The City of Camrose Agenda Regular Council Meeting #4
THE CITY OF CAMROSE AGENDA REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING #4 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2010 Opening Prayer. 5:00 P.M., Council Chambers. A. ADOPTION OF AGENDA/MINUTES: 1) Adoption of Agenda. 2) Committee of the Whole Meeting held February 8, 2010. 3) Regular Council Meeting #3 held February 8, 2010. B. NEW BUSINESS: (reports/recommendations) 1) Public Hearing — By-Law #2639/10 Amend requirements in issuing Certificates of Conformance, Non- conformance/No Act Certificate Amend corner lot flankage side yard abutting a roadway Amend home occupations in a R1-R1L district. By-Law #2639/10. 2) Rate Increase for Collection and Disposal of Residential Refuse. By-Law #2641/10. 3) 2010 Provincial Budget. 4) Recycling Initiatives — Camrose County. 5) Residential Waste Collection and Diversion Program. 6) Request for Canada Day funding from Canadian Heritage. 7) Approval of Annexation of Lands to the City of Camrose. C. COMMITTEE/DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: 1) Police Commission — Minutes of January 19, 2010. 2) Social Planning Advisory Committee — Minutes of December 14, 2009. D. CORRESPONDENCE: 1) Letter dated February 9, 2010 from Bill Meade, Assistant Deputy Minister, Director of Law Enforcement re: Prisoner Holding Agreement. 2) Letter dated February 22, 2010 from Minister of Municipal Affairs re: 2010 Municipal Sustainability Initiative. 3) Letter dated February 16, 2010 from the Luke Ouellette, Minister of Transportation re: Federal Gas Tax Fund. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA ITEM A-2 FEBRUARY 8, 2010 The Committee of the Whole Council Meeting of the City of Camrose was held in Council Chambers, City Hall on Monday, February 8, 2010 with the following persons in attendance: Council: Mayor C.
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