CLACSO SOUTHERN PAPERS SERIES #3 WORKING PAPERS The Everyday at Grassroots level: poverty, protest and social change in post-apartheid South Africa John J Williams 2009 Williams, John J The Everyday at Grassroots level: poverty, protest and social change in post-apartheid South Africa. - 1a ed. - Buenos Aires : Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales - CLACSO, 2009. Internet. - (Serie Documentos Especiales) ISBN 978-987-1543-32-8 1. Sociología. 2. Pobreza. I. Título CDD 301 CLACSO Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales - Conselho Latino-americano de Ciências Sociais Executive Secretary: Emir Sader Area of International Relations: Alberto Cimadamore South-South Program – South Project: Luciana Gil Av. Callao 875 | piso 5º “J” [recepción] | C1023AAB | Buenos Aires | Argentina Tel [54 11] 4811 6588 | Fax [54 11] 4812 8459
[email protected] | Editorial committee: CLACSO Gladys Lechini Jacques d’Adesky #3 Carolina Mera Anton Allahar Romer Cornejo María Elena Alvarez “This paper was originally presented to the International Workshop “Development and Social Movements in the South”, organised by “The Africa, Asia and Latin America Scholarly Collaborative Program”, supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency and held in Rio de Janeiro, april 2008. Opinions expressed in this document are the exclusive responsibility of the author and they do not necessarily agree with the position of CLACSO. © Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales Southern Papers Series ISBN 978-987-1543-32-8 Patrocinado por Agencia Sueca de Desarrollo Internacional Agencia Noruega de Cooperación para el Desarrollo SOUTHERN PAPERS SERIES 5 The Everyday at Grassroots level: poverty, protest and social change in post-apartheid South Africa John J Williams1 Abstract This paper posits that social change derives from how the everyday is encoun- tered, analyzed and experienced at the grassroots level.