On the Claims

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On the Claims Prospecting Report on the Page 1 (Tag No.- 37992) and Page 3 (Tag No. 39716) claims Greenwood Mining Division N.T.S.: 82-E-7, 82-E-10 49O 31' N, 118' 59' W. Claims owned by Dean Carlson James Tough Prospecting carried out by John M. McMullin in the employ of Domego Resources Ltd. Report by J. McMullin Submitted May 30th, 1979. Contents: P 1. Introduction a) Location b) Access c) Property d) Summary of work done e 1 Topography f) Vegetation g) Land ownership 2. Prospecting a) Radioactivity P- 3 b) Geology P* 4 c) Conclusions P- 6 3. Recommendations 4. Itemised Cost Statement Po 7 ir 5.. Author's qualifications P* 8 In pocket: Map T c -1- 1. Introduction a) Location: The IrPagerl group of claims (Page 1-71 are located 58 air km SE of Kelowna, B.C. in the Beaverdell Range, part of the Okanagan Highland area of the Southern Interior of British Columbia. Elevation of the Page claims ranges from under 3500 feet to over 4500 feet. Beaverdell is at an elevation of just under 2600 feet. b) Access: Beaverdell, home of the Highland Bell Silver Mine of Tech Corporation, is the closest settlement and is located on Highway 33 (paved), at 80 km east and south from Kelowna and 50 km north of Rock Creek, which is on B.C. Highway No. 3 nhar the U.S. border. A small dirt airstrip is beside the highway just north of Beaverdell. The property is easily accessible during the summer and fall by a good, well-maintained dirt road which follows the Beaverdell Creek valley and joins Highway 33 at a point about 1.35 km north of the small Beaverdell Hotel. This road , maintained by the British Columbia Forest Service , bears the sign "Beaver Creek Rd" at its lower end. The c'lahs Page 1 and 3, which adjoin the Beaver Creek Road between Spout Creek and Sage Creek are to be found between mileposts 8 and 11, principally on the west side of this road. (See map). Driving the between the outskirts of Kelowna and the claims is l-l% hours. At milepost 15 the Beaver Creek Rd. joins the Cup Lake Road, which leads from the Kettle River valley NW and N through the Lassie Lake area and Blizzard property to join the Trapping Creek Road which branches off Highway 33 about 18 km north of Beaverdell. c) Property: This report is concerned primarily with the "Page 3" claim but comments regarding "Page 1" are included since some similar work was conducted on it also. These claims are part of the Page group (Page 1-71 staked by J. Tough and D. Carlson in May 1978. Page 3 (Tag record number 39716) was staked by Dean Carlson (F.M.L. 16711'8) of 1604, 1775 Bellevue Avenue, West Vancouver, B.C. on May 21St, 1978 and recorded on May 24th, 1978. It contains 6 units south and 3 units east from the legal corner post, which is coincident with the SW corner post of Page 1. Page 1, which contains 5 units south and 4 units east, adjoins Page 3 on its northern boundary and was staked by James Tough (FML 95189) on May 20th, 1978 and recorded under tag number 37992 on May 24th, 1978. -2- These claims cover ground previously staked in 1970 as the SPOUT and MOSH groups of claims. Current exploration is being carried out by Domego Resources Ltd. (F.M.L. 168437) of 208, 372 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario. Interest in this area is now primarily for uranium deposits of the Fuki and Blizzard type which occur 5 km NE and 12 km N respectively. These deposits have been discovered in a specific geological environment, namely in very poorly consolidated f luvial or lacustrine carbonaceous sediments of Miocene age overlying Coryell or Valhalla granites. Late Miocene flood basalts covered and protected these sediments from erosion until such time as they them- selves were eroded. .Remnants of the basalts now are scattered as outliers in this general area and form the principal target for exploration. The object of the work carried out which forms the subject of this report was to evaluate the ground as to its potential for hosting a uranium deposit of the type described. So far, no encouragement has been gained from the results of this work. d) Summary of work done: Trips to the property wer'e made by J. McMullin (May 12-17, 1979) and M. Tindale (April 2-6 ,-1979). Tindale hetermined the location of the property, means of access, position of claim posts and lines and carried out an initial evaluation of the ground, but was unable to continue prospecting due to snow cover. McMullin followed up with prospecting traverses across the claims and along claim boundaries to determine the following: i) Amount and general type of outcrop, specifically to identify any granitic members present and to locate olivine basalt outliers ; ii) Radioactivity - a scintillometer was carried and continu- ously observed on most traverses to identify areas of possible uranium mineralisation or "hot" granites. Outcrops are unevenly distribut$$o%nd are generally restricted to the sides of steeper &, some ridge tops and occasionally in creek gulleys. A coarse sandy boulder overburden covers much of the area. No olivine basalt, Coryell or Valhalla granitic outcrops were discovered and no significantly anomalous radioactivity was encountered on these claims. This reconnaissance work was restricted to the Page 1 and Page 3 claims. e) Topography: Elevations on Page 1 and 3 range from about 3500 to over 4500 feet. The lowest ground is at the southeast corner of Page 3 adjacent to Beaverdell Creek and elevations rise to the west and north so that the north- E" west corner of Page 1 is the highest point on the property. -3- Ridges trending roughly north-south alternate with valleys occupied by such watercourses as Spout Creek, Mosher Creek and Sage Creek. The gradients of these streams are not severe. Mosher Creek is followed by an old road which would be passable to four wheel drive vehicles. This road heads "W from Beaver Creek Road across both Page 3 and Page 1 and provides the most convenient access to the more distant and highest part of Page 1 on high ground forming part of the St. John ridge. Gradients on this ridge and on Mosher Ridge which the western boundary of Page 1 follows are gentle. Gradients from the ridges down to the creeks, in particular from Mosher Ridge down to Mosher Creek, and the ridge along the west side of Beaver Creek Road where Page 1 and 3 join, down to Beaverdell Creek, are steep to locally precipitous. Topography elsewhere is variable between these extremes. f) Vegetation: The area is completely forested with fir, pine and other softwoods, with some hardwoods locally as scrub or as mature poplars in wet areas. The cover varies from dense thicket with spindly jackpine and abundant deadfalls to park-like, where large mature pines, firs and larches are well spaced and surrounded by grassy open ground. The latter condition occurs principally where old logging operations or fire have been responsible for clearing the area previously. Alder scrub is common in the northern and western parts of Page 1 which with fairly thick bush makes heavy going. Further obstacles to progress are provided by groups of thin trees which have been laid flat by, presumably, heavy snow accumulations. g) Land ownership: All land in the vicinity of these claims is Crown owned, as part of the Kettle River Provincial Forest. 2. Prospecting a) Radioactivity: A scintrex scintillometer (Model BGS-1s) was used to measure radioactivity in the area. Normal background readings in non-radioact ive areas are usually in the 20-40 cps.range. For comparison the highest reading detected at the Fuki showing with this instrument was 3000 cps. On the map accompanying this report, readings taken with this instrument, are shown as numbers along traverse lines, and represent counts per second. Overburden, much of'which is a sandy gravel till, typically gave values of 30-40 cps. Areas of overburden with surface or near surface granite boulders were generally slightly higher at 40-45 cps. Outcrops of pyroclastics, unidentif Ted volcanics and possible metasediments are not radioactive, giving read- ings of 20=25 cps. -4- r- The only fresh granite outcrops found, in the vicinity of where Mosher Creek crosses the Beaver Creek Road, gave values of 30-35 cps. only. Some granite float gave readings of up to 200 cps. but these were obviously trans- ported erratics. The hornblende diorite in the southwest part of Page 3 is also non-radioactive (25 cps.). b) Geology: Overall proportion of outcrop to total area on these claims is less than 1%. The poor exposure and reconnaissance nature of the prospecting precluded the establishment of any contacts on the map. The largest areas of outcrop appear to be on the ridge, and particularly its east facing scarp, between Mosher Creek and the Beaver Creek Road, while the ^next best exposed area is in the southwest corner of Page 3. Elsewhere ou~~~o~is randomly scattered with of course ridge tops and being the most favour- able locations. Stream and creek beds do not seem to be favourable locations for outcrop as they almost invariably seem to be underlain by overburden and boulders. The predominant rocktype is a series of acid to intermediate volcanics much of which are fragmental. ' Intrusives occur in the southeast as a distinctive white granite with abundant green amphiboles and in the southwest as a dark crystalline rock, porphyritic with respect to hornblende (hornblende diorite?) .
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