and is The emerging adult flies from rearing calculated by using the formula: containers were prompted for species identification under a stereomicroscope 푆 2 (Olympus SZX7, Japan) by using the keys 퐷 = ∑ 푃푖 provided in Triplehorn and Johnson (2005), 푖=1 Emden (1965) and Kurahashi et al. (1997). Several adult specimens from the families Where Pi is the proportion of species i. In brief, Calliphoridae, Muscidae and Sarcophagidae Simpson’s index is the sum of proportion of were sent to the third author (Kurahahsi, H.) each species in the community and represented while specimens of Sphaeroceridae were sent the probability of two randomly selected to the fourth author (Hayashi, T.) for species individuals in the community belong to the confirmation. Other soil arthropods recovered same species. Shannon-Wiener Index (H’) is


Heo C.C., Latif B., Kurahashi H., Hayashi T., Nazni W.A. and Omar B. similar with Simpson’s Index where the different species. Evenness is measured on the measurement takes species richness and scale from 0 to 1 where zero represents more proportion of species into account, and is variation in communities whereas one calculated by the following formula: represents complete evenness. Evenness is defined as: 푛 퐻′ = − ∑ 푃푖(ln 푃푖) 퐻′ 퐸 = 푖=0 ln 푆

In general, Shannon-Wiener Index is the Evenness is the number obtained via dividing negative sum of multiply products between the value of Shannon-Wiener Index by natural species proportion (Pi) and natural log of log of species richness (S). species proportion (ln Pi). Evenness (E) is an indicator of similarity in abundance of

Fig. 1. Location of the study site at peninsular Malaysia is indicated by a pink arrow (map created using

Results A total of 1,480 adult specimens from Dolichopodidae and Milichiidae (0.06% each) nine families of Diptera were collected from (Fig. 2). the horse farm. The families consisted of We collected 34 individual of muscids Sphaeoceridae (four species), Muscidae (seven which consisted of seven species (Fig. 3). The species), Sarcophagidae (two species), species of muscid flies according to their Calliphoridae (two species), Sepsidae (two decreasing abundance were as follows: M. species), Tabanidae (one species), Ulidiidae domestica (32.4%), Musca conducens Walker (one species), Dolichopodidae (one species) (26.50%), Lispe kowarzi Becker (23.50%), and Milichiidae (one species) (Table 1). Pyrellia proferens Walker (5.90%), Neomyia Throughout the study period, the most gavisa Walker (5.90%), Musca ventrosa abundant dipterans caught were Wiedemann (2.90%) and Stomoxys calcitrans Sphaeroceridae (93.78%), followed by (2.90%). Out of seven species recovered, three Sarcophagidae (3.04%), Muscidae (2.30%), species were blood sucking muscids (M. Calliphoridae (0.50%), Sepsidae and Ulidiidae conducens, M. ventrosa and S. calcitrans), (0.10% each) and the least were Tabanidae,


Coprophilic dipteran community associated with horse dung in Malaysia

with M. conducens being the most abundant tabanid fly is also a blood-sucking species, haematophagic species in the horse farm. however, it was rarely seen in the farm. Three species of Muscidae were also In addition to Diptera, there were recorded for the first time in Malaysia namely many other taxa associated with horse feces. L. kowarzi (new in peninsular Malaysia), P. Examination into the dung pats revealed proferens, and N. gavisa (Fig. 4). These adult springtails (one family), beetles (four families), flies were collected on or around the horse mites (three families), centipedes (one order), dung pats, indicating their coprophilic ants and spider (one family). However, no behavior in nature. We hereby provide locality earthworm was collected. A butterfly notes for all three species: (Lepidoptera: Lycanidae) was also observed to frequent on dung surface. Table 2 listed the Specimens examined: families of non-Diptera taxa associated with horse dungs. Lispe kowarzi Becker, 1903 Results of ecological indices obtained MALAYSIA: Perak: Tanjung Rambutan from formulas stated in methodology were 4°41’13” N 101°09’31”E, ~89 m a.s.l. presented in Table 3 and 4. Among dipteran 9.xi.2010, C.C. Heo, 4 males, 4 females. families, family Sphaeroceridae was the most dominant family. Simpson’s Index was 0.88 Pyrellia proferens (Walker, 1859) while Shannon-Wiener Index was 0.31. The MALAYSIA: Perak: Tanjung Rambutan abundance of all the families collected was 4°41’13” N 101°09’31”E, ~89 m a.s.l. dissimilar and skewed, resulted in an uneven 10.xi.2010, C.C. Heo, 1 male, 1 female. distribution among families (E= 0.14). In terms of Family level, only Muscidae was Neomyia gavisa (Walker, 1859) analyzed. Musca domestica, M. conducens and MALAYSIA: Perak: Tanjung Rambutan L. kowarzi were all classified in the 4°41’13” N, 101°09’31”E, ~89 m a.s.l. eudominant group. Simpson’s Index and 10.xi.2010, C.C. Heo, 1 female. Shannon-Wiener Index were 0.26 and 1.54, respectively, indicated a more equal proportion The most abundant Diptera caught in among species. This observation was this study was the lesser dung flies strengthened with a higher evenness index (Sphaeroceridae), which constituted about (E=0.80). 94% of total specimen collected. This family was observed to frequent on almost every Discussion horse dung scattered in the farm, and usually Animal dung pats are patchy but seen in a large group resting on dung surfaces. resourceful ephemeral microhabitats which Four species of sphaerocerids were collected host a vast diversity of species (Hanski and and identified: Norrbomia tropica Duda, Koskela, 1977). The adults and larvae of Coproica rufifrons Hayashi, Coproica coreana Coleoptera and Diptera are considered to play Papp and Coproica aliena Papp (Fig. 5). On a major role in the dung utilization. However, the other hand, two species of flesh flies little is known about the coprophilous fly (Sarcophagidae) were found in the farm species compared to studies conducted on namely Parasarcophaga taenionota dung beetles (Hammer, 1941; Nichols et al., (Wiedemann) and Liopygia ruficornis 2007). (Fabricius), and two species of blow flies Sphaeroceridae are very small, black (Calliphoridae) were identified associated with or brown flies that can be identified by the horse manure, the oriental latrine fly, swollen hind tarsi. They can be found in Chrysomya megacephala Fabricius and the humid and swampy places near excrement and hairy maggot blow fly, Achoetandrus often aggregated in large number on various rufifacies (Macquart). These are common blow mammalian dung piles (Laurence, 1955; fly species found in Malaysia and were known Triplehorn and Johnson, 2005). to visit decomposing organic matter. Other Unexceptionally, the most abundant Diptera than that, we also collected specimens from collected on horse dung in this study was the families Sepsidae, Tabanidae, Ulidiidae sphaerocerids. Similar observation was made (Physiphora sp.), Dolichopodidae and in U.K. on stable manure and two species of Milichiidae (Milichiella sp.). Note that the sphaerocerids were considered as potential


Heo C.C., Latif B., Kurahashi H., Hayashi T., Nazni W.A. and Omar B. pests (Hussey, 1957). This finding was in cosmopolitan genus Coproica is known to be agreement with Bai and Sankaran (1977) endemic on various kinds of pasture dung where sphaerocerids were found breeding in whereas some species breed in decaying bovine manure in India. Similar results were vegetable material. In fact, most larvae demonstrated in North America where actually feed on microbial layer developing on sphaerocerids were collected from cattle the decaying matter (Papp, 2008). However, droppings (Blume, 1985). Other than cattle during the present study, we were not able to and horse manures, sphaerocerids can be collect any sphaerocerid larva in the horse found in poultry manure (Hulley, 1986). manure. Perhaps it was due to the smaller Sphaerocerids, together with acarid mites were sample size or other abiotic factors (e.g., also reported as the first colonizer on poultry condition of horse manure or dung manure (Stoffolano and Geden, 1987). The management strategies employed by the farm).

Table 1. Family and species of Diptera recovered from horse dung Family Species Sphaeroceridae Norrbomia tropica Duda, 1923 Coproica rufifrons Hayashi, 1991 Coproica coreana Papp, 1979 Coproica aliena Papp, 2008 Muscidae Musca domestica vicina Macquart, 1850 Musca conducens Walker, 1859 Musca ventrosa Wiedemann, 1830 Stomoxys calcitrans (Linnaeus, 1758) Pyrellia proferens Walker, 1859 Lispe kowarzi Becker, 1903 Neomyia gavisa Walker, 1859 Sarcophagidae Parasarcophaga taenionota (Wiedemann, 1819) Liopygia ruficornis (Fabricius, 1794) Calliphoridae Chrysomya megacephala Fabricius, 1794 Achoetandrus rufifacies (Macquart, 1842) Sepsidae Unidentified sp. 1 Unidentified sp. 2 Tabanidae Unidentified sp. Ulidiidae Physiphora sp. Dolichopodidae Unidentified sp. Milichiidae Milichiella sp.

Table 2. Other arthropods associated with horse dungs Class Order Family Subfamily / Species Insecta Collembola Hypogastruridae Ceratophysella sp. Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Onthophagus sp. Aphodiinae Hydrophilidae Unidentified sp. Histeridae Unidentified sp. Staphylinidae Staphylininae Hymenoptera Formicidae Odontoponera sp. Arachnida Mesostigmata Macrochelidae Macrocheles sp. Uropodidae Unidentified sp. Parasitidae Unidentified sp. Araneae Lycosidae Unidentified sp. Chilopoda Geophilomorpha Unidentified Unidentified sp.


Coprophilic dipteran community associated with horse dung in Malaysia

Table 3. Standard ecological indicators of Order Diptera found on horse dung 2 Family Number Dominance Tischler's scale Pi Pi Pi ln(Pi) Sphaeroceridae 1387 93.7 Eudominant 0.937 0.878 -0.061 Sarcophagidae 45 3.0 Subdominant 0.030 0.001 -0.106 Muscidae 34 2.3 Subdominant 0.023 0.001 -0.087 Calliphoridae 7 0.5 Subrecedent 0.005 0.000 -0.025 Sepsidae 2 0.1 Subrecedent 0.001 0.000 -0.009 Ulidiidae 2 0.1 Subrecedent 0.001 0.000 -0.009 Tabanidae 1 0.1 Subrecedent 0.001 0.000 -0.005 Dolichopodidae 1 0.1 Subrecedent 0.001 0.000 -0.005 Millichidae 1 0.1 Subrecedent 0.001 0.000 -0.005 Total 1480 100.0 1.000 Ecological Indicators Value Species Richness (S) 9 Simpson Index (D) 0.880 Shannon-Wiener Index (H’) 0.312 Evenness (E) 0.142

Table 4. Standard ecological indicators of Family Muscidae found on horse dung 2 Species Number Dominance Tischler's scale Pi Pi Pi ln(Pi) M. domestica 12 35.3 Eudominant 0.382 0.146 -0.368 M. conducens 9 26.5 Eudominant 0.265 0.070 -0.352 L. kowarzi 8 23.5 Eudominant 0.235 0.055 -0.340 P. proferens 2 5.9 Dominant 0.059 0.003 -0.167 N. gavisa 1 2.9 Subdominant 0.029 0.001 -0.104 M. ventrosa 1 2.9 Subdominant 0.029 0.001 -0.104 S. calcitrans 1 2.9 Subdominant 0.029 0.001 -0.104 Total 34 100.0 1.000 Ecological Indicators Value Species Richness (S) 7 Simpson Index (D) 0.256 Shannon-Wiener Index (H’) 1.538 Evenness (E) 0.790


Heo C.C., Latif B., Kurahashi H., Hayashi T., Nazni W.A. and Omar B.

100 93.78 90





40 Dominance (%) Dominance



10 3.04 2.30 0.50 0.10 0.10 0.06 0.06 0.06 0

Fig. 2. Abundance of Diptera collected according to family (in percentage)

40 35.30 35 30 26.50 25 23.50 20 15

Dominance (%) Dominance 10 5.90 5 2.90 2.90 2.90 0

Fig. 3. Species dominance of seven species of family Muscidae collected from cow dung


Coprophilic dipteran community associated with horse dung in Malaysia

Fig. 4. Newly recorded Muscidae from peninsular Malaysia. A. Pyrellia proferens; B. Lispe kowarzi; C. Neomyia gavisa

Fig. 5. Sphaeroceridae collected from horse dung. A. Coproica aliena; B. Coproica coreana; C. Coproica rufifrons; D. Norrbomia tropica. Scale bar = 0.5 mm for all figures


Heo C.C., Latif B., Kurahashi H., Hayashi T., Nazni W.A. and Omar B.

We collected four species of blood- as equine infectious anemia and bovine sucking flies (three in Muscidae and one in anaplasmosis (Bay and Harris, 1988). Tabanidae) during the study period. Among Likewise, we collected only one adult S. these, M. conducens was the most abundant calcitrans, which may suggest limited (26.5% of total muscid caught), followed by M. vectorial capacity due to their low population ventrosa and S. calcitrans (both were equally density. abundant), and lastly a Tabanus sp. As Heo et al. (2010) conducted a study on discussed earlier, the blood sucking Diptera cow dung Diptera in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia are considered medical and veterinary and found Musca inferior Stein to be the most important pests due to their potential in abundant (37%) blood-sucking muscid causing and transmitting vector-borne associated with cattle manure, followed by S. pathogens. Musca conducens was incriminated calcitrans (10.3%), M. ventrosa (9.4%), M. as the vector for stephanofilariasis, which had crassirostris (3.4%) and Haematobia sp. been reported to cause chronic eosinophilic (0.8%). In comparison with the present study, dermatitis in scrotal area among Charolais the results showed that M. ventrosa and S. bulls in France (Watrelot-Virieux and Pin, stomoxys were present in both study sites and 2006) and transmit Stephanofilaria assamensis were of intermediate abundance either on in India and Russia (Patnaik and Roy, 1969; cattle or horse manures. However, we did not Johnson et al., 1981) and Stephanofilaria kaeli collect M. inferior, M. crassirostris and in peninsular Malaysia (Fadzil, 1973). Haematobia from the horse dung. Additionally, Interestingly, we collected 13 larvae of M. the most abundant non-biting Diptera conducens from horse manures and reared associated with cattle dung was Sepsidae, them to the adult stage, out of these four males which was different in the current study. A and nine females emerged (male: female ratio comparison of dipteran composition with Heo 1:2). et al. (2010) is presented in Table 5. Musca ventrosa was found in fresh Although cattle and horses are markets in Malaysia, albeit its population was herbivores, there are some remarkable low (Khoso et al., 2015). Nazni et al. (2007) differences in the diversity of conducted a study on distribution of diurnal assemblages on their wastes. The differences and nocturnal dipterous flies in Putrajaya, in results of arthropod communities between Malaysia and collected six specimens of M. cattle and horse dungs could be due to two ventrosa out of 1,534 flies (0.04%) during the main reasons: biotic and abiotic factors. Biotic day. Despite feeding on wounds, sores and factors include the differences in microbiome bites inflicted by other , these flies also in the animal dung (Dowd et al., 2008; Girija frequent cow dung and their larvae breed in it et al., 2013; Costa and Weese, 2012), which (Patton, 1922). So far, little literature is may affect directly the behavior of arthropods available on the status of M. ventrosa as a (Ezenwa et al., 2012) or perhaps the vector for veterinary diseases although it is a subsequent colonization events (Shade et al., haematophagous species (Sucharit and 2013). The microbiome on the dung could be Tumrasvin, 1981). In our study, we collected a the direct result from the animal intestine itself single adult M. ventrosa. Due to their low or the contamination from the external population, their feeding impact on horses environment (Girija et al., 2013). Besides, seems to be limited. arthropod visiting the dung could also deliver Adults of S. calcitrans suck blood and and contribute microbes to it (Estes et al., inflict painful bites and thereby causing 2013) which consequently initiate a change in trouble to the confined livestock such as cattle arthropod successional sequence either due to and horses (Service, 2012). The fly causes the exploration of new resources (Pechal et al., interference with the normal feeding activity 2014; Finley et al., 2015) or interkingdom of cattle which could result in weight loss, signaling through volatile organic compounds decreased milk production, and possibly released by bacteria (Tomberlin et al., 2012). anemia. Moreover, stable flies have been Moreover, ecological interactions such as found responsible for the mechanical mutualism, competition, predation and transmission of several livestock diseases such parasitism could shape the structures and


Coprophilic dipteran community associated with horse dung in Malaysia

functions of the microbial and arthropod horse manures. Cattle dungs had more communities in the dung ecosystem (Valiela, moisture content (31%) than horse (27%) 1974). The abiotic factors include the (Akhtar et al., 2013). Besides, horse dungs differences in spatial and temporal factors (e.g., were more alkaline (pH 9.4) compared to geographical locations of the study sites and cattle (pH 5.2). The percentage of organic timing of study), weather factors (e.g., carbon, C:N ratio, total nitrogen and differences in temperature and relative concentration of inorganic nitrogen were humidity, event of rains), and most notably, is generally higher in cow dung in comparison the difference in the physical structure and with horse manure (Ajwa and Tabatabai, chemical composition between cattle and 1994).

Table 5. Comparison of dipteran composition of cow and horse dungs. Result Cow dung (modified from Horse dung Heo et al., 2010 with correction on the species of the Diptera larva collected)

Location of study Sentul Timur, Kuala Lumpur Tanjung Rambutan, Perak (3°11’ N 101°41’ E) (4°41’13” N 101°09’31” E) Total family collected 16 9 Most abundant Diptera Sepsidae (43.8%) Sphaeroceridae (93.8%) Total species collected in 12 7 Muscidae Total blood sucking species 6 4 Percentage of 51.5% 29.4% haematophagous muscid collected Most dominant M. inferior M. conducens haematophagous muscid Diptera larvae collected from M. inferior Stein M. conducens dung Psychodidae N. gavisa

Neomyia spp. is common muscids to nant species and can be seen all year round frequent on animal dung. Their larvae are (Wang and Feng, 2008). To date, no literature found to be saprophagous, coprophagous is available about the role of Neomyia in (Couri et al., 2006) and also serves as food disease transmission. source to many other carnivorous larvae living Pyrellia proferens, a new record from in the dung (Emden, 1965). The larvae of Malaysia, was previously documented from Neomyia and other dung fauna (e.g., dung India, Myanmar and Indonesia. The adults can beetles and earthworms) play a vital role in be found on flowers and on decaying animal dung decomposition and nutrient recycling matters, especially on dungs. The larvae live in (Holter, 1977, 1979; Sommer et al., 2001). In animal excrement and feed on carrion (Emden, Malaysia, six species of Neomyia have been 1965). documented to date namely Neomyia rufitarsi Lispe spp. are shore-living mucids and (Stein), Neomyia coerulea Wiedemann, their larvae are aquatic in the environment Neomyia coeruleifrons (Macquart), Neomyia (Shinonaga and Kano, 1989; Pont et al., 2012). diffidens (Walker), Neomyia lauta Wiedemann The adults Lispe are known to be highly and Neomyia indica Robineau-Desvoidy predacious to small insects and potentially (Emden, 1965; Heo et al., 2010). With the useful in biological control of black fly finding of N. gavisa during the present study, (Werner and Pont, 2006). We had a chance to the number of species of Neomyia in Malaysia collect L. kowarzi through this study and it is has increased to seven. Neomyia gavisa was therefore newly recorded in peninsular recorded in Sichuan Province, China as domi- Malaysia. It was previously recorded in Kota


Heo C.C., Latif B., Kurahashi H., Hayashi T., Nazni W.A. and Omar B.

Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysian Borneo (Vikhrev, synantrophic behaviors that could contribute 2012a). In general, this species is widely as potential mechanical vectors of pathogens spread in South Palaearctic and Oriental region (Khoso et al., 2015). Moreover, Heo et al. (Tumrasvin and Shinonaga, 1982; Ebejer and (2010) collected L. ruficornis from cattle Gatt, 1999; Bharti, 2008; Vikhrev, 2012a). It is droppings, implying its coprophilous behavior. interesting to note that this species could be Dung beetles (Coleoptera: the predator to other small insects associated Scarabaeidae) play a crucial role in dung with horse manure. So far, six species of Lispe decomposition and improve nutrient recycling (Lispe pacifica Shinonaga and Pont, Lispe and soil structure (Hanski and Cambefort, assimilis Wiedemann, Lispe pectinipes Becker, 1991). Both adults and larvae are dung feeders, Lispe manicata Wiedemann, Lispe orientalis and through the process of feeding, dung Wiedemann) have been recorded in Malaysia, beetles facilitate a range of ecosystem services including the newly recorded L. kowarzi such as secondary seed dispersal, bioturbation, (Shinonaga and Pont, 1992; Nazni et al., 2007; parasite suppression, plant growth Kurahashi and Shinonaga, 2009; Chew et al., enhancement, and soil fertilization (Nichols et 2012; Vikhrev, 2012b). al., 2008). Higher diversity of dung beetles House flies, M. domestica, are could accelerate nitrogen and carbon transfer responsible for the spread of infectious from the grass-produced dung to the soil diseases such as typhoid, dysentery, diphtheria, (Yoshihara and Sato, 2015). Predators such as leprosy, tuberculosis, intestinal parasitic rove beetles (Staphylinidae), hister beetles infections in humans and are found to be (Histeridae), centipedes, spiders and ants were mechanical vectors for various pathogenic also found in the horse manures. These bacteria, viruses and protozoans (Greenberg, predators were searching for fly eggs or 1973; Chaiwong et al., 2014). Blow flies such larvae that were residing in the dung as C. megacephala and A. rufifacies may act as (Triplehorn and Johnson, 2005). Predatory facultative myiasis agents on the wounds of staphylinids inflict heavy mortality on fly eggs, animals inflicted by injuries or insect bites maggots, pupae and adults (Valiela, 1969). In (Sukontason et al., 2005). Moreover, C. tropical rain forest in Sarawak (Malaysian megacephala has been shown to have greater Borneo), Hanski (1983) revealed 60 chances of finding helminth ova attached to Scarabaeinae and four Hybosorinae their external surfaces compared to M. (necrophagous subfamily of Scarabaeidae), domestica. A study conducted in Ethiopia about 20 Hydrophilidae, six Histeridae and demonstrated that A. rufifacies acted as a more than 150 Staphylinidae from dung and vector of at least five helminthes parasites and carrion. The water scavenging beetles four species of protozoan parasites (Getachew (Hydrophilidae) are coprophagous, but their et al., 2007). It is pertinent to mention here larvae are predators (Bøving and Henriksen, that these two species of blow flies are 1938). forensically important in Malaysia and other Apart from Insecta, we also collected adjacent countries and their larvae are mites (Acari: Mesostigmata) from the family frequently encountered in forensic cases Macrochelidae, Parasitidae and Uropodidae, (Sukontason et al., 2002; Lee et al., 2004; with macrochelids being the most abundant Chen et al., 2004; Wang et al., 2008). inhabitant of the horse dung. The result of the Parasarcophaga taenionota and L. present study is similar to the earlier study by ruficornis have been found to breed on human Axtell (1963) where Macrochelidae, and animal carcasses in Thailand and Malaysia Uropodidae, Parasitidae, Oribatidae and (Sukontason et al., 2007; Tan et al., 2010; Laelapidae were collected from 211 samples Kumara et al., 2012) and are used by forensic of domestic animal manures (e.g. cattle, horses, entomologists in determining the minimum sheep, chickens and ducks). Mesostigmata are post-mortem interval (mPMI) of a corpse. In free-living predators and known to predate on medicine, the larvae of L. ruficornis have been soil nematodes, Collembola and insect larvae documented to cause myiasis in the vagina of a (Koehler, 1999). Macrochelidae are active comatose woman in Thailand (Sucharit et al., consumers of eggs and larvae of synantrophic 1981). Both P. taenionota and L. ruficornis Diptera and they might be useful as biological had been recently collected at several fresh control for dung breeding flies (Krantz, 1983). markets in Malaysia, indicating their Macrochelid mite can be found especially on


Coprophilic dipteran community associated with horse dung in Malaysia

coprophagous Scarabaeidae (e.g., Collembola identification and Mr. Edward G. Onthophagus sp. and Aphodius sp.) (Glida and Riley (Texas A&M University, USA) for his Bertrand, 2002). Both Parasitidae and consultation on beetle identification from Uropodidae are predacious on other soil pictures. All laboratory facilities provided by arthropods and are closely associated with the Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Teknologi dung beetles through phoresy (Mašán and MARA are greatly acknowledged. Authors Halliday, 2009). also express sincere gratitude to Dr. Numerous individuals of collembolans Meenakshi Bharti and other anonymous (Hypogastruridae: Ceratophysella sp.) were reviewer for reviewing the manuscript. collected from the horse dung where they occurred in large aggregation. The members of References Hypogastruridae feed on the decaying plant Ajwa, H.A. and Tabatabai, M.A. 1994. materials (Greenslade and Ireson, 1986). They Decomposition of different organic may also be feeding on nematodes and other materials in soils. Biology and Fertility of microscopic animals associated with Soils 18(3): 175-182. decomposition (Chernova et al., 2007). It Akhtar, S., Shakeel, S., Mehmood, A., Hamid, should be noted that Ceratophysella spp. are A. and Saif, S. 2013. Comparative beneficial as they contribute to the Analysis of Animal Manure for Soil decomposition of organic matter (e.g., carrion Conditioning. International Journal of and dung) and enhance nutrient recycling in Agronomy and Plant Production 4(12): agricultural land (Zhang et al., 2012). 3360-3366. In conclusion, four species of blood Axtell, R.C. 1963. Acarina occurring in sucking flies were identified in the horse farm domestic animal manure. Annals of the in Malaysia with M. conducens being the most Entomological Society of America 56(5): abundant haematophagic muscid. The most 628-633. populous non-biting Diptera in the farm was Bai, M.G. and Sankaran, T. 1977. Parasites, the sphaerocerids. Proper management of predators and other arthropods associated animal manure is highly recommended to with Musca domestica and other flies reduce population of blood sucking muscids breeding in bovine manure. and tabanids. Annual trapping and Entomophaga 22(2): 163-167. phenological studies of horse dung Diptera Bay, D.E. and Harris, R.L. 1988. Introduction should be carried out to draw a clearer picture to veterinary entomology. Bryan, Texas: of the bionomics of veterinary important flies, Stonefly Publishing.p56. as well as those dung decomposers who play a Bharti, M. 2008. Current status of family vital ecological role in dung ecosystem. Muscidae (Diptera) from India. Journal of Spatial-temporal distribution of coprophagous Entomological Research 32(2): 171-176. dipterans communities and their ecosystem Blume, R.R. 1985. A checklist, distributional functions should be better understood for more record, and annotated bibliography of the efficient Integrated Pest Management (IPM) insects associated with bovine droppings programs. We also suggest further studies on on pastures in America north of vectorial capacity and efficiency of certain Mexico. Southwestern Entomologist dung associated Diptera (e.g. M. ventrosa) to (Supplement 9). Texas A&M University. determine their possibility in transmitting 55pp. medical and veterinary pathogens. Borkent, C.J. and Harder, L.D. 2007. Flies (Diptera) as pollinators of two dioecious Acknowledgements plants: behaviour and implications for We would like to express our deepest gratitude plant mating. The Canadian to the management staff and veterinarian of Entomologist 139(2): 235-246. the horse farm who granted permission to us Bøving, A.G. and Henriksen, K.L. 1938. The for collecting and studying the dung associated developmental stages of the Danish arthropods in their facilities. Thanks to Mr. Hydrophilidae (Ins. Coleoptera). Haji Sulaiman Abdullah (Faculty of Medicine, Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk UiTM) for his kind assistance in the field work. Naturhistorisk Forening i København 102: We would like to thank Dr. Frans Janssens 27-162. (University of Antwerp, Belgium) for


Heo C.C., Latif B., Kurahashi H., Hayashi T., Nazni W.A. and Omar B.

Bowman, D.D. 2014. Georgis' parasitology for Mesostigmata). New Zealand veterinarians. 10th Edition. St. Louis, Entomologist 7(2): 135-138. Missouri: Elsevier Health Sciences. pp. Emden, F.I. van. 1965. The fauna of India and 11-80. the adjacent countries. Diptera, Vol. 7, Chaiwong, T., Srivoramas, T., Sueabsamran, Muscidae, Part I. Zoological Survey of P., Sukontason, K., Sanford, M.R. and India. 647 pp. Sukontason, K.L. 2014. The blow fly, Estes, A.M., Hearn, D.J., Snell-Rood, E.C., Chrysomya megacephala, and the house Feindler, M., Feeser, K., Abebe, T., fly, Musca domestica, as mechanical Dunning Hotopp, J.C. and Moczek, A.P. vectors of pathogenic bacteria in Northeast 2013. Brood ball-mediated transmission of Thailand. Tropical Biomedicine 31(2): microbiome members in the dung beetle, 336-346. Onthophagus taurus (Coleoptera: Chen, W.Y., Hung, T.H. and Shiao, S.F. 2004. Scarabaeidae). PLoS One 8(11): e79061. Molecular identification of forensically Ezenwa, V.O., Gerardo, N.M., Inouye, D.W., important blow fly species (Diptera: Medina, M. and Xavier, J.B. 2012. Animal Calliphoridae) in Taiwan. Journal of behavior and the microbiome. Science Medical Entomology 41(1): 47-57. 338(6104): 198-199. Chernova, N.M., Bokova, A.I., Varshav, E.V., Fadzil, M. 1973. Musca conducens Walker Goloshchapova, N.P. and Savenkova, Y.Y. 1859-its prevalence and potential as a 2007. Zoophagy in Collembola. vector of Stephanofilaria kaeli in Entomological Review 87: 799–811. peninsular Malaysia. Kajian Veterinaire 5: Chew, W.K., Kurahashi, H., Nazni, W.A., Heo, 27-37. C.C., Heah, S.K., Jeffery, J. and Lee, H.L. Finley, S.J., Benbow, M.E. and Javan, G.T. 2012. A new record for Lispe orientalis 2015. Potential applications of soil Wiedemann, 1824 (Diptera: Muscidae) microbial ecology and next-generation from peninsular Malaysia. Tropical sequencing in criminal investingations. Biomedicine 29(3): 1-4. Applied Soil Ecology 88: 69-78. Cleton, N., Koopmans, M., Reimerink, J., Gestmann, F., Förster, M., Mehlhorn, H., Godeke, G.J. and Reusken, C. 2012. Come Sievert, K., Messler, S., Neuhausen, N., fly with me: review of clinically important Petersdorf, S. and Pfeffer, K. 2012. Flies arboviruses for global travelers. Journal of as vectors of microorganisms potentially Clinical Virology 55(3): 191-203. inducing severe diseases in humans and Costa, M.C. and Weese, J.S. 2012. The equine animals.In: H. Mehlhorn, (ed.) Arthropods intestinal microbiome. Animal Health as vectors of emerging diseases. Springer Research Reviews 13(1): 121-128. Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 195-226. Couri, M.S., Pont, A.C. and Penny, N.D. Getachew, S., Gebre-Michael, T., Erko, B., 2006. Muscidae (Diptera) from Balkew, M. and Medhin, G. 2007. Non- Madagascar: identification keys, biting cyclorrhaphan flies (Diptera) as descriptions of new species and new carriers of intestinal human parasites in records. Proceeding of California slum areas of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Acta Academy of Sciences 57(29): 799-923. Tropica 103: 186-194. Dowd, S.E., Callaway, T.R., Wolcott, R.D., Girija, D., Deepa, K., Xavier, F., Antony, I. Sun, Y., McKeehan, T., Hagevoort, R.G. and Shidhi, P.R. 2013. Analysis of cow and Edrington, T.S. 2008. Evaluation of dung microbiota-A metagenomic the bacterial diversity in the feces of cattle approach. Indian Journal of using 16S rDNA bacterial tag-encoded Biotechnology 12(3): 372-378. FLX amplicon pyrosequencing Glida, H. and Bertrand, M. 2002. The (bTEFAP). BMC Microbiology 8(1): 125. occurrence of Macrocheles mites (Acari: Ebejer, M.J. and Gatt, P. 1999. The species of Macrochelidae) in relation to the activity Fanniidae and Muscidae of the Maltese of dung beetles: a field study in southern Islands. Studia Dipterologica 6(1): 79-92. France. In: F. Bernini, R. Nannelli, G. Emberson, R.M. (1980). Macrochelidae from Nuzzaci, and E.D. Lillo, (eds.). Acarid the Kermadec Islands and a key to species Phylogeny and Evolution: Adaptation in of Macrocheles Latreille from the New Mites and Ticks. Springer Netherlands. Pp. Zealand region (Acari: 199-207.


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