

Scriptures to Study  I Kings 19:1-21  II Kings 2:1 – 13:21

Central Truth gives great things to people who are willing to serve others.

The Spoken Word “If you have not been faithful in that which is another man’s, who shall give you that which is your own?” Luke 16:12

To the Teachers Elisha the became the faithful and willing servant of the prophet . When the time came for Elijah to be transported alive to , he granted a request to Elisha, “Ask what I shall do for you, before I be taken away from you.”

“Let a double portion of your spirit be upon me,” came Elisha’s reply.

God, through Elijah, granted Elisha’s request. During his ministry, Elijah performed eight by the power of the . At his death, Elisha had worked only fifteen miracles – one short of double. It would appear that the promise of God had come up short, but we know that this cannot be. God always keeps His Word, even if it requires the most incredible display of power.

Elisha had died and his body was laid in a sepulcher. Soon afterward, an invading army of Moabites came to Israel and passed near Elisha’s grave. When one of the Moabite soldiers died, his fellow soldier threw his body into Elisha’s sepulcher and the corpse made contact with Elisha’s bones. The recently fallen Moabite was resurrected and stood up on his feet. Thus, Elisha ultimately worked sixteen miracles, twice the number of his mentor.

This story shows that serving others in ministry is a noble thing and one that leads to double blessing. If we cannot serve the that we can see, how can we revere the unseen God who is our true Master?

ILLUSTRATED SERMON Elisha and the Double Portion

Scriptures to Study: I Kings 19:1-21 . II Kings 2:1 – 13:21

Objects Needed: Twelve miniature candy bars of any kind, one regular-sized candy bar, one king- sized candy bar (the same kind as the regular-size) and a 15’ – 20’ rope.

How to Prepare:

Have all props with you in front of the class when you begin.

Message: I. Elisha laid aside his own plans in order to serve the prophet Elijah.

A. Elisha was a very successful farmer. (Choose a helper to be Elisha. Give him the twelve small candy bars.) 1. He owned twelve yoke of oxen. (The equivalent of twelve modern-day tractors.) 2. He was an obvious leader of men.

B. Elijah came to his farm and threw his cloak over Elisha’s shoulders. (Choose another child to come up and be Elijah and give him the regular candy bar.) 1. This was a symbolic gesture which Elisha understood. 2. Elijah was calling Elisha to be his successor.

C. Elisha quickly accepted the invitation to serve the man of God. 1. He realized that it is an honor to be a helper in a noble work. 2. He demonstrated his appreciation by killing two oxen and making a great feast. (Have the child who is Elisha open four of his small candy bars, eat two and let the child who is Elijah eat the other two.)

II. Elisha followed Elijah faithfully.

A. He served faithfully in another man’s ministry. 1. Elisha who had once been his own boss now followed another. (Take the rope and tie Elisha to Elijah. Have Elisha throw down the remaining candy bars he has and have Elijah walk around the room with Elisha following him everywhere he goes.) 2. Serving others is not a low position.

B. Elisha would not allow anything to come between him and Elijah. 1. The tries to make helpers jealous of their bosses. 2. Elisha followed Elijah because he saw that the Lord was with him.

C. Elijah tested Elisha to see if he would be a faithful follower. 1. He told him to take it easy and stay behind as he went on a journey. 2. Elisha would not leave his master’s side.

III. God gave Elisha a double portion of Elijah’s . (Have the two helpers come to the front and untie them.)

A. God took Elijah to Heaven in a chariot of fire. 1. Elijah did not die. 2. He has a to do for God in the future.

B. He granted Elisha a request before he left. 1. Elisha asked for a double anointing. 2. Elijah said, “If you see me when I leave, it will be yours.” 3. Elisha would not allow anything to keep him from receiving that anointing. (Remind the class that Elijah’s regular-sized candy bar represents his anointing. Have Elijah sit back down. Give Elisha the king-sized candy bar.)

C. The man who became a servant got the greatest anointing, a double portion. 1. Elisha worked twice as many miracles as Elijah. 2. When we serve a man or woman of God, the Lord not only gives us our own anointing, but also a portion of the anointing that is on the person that we serve.