AN ANALYSIS OF PREJUDICE IN TAYARI JONES’S NOVEL AN AMERICAN MARRIAGE A THESIS BY WIDI AMBARWATI REG.NO. 150705024 DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH FACULTY OF CULTURAL STUDIES UNIVERSITY OF SUMATERA UTARA MEDAN 2019 ii 3 Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara, Medan. The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara on October 25th, 2019 Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Dr. Budi Agustono, M.S. NIP. 19600805 198703 1 001 Board of Examiners Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A., Ph.D. Dr. Siti Norma Nasution, M.Hum. Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum. 4 AUTHOR’S DECLARATION I, WIDI AMBARWATI DECLARE THAT I AM THE SOLE AUTHOR OF THIS THESIS EXCEPT WHERE REFERENCE IS MADE IN THE TEXT OF THIS THESIS. THIS THESIS CONTAINS NO MATERIAL PUBLISHED ELSEWHERE OR EXTRACTED IN WHOLE OR IN PART FROM A THESIS BY WHICH I HAVE QUALIFIED FOR OR AWARDED ANOTHER DEGREE. NO OTHER PERSON’S WORK HAS BEEN USED WITHOUT DUE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS IN THE MAIN TEXT OF THIS THESIS. THIS THESIS HAS NOT BEEN SUBMITTED FOR THE AWARD OF ANOTHER DEGREE IN ANY TERTIARY EDUCATION. Signed : Date : October 25th 2019 5 COPYRIGHT DECLARATION NAME : WIDI AMBARWATI TITLE OF THESIS : AN ANALYSIS OF PREJUDICE IN TAYARI JONES’S NOVEL AN AMERICAN MARRIAGE QUALIFICATION :S-1/ SARJANA SASTRA DEPARTMENT : ENGLISH I AM WILLING THAT MY THESIS SHOULD BE AVAILABLE FOR REPRODUCTION AT THE DISCRETION OF THE LIBRARIAN OF DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH, FACULTY OF CULTURAL STUDIES, UNIVERSITY OF SUMATERA UTARA ON THE UNDERSTANDING THAT USERS ARE MADE AWARE OF THEIR OBLIGATION UNDER THE LAW OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA. Signed : Date : October 25th 2019 6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Alhamdulillah, all praises go to Almighty Allah SWT who has given me health and capability in completing this thesis as one of the requirements to finish my study from English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara. My deepest and greatest gratitude thanks to the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies, Dr. Budi Agustono, MS. Thanks to the Head of English Department, Prof. TengkuSilvanaSinar, M.A., Ph.D, and the Secretary of English Department, RahmadsyahRangkuti, M.A. Ph.D and to all the lecturers of English Department for all assistances, valuable knowledge and motivation during my academic years. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my Supervisor Dr. Siti Norma Nasution, M.Hum who has provided valuable time, advice and guidance in doing my thesis patiently. Gratitude and appreciation are also dedicated to my Co-supervisor, Dra.SwesanaMardiaLubis, M.Hum who always supports me to finish my thesis. My deepest gratitude is also dedicated to my mother SasmitaSiregar and my father, DediHermansyahFrans who always pray in supporting me during my study in English Literature of Faculty of Cultural Studies, my deepest gratitude also goes to my parents for being there with unceasing prayers, unconditionally love, attention and support as always in the process of completing this thesis. For my dear brother and sister, ZulfandiKurniawan and WinaFradita thank you so much for your support, happiness and sadness that we always share together. 7 To my forever partner in everything, MiftachKhairani thank you for always be with me and finish this thesis together from the beginning to the end process. Thank you for encouraging each other, and supporting each other during the process. To my beloved friends from Looking for Husband, my very dearest squad (AudryValeinsiaFarjer, Miftach Khairani,Rara Tri AntikaPulungan, Regina GoelaStevanieDepari, Sri Wahyuni, and), thank you very much for the great time, memories, support and motivation, for being bestfriends who always give a help when I got trouble during the process of writing this thesis. I also thank to my Senior High School friends, Dedek, Dhea, Dila, Fanny, Novi, Rio, Vira, and my beloved one Yogi Atma Satria thank you for your never ending encouragements, prayers, and supports. And all my friends in English Literature University of Sumatera Utara, especially Class B 2015 that cannot mention one by one, thank you for sharing the priceless experiences to me. In writing this thesis, I admit that this thesis is far from being perfect even though I have done my best for my thesis, I really need suggestions for this thesis. Without any helps and support from all participants, this thesis would not be completed. Finally, may this thesis be advantegous for the readers and the next researchers in the future. May the grace and love of the Almighty Allah SWT be with us all forever.Amin. Medan, October 25th 2019 WidiAmbarwati Reg. No. 150705024 8 ABSTRACT This thesis entitled "An Analysis Of Prejudice As Portrayed In Tayari Jones's Novel An American Marriage". In this thesis the writer analyzes the forms of prejudice namely stereotype, social distance, and discrimination and this thesis also aims to reveal that literary works reflect to social reality. The object of this thesis is a novel entitled "An American Marriage", a novel published in 2018 written by Tayari Jones. This novel shows that prejudice is always exist in every race. The impact of prejudice in every race tends to have a negative impact. In this thesis the writer has two problems to discuss: how is the stereotype as a form of prejudice as portrayed in the novel An American Marriage, how is the discrimination as form of prejudice as protrayed in Tayari Jones’s novel An American Marriage, and how is the discrimination as a form of prejudiceas portrayed in the novel An American Marriage. The research method used in this thesis is a qualitative descriptive. Data is obtained from words, phrases, clauses or sentences that relate to stereotype and discrimination. The data in this thesis are analyzed with a sociological approach to literature. The theory that writer uses in this thesis is the forms of prejudice by Liliweri. The writer hopes this thesis can be a reference that can provide useful information about prejudice. Keywords: Prejudice, Stereotype, Social Distance, Discrimination, Sociology. 9 ABSTRAK Judulskripsiiniadalah ―An Analysis Of Prejudice As Portrayed In Tayari Jones’s Novel An American Marriage‖. Dalam skripsi ini penulis menganalisabentuk- bentuk prasangka yaitu stereotip, jarak sosial, dan diskriminasi danskripsi ini juga bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan bahwa karya sastra mencerminkan realitas sosial. Objek dari skripsi ini adalah sebuah novel yang berjudul ―An American Marriage‖, sebuah novel yang diterbitkan pada tahun 2018 yang ditulis oleh Tayari Jones. Novel ini menunjukkan bahwa prasangka selalu ada di setiap ras. Dampak prasangka yang ada di setiap ras cenderung berarah pada dampak negatif. Dalam skripsi ini penulis memiliki dua masalah untuk didiskusikan: bagaimana stereotip sebagai bentuk dari prasangka tergambar di dalam novel An American Marriage, bagaimana jarak sosial sebagai bentuk dari prasangka tergambar di dalam novel An American Marriage, dan bagaimana diskriminasi sebagai bentuk dari prasangka tergambar dalam novel An American Marriage. Metode penelitian yang digunakan penulis pada skripsi ini adalah Deskriptif Kualitatif. Data diperoleh dari kata, frasa, klausa atau kalimat. Data dalam skripsi ini dianalisis dengan pendekatan sosiologi sastra. Teori yang digunakan penulis dalam pembahasan skripsi ini adalah bentuk-bentuk prasangka oleh Liliweri. Penulis berharap skripsi ini dapat menjadi referensi yang dapat memberikan informasi yang bermanfaat tentang prasangka. Kata kunci: Prasangka, Stereotip, Jarak Sosial, Diskriminasi, Sosiologi. 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS AUTHOR’S DECLARATION .................................................................................. v COPYRIGHT DECLARATION ............................................................................. vi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ....................................................................................... vii ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................... ix ABSTRAK .................................................................................................................. x TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................... xi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ............................................................................... 1 1.1 Background of the Study .................................................................. 1 1.2 Problems of the Study ....................................................................... 9 1.3 Objectives of the Study ..................................................................... 9 1.4 Scope of the Study ............................................................................ 9 1.5 Significances of the Study ............................................................. 10 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE .................................... 11 2.1 Novel .............................................................................................. 11 2.2 Sociology of Literature ................................................................... 12 2.3 Brief Description of Prejudice ........................................................ 15 2.4 The forms of Prejudice ................................................................... 16 2.4.1. Stereotype .................................................................................
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