Kite Lines Is the Comprehensive Internatlon- A1 Journal of Kiting, Uniquely Serving to Unify the Broadest Range of Kiting Interests
QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE WORLDWIDE COMMUNITY w d WINTER-SPRING 1995, VOL. 11 NO. 2 SPARS! FmYom Reproduction in any form, in whole or i part, is strictly prohibited without prior written permission of the publisher Kite Lines is the comprehensive internatlon- a1 journal of kiting, uniquely serving to unify the broadest range of kiting interests. It is published by Aeolus.Press, Inc. with editorial offices at 8807 Liberty Road, Randallstown, Maryland 21133, USA, tele- phone 410-922-1212, fax 410-922-4262. Kite Lines is endorsed by the International Kitefliers Association and is on file in libraries of the National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences Administration; University of Notre Dame Sports and Games Research Collection; the Library of Congress, and the Deutsches Museum Library, Munich, Germany. It is included in the Index to Craft Journals from the Crafts Council of Australia. Publisher: Aeolus Press, Inc Editor: Valerie Govig Associute Editor: Leonard M. Conove Production Editor: Sharon Fisher Technical Editor: Michael Graves Contributing Editors: Steve McKerro\ Dan Eisaman Promotion Director: Me1 Govig Interrlational Correspondents: Pierre Fabre Simon Freidin Business Consultant: R. T. McCoy Editorial Advisory Panel: William R. Bigge Arthur Kurle Bevan H. Brown Curtis Marsh Edwin L. Grauel Robert S. Price Gary Winze William A. Rutiser Ray Holland, Jr. Kevin Shannon A. Pete Ianuzzi Charles A. Sotich Richard F. Kinnaird Tal Streeter Nat Kobitz G. William Tyrrell, Jr. Founder of the American Kitefliers Association: Robert M. Ingraham. Si~bscriptions:In the U.S.A. and possessions, $16.00 for one year (four issues), $29.00 for two years (eight issues); all other countries, $22.00 for four issues, $39.00 for eight issue: (includes air-lift service).
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