REG.NO. 150705024




MEDAN 2019



Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara on October 25th, 2019

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies

University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. Budi Agustono, M.S. NIP. 19600805 198703 1 001

Board of Examiners

Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A., Ph.D.

Dr. Siti Norma Nasution, M.Hum.

Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum.












Signed :

Date : October 25th 2019














Signed :

Date : October 25th 2019


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Bismillahirrahmanirrahim,

Alhamdulillah, all praises go to Almighty Allah SWT who has given me health and capability in completing this thesis as one of the requirements to finish my study from English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera


My deepest and greatest gratitude thanks to the Dean of Faculty of Cultural

Studies, Dr. Budi Agustono, MS. Thanks to the Head of English Department, Prof.

TengkuSilvanaSinar, M.A., Ph.D, and the Secretary of English Department,

RahmadsyahRangkuti, M.A. Ph.D and to all the lecturers of English Department for all assistances, valuable knowledge and motivation during my academic years.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my Supervisor Dr. Siti Norma

Nasution, M.Hum who has provided valuable time, advice and guidance in doing my thesis patiently. Gratitude and appreciation are also dedicated to my Co-supervisor,

Dra.SwesanaMardiaLubis, M.Hum who always supports me to finish my thesis.

My deepest gratitude is also dedicated to my mother SasmitaSiregar and my father, DediHermansyahFrans who always pray in supporting me during my study in

English Literature of Faculty of Cultural Studies, my deepest gratitude also goes to my parents for being there with unceasing prayers, unconditionally love, attention and support as always in the process of completing this thesis. For my dear brother and sister, ZulfandiKurniawan and WinaFradita thank you so much for your support, happiness and sadness that we always share together.


To my forever partner in everything, MiftachKhairani thank you for always be with me and finish this thesis together from the beginning to the end process.

Thank you for encouraging each other, and supporting each other during the process.

To my beloved friends from Looking for Husband, my very dearest squad

(AudryValeinsiaFarjer, Miftach Khairani,Rara Tri AntikaPulungan, Regina

GoelaStevanieDepari, Sri Wahyuni, and), thank you very much for the great time, memories, support and motivation, for being bestfriends who always give a help when I got trouble during the process of writing this thesis. I also thank to my Senior

High School friends, Dedek, Dhea, Dila, Fanny, Novi, Rio, Vira, and my beloved one Yogi Atma Satria thank you for your never ending encouragements, prayers, and supports. And all my friends in English Literature University of Sumatera Utara, especially Class B 2015 that cannot mention one by one, thank you for sharing the priceless experiences to me.

In writing this thesis, I admit that this thesis is far from being perfect even though I have done my best for my thesis, I really need suggestions for this thesis.

Without any helps and support from all participants, this thesis would not be completed.

Finally, may this thesis be advantegous for the readers and the next researchers in the future. May the grace and love of the Almighty Allah SWT be with us all forever.Amin.

Medan, October 25th 2019

WidiAmbarwati Reg. No. 150705024



This thesis entitled "An Analysis Of Prejudice As Portrayed In Tayari Jones's Novel An American Marriage". In this thesis the writer analyzes the forms of prejudice namely stereotype, social distance, and discrimination and this thesis also aims to reveal that literary works reflect to social reality. The object of this thesis is a novel entitled "An American Marriage", a novel published in 2018 written by Tayari Jones. This novel shows that prejudice is always exist in every race. The impact of prejudice in every race tends to have a negative impact. In this thesis the writer has two problems to discuss: how is the stereotype as a form of prejudice as portrayed in the novel An American Marriage, how is the discrimination as form of prejudice as protrayed in Tayari Jones’s novel An American Marriage, and how is the discrimination as a form of prejudiceas portrayed in the novel An American Marriage. The research method used in this thesis is a qualitative descriptive. Data is obtained from words, phrases, clauses or sentences that relate to stereotype and discrimination. The data in this thesis are analyzed with a sociological approach to literature. The theory that writer uses in this thesis is the forms of prejudice by Liliweri. The writer hopes this thesis can be a reference that can provide useful information about prejudice.

Keywords: Prejudice, Stereotype, Social Distance, Discrimination, Sociology.



Judulskripsiiniadalah ―An Analysis Of Prejudice As Portrayed In Tayari Jones’s Novel An American Marriage‖. Dalam skripsi ini penulis menganalisabentuk- bentuk prasangka yaitu stereotip, jarak sosial, dan diskriminasi danskripsi ini juga bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan bahwa karya sastra mencerminkan realitas sosial. Objek dari skripsi ini adalah sebuah novel yang berjudul ―An American Marriage‖, sebuah novel yang diterbitkan pada tahun 2018 yang ditulis oleh Tayari Jones. Novel ini menunjukkan bahwa prasangka selalu ada di setiap ras. Dampak prasangka yang ada di setiap ras cenderung berarah pada dampak negatif. Dalam skripsi ini penulis memiliki dua masalah untuk didiskusikan: bagaimana stereotip sebagai bentuk dari prasangka tergambar di dalam novel An American Marriage, bagaimana jarak sosial sebagai bentuk dari prasangka tergambar di dalam novel An American Marriage, dan bagaimana diskriminasi sebagai bentuk dari prasangka tergambar dalam novel An American Marriage. Metode penelitian yang digunakan penulis pada skripsi ini adalah Deskriptif Kualitatif. Data diperoleh dari kata, frasa, klausa atau kalimat. Data dalam skripsi ini dianalisis dengan pendekatan sosiologi sastra. Teori yang digunakan penulis dalam pembahasan skripsi ini adalah bentuk-bentuk prasangka oleh Liliweri. Penulis berharap skripsi ini dapat menjadi referensi yang dapat memberikan informasi yang bermanfaat tentang prasangka.

Kata kunci: Prasangka, Stereotip, Jarak Sosial, Diskriminasi, Sosiologi.






ABSTRACT ...... ix

ABSTRAK ...... x



1.1 Background of the Study ...... 1

1.2 Problems of the Study ...... 9

1.3 Objectives of the Study ...... 9

1.4 Scope of the Study ...... 9

1.5 Significances of the Study ...... 10


2.1 Novel ...... 11

2.2 Sociology of Literature ...... 12

2.3 Brief Description of Prejudice ...... 15

2.4 The forms of Prejudice ...... 16

2.4.1. Stereotype ...... 16

2.4.2 Social Distance ...... 18

2.4.3 Discrimination ...... 19

2.5 Relevant of Study ...... 21


3.1 Research Design ...... 23

3.2 Data and Data Source ...... 23

3.3 Data Collection Method ...... 24


3.4 Data Analyis Technique ...... 24

3.5 The Theoritical Framework ...... 25


4.1 Stereotype ...... 26

4.2 Social Distance ...... 32

4.2 Discrimination ...... 36

4.3 Findings ...... 44


5.1 Conclusions ...... 45

5.2 Suggestions ...... 46

REFERENCES ...... 47

APPENDICES i. Biography of Tayari Jones ii. Summary of An American Marriage




1.1 Background of the Study

In living a social life we often find social problems such as, prejudice against a race, ethnicity, religion, social class or the other status. Social problems are very interesting problems to continue to be discussed in every life even in their own literary works because literary works will never be able to escape from society. One of the interesting social problems to discuss is the issue of racism which has long been unconsciously mastered the human mind. Racism that occurs due to prejudice towards certain races does not only damage inter-racial relations, but it also results in many of the disadvantages gained in the social life of people who get negative prejudices from certain races.

In the Latin root the word of ―prejudice‖ means ―judging before‖. Prejudice refers to beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and attitudes someone holds about group. A prejudce is not based on experience; instead. it is a prejudgement, originating outside actual experience. A 1970 documentary called Eye of the Storm illustrates the way in which prejudice develops, by showing how defining one category of people as superior (children with blue eyes) results in prejudice develops against people who are not part of the favored category. While prejudice is not necessarily spesific to race, racism is a stronger type of prejudice used to justify the belief that one racial category is somehow superior or inferior to others; it is also a set of practices used by a racial majority to disadvantage a racial minority. Prejudice is a negative behavior that directs the group to individualists based on limitations or misinformation about

13 the group. Prejudice can also be defined as something that is emotional, which will easily become a motivator for the emergence of social explosions.

Prejudice is a happening phenomenon that still exist in some countries. One of them is in the United States. When we think of prejudice, we tend to think of

Blacks in America today. It is important to remember that prejudice goes beyond just today's issues, and beyond race. In the United States, white people's prejudice towards blacks is a permanent social problem. This raises a number of major city setbacks and bankruptcies to destitute, increasingly short life expectancies, higher rates of crime and drug abuse, and various miseries among black people themselves.

The majority or dominant group is in this case American whites . The minority or subordinate group is the American Negro. White people in the United

States have generally and consistently shown a preference for the lighter shades of brown, in so far as they have made any distinctions among Negroes. This has also been true among Negroes, but not without some important counter currents that create a strong ambivalence of feeling in many Negroes. Many white people take expressions of lack of solidarity among Negroes as another sign of their inferiority, instead of seeing them as natureal personality consequences in the members of a suppressed group struggling to work out some adjustment to the hostile environment.

Self-hatred and feelings of inferiority are not, of course, rational or effective responses, but they are among the natural results of the pressures acting upon a minority group.

Prejudice is an attitude, a tendency to respond or a symbolic response. It may never involve over action toward members of the minority group , either because no

14 situation presents it self, or in situations where one might show antipathy, because other attitudes inhibit open expressions of hostility. Actually prejudice, stereotype, social distance and discrimination have a very close relationship with each other because the basis for the emergence of prejudice, social distance and discrimination are stereotype.

From the explanations above it can be explained that stereotype is cognitive aspects that occur due to the existence of limited knowledge of an object. Stereotype is condition that can be both positive and negative. Whereas prejudice is more towards negative evaluation. Because of prejudice and stereotype cause social distance between individuals. As a result of prejudice, stereotype, and social distance tend to lead to acts of discrimination resulting from prejudice. Stereotype can give rise to prejudice, and every person who is prejudiced tends to do social distance and discrimination. As an example stereotype in most westerners consider Islam to be a terrorist religion, dangerous, besides that there are also some who consider Islam to be the perfect religion revealed by Allah to the prophet Muhammad.

Social distance is physical and social closeness between groups, in this case it can be social distance between ethnic groups, or other groups. There are various social distance categories, one of which can be measured by the Bogardus Scale which indicates social distance in several levels, namely the willingness to accept other group members as school friends, the willingness to accept other group members as office friends, accept other group members as neighbors, accept other group members as a brother and accept other group members as partners. It appears that the more leads to the acceptance of other group members as a couple shows the closer social distance. An example of social distance is the most terrorists always

15 wear clothes such as clothes worn by Muslims such as women who wear veils and are prejudiced against Muslim men who have thick and long beards, so the result of that prejudice creates a social distance where when someone meets an Islamic person who wears such clothes too has the characteristics of thick and long bearded person is away and create social distance toward Muslims.

With prejudice, discrimination arises, namely negative behaviors that are based on prejudice against other ethnic or ethnic groups. This discrimination gives rise to unpleasant experiences for those who experience causing negative emotions and very strong memories. An example of discrimination is the discrimination against the religion of Islam, namely by committing and accusing that Islam is a cruel terrorist religion, Islam will be shunned, hated and even often examined by the police when meeting people who dress and have characteristics such as women who wear veils and are prejudiced against Muslim men who have thick and long beards.

There have been many cases of prejudice, for example in

LISTVERSE.COM by David Tormsen September 4, 2015 ―Intra – Jewish

Discrimination Israel‖ In 1950, Israel passed the Law of Return, which stated that every Jew has the right to immigrate to Israel and receive automatic citizenship and various benefits including guaranteed housing, Hebrew study, and full tuition fees for a bachelor's degree. However, controversy arose over who was considered a Jew.

The issue of race and differences between different branches of the Jewish faith have complicated matters.

Many elements felt that the Ashkenazi group, which mostly came from

European backgrounds, historically discriminated against Jews from other backgrounds, especially Mizrahi Jews from the Middle East, Sephardic Jews from


Spain and North Africa, and African Jews. Much of this is due to the Ashkenazim's feeling of superiority over the Jewish Arab cultural roots of Mizrahim and their particular form of Judaism, which led to their dismissal and was ridiculed by the economically and socially dominant Ashkenazim. Former Prime Minister David Ben

Gurion frankly: "We don't want Israelis to be Arabs."

At the end of 2014, the Israeli Academy of Sciences and Humanities held a conference called "From hating strangers to accepting others," which featured speakers of Arabic and Arabic - but neglected to include any Mizrahi speakers. In response, Mizrahi artists, religious leaders, and intellectuals held alternative conferences. The organizer of the final conference complained, "It's as if Mizrahim,

Arabic, Orthodox Jews, and Ethiopian Jews, who make up three-quarters of the population, are all sitting and waiting to be accepted‖.

While Mizrahi's culture became more prominent, many complained that

Israeli textbooks are written from the perspective of European Jews, viewing Middle

Eastern Jews as backward and somehow less authentic. Research has shown that

Mizrahi is under-represented in Israeli academics, the government, and the courts, but they constitute 60 percent of Jewish prison inmates.

Ashkenazi's prejudice against Jewish Mizrahi and Sephardi is seen in the segment of the secular and orthodox population. First Lady Sara Netanyahu was quoted as saying, "We are Europeans. We are purified [and] don't eat as much as you do in Morocco. "

Meanwhile, in 2010, a commotion arose over Ashkenazi Orthodox Jews who wanted to separate religious schools and were willing to oppose court orders to do so,

17 even though more and more Sephardim had adopted Orthodox traditions in Eastern

Europe in an attempt to be accepted.

Some people now argue that the responsibility lies with Mizrahim and

Sephardim to assert their Arabic roots with pride rather than trying to assimilate into

European Ashkenazim culture where the vocal minority completely rejects their presence. Some said the Jewish Arab pride movement could even function as a cultural change that could help Israel achieve future reconciliation with Palestine.

This study aims to find out the forms of prejudice as portrayed in the Novel

Tayari Jones etittled An American Marriage. An American Marriage talked about

Newlyweds Celestial and Roy are the embodiment of both the American Dream and the New South. Roy is a young executive, and Calestial is an artist on the brink of an exciting career. But as they settle into the routine of their life together, they are ripped apart by circumstances neither could have imagined. Roy is black man arrested and sentenced to twelve years for a crime Celestial knows he didn't commit.

The fact that Roy and Celestial’s upward mobility cannot shield them from the criminal justice system’s prejudicial assumptions about black people allows Jones to specifically highlight the insidious reach of racism.

Tayari Jones is a writer whose stories and literary imagination center on

Georgia and its capital city. She was born and raised in , Jones has written a number of short stories and articles but is best known for her novels, Leaving

Atlanta, The Untelling, The Silver Sparrow, and An American Marriage. In her fourth novel, An American Marriage, Jones's explores the inequalities of the criminal justice system through its impact on a single family. Set in present-day Atlanta, the novel follows the diverging narratives of newlywed protagonists Roy and Celestial,

18 whose upwardly-mobile, middle-class lives are upended when Roy is wrongfully convicted and incarcerated.

The reasons why the writer chooses this novel because An American

Marriage has become a classic of modern American literature. In this novel is consist of problems that writer wants to prove and analyze, they are the forms of prejudice.

This novel is one of the most anticipated novels of 2018 according to Entertainment

Weekly, Goodreads, Esquire, Elle, Cosmopolitan, BBC, Huffington Post, Bustle,

Southern Living, Newsday, Bookish, Nylon, iBooks Store. This novel also get the nobel prize in 2018 as best of the year selection of NPR, The Oprah Magazine, The

Dallas Morning News, and Amazon.Com.

In this study, the writer is intrested to analyze the topic about the forms of prejudice because the forms of prejudice as folllow stereotype, soscial distance, and discrimination still be the happening phenomenon that exist in society nowadays.

This topic is related to social life, so in this study the writer uses sociology approach.

Wellek and Warren in Theory of Literature (1985: 94) state that literature is a social institution, using as its medium language, a social creation. Such traditional literary devices as symbolism and metre are social in their very nature. They are conventions and norms which could have arisen only in society. But, furthermore, literature represents life; and life is, in large measure, a social reality, even though the natural world and the inner or subjective world of the individual have also been objects of literary imitation. Literature and society has relation that usually discussed by starting with the phrase, and literature is an expression of society.

Sociology of literature is one of the multidisciplinary fields of literary studies, is an approach (extrinsic approach according to Rene Wellek and Austin Warren., or

19 mimetic approach according to M.H.Abrams) that is how to approach literary work as a product of society, and sociology of literature is a theory that tries to examine literary works in relation to their social relevance.

According to Wellek and Warren (1993) in Yohanes Sehandi’s Mengenal 25

Teori sastra, extrinsic elements are the state of subjectivity of individual authors who have attitudes, beliefs, and views of life that they have created. Psychological conditions, both author psychological, psychological readers and the application of psychological principles into literary works. Environmental conditions of the writer, such as economics, social history, and politics. The last one of extrinsic element is the view of life of a nation, religion, habits, including various works of art that live in society. While the mimetic approach according to M.H. Abrams is an approach that focuses on the literary community. Literature is seen as a product of equality that has a close relationship with the background of the community and the environment that produces it.

According to Taum (1997: 49) in In Yohanes Sehandi’s (2016: 172) state that in the days of scientific positivism, the most important figure of literary sociological theory emerged, namely Hypolite Taine (1828-1893). According to Taine, a literary work can be explained according to three factors, namely race (tribe), moment and environment (milieu). If we know the facts about race, time and environment, we can understand the spiritual climate of a culture that gave birth to a writer and his work.


1.2 Problems of the Study

Based on the background explanation above, the problems that the writer

wants to analyze are as follow:

1. How is the stereotype as form of prejudice as portrayed in Tayari Jones’s

novel An American Marriage?

2. How is the social distance as form of prejudice as portrayed in Tayari

Jones’s novel An American Marriage?

3. How is the discrimination as form of prejudice as portrayed in Tayari

Jones’s novel An American Marriage?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The objectives of this study are to find out the answers of the questions

dealing with the problems of the study. They are:

1. To prove and analyze stereotype as form of prejudice in Tayari Jones’s

novel An American Marriage.

2. To prove and analyze social distance as form of prejudice in Tayari

Jones’s novel An American Marriage.

3. To prove and analyze discrimination as form of prejudice in Tayari

Jones’s novel An American Marriage.

1.4 Scope of the Study

This study is only focussed to find out the forms of prejudice within the scope of stereotype, social distance and discrimination which are found in Tayari Jones’s novel An American Marriage, and through this study the writer hopes that the readers be more respectful for the differences of race, social class, which exist in the societies.


1.5 Significances of the Study

There are four significances of the study such as follows:

1. This study will be useful for the readers, to get the information about prejudice and the forms of prejudice. 2. This study will contribute to other students to conduct further research of the similar topic. 3. This study can add to the reader’s theoritical knowledge about how exactly someone is categorized as prejudice against race. 4. This study can give practical application to overcome the act of prejudice in any differences that exist in social life.




2.1 Novel

Novel is one of literary works that has intrinsic elements and extrinsic elements. Novel, an invented prose narrative of considerable length and a certain complexity that deals imaginatively with human experience, usually through a connected sequence of events involving a group of persons in a specific setting.

Within its broad framework, the genre of the novel has encompassed an extensive range of types and styles: picaresque, epistolary, Gothic, romantic, realist, historical—to name only some of the more important ones.

According to Martha Pardede (2016: 8) novel is the most widely read of literature, although it is comparatively a new arrival. It may be defined as fictitious prose narrative of considerably length, which portray characters and actions or the representative of real life in continuous plot. Unlike the drama, it is free from all limitations. This free form not only makes it possible for a novelist to give a complete, presentations of human life, but also make it the easiest to write.

According to Andri Wicaksono (2018: 43) novel is a prose essay that is storytelling, which tells of an extraordinary event from the lives of people

(characters). It is an extraordinary event because of this incident a conflict emerged which diverted the direction of the fate of the characters. A novel only tells one aspect of the life of the character that is truly special, which results in a change of fate.


2.2 Sociology of Literature

Sociology of literature is one of the multidisciplinary fields of literary studies, is an approach (extrinsic approach according to Rene Wellek and Austin Warren., or mimetic approach according to M.H.Abrams) that is how to approach literary work as a product of society, and sociology of literature is a theory that tries to examine literary works in relation to their social relevance.

According to Wellek and Warren (1993) in Yohanes Sehandi’s (2016: 218) state that extrinsic elements are the state of subjectivity of individual authors who have attitudes, beliefs, and views of life that they have created. Psychological conditions, both author psychological, psychological readers and the application of psychological principles into literary works. Environmental conditions of the writer, such as economics, social history, and politics. The last one of extrinsic element is the view of life of a nation, religion, habits, including various works of art that live in society. While aaccording to M.H. Abrams in Yohanes Sehandi’s (2016: 218) mimetic approach is an approach that focuses on the literary community. Literature is seen as a product of equality that has a close relationship with the background of the community and the environment that produces it.

The concept of the theory of sociology of literature is based on the proposition that literary work is created by an author where the author itself is a sailent being, that is, beings who experience and become part of their social life.

Thus, literature is formed by its people, literature is in a network of systems and values in its society. From this awareness comes the understanding that literature has a reciprocal relationship in a certain degree with its society. And sociology of literature seeks to examine the connection between literary work and the reality of

24 society in sharing its dimensions. The basic concept of the theory of sociology of literature has actually been developed by Plato and Aristotle who introduced the term mimesis which alludes to the relationship between literature and society as a mirror

(Taum, 1997: 48).

Taum (1997:49) in Yohanes Sehandi’s (2016: 172) state that in the days of scientific positivism, the most important figure of literary sociological theory emerged, namely Hypolite Taine (1828-1893). Taine was born on April 21, 1828, and died on March 5, 1893. He is a historian and critic of French naturalists who are often seen as the founders of the foundations of the theory of sociology of modern literature. Taine wants to formulate a literature on sociology that is entirely scientific by using methods such as those used in natural sciences and uncertain.

According to Taine in Yohanes Sehandi’s (2016: 172) state that a literary work can be explained according to three factors, namely race (tribe), moment and environment (milieu). If we know the facts about race, time and environment, we can understand the spiritual climate of a culture that gave birth to a writer and his work.

According to him, the factors that produce the mental structure of the author are further manifested in literary and artistic works. Race is what humans inherit in their souls and bodies. The moment is the socio-political situation of economic culture in a certain period. Environment that includes natural, climate, and social conditions. It was Taine's concept of milieu (environment) which later became the link that connected literary criticism with the social sciences.

Taine's view opened up a new horizon that was different from the rigid anatomical horizon (structuralism) that was developing at that time, and brought a fresh new aroma to the American model of literature in the future


According to Gill and Gilbert (1988) in Liliweris’s (2009: 19) race is a biological understanding that describes a group of people that can be distinguished according to the physical characteristics produced through reproductive processes.

Race is often a social status defined by cultural terms rather than race in biological terms. Sometimes, differences between ethnic groups include more than one culture.

Racial and racial classification includes physical appearance, which also forms the basis for distinguishing ethnic groups.

According to Kottak (1991) in Liliweris’s (2009: 19) understanding race can be viewed from two aspects: 1.Social constructtion; and 2. biological construction.

In general, experts use these two approaches when studying biological or biological diversity, namely grouping things racially and specifically explaining the differences in something. as well as the way scientists pay attention to races that are theoretically. Race as biology is a different group because its members have genetic temperaments and are inherited from their ancestors. They believe that the existence of race exists and is very important, to distinguish many people in the togetherness of a society that is biologically the same.

According to Grosse in N.Daldjoeni’s (1991: 1) race is a group of humans which is a unity because it has the same physical and spiritual traits that are derived, so that based on it can be distinguished from other entities.

According to Kohlbruge in N.Daldjoeni’s (1991: 1) race is a group of people who have similar physical characteristics because they are lowered; so spiritual characteristics are not taken into account here. According to Haldane race is a group which shares in common a certain set of innate physical characters and geographical origin with a certain area.


Most of the countries in this world consist of various races. Those various races can be a big power for those countries if the people can accept the varieties which exist among them because they have their own resources or skills to increase their life and their country. On the other hand, it can be cause of a big problem if they can not regard one to another.

2.3 Brief Description of Prejudice

Johnson (1986) in Liliweris’s (2009: 200) state that prejudice is a positive or negative attitude based on our stereotypical beliefs about members of a particular group, such as attitudes. Prejudice includes the belief to describe the type of differentiation against others in accordance with the rating we give to others. Race- based prejudice is called as racism, whereas ethnic-based is called as ethnicism. The idea of race refers to superficial physical differences that a particular society considers significant, while ethnicity describes shared culture.

Gordon Allport in The Nature of Prejudice (1954: 9) state that the term prejudice is derived from the word ―praejudicium‖, which is a statement or conclusion about something based on feelings or superficial experiences of a particular person or group of people.

Prejudice is inevitable, if it can be said only certain ethnicities or tribes who have prejudices, of course, this statement is wrong. All ethnicities or tribes must have prejudiced. Prejudice is an assessment carried out by a group of other groups.

Prejudice is related to inner and outer groups. Assessment of the group itself (inner group) tends to be more positive and assesses other groups (external group) tend to be negative. Prejudice comes in various forms, namely race, ethnicity, religion,

27 gender, age, occupation, and sexual interests. Why is it said that every ethnic or tribe has prejudice because with differences with other ethnic and ethnic groups, it will cause feelings of superiority.

Prejudice arises because of stereotype. With prejudice, discrimination arises, namely negative behaviors that are based on prejudice against other ethnic or ethnic groups. This discrimination gives rise to unpleasant experiences for those who experience causing negative emotions and very strong memories. The impact of social distance between ethnic and ethnic groups is getting bigger. Social distance is physical and social closeness between groups, in this case it can be social distance between ethnic groups, ethnic groups, or other groups. There are various social distance categories, one of which can be measured by the Bogardus Scale which indicates social distance in several levels, namely the willingness to accept other group members as school friends, the willingness to accept other group members as office friends, accept other group members as neighbors, accept other group members as a brother, and accept other group members as partners.

2.4 The Forms of Prejudice

According to Liliweri (2009: 207) state that the forms of prejudice is consists of three forms as follow:

2.4.1 Stereotype

According to Liliweri (2009:207) stereotype is one form of ethnic or racial prejudice. People tend to categorize the appearance of other people's behavior characteristics by category, gender, nationality, and display of verbal and nonverbal communication. Stereotypes are one of the main forms of prejudice that show different categories:


(1) "We" with "them", where we are always associated with the superiority of

groups of in groups and they are the infinity or group out group;

(2) Social category processes that produce "us" and "them", or in groups and out

groups. In groups usually tend to please groups themselves, and instead tend to

evaluate others based on the views of our "group". This will result in attribution

of certain behaviors.

Stereotype is an attitude and even characters that a person has to assess the characteristics, negative or positive traits of others, solely based on that person's membership in a particular group.

Stereotype is a person's belief to generalize certain traits that tend to be negative about others because they are influenced by shared knowledge and experience. That belief leads people to estimate differences between groups that may be too high or too low as a characteristic of an individual or target group.

Stereotype is the result of the categorization that we do, for example in describing other types of racial or ethnic characteristics. Like racism, ethnocentrism and prejudice, stereotyping is a result that is sometimes very natural in the process of relations or communication between races or ethnicities. So many of the stereotype is unique and based on personal experience, but some of them are the result of our experiences and associations with other people and with group members themselves.

According to Baron & Paulus in Sobur (2009: 391) there are two factors that cause stereotype namely:

1. Humanity's tendency to divide the world into two categories: us and them.

People who we perceive as groups outside us are seen as more like each


other. Because we lack information about them, we tend to generalize them

and consider them homogeneous.

2. Our tendency to do cognitive work is as little as possible in thinking about

others. In other words, stereotypes lead to selective perceptions about people

and everything around us. By including people in groups, we assume that we

know a lot about them (their main characteristics and behavioral tendencies),

and we save our job of understanding them as individuals.

2.4.2 Social Distance

According to Liliweri (2009: 213) social distance is another aspect of social prejudice that shows the level of one's acceptance of others in the relationships that occur between them.

Sometimes life between people is always marked by psychological feelings, for example, which comes out in the phrase "I am very close to Fred, but not too familiar with Jeffry." The phrase illustrates that human relationships are often influenced by certain emotional feelings. This is what is called interpersonal social distance. In literary sociology, social distance has the following approaches:

1. Affective social distance

This approach to social distance that focuses on affective. According to

this approach, social distance is related to distance affective, i.e. how

sympathetic members of a group are towards other groups.

2. Normative social distance

This second approach emphasizes social distance as a normative view.

Normative social distance refers to the acceptance of collective


agreements and statements about norms that consider a person an

"insider" or an "outsider / foreigner." These norms, in other words,

determine the difference between "us" and "them." Therefore, normative

social distance is different from affective social distance.

3. Interactive social distance

The third approach argues that social distance focuses on the frequency

and intensity of interaction between two groups, claiming that the more

members of the two groups interact, the closer they will be socially close.

This concept is similar to the approach of network sociology theory, that

the frequency of interaction between two parties is used as a measure of

the "power" of social ties between them.

2.4.3 Discrimination

According to Liliweri (2009: 218) Discrimination is an act that usually carried out by those who have a very strong prejudice due to certain pressures, such as the pressure of culture, customs, or law.

Discrimination is treatment that is not balanced with individuals, or groups, based on something, usually of a nature categorical, or distinctive attributes, such as based on race, ethnicity, religion or membership of social classes. The term usually to describe, an act of the dominant majority party within its relationship with a weak minority, so it can be said that behavior they are immoral and immoral democratic.

Discrimination often begins with prejudice. With prejudice, we make a distinction between ourselves and others. In everyday life we often say "we" and

"them". This distinction occurs because we are social beings who naturally want to gather with people who are similar to us. Prejudice is often based on ignorance,

31 indifference to "their" group, or fear of difference. With this lack of understanding, we often make generalizations about 'them', and make everyone in the 'their' group definitely the same.

A person or group that is discriminated against will experience a reduction, deviation, or elimination of the recognition, exercise or fulfillment of their basic human rights. History has shown that acts of discrimination make each individual no longer a human being or lose his humanity, both perpetrators and victims of discrimination.

In Memahami Diskriminasi (2009:5) the various types of discrimination that often occur in society include but are not limited to:

a. Discrimination based on ethnicity / ethnicity, race and religion / belief.

b. Discrimination based on sex and gender (social roles due to sex).

For example: boys are preferred for get access to education compared to

women; women are considered husband's property after marriage; and


c. Discrimination against people with disabilities.

For example: a person with a disability is considered sick and not

accepted to work in a government agency.

d. Discrimination in people with HIV / AIDS.

For example: HIV / AIDS sufferers are ostracized from the community

and are considered community trash.

e. Discrimination due to social caste.


For example: in India, the lowest caste is considered the social trash and is

impoverished or marginalized so that it lacks access to enjoy their human


Discrimination is variety of categories of threats that are not balanced against others. If prejudice cares about certain attitudes or beliefs, discrimination refers to certain behaviors. Prejudice and discrimination are "the vicious cycle". It is said that in our society there is always prejudice and discrimination. Both of them strengthen each other; as long as there is prejudice, there will be discrimination. Discrimination is a factor that undermines human cooperation and communication between them.

2.5 Relevant of Study

A journal by Marilea White from Illinois Wesleyan University entitled: An

Analysis of The Effects of Prejudice and Discrimination on Members of the Negro

Minority Through the Study of Richard Wright’s Native Son and The Long Dream

(1963). This journal contributes in giving information about prejudice and discrimination toward the Black people.

A journal by Madalla A. Alibeli, PhD from United Arab Emirates University entitled: Allevating Prejudice against Muslims in the United States (2013). This journal contributes in giving explanation about prejudice.

A journal by Tanmoy Bhattacharaya from University of Delhi entitled:

Prejudice, Stereotype and Devaluation: An Analysis of Discourse around Disability.

This journal contributes in giving explanation of the relationship between stereotype and prejudice.


A journal by Mas Muhammad Idris (2017:18) entitled An Analysis Of The

Racial Discrimination Suffered By Edgar Allan In John Neufeld’s Edgar Allan. This journal helps the writer how to work in analyzing the data that related to the problem of study.




3.1 Research Design

In conducting this study, the writer uses descriptive qualitative method. because the data in this study are words and phrases instead of the numbers as statistical calculations. The data that the writer found like a quotation and explanation from the novel An American Marriage and some sources such as journals and books to support this study.

According to Bodgan and Taylor (1975: 5) in Moleong’s (2002: 20) state qualitative research is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or oral words from people and observable behavior. The qualitative analysis, in general, can be named as the method of understanding the phenomena about what happened with the analysis subject, for example, attitude, behaviour, perception, motivation, habit, etc, holistically, and by the descriptive method that applied as the words and language, in specific context naturally, and using the scientific method.

3.2 Data and Data Source

The data source of this study is the novel An American Marriage. A novel by

Tayari Jones which consist of 314 pages that published in 2018 by Algonquin Books.

While the data of this study are the quotations that relate to stereotype, the quotations that relate to social distance, and the quotations that relate to discrimination.


3.3 Data Collection Method

In the process of collecting the data the writer has several steps such as the first step is writer reading the primary data which is the novel by Tayari Jones entitled An

American Marriage. The second step is gathering data source from books, thesis, journals and articles related to forms of prejudice. The last step is underlining important data which are related to each of the research problems that have been determined, as a form of evidence of what is stated in answering the research problems.

3.4 Data Analysis Technique

In the process of analyzing the data, the writer has some steps to analyze the data such as follows:

1. Re-reading the data source. In this step, the writer re-reads the novel An

American Marriage by Tayari Jones.

2. Selecting the data. In this step, the writer selects the quotations from the

novel which shows the relation to the problem of study as follow the

quotations of stereotype, social distance, and discrimination.

3. Interpreting and analyzes the data. In this step, the writer interprets the novel

by Tayari Jones entitled An American Marriage which deals with the topic is

Prejudice. And then the writer analyzed the forms of prejudice by Liliweri

that consists of stereotype, social distance, and dsicrimination onto writing.

4. The last step is making conclusion.


3.5 The Theoritical Framework The chart of the method can be summarized in the pattern below:


How is the social distance as How is the discrimination as How is the stereotype as form of prejudice as form of prejudice as form of prejudice as portrayed in Tayari Jones’s portrayed in Tayari Jones’s portrayed in Tayari Jones’s novel An American novel An American novel An American Marriage? Marriage Marriage

Theory of the forms of

prejudice by Liliweri

Descriptive Qualitative


Analysis and Findings





Prejudice exists in a person because of the existence of stereotype where after the existence of a stereotype will surely cause social distance within a person even with the existence of prejudice can lead to discrimination which is usually done through an act or negative treatment of people who are victims of prejudice.

In this analysis the writer wants to analyze the quotations which related to forms of prejudice that exist in novel An American Marriage by Tayari Jones. The writer only put the quotations of stereotype and dsicrimination as the forms of prejudice that exist in the novel.

4.1 Stereotype

Stereotype as one of the form of prejudice. Stereotype is a shortcut of thought or belief that is done intuitively by humans to assess things that are complex and is done in an effort to provide assistance in making decisions quickly. Stereotype can be negative and positive. The most common stereotype in our society is usually about gender and membership in certain ethnic groups or occupations.

In the novel An American Marriage the situation happened in Roy as the main charater become a victim of stereotype by people in the neighborhood he lived because Roy was a black man. As we know black men are always underestimated and negative in the United States. Black ethnicity did not have a good character in the social environment of the United States. Regarded as a criminal, drunkard, killer, fool, and others.


When Roy was gone. Andre said, “You know that Gomer Pyle thing is an act.” “Clearly,” I said. Something about him was dangerous, and after, my experience at Howard, I wanted no part of danger. (Jones 2018: 33).

From the quotation above, it can be seen that Celestial has stereotype toward

Roy based on her experience. Stereotype is a person's belief to generalize certain traits that tend to be negative about others because they are influenced by shared knowledge and experience. That belief leads people to estimate differences between groups that may be too high or too low as a characteristic of an individual or target group. The conversation is between Andre and Celestial. Andre and Celestial are

White. The quotation above is talked about Andre who wanted intoduce Roy to

Celestial but she hesitate to get acquainted with Roy. She supposed it wasn’t her time because Celestial didn’t speak with or even think about Roy Othaniel Hamilton again for another four years. When they reconnected, it wasn’t that he was so different. It’s just that what felt like peril then now morphed into something that

Celestial labeled ―realness‖, something for which she developed a bottomless appetite.

From the quotation above there is a sentence "You know that Gomer Pyle thing is an act" that Gomer Pyle is an old film that was screened 51 years ago in

America where Gomer Pyle has a role as a naive mechanic. Naive can be negative when naïve makes someone close their eyes that there are people who err, are not entirely good and sincere. Supposing a naive negative is a human wearing a horse- eye mirror, looking straight at one line without wanting to see that there are many

39 other lines that can be curved to form complicated and misleading lines. So Celestial thinks Roy is like Gomer Pyle who has a naive nature. This proved Celestial to be hesitant to get acquainted with Roy at the time.

“Dre,” she said. “What do you want me to do?” “I want to get maried, make everything legit, aboveboard. You have to tell me, Celestial. You can’t leave me hanging.” “The timing’s not right, Dre” “Just tell me what you want. Either you want to marry me, or you don’t. Either we’ve been playing house for almost three years, or weve been here building something real.” “Is this an ultimatum?” “You know me better than Roy. He is a prisoner. Celestial, You should know that I love you” (Jones 2018: 93).

From the quotation above Andre as a speaker. This conversation tells that

Andre wanted to marry Celestial but Celestial said the time was not right, because she was still Roy's wife. Andre wanted to get married with Celestial because Roy,

Celestial's husband was still in prison. Andre considered that Celestial must marry a second time and would not be loyal to Roy. From the quotation above Andre considered himself better than Roy because Andre already has a negative view of

Roy because Roy is a black man and become a prisoner. Andre believed in himself that he was a proper man to marry with Celestial because Andre was a friend of

Celestial when they were children. Their family also had a very close relationship. In general, the characteristic of a man who deserves to be a husband are men whose relationship with his parents, especially his father. Andre always looked familiar to


Celestial’s Father. In terms of characteristic to be a good husband Andre thought that

Roy did not exist because Roy as a black man was serving a sentence. If Roy had been released from prison and when Roy and Celestial's married life continues Andre considered Celestial not getting comfort, security in carrying out the domestic life of an ex-convict. This illustrate the stereotype carried out by Andre to Roy.

―Son,” My father said, gripping the desssert spoon like a pitchfork. “I have one thing to say to you, as black man: Roy is a hostage of the stage. He is a victim of America. The least you could is unhand his wife when he gets back.” (Jones 2018: 105).

The quotation above is a conversation between Andre and his father. This conversation told Andre who wants to ask permission from his father to marry

Celestial. From the quotation above shows that stereotype was done by Andre’s father where the stereotype happened because the nationality of Roy was a Black.

Racism occurs when people believe in the superiority that they inherit from other races. Racism was a social driver of race and this occurs in the quotation above where Andre's father forbade Andre to marry Celestial where Celestial status was

Roy's wife. The reason Andre's father banned him because Roy was a black man and had become a state prisoner, and Andre's father was afraid that when Roy was free from his sentence Andre would get rough treatment from Roy. Andre's father believed that black people always commit crimes. Andre's father's disapproval is supported by the way Andre's father held a fork like holding a pitchfork. There is an

41 emotional affirmation that illustrate when Andre's father strictly forbade Andre to marry Celestial.

“He was okay, I guess. He said tell you that he misses you.” “You know that I loved him, right, Dre? His mother never believed me.” “Well, she didn’t know you, did she? Maybe she didn’t think anybody was good enough for her son. You know how black mammas are.” (Jones 2018: 136).

The quotation above is the conversation between Andre and Celestial that told about Celestial told Andre that Roy’s Mother did not like Celestial. Celestial is

White so Mama Roy thought that Celestial was not good enough for her son. It could be happened because Roy’s mother view as a black race that Celestial as white would enslave Roy. That's the reason why Roy’s mother didn’t believe in Celestial.

This is a portrayed of stereotype was done between Roy’s mother towards Celestial and Andre towards Roy’s mother. Andre realized Celestial that how the negative views of mothers who have black race can be seen from Andre's statement "You know how black mammas are". Affirmation of Black includes a negative stereotype that is not favored by white people.

“Have you ever starred fury in its eyes? There is no saving yourself from a man in its throes, Roy’s face was haunted and wild. The cords of his neck muscles were like cables; his lips made a hard gash. The unceasing blows were fueled by a need to hurt me that was greater than his own need for oxygen or even freedom.


His need to hurt me was gretaer even than my own desire to survive. My efforts to protect myself were ritualistic, mannered, and symbolic while his fists, feet, and needs were operating from a brutal code.” (Jones 2018: 256).

The quotation above shows the stereotype was done by Andre to Roy. It can be seen from Andre's statement that describes Roy's overall physical picture. There are many reasons why Andre judges Roy from his physique, namely Roy's background as a black man who is considered inferior, evil, and frightening by whites. Another reason is the formation of social distance because of group conflicts or group conflicts that develop and this cannot be avoided due to different cultural environments. The social distance that arises is based on the majority group which is white and the norm of social distance provides a corner view of the minority, that is, the black race. Examples of Andre's Roy stereotypes are "Roy's face was haunted and wild. The cords of his neck muscles were like cables; his lips made a hard gash",

"while his fists, feet, and needs were operating from a brutal code".


4.2 Social Distance

Social distance is one of the form of prejudice. It is another aspect of social prejudice that shows the level of one's acceptance of others in the relationships that occur between them. This statement can be prove from the quotation below:

I never imagined that he would ever turn his inflexible nature agianst me and Dre. After all, Dre had been my father’s first choice. Roy, with his aspirations raw and pink like the skin underneath a scab, made my father like him as a person but not as a husband for me. “I bet he showers in a coat and tie,” my father said. “I respect his ambition; I had mine. But you don’t want to spend the rest of your life with a man who has something to prove”.” (Jones 2018: 98-99) From the quotation above illustrates the social distance was done by

Celestial's father to Roy it can be seen from the sentences ―made my father like him as a person but not as a husband for me‖ ―I respect his ambition; I had mine. But you don’t want to spend the rest of your life with a man who has something to prove‖. In this quotation, Celestial as a speaker. From the beginning Celestial's father did not like Celestal's choice to marry Roy. The level of acceptance in Celestial’s father is clearly illustrated. Roy as a black person has been proven to get a negative view of American culture where black people are always considered bad, evil to commit criminal acts and others. Celestial's father reminded Celestial not to spend the rest of Celestial’s life with people who have been proven or deemed not good from the


surrounding environment or country. In general, when parents try to warn their

children not to approach things that are considered to bring bad things, forbid

their children not to be friends or associate with the opposite sex who are not

liked by parents, it is better as a child to listen and follow the will of the

parents. Parents can give warnings and even make a ban on their children

because parents have first run a life, are familiar with all the events that often

occur in the social environment in life. Proven in this story, Roy as a black

man has been considered a crime that was the accusation of raping a woman in

a hotel. Celestial's father had reminded Celestial from the very beginning not

to became Roy to be her husband.

Celestial's father does not like Roy it can be supported by the statement "Roy,

with his raw and pink aspirations like the skin underneath a scab" that its

means that Roy has ambitions that describe as human skin which is dry sores

on the outside like scab. This explain that scab wounds like the views of

people including Celestial's father towards Roy are bad even though Roy is

someone who has a strong ambition to make his dream comes true but Roy

has gotten a bad image from his environment.

I could have asked Uncle Banks to draw up divorce papers the instant I knew that I couldn’t be a prisoner’s wife. (Jones 2018: 96) From the quotation above tells that Celestial asked Uncle Banks to make a divorce letter between Celestial and Roy. Uncle Banks is a lawyer. Uncle Banks is not part of the Celestial family. Uncle Banks is a close friend of both Celestial parents. When Roy carried out his sentence, Uncle Banks was appointed by the

Celestial family to become Roy's lawyer. From the quotation above illustrates the

45 social distance is carried out by Celestial to Roy. Celestial wanted to divorce with

Roy. She didn't want to be a prisoner's wife. She wanted to create the social distance because Roy is a prisoner. In social life, there are often many phenomena like this.

When a husband gets a criminal sentence, not many wives can accept the situation and are loyal to their partners. Most of each wife left her husband. Wives are not proud when they have to get the title that she is a wife of a prisoner. People around certainly have looked negatively towards the family where when her husband was in prison. This situation is very detrimental to the wife who has a job related to social life. As happened to Celestial, she wanted to divorce Roy because she did not want to get negative views from people in her environment. She did not want Roy's status as a prisoner to make her puppet business lonely no longer demanded by customers.

Not only selling dolls, Celestial often exhibits puppet shows that have been made.

Quite a lot of visitors who came when she held a doll exhibition and even she had received an award from the exhibition that he held. Then from that he tried to ask

Uncle Banks to make a divorce letter between herself and Roy.

He kissed my shoulder and up toward my neck. “Please”. “We have to use protection,” I said. “Because I was in Prison? I was innocent. You know I was innocent. When that lady got raped, I was with you. So you know I didn’t do it. Don’t treat me like a criminal, Celestial.” (Jones 2018 : 227) From the quotation above illustrates that Celestial has the social distance to

Roy. Celestial refused to have sex with Roy when Roy was released from prison.

Celestial asked Roy to use "a safety" because Celestial was afraid of contracting

46 venereal disease from Roy even though Celestial knew that Roy was not the perpetrator of the rape that occurred in the hotel where they were staying. Image Roy is already negative as a former criminal, making it difficult for Celestial to believe in her husband, for example by asking Roy to use " a safety" if he wants to have sex.

On one hand Celestial did not want to have children from Roy because later their descendants would become descendants of the black race. Celestial has doubts about having offspring from a husband who was once a suspect in a rape case. Roy was aware of the Celestial doubts because Roy's statement was directed by saying "Don't treat me like a criminal, Celestial". He felt cornered by the attitude of people who accused him of being a rapist and even his own wife began to distrust him.


4.3 Discrimination

Discrimination is one of the form of Prejudice. Discrimination is an act that usually carried out by those who have a very strong prejudice due to certain pressures, such as the pressure of culture, customs, or law. Discrimination is an attitude of unjust or unbalanced behavior and actions committed by individual or groups against other individual or groups. There are many forms of discrimination carried out in the life of society and the state one of which is ethnic and racial differences. This explanation can be seen in this quotation below:

I was expecting a scientist to come and testify about DNA. I was looking for a pair of good looking detectives to burst into the courtroom at the last minute, whispering something urgent to the presexutor. Every one would see that this was a big mistake, a major misunderstanding. We would all be shaken but appeased. I fully believed that I would leave the courtroom with my husbnd beside him. Secure in our home, I would tell people how no blackman is really safe in America. Tweelve years is what they gave him. Roy understood that twelve years was an eternity because he sobbed right there at the defendants table. (Jones 2018:35).

One of the factor that causing discrimination is prejudice. From the quotation above shows discrimination against Roy because of prejudice which shows that Roy had raped a woman in a hotel. This incident occurred when Roy and Celestial stayed at a hotel. Suddenly there was a woman from room number 206 asking Roy to help

48 repaired the water faucet in her room. After Roy fixed the water tap in her room, Roy returned to his room where he and Celestial were staying. In fact Roy didn't do it, because Roy and Celestial had been together when Roy repaired the water faucet in her room. Celestial told to the prosecutors about the Magic Fingers that wouldn’t work, about the movie that played on snowy televison. But they didn’t believe

Celestial. Even though Celestial had testified the prosecutor continued to accuse or presume that Roy raped the woman in room number 206 because Roy was a black person. Roy was sentenced to 12 years in prison and the sentence is a form of discrimination committed against Roy.

The prosecutor sentenced him to twelve years in prison, I see His knees gave way, and he fell into his chair. The judge paused and demanded that Roy bear this news on his feet. He stood again and cried, not like a babby but in the way that only a grown man can cry, from the bottom of his feet through his torso and finally through his mouth. When a man wails like that you know it’s all the tears that he was never allowed to shed, from Little League dissapointment to teenage heartbreak , all the to whatever injured his spirit just last year. (Jones 2018: 36).

The portrayed of discrimination still can be seen from the quotation above, that the prosecutor continued to sentence Roy without reducing imprisonment despite the witness of Celestial. Roy felt injustice approaching his life. He known he didn’t have much evidence of this case. But this injustice made him dissapointed in the actions of prosecutors who only saw him as black man and made him innocent

49 guilty. Prejudice is often based on ignorance, ignorance of groups outside the group such as white groups towards black people or fear of differences and the tendency to always be in unity with groups that have similarities. With the ignorance and fear of the black group so that the group who felt stronger that the white people could give an improper sentence when Roy was accused of raping a woman in a hotel room despite the testimony but the prosecutors did not care about him and keep imprisoning Roy.

As Roy howled, my fingers kept worrying a rough patch of skin beneath my chin, a souvenir of scar tissue. When they did what I remember as kicking in the door, what everyone else remembers as opening it with a plastic key, after the door was opened, however it was opened, we were both pulled from the bed. They dragged Roy into the parking lot, and I followed, lunging for him, wearing nothing but the white slip. Somebody pushed me to the ground and my chin hit the pavement. My slip rode up showing my everything to everyone as my tooth sank into the soft of my bottom lip. Roy was on the asphalt beside me, barely beyond my grasp, speaking words that didn’t reach my ears. I don’t know how long we lay there, parallel like burial plots. Husband. Wife. What God has brought together, let no man tear asunder. (Jones 2018: 36) From the quotation above Celestial told the portrayed of discrimination that committed by the prosecutors against Roy. Discrimination in the quotation above

50 shows discrimination in the presence of brutal acts such as physical harm to Roy it can be seen from the sentence ―we were both pulled from the bed. They dragged Roy into the parking lot‖, ―.Roy was on the asphalt beside me, barely beyond my grasp, speaking words that didn’t reach my ears. I don’t know how long we lay there, parallel like burial plots. Husband. Wife. What God has brought together, let no man tear asunder‖. Discrimination occurs through the stages of stereotype and then leads to prejudice and then the action or crime committed by someone who was prejudiced against victims who are part of prejudice. Discrimination will always exist for anyone who has committed stereotype, prejudice, and social distance.

But what is real? Was it our uneventful first impression? Or the day in New York, of all places, where we found each other once again? Or did things ―get real‖ when we married, or was it the day that the prosecutor in a little nowhere town declared Roy to be a flight risk? The state declared that though he may have roots in Lousiana, his home was in Atlanta, so he was held without bond or bail. At this pronouncement, Roy spat out a caustic laugh. ―So now roots are irrelevant‖ (Jones 2018: 33)

From the quotation above Celestial as the speaker who told that the discrimination that Roy received, the prosecutors declared Roy as a flight risk. A flight risk is a legal term in America that is used to describe someone detained by law enforcement who is considered likely to flee. From the quotation above shown that the prosecutors did not give Roy a guarantee to fly anywhere when

Roy wanted to go let alone to return to the area where Roy was from.


Roy's reaction to the discrimination he received from the prosecutors seemed not surprising. Roy laughs at the prosecutor's decision not because it benefits him but is very detrimental to his situation ―Roy spat out a caustic laugh.

―So now roots are irrelevant‖.

When I was interviewed on stage, I didn’t tell them about you. They asked about the inspiration and I talked about my mother being a baby maid and I spoke about Angela Davis and the prison-industrial complex. What is happening with you is so personal that I didn’t want to see it in the newpaper. I know you will understand what I mean. I couldn’t bring myself to talk about something this painful on the microphone during the Q&A. Maybe it was selfish, but I wanted to have my moment to be an artist not the prisoner’s wife. (Jones 2018: 58) From the quotation above discrimination is illustrated by Celestial action toward her husband, Roy. When Celestial held an exhibition to show her doll shop business, Celestial was interviewed by receiving various kinds of questions about her personal life. Celestial told about her personal life, told people who gave inspiration to her life but she did not tell about her husband namely Roy who was in prison because of being accused of rape. Celestial known what she had done was very selfish. Celestial must do it. She asserted that the public must known herself as an artist not as the wife of a prisoner as written in the phrase "Maybe it was selfish, but I wanted to have my moment to be an artist, not the prisoner's wife". The other evidence that Celestial does not want the public knows that she is a wife of a prisoner can be seen in the quotation below:


Our story is too tender to explain to strangers. Don’t you see? If I say that my husband is in prison, that’s all anyone can focus on, not me or my dolls. Even when I explain that you’re innocent, all they remember is the fact that you are inacreated. Even when I tell the truth about you, the truth doesn’t get delivered. (Jones 2018: 60)

From the quotation above Celestial who was Roy's wife discriminates directly against Roy. Celestial was ashamed to say to people who attended the doll exhibit that she held at her doll shop that Roy was her husband because Roy was a prisoner.

Celestial did not want anyone present at her puppet show to be unfocused with the exhibition and Celestial said that even if she was honest with the visitors Roy was her husband who was in prison and told about the incident of rape in one hotel that was not Roy the culprit, everyone also still would not believe all the Celestial statements that it was not Roy who committed the rape. Everyone has a negative view of black people. Although blacks do not commit crimes they never believe and continue to discriminate. So Celestial told the visitor dishonestly that Andre was as her husband. From the quotation above Celestial told Roy in a letter. In this story, when Roy was in prison Celestial and Roy always sent messages to tell each other about the day-to-day they went through, where the messages were written in a letter.

What did Roy do to deserve any of this? He didn’t do anything but be a black man in the wrong place at the wrong time this is basic. (Jones 2018: 106).

The portrayed of discrimintaion from the quotation above is Celestial still did not believe that Roy was accused of raping a woman even though Celestial

53 had given witnesses to the prosecutors for what happened at the hotel, but the prosecutor still did not care about the testimony. But, again and again Celestial only resigned to the fact that her husband was a black man who living in America where everyone who lived in America had the negative views that blacks were criminals, murderers, and others. Unbalanced behavior towards black groups due to different social classes and races. Although human rights prohibit discrimination that demeans the dignity of a particular community and if violated there will be conflict and injustice in human life. For example can be seen in the sentence contained in the quotation above "a black man in the wrong place at the wrong time this is basic".

―Can I ask you something,‖ she said. ―About when you were gone?‖ ―You know I didn’t do it.‖ ―I know,‖ she said. “Nobody around here thought you did it. It was just the wrong race and the wrong time. Police are shady as hell. That’s why everybody is locked up.” (Jones 2018:148)

From the quotation above Davina tried to ask Roy for the accusation that caused Roy to go to prison. Davina was his high school friend. They hadn't seen each other for a long time, when Roy was released from prison Davina tried to meet with

Roy and asked how he was doing. From the quotation above, black people will always get discrimination from a person or group who is stronger in his position against the law, such as the police who have discriminated against Roy as illustrated in the quotation above.


The task of the police for the state is to catch the guilty person and free the innocent. But in the quotation above contrary to the situation that was done to Roy.

The police still arrested Roy as a rapist even though there was no evidence that he only saw Roy as a black person so that there was discrimination.

He can’t get his job back; corporate America waits for no man, let alone a black man. (Jones 2018: 193). The quotation above illustrates discrimination in America against black people. From the quotation above Andre as the speaker. Andre tried to make

Celestial aware of what is still considering the marriage relationship between him and Roy. Andre realized Celestial that when Roy was released from prison he would not be able to work again, wherever he sought work in America Roy would no longer be hired. Not only as a black man he could not get a job but because of Roy's status as a prisoner. Andre asked Celestial to wake up and think that when Roy was free from his sentence, whether Celestial still received Roy with all the many effects that would have on their married life, Roy no longer has a job, of course it will adversely affect the economic status of Celestial and Roy's married life . Money is not everything, but to get everything requires the name of money. A husband must have integrity in seeking sustenance. When the status of being a criminal had existed in

Roy, of course Roy could no longer find or even get a job. Therefore Andre asksed

Celestial not to think twice about making a decision to divorce Roy. Andre assumed that Roy would not be able to make Celestial happy in the life of the household lived by Celestial, so Andre asked Celestial to be willing to marry him.


4.3 Findings

Based on the analysis above, in An American Marriage a novel by Tayari

Jones, the writer finds that there are three forms prejudice such as stereotype between

Black people and Whites, social distance created by Celestial’s father to Roy and

Celestial herself to Roy, and the last one of the form of prejudice is discrimination where the discrimination is directed only at the main character, Roy, as a black man and a prisoner which Roy had seen negatively in the environment. The writer finds that the story in this novel is related to social life so the social approach that the writer uses to analyze the story in the An American Marriage novel is very helpful for the writer in analyzing the data.




5.1 Conclusions

After interpreting and analyzing, the writer needs to make conclusions and sugestions in this part. In this tudy, the writer has three problems to be discussed.

The first problem is how is the stereotype as form of prejudice as portrayed in An

American Marriage by Tayari Jones, the second problem is how is the social distance as form of prejudice as portrayed in Tayari Jones’s novel An American Marriage, and the third problem is how is discrimination as form of prejudice portrayed in An

American Marriage by Tayari Jones.

1. Based on the first problem, the stereotype is not only aimed at the main

character, Roy, but also refers to Celestial where the stereotype is carried out

by Roy’s mother. All the stereotypes that exist in the first problem lead to

negative views of each race, namely blacks and whites.

2. Based on the second problem, Social distance created by Celestial’s Father

and Celestial herself to Roy. Celestial’s father likes Roy who has an

ambitious figure but because Roy is a Black Celestial’s father asks to

Celestial does not to make Roy as his daughter’s husband and after Roy was a

determined as a prisoner, Celestial creats the social distance that she wants to

divorce with Roy and Celestial does not want to do a ―biological

relationship‖ with Roy.

3. Based on the third problem, Discrimination is always directed at the main

character in the novel, Roy. Discrimination is not only done by giving a

sentence of detention for twelve years but discrimination is also illustrated


through negative direct actions by prosecutors against Roy such as injuring

several parts of Roy's limbs.

5.2 Suggestions

1. There are still many phenomenons of prejudice that occur in our social

environment so the writer hopes by reading this thesis the reader can reduce

or even eliminate negative prejudice against the many tribes, races, or

ethnicities that exist in the social environment.

2. It is also important to the reader to know the forms of prejudice such as

stereotype, social distance, and discrimination.

3. The writer hopes the reader can understand and differentiate between

prejudice, stereotype, social distance and discrimination.

4. The last is the writer hopes this thesis can help everyone who wants to discuss

the same topic.



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APPENDICES i. Biography of Tayari Jones

Tayari Jones is a writer whose stories and literary imagination center on

Georgia and its capital city. Tayari Jones was born and raised in Atlanta. Born to

Mack and Barbara Jones in 1970, Jones spent most of her childhood in southwest

Atlanta, with the exception of 1983, when her father, a professor, took the family to Nigeria, West Africa, on a Fulbright Scholarship.

Jones has written a number of short stories and articles but is best known for her novels, Leaving Atlanta (2002), The Untelling (2005), The Silver Sparrow

(2011), and An American Marriage (2018). In 1991 Jones completed her bachelor's degree in English from in Atlanta. In 1994 she received a master's degree in English from the in Iowa City, and in 2000 she completed an M.F.A. in fiction from in Tempe. Since then she has received fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), the

Radcliffe Institute, and United States Artists, among others.

In her fourth novel, An American Marriage, Jones's explores the inequalities of the criminal justice system through its impact on a single family. Set in present- day Atlanta, the novel follows the diverging narratives of newlywed protagonists

Roy and Celestial, whose upwardly-mobile, middle-class lives are upended when

Roy is wrongfully convicted and incarcerated. Named an book club pick, the novel quickly became a New York Times best seller.

Jones has published in a variety of periodicals and anthologies, including Tin

House, The New York Times, The Believer, and Callaloo. She also served as editor of


Atlanta Noir, a collection of short stories set in her hometown. Quietly negotiating the complicated social and political landscape of Atlanta, Jones has become a voice for her generation, expressing, as she says in interviews, the sense of "entitlement and empowerment" that her peers inherited from the civil rights movement.Jones has held professorships at the University of Illinois, George Washington University in

Washington, D.C., and Rutgers-Newark University in New Jersey. She is currently a professor of creative writing at .

62 ii. Summary of An American Marriage

Roy is an up and coming executive from the small town of Eloe, Louisiana, and Celestial have been married for a year and a half. The two live in Atlanta,

Georgia, where Celestial grew up. A burgeoning artist, Celestial models much of her work on her husband’s likeness and has found success making artisan dolls. Together with Roy, she plans to grow her art into a larger business.

Over Labor Day weekend the couple visit Roy’s parents, Olive and Big Roy, in Eloe. Celestial is apprehensive about the trip; Olive has always believed that her daughter-in-law’s comparatively cosmopolitan upbringing will cause issues for the couple. Celestial, meanwhile, believes that the only thing that will make Olive love her is if she has a baby. Celestial’s apprehensions prove apt when Olive is dismissive of her artistic success. Celestial defends herself by showing Olive one of the dolls she was commissioned to make by the mayor of Atlanta. Olive marvels at its likeness to Roy but feels that Celestial is rubbing her success in her face.

Later, at the motel room Roy has booked for himself and Celestial, Roy reveals that Big Roy is not his biological father but rather adopted him as a baby;

Celestial is offended that he hadn’t shared this information with her sooner. After an argument, Roy leaves the room to get ice and runs into a woman with her arm in a sling. He helps her bring ice back to her own room before returning to Celestial, who has just hung up with her best friend, Andre—incidentally, the one who introduced her to Roy in college. Celestial and Roy talk more calmly about Roy’s parents and then make love. That night, the police break down the door to their room while they are asleep and arrest Roy, accusing him of raping the woman he assisted earlier. The couple hires Uncle Banks to defend Roy, but he is sentenced to twelve years in jail.


Celestial and Roy write frequent letters to each other, in which Roy tells

Celestial about his cellmate, Walter, and expresses how difficult life in jail is. He adds both her and Andre to his visitors’ list. When Celestial visits Roy, however, they experience the strangeness of being monitored during their time together. Roy later questions Celestial about the pregnancy she aborted after Roy was arrested, wondering if they made the right choice. Celestial tells Roy that she is even sadder about their lost child than he is and asks him to stop questioning their decision. She’s focused on her work, hoping to sell the poupées, or baby dolls, to young black girls as much as to art collectors. When Roy continues to question her, however, Celestial reveals that she was pushed into an abortion in college after having an affair with a professor. It was then that she transferred to Spelman College and also learned to make baby dolls as a way of assuaging her guilt.

Over the years Celestial opens a retail business with her father, Franklin

Davenport, and has a solo show in which she exhibits all of the work made in Roy’s likeness. Her fame grows after she wins a contest through the National Portrait

Gallery and is featured in an article in Ebony Magazine. The contest-winning doll looks like baby Roy but wears prison johns and was inspired by a time she saw a little boy on the street and worried that he, like Roy, was destined to be imprisoned because of his skin color. Roy worries about why she didn’t mention him in the Ebony article, wondering if she is becoming romantic with Andre. Celestial defends herself, saying the story of Roy’s incarceration is too personal to share. Roy apologizes, but Celestial doesn’t write back. Roy then writes to Celestial to share that he has discovered that his cellmate is actually his biological father, and that he understands her earlier sense of betrayal upon discovering he hadn’t told her about


Big Roy. Celestial finally writes to ask Roy’s forgiveness, saying she was at first angry, but then just busy, and that she’ll visit soon. Roy says something seems different about Celestial, asking if she is seeing someone else, and also shares that

Olive has lung cancer.

Olive dies, and after attending her funeral with Andre Celestial writes Roy to tell him she can no longer be his wife; seeing the dedication Big Roy displayed towards Olive only highlighted the weakness of their own marital connection. Roy writes back to Celestial asking her not to come visit him. Over the next few years,

Celestial writes Roy on special occasions but Roy doesn’t return her letters. At the five-year mark of his sentence, however, Roy writes Celestial to tell her he’s being released and that he believes there’s a reason she hasn’t yet divorced him.

Andre, who reveals he has been involved with Celestial for the past three years, says he has loved her since they were children. Though he was genuinely happy when Roy and Celestial married, he won’t apologize for their current relationship. He comes home one day soon after Celestial has finally agreed to file for divorce from Roy only to find out that Roy is being released. Andre proposes to

Celestial, despite her insistence that she no longer believes in marriage. She ultimately agrees, and they announce their engagement at the Davenports’ house on


Big Roy meets Roy at the prison on the day of his release, asking Roy if is sure that Celestial is still his wife. Roy isn’t, and prays that Celestial will take him back. In Atlanta, meanwhile, Celestial thinks back to seeing Roy four years after college in New York. Roy remembers the same night, during which Celestial first

65 told him about her dolls. He’d then chased down a man who’d burglarized Celestial’s apartment. The thief kicked Roy in the mouth, causing him to lose a tooth.

Flashing back to shortly before Olive’s funeral, Andre thinks about how Roy asked him to take his place and act as pallbearer for Olive’s casket. After the funeral,

Andre and Celestial went to a bar to drink. Celestial made an advance on Andre, but he told her she was drunk and that they made a conspicuous pair in the tiny town.

They then returned to their hotel, however, where they finally consummated their love.

Back in present-day Eloe, Roy runs into Davina Hardrick, a classmate from high school. She invites him to dinner, makes a feast for him, and they sleep together.

Later, Andre calls Big Roy’s house and is surprised to find that Roy is already home.

He tells Roy it will be a couple of days before he can come pick him up to bring him to Atlanta, and Roy realizes he’ll need to get to Celestial himself to see if he can save his marriage. He borrows Big Roy’s car and withdraws money from a savings account Olive had made him while he was away. Roy figures out that Celestial told his parents that his cellmate was his biological father. Big Roy tells Roy that the news killed Olive.

Overwhelmed with the situation before him, Andre talks to his father, Carlos, despite the emotional distance between them. He tells Carlos about being engaged to

Celestial, and that Roy has been released from prison. Carlos, at first judgmental, eventually expresses support for Andre and tells him that he’ll need to accept the punishment Roy gives him for trying to steal his wife.

On his way out of town, Roy stops at Olive’s grave to weep and then at

Walmart to tell Davina he’s leaving. Andre arrives in Eloe with the intention of

66 telling Roy that he and Celestial are together, but that they still intend to help Roy get back up on his feet. When he arrives to Big Roy’s house, however, he finds out Roy has already left. Big Roy tells Andre not to call home, so that Celestial can figure out her feelings for Roy without Andre’s influence.

In Atlanta, Celestial finds Roy in her house. Roy asks if she still loves him and she can’t answer. When he asks if she’s with Andre, she says the answer is both yes and no. He continues to try to convince her that he’s the same old Roy, eventually leading her to the bedroom. When Celestial asks Roy to use a condom, however, he is offended and goes to sleep in the sewing room with Celestial’s dolls.

Sure that Celestial has rejected him, he calls Davina and tells her that he remembers her son, from whom she is estranged, from prison. In Eloe, Andre Big Roy tries to convince Andre that while he wants Celestial, Roy needs her.

In the morning Roy tries to appeal to Celestial again, eventually asking if he can gather his things. He sifts through boxes Celestial has packed but can’t find the tooth he lost on their first date. Overwhelmed with emotion, he begins attacking

Celestial’s car, and then attempting to chop down the old hickory tree in front of the house when Andre arrives. The two men try to talk about what’s happened, but

Andre insists that none of the details matter, only that he and Celestial are together now. Roy and Andre fight. Celestial threatens to call the police, but Andre talks her out of it. Roy bangs his head against the hickory tree and Andre goes back into his house, while Celestial tries to keep Roy awake, worried he’s given himself a concussion.

Celestial goes to Andre’s house in the middle of the night to tell him she has to try to be with Roy again. Roy wakes up to a Celestial who is tender to him. He

67 asks for his tooth, which she retrieves from a box in her dresser. As they eat breakfast, Roy asks why Celestial told Olive about his biological father being his cellmate. Celestial claims that the news didn’t kill Olive as Big Roy claimed, but rather released her from her worry about Roy because she knew there was someone taking care of him in jail. When Roy calls Davina to wish her a merry Christmas, she asks if what they have is something or nothing. Roy responds that while he is still married, what they had is something. Celestial puts on lingerie to seduce Roy, but he can sense that she fears him now and that what they had is no more. Celestial tells him she tried, and they turn out the light, unable to fall asleep.