SCIENTISTu u GEO VOLUME 25 NO 5 JUNE 2015 WWW.GEOLSOC.ORG.UK/GEOSCIENTIST The Fellowship Magazine of the Geological Society of London UK / Overseas where sold to individuals: £3.95 Feats of The geology of the potter’s art


GOE FIGURE GEOLOGY AND BEER CHARTER MARKED Tracing the rise of Earth’s Peter Dolan on that most Rick Brassington remembers oxygen-rich atmosphere perfect combination CGeol’s earliest days 33rd Earth Science and GIS Software ANNIVERSARY

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FEATURES IN THIS ISSUE... 16 GOE figure Matthew Warke, with help from the Society’s Gloyne Outdoor Research Fund, traces the rise of Earth’s oxygen atmosphere


05 Welcome Ted Nield celebrates the return of a very old friend indeed 06 Society news What your Society is doing at home and abroad, in London and the regions 09 Soapbox Rick Brassington, an early advocate, reflects on ON THE COVER: Chartership’s origins and importance today 10 Working with clay 21 Letters We welcome your thoughts When John Mather retired, he decided to 22 Books and arts Four new books reviewed by Paul learn how to make the ceramics that he Howlett, Murray Hoggett, Caroline Mason and Richard Dawe and Jenny Bennett had always collected... 24 People Geoscientists in the news and on the move 26 Obituary Boris Sergeevich Sokolov 1914-2013 27 Calendar Society activities this month ONLINE SPECIALS Geology and Beer Peter Dolan stares into the glass and finds it 28 Obituary Yves Oscar Fortier 1914-2014 overflowing with geological meaning. 29 Crossword Win a special publication of your choice

WWW.GEOLSOC.ORG.UK/GEOSCIENTIST | JUNE 2015 | 03 Corporate Supporters: Call for Abstracts – Deadline 31 July 2015 East Africa From Research to Reserves Convenors: 13-15 April 2016 John Argent BG Group The Geological Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London

Andrei Belopolsky Premier Oil

Caren Herbert Tullow Oil

Duncan Macgregor MacGeology

Pamela Sansom BG Group

Conference Image courtesy of CCG Sponsors: Recent exploration campaigns both on- and offshore East Africa have discovered a tremendous resource, which has propelled the region from being one of possibilities to one with commercial opportunities of VLJQL¿FDQWVFDOH7KHVHGLVFRYHULHVDUHVHWWRPDNH(DVW$IULFDDPDMRUHQHUJ\UHVRXUFHSOD\HULQWKH 21st Century, yet many challenges remain. 3DSHUVDUHLQYLWHGWKDWUHÀHFWWKHVWHSFKDQJHLQJHRORJLFDOXQGHUVWDQGLQJRIWKHUHJLRQWKDWKDVHYROYHG from new well and seismic data, to cover topics including: the regional geological context, emerging exploration plays, case study scenarios for reservoir characterization and leveraging academic research to improve understanding across all these themes. The meeting will bring together experts from industry and academia to present the latest data and research Call for Abstracts: 3OHDVHHPDLOSDSHUDQGSRVWHUDEVWUDFWVXEPLVVLRQVWRODXUDJULI¿WKV#JHROVRFRUJXNEHIRUH-XO\ 2015 Further information: For further information, please visit the conference website at From-Research-to-Reserves

At the forefront of petroleum geoscience

GEOSCIENTIST WELCOME Geoscientist is the ADVERTISING SALES ~ Fellowship magazine of Ollie Kirkman TWO VASES FROM THE BARNSTAPLE the Geological Society T 01727 739 184 of London E ollie@centuryone OF C.H. BRANNAM, MADE USING BROWN CLAY FROM The Geological Society, FREMINGTON AND COLOURED SLIPS. THE LARGER Burlington House, Piccadilly, ART EDITOR London W1J 0BG Heena Gudka VESSEL WAS DECORATED IN THE ART NOUVEAU T +44 (0)20 7434 9944 F +44 (0)20 7439 8975 DESIGN & PRODUCTION STYLE BY FREDERICK BRADDON, DATED 1907 E [email protected] Sarah Astington Front: From the collection of Jenny Bennett and John Mather (Not for Editorial - Please ~ contact the Editor) PRINTED BY Century One Publishing House Publishing Ltd. The Geological Society Publishing House, Unit 7, Copyright Brassmill Enterprise Centre, The Geological Society of Brassmill Lane, Bath London is a Registered BA1 3JN Charity, number 210161. T 01225 445046 ISSN (print) 0961-5628 F 01225 442836 ISSN (online) 2045-1784 FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK: Library The Geological Society of London T +44 (0)20 7432 0999 accepts no responsibility for the F +44 (0)20 7439 3470 views expressed in any article in this publication. All views expressed, E [email protected] except where explicitly stated Brontosaurus is back otherwise, represent those of the EDITOR-IN-CHIEF author, and not The Geological Professor Peter Styles Society of London. All rights reserved. No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, n the second month of the new Brontosaurus. Everybody knew about EDITOR copied or transmitted save with Dr Ted Nield written permission. Users registered Millennium, the American Brontosaurus, from Fred Flintstone’s E [email protected] with Copyright Clearance Center: the Journal is registered with CCC, 27 Museum of Natural History Brontoburgers, to the appealing fact Congress Street, Salem, MA 01970, EDITORIAL BOARD USA. 0961-5628/02/$15.00. Every opened the Frederick Phineas that its name (given in 1879 by Othniel Dr Sue Bowler effort has been made to trace and Sandra Priest Rose Centre C Marsh himself) meant ‘Thunder Mr Steve Branch copyright holders of material in this publication. If any rights have I Dr Robin Cocks for Earth and Space – a name designed Lizard’. And it came as a nasty shock been omitted, the publishers offer Prof. Tony Harris to defy the human memory, and so to everyone to discover that poor old Dr Howard Falcon-Lang their apologies. Dr Jonathan Turner No responsibility is assumed by the called simply the ‘Rose Centre’. It genus B. had been sunk since as Dr Jan Zalasiewicz Publisher for any injury and/or contained the better-known Hayden early as 1903, when palaeontologist damage to persons or property as a Trustees of the matter of products liability, Planetarium, where redesigned Elmer Riggs determined (or so he negligence or otherwise, or from any Geological Society use or operation of any methods, exhibits displayed the solar system in thought) that B. was merely a junior of London products, instructions or ideas Prof David Manning contained in the material herein. a new way. And it wasn’t long before synonym of another Marsh genus, (President); Although all advertising material is its Director – one shy, retiring Neil Apatosaurus (1877). Almost every Mrs Natalyn Ala (Secretary, expected to conform to ethical (medical) standards, inclusion in this deGrasse Tyson – had become the bad generation since then has felt outrage Professional Matters); publication does not constitute a Dr Mike Armitage (Vice guarantee or endorsement of the guy of astronomy for millions of that their favourite diplodocid never president); Dr Nigel quality or value of such product or of American eight-year-olds. actually existed. Cassidy; Prof Neil the claims made by its manufacturer. The exhibit displayed the However, a monumental new Chapman; Dr Angela Coe; Subscriptions: All correspondence Mr Jim Coppard; relating to non-member components of the solar system in taxonomic study (truly a Brontosaurus Mr David Cragg (Vice subscriptions should be addresses president); Mrs Jane to the Journals Subscription groups with like properties – rocky of the genre at 300 pages published Dottridge; Mr Chris Eccles; Department, Geological Society Publishing House, Unit 7 Brassmill planets, gas giants, and so on. This left April 7, in PeerJ) has determined that Dr Marie Edmonds; Enterprise Centre, Brassmill Lane, one of the best-known planets – Pluto, no less than three species of the genus Professor Alastair Fraser Bath, BA1 3JN, UK. Tel: 01225 (Secretary, Science); 445046. Fax: 01225 442836. the only one to be discovered by an – excelsus (the first discovered) parvus Mr David Hopkins; Email: [email protected]. The American (Clyde Tombaugh in 1930) – and yahnahpin – were real, after all. Mr David Jones (Vice subscription price for Volume 25, 2015 (11 issues) to institutions and president); Dr Adam Law non-members is £132 (UK) or out in the cold among other icy, trans- There has already been media (Treasurer); Prof Alan Lord £151/$302 (Rest of World). Neptunian objects, un-named. rejoicing, and the (Secretary Foreign & External Affairs); Dr Brian © 2015 The Geological Society Every child’s question - ‘Mommy, kiddies’ books that reluctantly had to Marker OBE; Dr Gary of London where’s Pluto? ’- eventually reached the deny themselves one of the best- Nichols; Prof David Geoscientist is printed on FSC mixed Norbury; Dr Colin North credit - Mixed source products are a pages of the New York Times. Neil known dinosaur names of all, can (Secretary, Publications); blend of FSC 100%, Recycled and/or deGrasse Tyson began a gruelling five now be re-written. Mr Keith Seymour; Dr Lucy Controlled fibre. Accredited by the Slater; Mr Michael Young Forestry Stewardship Council. years of self-defence - until 2006, when With continued popular opposition the International Astronomical Union to the demotion of Pluto, and even Published on behalf of the formally downgraded Pluto to the some scientists (also in April) urging a Geological Society of London by status of ‘dwarf planet’ at its triennial recasting of IAU’s rules to allow it Century One Publishing assembly in Prague. This may have back, perhaps we should remember Alban Row, 27–31 Verulam Road, St Albans, Herts, taken pressure off AMNH, but outrage that science has always had something AL3 4DG continued. Something that everyone in common with online journalism. T 01727 893 894 F 01727 893 895 thought they knew, was no longer true. Its motto, too, can sometimes be E enquiries@centuryone Much the same fate befell ‘Not wrong for long’. W www.centuryone DR TED NIELD, EDITOR - [email protected] @TedNield @geoscientistmag


What your society is doing SOCIETYNEWS at home and abroad, in London and the regions Honorary Fellowship

Following a proposal from the External Relations Committee, Council recommends the following candidate for election to Honorary Fellowship at a future Ordinary General Meeting. Dr Gabi Schneider Dr Schneider graduated in 1980 with a Master of Science LONDON LECTURE SERIES in Economic Geology from the University of Frankfurt, where she also obtained her PhD in 1984. She joined the Geological Survey of Namibia in 1985 as a Senior Fossils and Mud – Geologist and was appointed Director in 1996. Her a Jurassic Adventure professional experience covers economic and exploration Speaker: Dr Neville Hollingworth (University geology, mineralogy and geochemistry as well as of Birmingham) Date: 10 June management and administration. She is an honorary life member of the Geological Society of Namibia, and is a registered Scientist with the South Africa Council for Natural Scientists. Programme u Dr Schneider is the President of the Organisation of African Geological Afternoon talk: 1430 Tea & Coffee: 1500 Lecture Surveys (2013-2016) and the Vice Chairperson of the Environmental begins: 1600 Event ends. u Investment Fund of Namibia; a Director of the Minerals Development Fund of Evening talk: 1730 Tea & Coffee: 1800 Lecture Namibia; the Vice Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of the Namibian begins: 1900 Reception. Institute for Mining and Technology; a member of the Sustainable Development Council of Namibia; a member of the Benguela Current Commission; a Further Information member of the Commission for the Implementation of the World Heritage Please visit Convention in Namibia, chairing its Technical Subcommittee; and a member of lectures15. Entry to each lecture is by ticket only. the Scientific Committee of the National Heritage Council. She is a founding To obtain a ticket please contact the Society around member of the Small Miners Association of Namibia. four weeks before the talk. Due to the popularity of this Dr Schneider is a member of the Natural Science Programme Committee of lecture series, tickets are allocated in a monthly ballot the Namibian National Committee for UNESCO, and a Senior Advisor for and cannot be guaranteed. UNESCO's Geopark Programme. She represents the African continent at the International Consortium of Geological Surveys. She is chairing the Geology ➤ Contact: Annie Sewell, The Geological Society, Advisory Board of the University of Namibia, and has been an external Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1J 0BG, T: +44 examiner of the University of St. Andrews, the University of Frankfurt, the (0)20 7432 0981 E: [email protected] University of the Witwatersrand and University of South Africa. STEPPE this way

Society joins a new professional societies, representing a community which includes consortium to promote roughly one third of Earth science faculty in US universities. The size research, writes of this community and the diverse range of disciplines it covers – Sarah Day. biology, geography, ecology, palaeontology, sedimentary geology, At the beginning of this stratigraphy, geochronology, paleoclimatology, sedimentary year, the Geological Society geochemistry and more – means communication among participants was pleased to become a can be a challenge. By providing tools to bring participants closer member of STEPPE – a together, STEPPE is working to promote broader integration of consortium promoting research and education across all STEPPE-related sub disciplines. research into sedimentary geology, time, environment, palaeontology, Edmund Nickless (Executive Secretary) said: “As the newest palaeoclimate and energy. member of STEPPE, the Society looks forward to pursuing STEPPE’s mission is to promote multidisciplinary research and shared goals of promoting geoscience research, education and education on Earth’s deep-time sedimentary crust, and the record of professional development.” life and climate it archives. It provides support to the scientific community by highlighting funding opportunities, providing opportunities for workshops, working groups and professional ➤ Find out more about STEPPE’s mission and its members at; Facebook:; development training sessions, and web hosting and database services. and Twitter: STEPPE is supported by the US National Science Foundation and


Research Grants 2015

awarded to 21 applicants, which Council NEWS The Research Grants Committee met on 12 March and considered 41 applications from approved at their 8 April meeting. The Society is Fellows and non-Fellows spanning early-career very grateful for the contributions made by the IN BRIEF and established researchers. They Jeremy Willson Charitable Trust, the Robert Scott recommended to Council that £28,330 be Memorial Award and Novas Consulting Ltd. Future meeting dates COUNCIL RESULTS ➤ OGMs: 2015: 17 June, 22 September, 25 November. Name and Affiliation Title of programme Fund Amount 2016: 3 February, 6 April Claire BULLAR Braincase anatomy and phylogeny of ceratopsians from William George 2798 ➤ Council: 17 June, 22 and Bristol Asia Fearnsides 23 September (residential), Stacy CAROLIN Rainwater monitoring in Iran to improve climate Elspeth Matthews 1009 25 November. 2016: 3 February, Oxford interpretations from stalagmite records 6 April. Katy CHAMBERLAIN A tale of two magmas: investigating zoned pyroclastic airfall Gloyne Outdoor 3778 Durham deposits on Ascension Island Geological Research Geological Society Club Nahum CLEMENTS A new generation of gas sensors to quantify geologic CO2 Alan & Charlotte 1150 Cambridge emissions: application to Campi Flegrei, Italy Welch Fund The Geological Society Club, Sam Cornish Excavating eclogites from beneath the Oman Ophiolite Annie Greenly 870 successor to the body that gave Oxford birth to the Society in 1807, Michael DUNK A modern isotopic appraisal of the Strathy Complex: a William George 500 meets monthly (except over the Portsmouth unique juvenile crustal block in the northern Scottish Fearnsides field season!) at 18.30 for 19.00 in Caledonides? the Athenaeum Club, Pall Mall, or Miguel GOMEZ-HERAS Field-based geology teaching for people with deaf- Jeremy Willson Euros 1540 at another venue, to be confirmed Ciencia sin Barreras blindness in the Basque Coast Geopark (Spain) Charitable Trust & (£1144) Thomas Jefferson nearer the date. Once a year Field Research there is also a buffet dinner at Enrique GOMEZ-RIVAS Controls on fault-associated dolomitisation geometries: Elspeth Matthews 1550 Burlington House. New diners are Aberdeen insights from 3D virtual outcrop models and high-resolution Fund petrography always welcome, especially from among younger Fellows. Dinner Christopher HERBERT Unit bar formation and structure in a highly variable fluvial Edmund Johnson 800 UEA regime Garwood Fund costs £57 for a four-course meal, including coffee and port. (The Gareth James IZON The control of Nickel fluxes on atmospheric chemistry Alan & Charlotte 1613 St Andrews before the GOE Welch Fund Founders' Dinner, in November, Amicia Elizabeth LEE A field based and numerical study to investigate how the Thomas Jefferson 2775 (2 has its own price structure.) There Leeds seismic properties change with melt and fluid in the mid to Field Research people) is a cash bar for the purchase of lower crust aperitifs and wine. Alistair McCAY Identification of geothermal energy targets in the East Alan & Charlotte 1170 2015: New session dates to Glasgow Grampian radiothermal granites Welch Fund follow. Nicolette MEYER Multiple Sulphur Isotope Studies of Pyritised Microbially Alan & Charlotte 1200 ➤ Fellows wishing to dine or St Andrews induced sedimentary structures, Neoarchaean Ghaap Welch Fund Group, South Africa requesting further information Huw Thomas MITHAN Cardiff Quantifying the dynamic response of permafrost and slope Robert Scott 1032 about the Geological Society stability in a changing climate Memorial Award Club, please email Caroline Josefine Agnes The stable osmium isotope composition of chondrites Alan & Charlotte 1000 Seymour on carolineseymour554 Maria NANNE Welch Fund Durham Jonathan David PAUL Independent constraints on Madagascar’s uplift history Daniel Pidgeon 1115 Cambridge Fund Sponsor a Fish Lorenzo VALETTI Detachment faulting in the s-e Sorbas basin, SE Spain Mike Coward 1146 Manchester Memorial Fund Thanks to everyone who has so far donated to our appeal to Marijn van CAPPELLE The origin of kilometre-thick sandstone-dominated Annie Greenly 330 and Daniel COLLINS successions in the Late Precambrian: a sedimentological Fund conserve and digitise the three Imperial analysis of theJura Quartzite, SW Scotland thousand watercolours from Daniel Ricardo VIETE Exploring the links among earthquakes, fluid flow and rapid Elspeth Matthews 1000 the fossil fish collection of Durham metamorphism in subduction zones Fund Louis Agassiz. Brigitte VOGT Multi scale geometries and the origin of the Mike Coward 1400 ➤ More information about the Strathclyde pseudotachylytes in the Outer Hebrides – earthquake, Memorial Fund impact or intrusion? appeal can be found at www.geo Lee Francis WHITE A man-made meteorite impact: examining the response of Daniel Pidgeon 950 Portsmouth U-Pb geochronometers to experimental shock conditions Fund

Undergraduate Fieldwork Bursary

Eireann HARKINS A 3-dimensional analysis and architecture of the lava flow Novas 500 Aberdeen drainage basin in South-West Mull Consulting Ltd



New E-book Collection

Use the Library Image: Lighttraveler and Antonio Guillem / via your e-reader! FROM THE LIBRARY

u Library newsletter Subscribe to our bi-monthly newsletter to keep up-to- date with important Library news, electronic journal Download updates, online exhibitions, events and more: u New acquisitions A month-by-month list of new books and serial special issues which have been added to the catalogue can be viewed on our website at The Library is delighted to announce To view the titles available please the launch of its first e-book visit; u E-Journals collection for Fellows, says Michael you will find a brief synopsis of each Fellows of the Society can access over 90 journals McKimm. book as well as full details of how to online using Athens authentication. There is no charge Twenty e-books are now available via access it. The books can be read to Fellows for this service. Visit Dawsonera, a platform which includes online or downloaded for a pre-set to register. books from a wide range of publishers, period, and pages can be printed and and can be accessed using Athens saved, subject to the copyright limit. u Literature searching logins (the same details used to log in We have chosen titles from a range Not enough time or struggling to find the information to the Library’s electronic journals). of subject areas which we hope will be you need ? We can search a wide range of resources Four of the books are new additions of value to Fellows and we plan to on your behalf and send you the results directly to your to the Library and unique to the e-book expand the collection in the future. If inbox. To find out more about this service, please email collection: Atlas of benthic foraminifera, you have suggestions for e-books we [email protected] Hydrogeology. 2nd ed., Rock fractures might purchase, or feedback on the in geological processes (pictured), and new collection, please email u Document delivery Tectonics of sedimentary basins. [email protected]. Not based in London or simply too busy to come to the library ? We can send you by post or fax photocopies of articles from our collection. To find out more about Accessible fieldwork this service, please email [email protected] or call 020 7432 0999. Announcing ‘Confronting barriers to compulsory education. inclusion: opening the gate to This one-day event explores the u Postal loans accessible fieldwork’ conference. issues involved in making fieldwork You do not need to live in London to borrow books, Field experience is a crucial accessible to learners with a diverse maps or journals from the library – we can post them to component in the professional range of abilities. We welcome and you ! For more information, contact practice of geoscience. All learners, encourage participation from [email protected] or call 020 7432 0999. regardless of their stage of education, geoscience educators, industry should see geoscience as an professionals, and organisations u Inter-library loans accessible academic endeavour which involved in the provision of fieldwork in If the item you want is not in our collection, we may be offers viable career opportunities. both formal and informal capacities. able to obtain it from another library. To find out more For learners with disabilities, How can we the wider geoscience about this service, please email [email protected] however, the physical and community embrace this undertaking or call 020 7432 0999. psychological challenges presented by to attract and foster the talents of fieldwork, coupled with the rigorous people with diverse abilities? Join us schedule of fieldwork characteristic of at Burlington House on Friday 26 June ➤ The library is open to visitors Monday-Friday 0930- most undergraduate programmes, can and take part. Registration - 1730. For a list of new acquisitions click the appropriate deter talented individuals from George link from engaging with geoscience beyond Jameson


How I became CGeol

Rick Brassington*, newly elected Council member, describes how he became chartered in the early days of the ‘Institution of Geologists’ and why it remains important today

ack in 1968 I worked with civil engineers in the Engineers Department at the Severn River SOAPBOX Authority. I was not regarded as B a ‘professional’ and so had a CALLING! lower status. When I heard that the IG GSL Geological Society was looking at establishing a professional body for Soapbox is open to contributions geologists I gave it my full support. from all Fellows. You can always Although Council of the day was in write a letter to the Editor, of favour, there was opposition - which meant course: but perhaps you feel you that it had to be achieved separately (albeit need more space? with some support from GSL). on both sides that merger would mean significant changes to both bodies and this If you can write it entertainingly in Consultations complex process took four years to achieve. 500 words, the Editor would like After initial consultations the Association for The decision whether to merge was made by to hear from you. Email your the Promotion of an Institution of the members of both bodies and in the end, piece, and a self-portrait, to Professional Geologists (APIPG) was IG’s organisation was merged into that of ted.nield@geolsoc. established - from which the Institution of the Society, losing some of its identity in the Copy can only be accepted Geologists (IG) was subsequently created. process and with the Institution’s name electronically. No diagrams, tables IG produced rules for corporate membership disappearing altogether. The majority of IG or other illustrations please. that mirrored professional qualifications in members willingly gave up IG’s treasured other institutions like the Institution of Civil separate identity in the greater interests of Pictures should be of print Engineers and encouraged people to join. the geological community. The two bodies quality – please take photographs Geologists from all branches supported formally ‘re-unified’ on 1 January 1991. on the largest setting on your the idea, although the greatest support came With reunification, 259 members of IG camera, with a plain background. from engineering geologists and who had not belonged to GSL were hydrogeologists. In 1983 IG asked its granted Fellowship and 586 members of IG Precedence will always be given

members what was the most important thing became the first Chartered Geologists even to more topical contributions. to do, and the unanimous answer was the before the reunification process was Any one contributor may not

acquisition of a Royal Charter that would completed. The date on my certificate is appear more often than once per enable IG to create the qualification 10 October 1990. volume (once~ every 12 months). ‘Chartered Geologist’. Besides the formation of the CGeol IG prepared a draft Royal Charter for qualification, IG created many other things submission to the Privy Council, and by that are now established part of GSL January 1986 this was sent for informal including the regional groups, the THE MAJORITY comment. As it referred to the possibility of a Aberconway Medal, the Geologist’s OF IG MEMBERS future unification between the IG and GSL, Directory, and Geoscientist, which was WILLINGLY GAVE UP IG’S the Privy Council said that the petition formerly the IG magazine British Geologist. should be placed on hold until that The reorganisation that took place in the TREASURED SEPARATE possibility was resolved. IG then approached mid-1990s was also a consequence of the IDENTITY IN THE GSL requesting that a possible merger should re-unification and the spirit of change that be explored. A joint Co-operation Committee it brought. GREATER INTERESTS was set up comprising three senior members OF THE GEOLOGICAL of each organisation and chaired by former ➤ Rick Brassington has written a history of the COMMUNITY. THE TWO President Prof. Howel Francis as someone IG, which can be read on the Society website BODIES FORMALLY seen as neutral by both sides. under ‘About Us’ – ‘History’ uk/history See also Letters, this issue ‘RE-UNIFIED’ ON 1 Discussions JANUARY 1991 It took some time for the Committee to gain Rick Brassington each other’s trust and for meaningful * Rick Brassington is a hydrogeologist, and newly ~ discussions to take place. It was recognised elected Council member. See also Letters, p21.


e had collected ceramics studio potter the raw material of which John Mather, for many years. pots are made is of fundamental On retirement, following a importance. Upon the quality of the clay together with his wife career with BGS, and at depends the strength and still more the Jenny Bennett, W Royal Holloway University character of the finished pot.” of London, I accepted a family challenge to try my hand at making Mud to clay collect ceramics. After pots myself, rather than simply To the geologist, clay is a term used to criticising the attempts of others. describe the finest grade of clastic retiring, he decided to I discovered many challenges in sedimentary particles, those less than producing an object of beauty, whether four microns in diameter and invisible to make them himself... functional or decorative, from a lump of the naked eye. In still-water wet clay – and found my geological depositional environments these very background most useful. fine water-born particles derived from As the potter, artist and writer rock weathering settle out of suspension Bernard Leach (1887-1979), wrote at the and, under appropriate conditions, may Above: Display of pottery by Doug beginning of the third chapter of his consolidate to form a mudrock. If this Fitch, made with red clay using hugely influential manual A Potter’s becomes plastic when wet, it is traditional slips. Clay is dug from the field Book, 1940: commonly also referred to as a clay, behind his workshop in rural Devon. Photograph taken at Earth and Fire International Ceramics “A potter’s prime need is good clay. perhaps named after a locality, as for Fair, Rufford Abbey, Nottinghamshire 2014 Whether [an] industrial, peasant or example the London Clay or Oxford


Roger Cockram, Slipware bowl by Devon potter, Doug Fitch, made of red earthenware North Devon clay using a mold and decorated by slips using locally-sourced clays potter, throwing a bowl

Detail of decoration on Reverse of the above bowl showing the bowl by the rough stoney earthenware used Doug Fitch

Clay, or after its potential use, as in brick available natural clay; but now pottery types of clay available to the potter, clay or china clay. Although clay suppliers can supply clays made up to a earthenware, and . minerals form the main constituent, such range of recipes and the choice will Earthenware clays range widely in clays also contain quartz, feldspars, depend largely on the function of the appearance, from brown to white micas, calcite and iron oxides, together finished object. For example, the clay depending on composition. Brown with many other minor components. used to form a plant pot for outdoor use earthenware, generally described as To the potter, clay has a much simpler is likely to be unsuitable for an afternoon , is coloured by iron oxides, definition, being a damp plastic material tea set and production on an industrial whereas in the preparation of the fine that sets as it dries and can be converted scale will demand a clay with earthenware used to make most modern by heating to a hard, waterproof different properties from that tableware great efforts are made to material. Differences in mineralogy used by an individual exclude iron from the mix. The control colour, strength, studio potter. characteristic of all earthenware is that it texture and There are is fired at a temperature between 1000 firing three main and 1200oC and is porous, requiring a temperature. layer of glaze to make it watertight. Vessels can be ‘Stoneware’ describes pottery that has moulded, built been fired to higher temperatures from coils or sheets, between 1200 and 1300oC. At this thrown on the wheel or temperature full or partial vitrification cast. Traditionally potters takes place, making stoneware vessels

would have used a locally impermeable, stronger and less likely to ▼

WWW.GEOLSOC.ORG.UK/GEOSCIENTIST | JUNE 2015 | 11 Exeter ceramicist, Laurel Keeley, using a blowtorch to stiffen the clay before adding further coils to a handbuilt vessel

Salt-glazed articulated jug, held by its maker Walter Keeler, based in Monmouthshire. The lower part has been dipped in a china clay/feldspar slip to create a contrasting surface

▼ chip than earthenware. A glaze is not essential but if applied will mature at the same time as the clay body, forming an integrated layer over the pot. ‘Porcelain’ clays are fired at even higher temperatures, between 1200 to 1400oC, producing completely vitrified ware which is smooth, strong and durable. All these clay bodies have china clay Soda-glazed stoneware jug and/or ball clay as a principal (height 25 cm) component. Both clays have a large by Lisa Hammond proportion of the mineral kaolinite with (London) and smaller amounts of quartz and mica. In a faceted the UK, china clay occurs as an alteration bottle vase by Mike Dodd product of the Cornubian granites, from (Somerset) which it has been extracted for some 250 with a high years. It is an ideal material as it silica withstands high temperatures while retaining its colour. Unfortunately it has low plasticity and for this reason is usually mixed with ball clay, which is similar in composition but has far higher plasticity as a result of reworking, which produces ultra-fine clay particles. Other materials are added to the mixed clays to improve refractoriness (resistance to heat), lower the fusion point and improve density. Refractory ingredients include flint or silica sands and those that promote fusion (known as fluxes) include feldspar and . The latter is a quartz/feldspar rock, whether partially kaolinised or not, free from minerals (such as biotite) which would colour the clay body. Parts of the St Austell Granite in Cornwall, which are biotite-free, were traditionally used, High-fired hence the term Cornish Stone, often commercially produced found in pottery textbooks. earthenware, An idea of simple mixtures which with screen- printed design might be used to produce the various “On the Wing” clay bodies is shown in the table. by Mark Hearld The main differences between them for Tate. Made in England are a reduction in the amount of clay, by Burleigh particularly ball clay, and an increase in GEOSCIENTIST FEATURE


Earthenware Stoneware Porcelain Ball Clay 48% 32% China Clay 24% 32% 55% China Stone (Feldspar) 24% 32% (25%) Flint 4% 4% 15% Bentonite 5% the amount of feldspar and silica going finish, it is beneficial for the glaze firing from earthenware to porcelain. The to take place at a temperature lower than concomitant reduction in plasticity the bisque firing in order to prevent means that porcelain is more difficult to further decomposition and gas release throw and work, a problem which has causing blemishes on the glaze. Thus the been overcome in the example above industrial potter bisque fires earthenware by the introduction of 5% bentonite to to say 1150oC and then uses glazes that the recipe. demand a lower firing temperature of about 1060oC. Above: Modern North Devon harvest jug by Harry Plastic However, higher bisque temperatures Juniper of Bideford. The pot is covered with a white slip and the design is made by scratching Immediately after it has been modelled reduce the porosity of the ware and most through the slip to expose the contrasting red body or thrown the clay is wet and plastic and craft potters adopt a different strategy, – a technique known as scraffito the ware produced readily deformed. bisque firing to around 1000oC for Before it can be worked further it needs earthenware, stoneware and porcelain. to be left until it is stiff, but not Blemishes are healed by holding the final completely dried out, with the glaze firing temperature for 30 minutes or consistency of hard soap. In this more, a process known as soaking. condition, known as ‘leather hard’, it can be trimmed, handles, spouts etc. can be Decorating attached, and it can be covered with a Decorating and glazing are generally layer of liquid clay known as ‘slip’. This regarded as the most difficult and slip may form a decoration in its own unpredictable parts of ceramic right, or coat the clay body to form a production, but it is where an clean ground for painting and/or understanding of petrology and glazing, when it is called an ‘engobe’. geochemistry proves most useful. The ware is then left to dry out Glazing essentially involves putting a completely, when it is known as ‘green coating of glass on pottery, and glazes are ware’, a state in which it can still be based on three main components, glass- broken easily by hand and becomes formers, fluxes and stabilisers. The most plastic again if dipped in water. It is important glass-former is silica, which possible to directly apply glaze to green can be added directly as flint or quartz, or ~ ware - known as raw glazing – but more indirectly as a component of silicate generally items are fired to a temperature minerals such as clays, feldspars, and at which clays give up their combined wollastonite. Fluxes cause the other IN THE UK, CHINA water and some contraction takes place, components to melt or flow and one of CLAY OCCURS AS AN but the body remains porous and will the most widely used is lead oxide. ALTERATION PRODUCT OF absorb water. This unglazed fired ware However, above about 1180oC lead is known as ‘’ or ‘bisque’ and the increasingly vaporises which means that THE CORNUBIAN temperature at which it is fired is related it can be used only in earthenware glazes. GRANITES, FROM WHICH IT to the clay used and production Other commonly used fluxes are methods. potassium and sodium oxides, usually HAS BEEN EXTRACTED

On firing green earthenware most provided by adding feldspars, and ▼ FOR SOME 250 YEARS water has been driven off by 350oC but ~ vapour may still be detected up until 900oC and carbonaceous material and other volatiles can remain up to 1100oC or even higher. If the biscuit ware is refired to a higher temperature than its first firing, the body will continue to react, liberating gases which, if the pot has been glazed, have to bubble through the glaze layer. Most industrial pottery is earthenware and in order to obtain a smooth glaze


▼ calcium and magnesium oxides derived fired ware in a bucket of glaze or by in the body will show up as brown from limestone, chalk and dolomite. brushing or spraying. The powders specks through the glaze and the Stabilisers reduce the fluidity of the glaze need to be finely milled so that they can resulting colour range tends to be more and deter devitrification. The main be kept easily in suspension. It is also muted than that of earthenware. stabiliser used is alumina, introduced into possible to glaze pots within the It is possible to use materials apart the glaze mix in clay minerals or feldspar. during the firing process. The most from rocks and minerals in glazes. In addition to these three principal common example is the ‘salt glazing’ of The most common are calcined animal components glazes may also contain stoneware, where salt is introduced into bone, used as an opacifier, and wood colouring pigments derived from metals, the kiln when temperatures reach about ash. The latter contains fluxes in such as copper, iron, cobalt and 1100oC. The salt volatilises to varying proportions - soda, potash, lime manganese. These can be used singly or hydrochloric acid and sodium oxide. and magnesia, occurring as phosphates, in combination to obtain a variety of The acid is lost from the kiln and the sulphates and chlorides, which are colours which can vary depending on sodium oxide reacts with pot surfaces, readily broken down. There is also firing conditions in the kiln. producing a skin of sodium aluminium some alumina and silica so that the For example, iron oxides might produce silicate. The orange-peel effect obtained wood ash is capable by itself of glazing a warm brown in oxidising conditions is extremely attractive and colouring pottery. In practice it is too fluid, runs and greens under reduction. Bernard oxides can be applied to give a range of off the pot and needs to be combined Leach referred to the glass-formers as the colours. with feldspar or clay. A simple mixture ‘bone’ of a glaze, fluxes as their ‘life As well as colouring glazes, metal of 40% wood ash, 40% potash feldspar blood’, with stabilisers and other less- pigments can be used to decorate ware and 20% ball clay makes an effective easily defined elements as the ‘flesh’ of a either over or under the glaze. A wide glaze mixture and by replacing all or glaze. It is the juggling of the percentages range of colours is now available, but at part of the ball clay with a local alluvial of these three main components, and the stoneware and porcelain firing clay or by ground Ordovician slate from skilful deployment of colouring oxides, temperatures many of these colours one of the Cumbrian quarries, I have which control the end product. tend to vaporise and are suitable only produced a variety of colours and for earthenware. With stoneware the finishes, firing under reducing Glazes clay body and glaze form an integrated conditions. If the kiln is wood-fired, Glazes are applied by mixing the mineral layer and the quality and colour of the interesting effects can also be obtained powders with water to the consistency of glaze are derived partly from the body by allowing wood ash to settle on pots a thin cream and then dipping the bisque- beneath. In consequence iron particles in the kiln during the firing process.

Dorset potter, Tim Hurn, Stoneware bottles by Tim Hurn. Using a wood-fired kiln, ash throwing a stoneware bottle, settles and melts on the pots; together with the effects of salt with finished items introduced in the rear of the kiln, producing unique effects GEOSCIENTIST FEATURE

Reducing green to dark olive, known as ‘’, limestone are all well known and the My own practice involves firing named after the hero in d’Urfé’s 17th geologist starts with an inbuilt advantage functional stoneware pots, under Century French pastoral romance when experimenting with ceramic reducing conditions, using a gas-fired L’Astrée, who wore clothes of materials and trying to understand how kiln. Although it is possible to this colour. they might combine and interact. generate reducing atmospheres in an Being able to produce an attractive electric kiln, this is not a trivial task Leach tradition object from a lump of wet clay and a and such atmospheres are most easily Most of my pottery belongs to what has selection of mineral and rock powders is generated in fired by solid fuels, become known as the Leach tradition. an enviable skill, one I might have been oil or gas, by reducing the amount of Bernard Leach (1887-1979) was born in able to achieve if I had started 50 years air to less than that required for full Hong Kong and spent much of his youth ago instead of 10! u combustion. Inadequate combustion in the Far East. He established a pottery results in the formation of carbon at St. Ives in Cornwall in 1920 and was (black smoke coming out of the kiln heavily influenced by Chinese stoneware ➤ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT chimney) and carbon monoxide. and Japanese ceramics. Assisted by his All ceramics featured from the collection of At the high temperatures present in the son David (1911-2005), the standard Jenny Bennett and John Mather. Pictures Jenny Bennett John Mathe kiln these are chemically active, ware which the pottery developed by or r. seeking oxygen from any available rejected highly decorated crockery with host, including the metal oxides in clay its impractical handles and produced a bodies and glazes. As a consequence stoneware range, combining traditional FURTHER READING copper, added to the glaze mix as the forms and modern materials, with carbonate, produces a red colour minimal decoration and celadon and 1 Adams, P J 1961 Geology and ceramics. HMSO, instead of green, and red iron oxide, as tenmoku glazes. London. hematite, will give greys and blacks as Making up one’s own glazes and 2 Billingham, Dora M 1962 The technique of pottery. it is reduced to magnetite, under the using them to decorate simple, practical Batsford, London. right conditions yielding the luscious and functional pots is extremely 3 Fraser, Harry 1998 Glazes for the craft potter. black glaze, which breaks to rusty satisfying. The minerals and rocks used Revised edition. A & C Black, London. brown on the edges, known as in the preparation of clays and the 4 Leach, Bernard 1990 A potter’s book. Faber & ‘tenmoku’. Small amounts of iron will generation of glazes (melts), such as Faber, London. produce the green tints, from pale kaolinite, potash feldspar, flint and

Jug with wood ash glaze (40% wood ash, 40% potash feldspar, 20% powdered Ordovician slate from Honister, Cumbria) made by the author

Vase with rutile glaze (28% potash feldspar, Jug with wood ash glaze (40% wood ash from 24% flint, 16% china clay, 15% dolomite, 10 wood-burning stove, 40% potash feldspar, 10% chalk, 7% rutile) made by the author ball clay, 10% terracotta) made by the author GOE FIGURE Matthew Warke*, Gloyne Research Fund winner, investigates the Palaeoproterozoic rise in oxygen on the Kaapvaal Craton

he first half of the data that explore the diagenetic and/or Palaeoproterozoic (c. 2.5 – 2.0Ga) metamorphic processes that may have was a period of extensive affected the geochemistry of the rock environmental change on Earth. post-depositionally, and thus altered any T Arguably the most significant primary oxygenation signal. It is also change during that period was the crucial that we examine the irreversible establishment of an oxidised sedimentology of these rocks so that we atmosphere and hydrosphere between can better understand the evolution of 2.45 and 2.32 billion years ago, the period the basins and depositional known as the ‘Great Oxidation Event’ environments in which they were (GOE), during which atmospheric oxygen deposited. concentrations rose above 10-5 PAL My PhD research focuses on three (Present Atmospheric Level) for the first South African successions deposited on time. the Kaapvaal Craton (South Africa) in the The rise was sufficient to cause a early Palaeoproterozoic. Of these significant change in the geochemical successions, the Tongwane and lower cycling of sulphur in Earth’s fluid Duitschland formations in the Transvaal envelopes and thus produce a distinct basin, and the Koegas Subgroup in the geochemical signal that indicates an Griqualand West basin, were deposited oxidising atmosphere1. This signal has prior to the GOE, whereas the upper been used to trace the onset of the GOE in Duitschland Formation (Transvaal basin) Palaeoproterozoic units across North postdates it. America, Fennoscandia, Western Our aim is to understand how oxygen Australia and southern Africa. began to build up in depositional There is still much we don’t know environments on the Kaapvaal Craton about the GOE. Aerobically before the GOE. We aim to contribute photosynthesising cyanobacteria evolved new sections, new geochemical datasets and were producing oxygen sometime and, where possible, new prior to 2.65Ga2. Oxygen started to geochronological constraints on the accumulate in depositional environments Transvaal Supergroup that may assist in when the cyanobacterial organic matter future attempts at regional and global was rapidly buried; this permitted the stratigraphic correlation. We also aim to Above top: Farm Pannetjie, just outside Griquatown, site oxygen produced in photosynthesis to produce new (or refined) depositional of laterally impersistent Doradate Conglomerate escape back-reaction to carbon dioxide and diagenetic models of these Above middle: Stromatolitic bioherms on the farm Taaibosfontein through respiration. Why, then, did it successions. Above lower: Landscape typical of the Koegas Subgroup take approximately 200-300 million years

to establish an oxidised atmosphere? Koegas Subgroup Left: Farm Klooffontein, north of Prieske, site of a puzzling outcrop of carbonates and diamictites Various biological and tectonic With these aims in mind I set off for my

hypotheses have emerged to address this second field season in South Africa in late question, each discussing either the May 2014. I was to spend just over three sources of oxygen (e.g. the evolution of weeks in the field studying the Koegas ~ photosynthesis in cyanobacteria) or Subgroup and the overlying Makganyene potential physical and chemical sinks of Diamictite in Northern Cape Province free oxygen3. before returning to Johannesburg in June WHY, THEN, DID IT to begin two weeks of geochemical work New data in the labs at the University of TAKE APPROXIMATELY In order to best evaluate these hypotheses Johannesburg (UJ). 200-300 MILLION YEARS there is a need for new geochemical data For the first four days of my excursion TO ESTABLISH AN from successions deposited prior to the I was accompanied by Professor Nic GOE. Such data may elucidate the Beukes (UJ), and a field assistant, UJ MSc OXIDISED ATMOSPHERE? processes in operation between the student Conrad de Kock. Nic led us on a VARIOUS BIOLOGICAL AND evolution of aerobic photosynthesis and comprehensive tour of the Koegas and TECTONIC HYPOTHESES the GOE. However, it is highly important Makganyene as exposed around the quiet that such data are collected within the settlements of Prieska and Griquatown. HAVE EMERGED context of petrological and geochemical This eerily beautiful - and very rural - ▼ ~ WWW.GEOLSOC.ORG.UK/GEOSCIENTIST | JUNE 2015 | 17 Makganyene Diamictite overlies, and underlies, the brecciated carbonate

▼ part of Afrikaans-speaking South Africa effect’ relationship between the GOE and (Koegas Subgroup). The Makganyene and is dry and dusty, its strikingly bright a Palaeoproterozoic Snowball Earth. basal Doradale conglomerate are orange soils derived from windblown However this is extremely doubtful. superficially similar, both being matrix- Kalahari sands. Across the Northern Cape the glacial supported, massive units with chert and The Koegas Subgroup is composed of unconformity at the base of the carbonate clasts ranging widely in size seven formations4 ranging in composition Makganyene cuts down into the Koegas and sphericity; they also have a similar from iron-formation to sandstones, at several stratigraphic levels7 and weathering profile. siltstones, mudstones, and minor striated pavements are visible beneath the However, unlike the Makganyene, the carbonates in the form of ‘stromatolitic diamictite on Taaibosfontein. On the Doradale conglomerate (as seen on bioherms’. Stromatolitic bioherms form a isolated farm Klooffontein, north of Pannetjie farm just outside Griquatown) is prominent marker bed which we (by - Prieska, Nic and I debated a puzzling not laterally persistent. It is lenticular in carefully - picking our way through outcrop of carbonates and diamictite. nature and often only exposed for 1-10m swarthaak (‘black-hook’) bushes) traced While Nic envisages the diamictite before thinning laterally into low-energy and mapped for just over two kilometres draping an upper Koegas karst surface, it iron formation; it may represent higher- across the Taaibosfontein farm. Sections seems more likely that the carbonates - energy channelised deposits within the of the Koegas were logged here and on which are heavily brecciated, iron formation. neighbouring farms and samples discontinuous, and are overlain and gathered for petrographic and underlain by diamictite - are isolated Summary geochemical analysis in Manchester. blocks of Koegas carbonate (several As our petrological and geochemical metres wide) which have been entrained analysis continues, we expect that our Makganyene Diamictite into the diamictite. samples from the Koegas Subgroup will The contact between the Makganyene In either case our field evidence seems prove useful in understanding both the Diamictite and the underlying Koegas to indicate that the carbonates became rise in oxygen on the Kaapvaal Craton Subgroup is also exposed on lithified prior to glacial erosion. Thus we (prior to the GOE) and the diagenesis of Taaibosfontein. The Makganyene do not consider the Koegas and the Koegas succession. Our field Diamictite is a world-renowned glacial Makganyene to be coeval, though our observations have helped to address some deposit and has been argued as evidence evidence is limited and we are unable to of the sedimentological and stratigraphic for a Palaeoproterozoic ‘Snowball Earth’ quantify the length of the hiatus between problems that persist in Griqualand West, episode5. Established stratigraphic the deposition of the Koegas and the but there remain many unaddressed models place a significant 150myr hiatus Makganyene. Thus we cannot rule out stratigraphic problems (such as a lack of between the deposition of the Koegas and the possibility that the Makganyene may absolute age data and robust stratigraphic the Makganyene. However, some be significantly older than currently correlations) which will limit our workers have argued that “lenses” of thought, and may correlate with a understanding of how oxygen may have Makganyene reported from within the postulated ‘cryptic glacial horizon’ within arisen in these environments.u lower Koegas show that the two units are the Duitschland Formation8; this horizon coeval, lateral equivalents6. also marks the onset of the GOE as ➤ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This would imply that the recorded in South Africa. I would like to thank the Geological Society Makganyene Diamictite was deposited So, what are these “lenses” of for financial support through the Gloyne immediately prior to the GOE and not Makganyene? Given their reported Outdoor Research fund. I would also like to c.100 million years afterwards, as is stratigraphic position within the Koegas thank N. Beukes, C. Vorster, and C. de Kock for field, laboratory and/or logistical support widely thought. If correct this ‘older they are likely to be exposures of a and the staff of the Geology Dept., University Makganyene’ scenario would have conglomerate member that occurs at the of Johannesburg for their hospitality. serious ramifications for any ‘cause and base of the Doradale Iron Formation

18 | JUNE 2015 | WWW.GEOLSOC.ORG.UK/GEOSCIENTIST Striated pavement beneath the Makganyene Diamictite on the farm Taaibosfontein

Stromatolitic bioherms on the farm Taaibosfontein attaining a maximum thickness of approx. 2 m.

*Matthew Warke is at Manchester University [email protected]. For more Farm information on the Society’s fieldwork research Taaibosfontein, funds, please go to ‘Awards, Grants & Bursaries’ with its delightful in ‘About Us’ on ‘swarthaak’ bushes REFERENCES

1 FARQUHAR, J., BAO, H. and THIEMENS, M. 2000. Atmospheric Influence of Earth’s Earliest Sulfur Cycle. Science, 289, 756-758. 2 ANBAR, A.D., DUAN, Y., LYONS, T.W., ARNOLD, G.L., KENDALL, B. CREASER, R.A., KAUFMAN, A.J., GORDON, G.W., SCOTT, C., GARVIN, J. and BUICK, R. 2007. A Whiff of Oxygen Before the Great Oxidation Event? Science, 317, 1903-1906. 3 KASTING, J.F., PAVLOV, A.A. and SIEFERT, J.L. 2001. A coupled ecosystem-climate model for predicting the methane concentration in the Archean atmosphere. Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere, 31, 271-285. Doradate 4 SCHRÖDER, S, BEDORF, D., BEUKES, N.J. and Conglomerate GUTZMER, J. 2011. From BIF to red beds: (Koegas Sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy of the Subgroup) Paleoproterozoic Koegas Subgroup (South Africa). Sedimentary Geology, 236, 25-44. 5 EVANS, D.A., BEUKES, N.J. and KIRSCHVINK, J.L. 1997. Low-latitude glaciation in the Palaeoproterozoic era. Nature, 386, 262-266. 6 POLTEAU, S. 2000. Stratigraphy and geochemistry of the Makganyene Formation, Transvaal Supergroup, Northern Cape, South Africa. M.Sc thesis (unpublished), Rhodes University, 154 pp. 7 ALTERMANN, W. and HÄLBICK, I.W. 1990. Thrusting, folding and stratigraphy of the Ghaap Group along the southwestern margin of the Kaapvaal Craton. South African Journal of Geology, 93, 553-566. Unstratified and massive 8 HOFFMAN, P.F. 2013. The Great Oxidation and a Makganyene Siderian snowball Earth: MIF-S based correlation of Diamictite with Paleoproterozoic glacial epochs. Chemical Geology, large chert clasts of mixed 362, 143-156. sphericities

WWW.GEOLSOC.ORG.UK/GEOSCIENTIST | JUNE 2015 | 19 Corporate Supporters: Call for Abstracts – 29 February 2016 Mesozoic Resource Potential in the Southern Permian Basin 7-9 September 2016

Convenors: Burlington House, Piccadilly, London

Ben Kilhams Shell Netherlands and Petroleum Group Peter Kukla 5:7+$DFKHQ8QLYHUVLW\ Stanislaw Mazur Getech UK Tom McKie The Southern Permian Basin covers a large geographic area of northern Europe including the UK, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Denmark and Sweden. For many operators it has, and continues to be, a heartland for Shell UK hydrocarbon production from the Rotliegend sandstones and overlying Zechstein carbonates. However, in this Harmen Mijnlieff mature basin many opportunities remain within the overburden and particularly within the Mesozoic succession associated with heterolithic source rock, reservoir and seal facies’ and complex tectonics characterized by TNO extension, compression, inversion and halokinesis. Interest in this interval has also increased due to its geothermal potential, especially in the Netherlands. In this conference, we aim to bring together academics and industry Kees v. Ojik workers from across the region to share ideas on the following themes: 1$0$UJR*HRORJLFDO ‡ Regional cross-border stratigraphic correlation. Consultants ‡ Sedimentology including reservoir/seal extent, facies and diagenesis. Robert Schöner ‡ Structural evolution and styles. LBEG ‡ Regional and local-scale hydrocarbon generation and charge. ‡ Examples of geothermal developments in the basin. ‡ +\GURFDUERQ¿HOGVFDOHREVHUYDWLRQV LQFOXGLQJJHRSK\VLFDOSHWURSK\VLFDODQGSURGXFWLRQGDWD DQGWKHLU application to further exploration, hydrocarbon/geothermal development within the Mesozoic. This is a 3-day meeting including: Event Sponsor:  )LHOGH[FXUVLRQWRWKH/RZHU&UHWDFHRXVRI6XUUH\DQG6XVVH[ OHGE\0DUWLQ:HOOV%3  Evening Icebreaker Drinks, Piccadilly, London. 08/09/16: Regional overview and Triassic of the Southern Permian Basin; Oral and Poster Programme. 09/09/16: Jurassic and Cretaceous of the Southern Permian Basin; Oral and Poster Programme. Call for Abstracts: Please submit abstracts for oral and poster contributions that cover any of the above themes to ODXUDJULI¿WKV#JHROVRFRUJXNDQGENLOKDPV#VKHOOFRPEHIRUH)HEUXDU\ For further information please contact: /DXUD*ULI¿WKV7KH*HRORJLFDO6RFLHW\%XUOLQJWRQ+RXVH3LFFDGLOO\/RQGRQ:-%*7

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New Executive Secretary must be a Chartered Geologist

Sir, I chaired the Governance Committee in Officers and Council Members may only overlooked and this requirement has not 1996 that constituted the five Vice-Presidents serve for a limited time. For these reasons been included in the Bye-laws during the and myself. Our report to Council the Governance Committee recommended various reviews that have occurred during recognised the important role of the that the Executive Secretary should be a recent times. Executive Secretary in representing the professionally experienced Chartered I hope that this aspect will not be Society and furthering its aims for the science Geologist. overlooked by the committee charged with and profession of geology at a high level both Reading the recently published recruitment making the appointment and am reassured in the UK and internationally. The Executive advertisement in the April issue of this by the comments made by the President in Secretary provides an important continuity magazine, it would seem that, 18 years later, response to the letter from Dick Selley within the Society's governance as the Bye- this important aspect of the role of the published here last month. laws dictate that Presidents, Honorary Executive Secretary may have been RICK BRASSINGTON

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Playing Against Nature you were in the news media?” geophysics over the underpinning Seth Stein’s view, strongly advocated geology, or unsuitability of older Books about natural in the media since the 2011 bicentenary, geophysical data, led to many exploration disasters and disaster is that a repeat is extremely unlikely, on failures in the basin. mitigation tend to the basis of his team’s GPS-based Further papers in the publication focus either on their regional strain measurements. Money describe the influence of sills on reservoir scientific or would be far better spent on improving sand occurrence, the results of political/economic local education and health care than on reprocessing older seismic to see through aspects. Thus, seismic retrofitting of buildings in basalt cover, the use of formation micro- earthquakes are Memphis, says Stein. Other imaging tools for volcanic facies considered either as seismologists are less sure. Read Playing identification, the use of detrital zircons to geological and Against Nature and make up your own date basement history in Rockall and new seismological phenomena or as risks to mind about such risks and society’s most workflows for cuttings analysis in large lives, property and urban infrastructure. valid response. igneous provinces. In general these are Playing Against Nature impressively snappily written, well-argued papers integrates both aspects. Seth Stein is a Reviewed by Andrew Robinson (Author of with some very interesting ideas. seismologist - professor of geological Earthshock and Earthquake: Nature and Culture) I found the volume both interesting sciences at Northwestern University - and valuable, however it was surprising with a keen interest in US public policy as a reviewer to have to flick through 180 PLAYING AGAINST NATURE: INTEGRATING SCIENCE towards earthquakes; Jerome Stein (father AND ECONOMICS IN AN UNCERTAIN WORLD pages before finding the first photo of real of Seth) was, until his death, an academic SETH STEIN AND JEROME STEIN, 2014. rock. In fact, no papers look at field economist with an interest in science. Published by: The American Geophysical Union and analogues for any plays. Yet, despite its Wiley 260pp (hbk) ISBN: 9781118620823 Their book, the product of many years’ List price: £45.00 small size, the volume is of high quality interaction, is a textbook intended for and contains excellent discussions of both upper-level undergraduate or graduate successes and failures in exploration West courses, which will also appeal to of Shetland. Images are also of high instructors, researchers and practitioners quality and, particularly in the case of the interested in geoscience, engineering, Hydrocarbon Exploration seismic lines over individual discoveries, economics or policy issues relevant to hard to find elsewhere. natural hazards. Although the emphasis to Exploitation West of However the volume could be more is on earthquakes, the authors cover other Shetlands complete – some of the biggest problems natural hazards. Some chapters involve with exploration in the basin (e.g. considerable mathematics, but this is Oil West of Shetland interpretation of base basalt), and some of seldom crucial to their argument. once again hit the the biggest debates (mantle plumes, Among their many questions for headlines recently spatial occurrence and prospectivity of discussion is the risk from Italy’s Mount with the Scottish Palaeozoic sequences, etc.) are under- Vesuvius. “Since the last eruption in independence explored. Overall, I would happily 1944, the Bay of Naples region has been a referendum. Thus, recommend this volume as an excellent hotbed of construction—much of it despite the fact that addition to the Special Publications series. unplanned and illegal—that has hugely this Geological Society increased the number of people living in Special Publication Reviewed by Murray Hoggett the danger zone of the volcano” they was based on a 2011 note. Millions may be affected by the conference, its release in mid-2014 feels HYDROCARBON EXPLORATION TO next eruption, especially those living in quite timely. EXPLOITATION WEST OF SHETLANDS the zona rossa (red zone). The Italian As Special Publications go, this is a S J C CANNON and D ELLIS (Eds). 2014 Geological authorities are considering the idea of rather thin volume, at only 229 pages. It Society Special Publication 397, 229pp. ISBN 978-1- 86239-652-4. List price: £90.00 ; paying these people to relocate. “How comprises 12 papers (plus an Fellows’ price: £45.00. would you formulate and evaluate such introduction), of which 10 are written by plans?” scientists working in the petroleum Another question concerns earthquake industry, giving it a different tone to risk in the US Midwest. In January 2011, many other special publications authored the US Department of Homeland by academics. Seismic Amplitude - an Security’s Federal Management Agency Many papers concentrate on case (FEMA) issued a call to vendors to studies and stories from individual fields interpreter's handbook provide meals for a survivor population or exploration campaigns. Laggan, This book provides a of seven million in the event of a repeat of Foinaiven, Glenlivet, Tornado, Lancaster comprehensive the severe Missouri earthquakes of 1811- and Cambo are discussed across several overview of the 12, one of which temporarily reversed the papers from either an exploration or an basics theory of course of the Mississippi River. This appraisal viewpoint. A separate paper by seismic amplitude invitation was promptly cancelled, Loizou discusses the contrasts between and a practical guide without explanation, when the news some of the aforementioned exploration to the methods of media showed interest. “Estimate how successes, and exploration failures such as seismic amplitude much FEMA was planning to spend. the Assynt prospect. A key message from interpretation for the What questions would you have asked if this section is an over-reliance on identification and

22 | JUNE 2015 | WWW.GEOLSOC.ORG.UK/GEOSCIENTIST Would you like to receive a free book and write a review? Available titles are listed online, of which a small selection is shown below. Contact the editor for further information [email protected]

location of hydrocarbons and reservoir This book is well written and is very materials should form part of a final characterisation. good value at such a reasonable price; I product (rather than be used somewhere It includes more advanced would recommend it for anyone looking along the energy pathway) or be in interpretation techniques such as to find out more about this subject. danger of short supply. Hence, the Amplitude Versus Offset (AVO) analysis, elements that help create exotic steels (e.g seismic inversion and rock physics Reviewed by Caroline Mason turbine blades), catalysts for product modelling as well as detailing multiple conversions and dopants for electronic applications of such methods illustrated semiconductor components are by data examples from around the world. SEISMIC AMPLITUDE: AN INTERPRETER’S considered; but zinc, tin, iron, manganese HANDBOOK Simm and Bacon initially examine the ROB SIMM AND MIKE BACON, 2014 Published by (no shortage) or mercury or gold (not in fundamentals of seismic reflectivity and Cambridge University Press. Hbk. ISBN 978-1-107- final products) are not. modelling theory for seismic 01150-2 271pp The layout and the clarity of the prose interpretation, including seismic polarity, List Price £45.00 and illustrations all win. The book’s style phase, wavelets and resolution. reminded me of my school inorganic The full mathematical equations are chemistry book. Its 90 pages are full of provided at all stages but they do not facts capable of substantiating any debate overwhelm the reader. The reasons and now, or for decades to come. It would methods for performing well tie analysis Materials critical to the also be a useful source of facts and figures are discussed in the following chapter. for quiz enthusiasts, whether for These earlier topics are clearly explained energy industry Mastermind or the local pub-night on and underpin the more advanced Meaningful science topics, particularly inorganic or discussions on amplitude and AVO conversations on the industrial chemistry. If all the facts in this interpretation, rock physics for seismic wasteful use of book could be retained, one would indeed modelling and seismic trace inversion. resources, and be an expert! The majority of the book focuses on whether the resources If this is your area of interest (e.g. as a these more advanced techniques and their themselves will soon policy maker, regulator, business, basis in the relationship between rock Meaningful academic or concerned citizen) then this properties, seismic amplitude and AVO conversations on the book should be on your reference shelf. analysis. The rock properties and rock wasteful use of And better still, since it is based on physics chapters show the reader how the resources, and sponsored research work by the Resource interpretation of seismic data relates to whether the resources themselves will Strategy Department at Augsburg real-world geological and geotechnical soon be used up, require facts. Materials University, southern Germany, it forms parameters. The seismic amplitude critical to the energy industry provides part of BP's Energy Sustainability applications section is likely to be of plenty. Challenge, and can be downloaded free - particular interest to active interpreters This book, generously credited to ‘Zepf see below. I am enjoying learning from it. with topics including the derivation of et al.’ but in fact almost entirely the work litho/fluid-facies and reservoir properties of one, John Simmonds, gives the Reviewed by Richard Dawe from seismic data, time-lapse seismic and quantities and factors affecting the supply the use of amplitudes in prospect of naturally occurring materials that the MATERIALS CRITICAL TO THE ENERGY INDUSTRY evaluation. energy industry uses. It works - AN INTRODUCTION (2ND EDITION) The estimation of reservoir properties systematically through from ZEPF et al., Published by BP plc, London, UK as part of from deterministic inversion, simple geological/geographical sources to a series that reflects the work of BP-sponsored Energy Sustainability Challenge, 2014. 90pp sbk. ISBN 978- regression, calibration and uncertainty, finished products, the so-called energy 0-9928387-0-6 May be downloaded here: mapping using geostatistical techniques, pathway. There is an informative as well as net-pay estimation are introductory chapter on needs, discussed. Items such as the time-lapse provenance, extraction, production and feasibility scorecard and Direct usage. All useful lecture-room discussion- BOOKS Available for review Hydrocarbon Indicators (DHI) checklist starters! are handy references for active Then there are two-page spreads in Please contact [email protected] if you would interpreters. The authors display their legible print and clear diagrams on 23 like to supply a review. You will be invited to keep the review copy. See a full up-to-date list at extensive industry experience throughout elements, covering uses in the energy this book, while all terminology is simply sector, properties and origins, and clearly explained. A large number of sustainability, reserves, trade, ecological u NEW! The Role of Volatites in the Genesis, references are also included to direct impact, processing, importantly Evolution and Eruption of Arc Magmas by Zellmer readers to further associated literature. ‘substitutabity’ and recycling, with et al. Geological Society Special Publication #410. This small hardback book is logically summary tables of producers, yearly u NEW! Geodynamic Processes in the Andes of laid out and contains many informative production quantities and prices. Finally Central Chile and Argentina by Sepulveda et al. colour data examples from around the come glossary, references and extra data- Geological Society Special Publication #399 world. Included throughout the tables. u NEW! Ore Deposits in an Evolving Earth, by numerous figures illustrate the text well The book concentrates on the 23 Jenkin et al. Geological Society Special publication #393 and help make this book a suitable elements with significant applications in u practical guide for students and beginners the energy industry. Selected rare earths NEW! Fundamental Controls on Fluid Flow in Carbonates by Agar et al., Geological Society as well as an excellent reference for more are taken together (10/17 of the set). The Special Publication #406 experience geoscience professionals. rationale behind the selection is that

WWW.GEOLSOC.ORG.UK/GEOSCIENTIST | JUNE 2015 | 23 PEOPLE NEWS CAROUSEL IN MEMORIAM WWW.GEOLSOC.ORG.UK/OBITUARIES All Fellows of the Society are entitled to entries in this column. Please email [email protected], THE SOCIETY NOTES WITH SADNESS THE PASSING OF: quoting your Fellowship number. Barker, R W N * Nicolson, Robin

u John Christopher Wolverson Cope In the interests of recording its Fellows' work for posterity, the Society publishes obituaries online, and in Geoscientist. The most recent additions to the list are shown John Christopher Wolverson in bold. Fellows for whom no obituarist has yet been commissioned are marked with Cope, National Museum of an asterisk (*). The symbol § indicates that biographical material has been lodged with Wales, Cardiff, has been the Society. awarded the Glasgow If you would like to contribute an obituary, please email ted.nield@geolsoc. Geological Society’s 2015- to be commissioned. You can read the guidance for authors at 16 T Neville George Medal To save yourself unnecessary work, please do not in recognition of his write anything until you have received a commissioning letter. “outstanding achievement in the fields of palaeontology Deceased Fellows for whom no obituary is forthcoming have their names and dates recorded in a Roll of Honour at and stratigraphy”. u Pippa Jeffcock Pippa Jeffcock (aka ‘P J Skinner’) has published a novel entitled Digging Deeper, about a geologist who goes to work in the diamond fields and is kidnapped by rebels. It is available in paperback and on Kindle/digital reader. Anyone posting a review on Amazon may have a free copy of the second in the series, when it is completed, by claiming it on the Digging Deeper Facebook page. u Hugh Torrens Hugh Torrens, Emeritus Professor, Keele University, unveils a plaque commemorating William Smith’s birthplace in Junction Road, Churchill, Oxfordshire. The plaque was erected by the Churchill and Sarsden Heritage Centre. Smith’s 246th birthday would have been 23 March in a year that also marks the bicentenary of the publication of Smith’s geological map of England and Wales. The plaque was paid for by the Curry Fund of the Geologists’ Association.


Geoscientists in the news and on the move in the UK, Europe and worldwide

DISTANT THUNDER Dizzy heights Image: From Edward. From Commons a picture by Juehl. [Public domain], via Wikimedia The annals of Mont Blanc, a monograph Image: Zocchi Roberto / 1900 by Mathews, Charles

Mont Blanc and the Aiguille Noire Horace Benedict de Saussure

Geologist and science identified 15 'new' minerals, discoveries that led him to writer Nina Morgan* realise that the composition of all celebrates a high point in rocks is not the same. An early the history of geology adopter of the term 'geology' in the modern sense – the word Image: Photo courtesy of Mike Tomlinson The Swiss geologist and was used earlier to distinguish meteorologist Horace Bénédict heavenly matters from earthly de Saussure [1740-1799] is not ones – Saussure was also a firm the only geologist who was believer in the Neptunian theory. drawn to the subject because of But at the same time, his his love of high mountains. observations of rocks, erosion But, one could argue, he took and fossils in the Alps convinced his passion to new heights. him that the Earth was much Sometimes referred to as the older than generally thought. Saussurite in a migmatite gravestone in Headington Municipal Cemetery in Oxford Father of Alpinism, he reached Although Saussure never got the summit of Mont Blanc in round to writing a formal 1787, accompanied by 18 synthesis of his geological ideas, Posthumous fame ➤ Acknowledgement guides and a number of the last volume of his major four- To the proverbial citizen on the A visit to Headington Municipal scientific instruments. Although volume work, Voyages dans les street in Switzerland, Saussure Cemetery with John Dewey not the first party to reach the Alpes, précédés d'un essai sur remains a familiar figure because provided the inspiration for this vignette. Other sources of top, his expedition caught the l'histoire naturelle des environs his portrait appears on the blue information include entries for popular imagination. Some de Genève, published between 6th series 20 Franc Swiss Horace Bénédict de Saussure even suggested that Mont Blanc 1779 and 1796 gives insights banknotes which are still legal at, be renamed in his honour. into his way of thinking. tender. For geologists and, and at Saussure became convinced mineralogists his name also lives International glory that study of the present would on in many modern cemeteries. rschwart/hist257s02/student It also won him an international be the key to understanding the One of the minerals he s/Anna/Saussure.htm; articles reputation among scientists. Earth's past and predicting its discovered, saussurite, a about Swiss currency on During his 14 trips in the Alps future. His observations hydrothermal alteration product Wikipedia; and about the Saussure carried out provided James Hutton [1726 – of plagioclase feldspar, is etymology of the term 'geology' in the Oxford English Dictionary. experiments on heat, cold, the 1797] with some of the responsible for the striking green weight of the atmosphere, fundamental documentation colour of some of the more electricity and magnetism. He Hutton used to formulate his spectacular gravestones made *Nina Morgan is a geologist and also studied Alpine geology, and own theories. of metamorphic rocks! science writer based near Oxford



Distinguished geologist and palaeontologist, expert oris Sergeevich on fossil corals and ‘Godfather’ of the Vendian Period President of the All-Russian Sokolov, Russian Palaeontological Society, Academician and President of the International Honorary Fellow of Palaeontological Association, B the Geological and a member of various Society, died September 2013 commissions of the IUGS just a few months before Commission on Stratigraphy. his centenary. His open-minded and Boris Sergeevich was one democratic manner made him of the most outstanding very popular, especially over Russian personalities in Earth tough issues like the Silurian– Sciences in the second half of Devonian Boundary! the 20th Century. His interests, including Lenin Prize palaeontology, stratigraphy, Laureate of the Lenin Prize regional geology, and a Hero of Socialist Labour, palaeogeography, facies Sokolov was awarded many analysis etc., were “guided by USSR orders and medals, as my curiosity…it was a zigzag well as the A P Karpinsky path” he said (1992). He is Gold Medal to go with his well known globally for his international Karpinsky– pioneering work on Schweitzer prize (Hamburg Palaeozoic corals and Foundation). His great contributions to Upper contribution to science and to Precambrian stratigraphy. the Academy is noted by the

He authored more than 600 volumes (1951–55) on Siberian Branch of the M V Lomonosov Large Gold scientific papers, including 12 Palaeozoic Tabulates of the Academy of Sciences, Medal, the Russian Academy monographs.~ European part of the USSR, a Novosibirsk. In 1975 he was of Sciences’ highest award. classic source that inspired elected (staying 15 years, Latterly Boris Sergeevich research on fossil corals longer than anybody else!) thought increasingly about HE IS WELL globally, leading to wide Academician-Secretary of the biosphere evolution and international cooperation and Division of Geology, became interested in the KNOWN GLOBALLY regular conferences. Then Geophysics, Geochemistry history of science. Boris FOR HIS PIONEERING followed studies of core and Mining Sciences of the remained active in research to WORK ON PALAEOZOIC material from the deep drilling Academy of Sciences. This the end, maintained fruitful program on the Russian meant that he was ‘in charge’ interaction with the Academy CORALS Platform, including a major of these disciplines in all and colleagues, shared discovery that changed global academic institutions in the experience, and supported ~ stratigraphy. Sokolov USSR. He also established the young scientists. His advice Vendian recognised a new geological only Laboratory of was, “Self-criticism, healthy Boris graduated from ‘system’ - the ‘Vendian’. This Precambrian Palaeontology in doubt and curiosity are the Leningrad University (1936) had a major impact on our Russia, (Palaeontological guiding lights of innovation and was sent on a major understanding of the evolution Institute, Moscow). and new discoveries!” research project into Central of life and geostructures He led several pioneer Asia and China. He through the Late Precambrian, research programs in Earth distinguished himself there as despite the IUGS’s preferred sciences and several ➤ By Mikhail A Fedonkin, a talented geologist and name, ‘Ediacaran’. international projects within Dimitri Kaljo, Alexei Y Rozanov, Sergey V Rozhnov, manager, and his contribution In 1958 he was organising IGCP (IUGS/UNESCO). He Ekaterina A Serezhnikova. formed a firm base for the Department of was long-standing chairman A longer version of this assessing oil and gas Palaeontology and of the Interdepartmental obituary is available on the prospects. Returning home Stratigraphy at the Institute of Stratigraphical Committee of website. Editor. (1948) he published five Geology and Geophysics, the Russian Federation,

HELP YOUR OBITUARIST The Society operates a scheme for Fellows to deposit biographical material. The object is to assist obituarists by providing contacts, dates and other information, and thus ensure that Fellows’ lives are accorded appropriate and accurate commemoration. Please send your CV and a photograph to Ted Nield at the Society.

26 | JUNE 2015 | WWW.GEOLSOC.ORG.UK/GEOSCIENTIST GEOSCIENTIST CALENDAR Can’t find your meeting? VISIT] [full, accurate, up-to-date


COURSE DATE VENUE AND DETAILS One day training course: Engineering 11 June Fugro Engineering Services. Venue: Fugro House, Hithercroft Road, Oxfordshire OX10 9RB. Geophysics Time: 1000. Free. Contact: Steve Poulter E: [email protected]

Lapworth’s Logs n/a ‘Lapworth’s Logs’ is a series of e-courses involving practical exercises of increasing complexity. Contact: [email protected]. Lapworth’s Logs is produced by Michael de Freitas and Andrew Thompson.



How will minerals feed the world in 2050 1 June Venue: Ulster Museum, Belfast. Time: 1830 for 1900. Speaker: Professor David Manning, Northern Ireland Regional President, Geological Society. Contact: Mike Young E: [email protected]

The Quaternary of Southern South America 2-3 June Lecture, Workshop. Venue: University of Glasgow. Fees (concessions) apply. QRA See website for details, abstract submission and registration. Contact: Alessa Geiger E: [email protected]

Geotour 3-10 June Field trip. See website for details, fees, and booking. Contact: Pete Harrison North West Highlands Geopark E: [email protected]

President’s Day 3 June AGM and Awards Ceremony. See May issue and website for details and registration. Geological Society Contact: Steph Jones E: [email protected]

William Smith's Earliest Career to 1810 4 June Lecture. Venue: Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution, Queen Square. Bath Geol. Soc. See website for details.

Engineering Geology Field Trip 5-7 June Venue: Holiday Inn, 22 Ormeau Avenue, Belfast. See website for details and fees. Engineering Group Contact: Richard Ghail E: [email protected].

Field Trip to Bath 6 June Leader: Prof. Hugh Torrens. A William Smith Map Bicentenary event. See website for further Geol. Assoc. information. Contact: [email protected].

Fossils and Mud - A Jurassic Adventure 10 June Speaker: Neville Hollingworth. A Society London Lecture. See p6 Geological Society

Mining in a Crowded Country 11-14 June Workshop, Lecture, Field Trip, Conference. Venue: North of England Institute of Mining and European Federation of Geologists Mechanical Engineers. Fees apply (concessions). See website for details and registration. Contact: Jess Aries E: [email protected].

William Smith Field trip. 13 June Leader: David Workman. Venue: Bath. Itinerary tbc. See website for details. Bath Geol. Soc.

Annual XRF meeting 17 June Venue: University of Leicester. For details see website. Fees (concessions) apply. BCA/RSC Contact: Rosalind Schwartz E: [email protected]

Surface water, groundwater and flooding in 17 June Conference. Venue: Stratford Manor Hotel, Warwickshire. Time: 0900 – 1700. quarries and mines See website for links. Contact: Geoffrey Walton E: [email protected]. EIG

26th Annual Dinner 18 June Venue: Natural History Museum. See website for details. For bookings, Petroleum Group Contact: Annie Sewell E: [email protected]

Penrose Conference 22-27 June Venue: Evanston, Wyoming. Fees apply. See website for details and registration. Geol. Soc. of America Contact: Michael West E: [email protected]

The UK Shale Oil and Gas Industry: licensing, 23 June Seminar. Venue: tbc. Time: 0900-1300. Cost: £210+VAT. See website. planning and community engagement Contact E: [email protected] Westminster Energy, Environment and Transport Forum

Poetry Reading 26 June Venue: Rotunda Museum, Scarborough. To celebrate the publication of Map: Poems After Scarborough Museums Trust William Smith’s Geological Map of 1815 (Worple Press, 2015). Cost: £5.00. See website. Contact E: [email protected]

Confronting barriers to inclusion: opening the 26 June Conference, Workshop. Venue: Burlington House. Fees apply (£20.00). See website for gate to accessible fieldwork details and online registration. Contact: Alison Stokes E: [email protected] Geological Society of London

Open Day 27 June Venue: BGS, Keyworth. Time: 1000-1600. Free. Booking online – see website. BGS, Nottingham Contact: Linda Hetherington E: [email protected]

Camborne School of Mines: Holman's Test 27 June Field Trip. Venue: Holman's Test Mine, Camborne TR14 9JW. Time: 1000. See website for Mine. South West Regional itinerary and details. Contact: Sam Hughes E: [email protected].



Director of the Geological Survey of Canada who ves Fortier, former pioneered geological study of the Arctic Islands positions within GSC in the Director of the period 1958-64, Yves became Geological Survey of the 13th (and first Canada, was born in francophone) Director of the Y Quebec City on 17 organisation in 1964, a August 1914, two weeks after position he held until 1973. Germany declared war on Yves ended his career as

France at the outbreak of Assistant Deputy Minister World War I. He died in for Science and Technology

Ottawa 100 years later, on 19 in the Department of Energy, August 2014. Mines and Resources and Yves obtained a BA from retired in~ 1976. Laval University in 1936, a BSc in Geology from Queen’s University, Kingston, in 1940, YVES OBTAINED and an MSc from McGill University in 1941. His A BA FROM LAVAL service with the Geological UNIVERSITY IN 1936, Survey of Canada (GSC) A BSC IN GEOLOGY began in 1943 with fieldwork in the Yellowknife area. FROM QUEEN’S A mapping project in the UNIVERSITY, KINGSTON, Appalachians of southeastern IN 1940, AND AN Quebec led to conferral of a PhD by Stanford University MSC FROM MCGILL in 1946. UNIVERSITY Arctic ~ Yves was introduced to the Yves was a founding Arctic in 1947 when he accom- member of the Geological panied a team of geophysicists Association of Canada, a investigating Earth’s magnetic Fellow of the Royal Society field in the Arctic Islands of Canada, and an Officer of using a Canso amphibious air- Trevor Harwood in a seven- and led by Yves, involved 11 the Order of Canada; held craft. The excellent exposure metre freighter canoe geologists and their support honorary membership of of bedrock in the treeless powered by a five- personnel, who began The Geological Society terrain made a deep horsepower outboard motor. fieldwork in May and ended (London) and Société impression on Yves. it in late September 1955. Géologique de France; and After spending the Operation Franklin During the spring, supplies was awarded the Massey summer of 1949 in gneisses Responding to a request by were cached at various points Medal by the Royal of southern Baffin Island, the federal Department of by ski/wheel-equipped Canadian Geographical using boats along the coast Indian and Northern Affairs aircraft and some geological Society and the Logan Medal and pack-dogs on land, Yves that GSC “establish further the work was done by by the Geological proposed a circumnavigation petroleum potential” of the dog-sledging. In the summer, Association of Canada. by canoe of Cornwallis predominantly sedimentary field parties were supported – The mineral yofortierite was Island, lying in the central northern Arctic Islands, in the for the first time in the High named in his honour. part of the Arctic Islands and winter of 1953-54 Yves began Arctic – by helicopter. Results Yves is survived by his underlain entirely by planning a reconnaissance from this vast area initiated an wife Trudy, two sons and sedimentary rock. This was survey of the geologically little oil and gas exploration rush in two daughters. accomplished in 1950 in the known Queen Elizabeth the1960s. space of one month by Yves, Islands, to take place in 1955. After occupying senior ➤ By Thomas Frisch Raymond Thorsteinsson and Operation Franklin, organised scientific managerial

HELP YOUR OBITUARIST The Society operates a scheme for Fellows to deposit biographical material. The object is to assist obituarists by providing contacts, dates and other information, and thus ensure that Fellows’ lives are accorded appropriate and accurate commemoration. Please send your CV and a photograph to Ted Nield at the Society.



The winner of the April Crossword puzzle prize draw was Simon Quinn of London, UK.

All correct solutions will be placed in the draw, and the winner’s name printed in the Issue 2014 issue. The Editor’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. Closing date - June 22.

The competition is open to all Fellows, Candidate Fellows and Friends of the Geological Society who are not current Society employees, officers or trustees. This exclusion does not apply to officers of joint associations, specialist or regional groups.

Please return your completed crossword to Burlington House, marking your envelope “Crossword”. Do not enclose any other matter with your solution. Overseas Fellows are encouraged to scan the signed form and email it as a PDF to [email protected] ACROSS DOWN Name ...... 1 Valley formed by movement on a single 1 Periglacial solifluction deposit (4) ...... normal fault (4,6) 2 Saami (4) 6 Molecular unit of heredity (4) Membership number ...... 3 Suess's term for the great 9 Giant mountain instruments (10) southern megaconinent that, Address for correspondence ...... Wegener realised, formed one 10 Sharpen (4) lobe of Pangaea (12) ...... 12 Many an Errol Flynn role, for example, 4 Hadean, Archaean, Proterozoic swinging on chandeliers and ...... and Phanerozoic (5) massacring hundreds with his dashing ...... blade (12) 5 Raising to the Peerage (9) 15 Little men, Latinly (9) 7 Breath, from a fumarole, ...... for example (10) 17 Between (5) ...... 8 NASA Orbiter Vehicle OV-101 18 Music in which the listener can discern (10) definite keys (5) Postcode ...... 11 Author of the dialogue for a film 19 Diplomatic office lower than an (12) embassy (9) 13 Should, strictly, be the name 20 Inhabitants of an autonomous country SOLUTIONS APRIL of a camera, but actually used within the realm of Denmark almost to describe its product (10) completely covered in ice (12) ACROSS: 14 One who transcribes the 1 Concretion 6 Ibis 9 Abyssinian 10 Ergo 24 Semicircular recess, often domed or inspirations of another. vaulted, forming the eastern termination 12 Precognition 15 Bronchium 17 Rigor Eric Fenby, for example (10) of a church (4) 18 Eosin 19 Tenebrous 20 Trephination 24 Veto 16 Let loose (9) 25 Signboards 26 Sash 27 Synonymous 25 Abrasive solids on which knives may be sharpened (10) 21 Geodetic Reference from which levels are measured (5) DOWN: 26 Organism harbouring a parasite or 1 Coal 2 Nays 3 Rostroconchs 4 Tonic commensal (4) 22 Single entity (4) 5 Orangemen 7 Burlington 8 Spoonerism 27 Foreshadowed (10) 23 'Previously enjoyed' (4) 11 Microbiology 13 Objectives 14 Conspectus 16 Intensity 21 Tango 22 Brio 23 Isis

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As Senior Geologist / Geotechnical Engineer, you’ll be responsible for providing geological and geotechnical services to defined operations across the Central Belt of Scotland and Northern England. The Senior Geologist / Geotechnical Engineer will undertake: • exploration and mineral evaluation • quarry design and geotechnical assessments • quarry development schemes • reserve and resource analysis. To apply for the role, you must have at least a 2:1 degree in Geology and be a Chartered Geologist, preferably with a further formal qualification in Geotechnical Engineering or Mining Geology. You will have strong interpersonal and planning skills. LSS software experience is also essential. A Central Belt location is preferable for ready access to our Duntilland office. You must be a car owner with a full UK driver’s licence. To apply, please email your CV and covering letter quoting reference 6427 to [email protected]

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The PetrPetroleumoleum Geology of NW EurEurope:ope: 50 years of learlearningning – a platform for prpresentesent value and futurfuturee success 28 – 30 September 2015 The Queen Elizabeth II ConferConferenceence CentrCentre,e, London

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