THE INTERNATIONAL KITE JOURNAL. WINTER 1999·2000 • VOL.13 NO.2. $6.00 US DI[PP[: NQW sightings! by PiQffQ fabrQ BIK[ &KIT[ DR[AMTOUR of WQstQrn AmQrica V[RDUN'S last RQndQz-Vous? Who can fly thQ TUKKAL? SKYGALL[RY: Delicacies by Philippe (oUenceau DorTt leave the ISSN 0192-3439 ground without it. I<OLUS PRESS, INC. PI/blisher: Editor: VALERIE GOV1G Associate Editor: LEONARD M.CONQVER Assistal/.t Editor: STEVE McKERROW Des~ftll and Prodl/ctioll: PHILIP IGLEHART TRACY HETZEL OEBBIE NOFFSINGER JAN GILBERT HURST COlltributil/g Editor: DAN EISAMAN Promotion Director: MEL GaVIG international Correspondents: PIERRE FABRE SIMON FREIDIN Bllsincss Consultant: R. T. McCOY EDITORiAl ADVISORY PANEL William R. Bigge, Bevan H. Browl1,jol/. Burkhardt, Edwin L. Grauel) Gary HillZC, Send for our free A. Pete Jail-liZzi, Richard F Kinllaira, Nat Kobitz,Artllllr 80-page catalog of kites, KI/r1e, Peter Lyml, Curtis Marshall, Robert S. Price, William windsocks and more. A. RutiseY, Kevin Shalllloll, Charles A. Sotidl, Tal Streeter, C. William Tyrrell,]r. Into The Wind, Copyright © 2000 lEolus Press, Inc. Reproduction in 1408-6 Pearl St. any form, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited with Boulder, CO 80302 out prior written permission of the publisher. Call: 800-541-0314 KITE LINES, THE INTERNATIONAl KITE JOURNAL Infl: 303-449-5356 uniquely serves to unifY the broadest range ofkiting interests. It is published quarterly by .&olus Press, Inc. with editorial offices at 8807 Liberty Road, PO Box 466, Randallstown, Maryland 21133-0466, USA; telephone: 410-922-1212, fax: 410-922-4262, e-mail:
[email protected] KIT E II NESIS END 0 R SED by the International Kitefliers Association and is on file in libraries ofthe National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Sci~ncesAdm.inistration;University ofNotre Dame Sports and Games Research Collection; the Library ofCongress; and the Deutsches Museum Library, Munich, Germany.