[.] TENDR IN G. 222 [POST OFFICE PosT 0FPICE.-Robert Lambert, postmaster. Letters by ScHOOLs:- way of , arrive at 6.15 a.m.; dispatched at National, Mrs. Marion Arcber, certificated mistres~ 5.50 p.m. The nearest money order officet'l are at Dunmow National, Mole Hill Green, Miss E. Newton, mistreM &. Railway Station, Matthew Bullock, station master PRIVATE RESIDENTS, Flack Richard, butcher, Street Piper Henry, beer retailer & miller, Hart Rev. Robert, M.A. Vicarage FrankhamJohn, farmer, Barn brows grn Street Hock1ey Miss Caroline Garratt Ralph, farmer, Jack'!! green Potter Robert, farmer, Parker's farm 1\'lumford Arthur T. Street Garratt Robert, farmer, Smith's Green Railings Charles, beer l'etailer&farwer, Patmore Mrs. Street • Heard Wm.wheelwright, Mole Hill Grn l\1 ole Hill Green Poole William, Smith's Green Hockley Albert, farmer, Cooper's farm Speller Robert, shoe make;r, Street Standin~ford Frederick, Smith's Green Lambert Robert, tailor, shopkeeper & Speller Thomas, family grocer, draper, Wragg J obn, Mole Hill Green pollt office hosier &c. Street COMMERCIAL. Lambert Wm. grocer & draper, Street Staines James, farmer &. beer retailer, Aylett Thomas, shopkeeper Horsenail Rufus, bricklayer, Street Bambrows farm Aylett William, farmer & landowner, Lawrence Julius, farmer, Street Staines Thomas (exors. of), Three Mole Hill Green Lawrence George, grocer Horseshoe.~,& farmers,Mole Hill Grn llaines Charles, farmer, Colche!!ter hall Linsell Abraham H. Green Man, Street Stokes Henry, Lion t$' Lamb Eaines James, farmer, Grange's farm Lord George, coal agent, Smith's Green Stokes Mary (Mrs.), grocer & drapet• Barltrop William, blacksmith Notley Wm. beer retailer, Smith's Grn White James, farmer & landowner Elake Alfred, Reindeer, Street OrpenWm. Walter,farmr. Waltham hall White John, flour& corn dealer, Street Cass Hy. Four Ashes inn, & carpenter Patmore John William, farmer & land- Wild William, tailor &. beer rttailer, Chopping William, shoe maker owner, Old House farm Bambrows green c larance Charles, farmer, Miller's farm Perry Edward, blacksmith, Smith's Grn Willy Robert, wheelwright Clark Samuel, beer retailer& miller Peter J olm, farmer, Brewer's end Wybrow J ames, farmer, Taylor's farm, Clarke James, carpenter Pettitt Barnabas, farmer, W arish hall Street

TENDRING is a very ancient parish, giving name to PosT 0FFICE.-Charles Mash, receiver. Letters arrive the hundred and union, in the Eastern division of the county, from at 7 a.m.; dispatched, 6.25 p.m. & on county court district, Harwich rural deanery, sunday at 10.25 a.m. The nearest money order office i8 Colchester archdeaconry, and Rochester diocese, situated on at Weeley the Holland brook, 2 miles north from Weeley station on ACTING MAGISTRATES FOR THE TEND RING DIVISION. theTendring hundred branch of the Great Eastern Railway, Rev. G. Burmester, Little Oakley 10~ south-west from Harwich, 7 west from Walton steam­ Rev. Canon Marsden, Great Oakley boat pier, and 61 from London. The church of St. Edmund John Cardinall, esq., Manor house, Tend ring stands on an eminence overlooking the brook, and has a Thomas William N unn, esq. Great Bromley wooden spire with 4 bells; it consists of chancel, nave, and R. J. Ba!!shaw, esq., Banksea house, Dovercourt south aisle; tl1ere is a handsome stained window in the Richard Blanshard, esq., Walton chancel and another in the west of' the nave: in the Francis Morgan Nichols, esq. Lawford hall chancel is an alabaster kneeling fi~ure, to the memory of Joseph Yelloley Watson, esq. Thorpe-le-Soken Edmund Saunders, dated 15th November, 1615. The re· Rev. Charles Frederick Norman, Mistley gister dates from the year 1538. The living is a rectory, Richard Boulton Barton, LL.n., Stour lodge, Bradfield yearly value £840, with residence and 95 acres of glebe, in Colonel Hawkins, Alresford hall, Alresford the gift of Balliol College, Oxford, and held by the Rev. Clerk, David Mustard, John Mitchel Chapman, M.A., formerly fellow and tutor of Petty Sessions are held at Mistley & Thorpe-le-Soken every that colleg-e. Here is a small National school, and a Wesleyan fortnight. alternately chapel with schoolroom attached. The union comprises the following parishes :-Alresford, Ardleigh, Beanmont-cum· INSURANCE AGENTS :- :Mose, Bradfield, Dovercourt, Elmstead, Frating, Frinton, E8sex ~ Su.ff'olk Equitable, J. Hardy Great Bentley, Great Bromley, Great Clacton, Great Hol· Manchester Fire, :F. Barker land, Great Oakley, Kirby·le-Soken, Lawford, Little Royal, H. Marsh Tendring Union House, Rev. George Wilkinsr e'haplain; Bentley, Little Bromley, Little Clacton 1 Little Holland, Little Oakley, Manningtree, Mistley, Ramsey, St. Nicholas, David Mustard, clerk to guardians; Henry Halliday, Harwich, St. Osyth, Tendring, Thorpe-le-Soken, Thor­ master ; Mrs. H annah Halliday, matron; George Carron, rington, Walton-on-the-Naze, Weeley, Wix, and Wrabness: schoolmaster; Miss Mary Adgey, schoolmistress the union house was built in 1838, at a cost of £12,000, and Medical Officer of Health to the Tendring Hundred is capable of containing 24-l persons. Manor Hou1;1e, the Urban Sanitary IJ~trict, Henry G:ramshaw National School, ..Miss Frances Mary Noble, mistress residence of John Cardinall, esq., J .P., is a handsome mansion, with well wooded pleasure grounds. John Cardinall, esq., who CARRIEJitS TO :- is lord of the manor, Mr. Onslow, and James Hardy, esq., 'CoLCHESTER-M(Iles, passes throug-h every monday, are the chieflandowners. The soil is of a light mixed nature, wednesday, thursday & satsrday; Wass, tuesday & and the subsoil is strong. The chief crops are wheat, oats, sa.turday barley, and peas. The area is 2,827 acres; gross estimated HARWICH-Wass, monday rental, £5,654; rateable value, £5,097; and the population IPswrcH-Dummerton, tuesday, returning wednesday; in 1871 was 894, of which 152. were in the union house. Wass, tuesday Parish Clerk, George Laitt. MA.NNINGTREE-DummeTton, friday Blaxell Mrs Blowers Nathaniel, grocer Maskell Jacob, farmer, Grove house C'ardinall John, J.P. Manor house Carrington John, shopkeeper Mustard William Cole Benjamin Smitb, Cardinall Miss, Church house . Clarke William, farmer, Tile Lodge farmer, Glebe farm Chapman Rev. John Mitchell, :u:.A. Cooper Francis, farmer & landowner Sargent William, Crown,&. blacksmith Rectory Crampin Ishmael, carpenter ~eggers John, shopkeeper Hardy J ames, The Hall Cutting James, carpenter Smith Charles, farmer, manure, coal, Hardy Robert, Hill farm Durrant William, beer retailer cement, lime & oil--cake merchant, COMMERCIAL, Gardner Henry, butcher New hall; & at St. Osyth, New hall Ablewhite Thomas farmer Green William, farmer, Hannoms hall Sorrell Joseph, farmer Askew Thomas, boot & shoe maker Hardy James, land & estate agent & Sorrell J oseph, jun. farmer :Bacon Benjamin, carpenter farmer, The Hall Stanford Stanley Fredk. farmer, WolPs Balls Waiter, corn dealer Low Arnbrose Geo. farmer, Brett's hall Thompson Charles, farmer, Old hall Balls William, miller & farmer, Ten­ Mash Charles, wheelwright Thompson John S. farmer, Bracket's dring mills Mash Henry, grocer& draper WagstaffThomas, grocer& draper

TERLING is an ancient parish, in t11e Eastern division of the parish, and consists of chancel, nave, aisles, and of the county, hundred and union, Chelmsford porch, and a clock tower, with shing-led spire and 5 bells; eounty court district, and in the rural deanery of Witham, it contains two ancient brasses. The register dates from the arcbdeaconry of Colchester, and Rochester diocese, situate year 1530. The living is a vicarage, yearly value £370, on a feeder of the Chelmer, 3~ miles west from Witham, in the gift of Lord Rayleigh, and held by the Rev. Franci.:; 7 south from Braintree, and 37 from I~ondon. The church Thomas Hill, M.A., of Trinity College, Dublin. There is a Qf All Saints ht an ancient structure, standing in the centre National school, with an endowment of £10 per annum.,