Building Technology Publications, Supplement 5 : 1980

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Building Technology Publications, Supplement 5 : 1980 Building Technology Publications supplement 5: 1980 (Cover photograph courtesy of the Department of Housing and Urban Development.) UknotiAi, tnjuKAv LIBIURT JUL 9 1381 Building Technology Publications Supplement 5: 1980 Steve Webber, Editor Center for Building Technology National Engineering Laboratory National Bureau of Standards Washington, DC 20234 June 1981 Malcolm Baldrige, Secretary S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, Ernest Ambler, Director Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 78-323849 National Bureau of Standards Special Publication 457-5 Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Spec. Publ. 457-5, 90 pages (June 1981) CODEN: XNBSAV U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1981 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, DC 20402 - Price $4.50 (Add 25 percent for other than U.S. mailing) Introduction This report presents the National Bureau of Standards' Center for Building Technology (CBT) publications for 1980. It is the fifth supplement to NBS Special Publication 457, Building Technology Publications 1965-1975, and lists CBT documents issued or recorded during the period January 1 to December 31, 1980. It includes titles and abstracts of each NBS publication and each paper published in non-NBS media, key word and author indexes, and general information and instructions on how to order CBT publications. This report communicates the results of CBT research to various technical audiences, as well as to the general public. Publications constitute a major end product to CBT's efforts and, in 1980, appeared in several NBS publication series (Building Science Series, Technical Notes, Special Publications, NBS Interagency Reports, and Grant/ Contract Reports) as well in non-NBS media such as technical and trade publications. Publications appearing in non-NBS media have each been assigned a five-digit number. NBS publication series abbrevia- tions are: BSS - Building Science Series TN - Technical Note SP - Special Publication NBSIR - National Bureau of Standards Interagency Report OCR - Grant/ Contract Report This document is divided into three main sections. The first. Titles and Abstracts, provides the report title, author(s), date of publication, selected key words, and an abstract of each NBS publication and each paper published in an outside source. The Author Index cites each CBT author and gives the publication title and/ or number referencing documents listed in this supple- ment. The Key Word Index is a subject index, listing word summaries of the building research topics for each publication and paper. By selecting a main word or subject, which are listed alphabetically, the user is able to locate reports of interest through the subject-related words found in the key word index. CBT is part of the National Engineering Laboratory, National Bureau of Standards. NBS undertakes basic and applied re- search in various areas. Interested readers will find other NBS publications listed in NBS Special Publication 305-12, Publications of the National Bureau of Standards 1980, from which parts of this report have been taken. Obtaining Publications Most current CBT publications (excluding NBS Interagency Reports and Grant / Contract Reports) are available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Microfiche and paper copies of most CBT publications may be ordered through the National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161. Two other sources are depository libraries (libraries designated to receive government publica- tions) and Department of Commerce District Offices. The current price list and availability of publications listed in this report are given in Appendix C. The depository libraries listed in Appendix A receive selected publication series of the National Bureau of Standards for general reference use. While every Government publication cannot be sent to all depository libraries, certain designated Regional libraries are required to receive and retain one copy of all Government publications made available either in printed or microfiche form. To obtain information on which publica- tions are available, please contact the depository library in your area. Department of Commerce District Offices are maintained in the cities listed in Appendix B. Their purpose is to provide ready access at the local level to publications, statistical statements, and surveys. Each District Office serves as an official sales agent of the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office. These offices make available for local purchase a wide range of Government publications. The reference library maintained by each District Office contains many Government and private publications, periodicals, directories, reports, and other reference materials. iv Contents TITLES AND ABSTRACTS Building Science Series 2 Technical Notes 4 Handbooks 6 Special Publications 7 NBS Interagency Reports 15 Grant/ Contract Reports 24 Papers Published in Non-NBS Media 26 AUIHOK irMLllLX KEY WORD INDEX 43 APPENDIX A Depository Libraries in the United States 68 APPENDIX B District Offices of the U.S. Department of Commerce 82 APPENDIX C CBT Publication Order Numbers and Price List 84 m Titles and Abstracts Old Absi^[ra©i^ 1 Building Science Series Building Science Series reports disseminate technical informa- effects of wane (deficiency in cross-sectional area) and decay, tion developed at the Bureau on building materials, components, which are additional problems. NBS therefore recommends that, systems, and whole structures. The series presents research re- for hardwood wales and struts, allowable stresses and other sults, test methods, and performance criteria related to the struc- properties be based on a No. 2 minimum grade with appropriate tural and environmental functions and the durability and safety provisions to control wane and decay. characteristics of building elements and systems. Use recommendations were developed, which consider dura- tion of load, mechanical damage to lumber, presence of bark, decay, insect attack, inspectability, exposure, and storage for various aspects of trenching lumber applications. These recom- BSS12I. Soil classification for construction practice in shallow mendations reflect a severe trenching environment, possible trenching, F. Y. Yokel, R. L. Tucker, and L. C. Reese, Nat. reuse of structural members, and the need for structural integri- Bur. Stand. (U.S.). Bldg. Sci. Ser. 121. 89 pages (Mar. 1980) ty to protect life and property. SN003-003-02 162-8. BSS123. The effect of moisture on the thermal conductance of Key words: braced excavations; construction; excavation; roofing systems, L. I. Knab, D. R. Jenkins, and R. G. Mathey, geotechnical engineering; retaining structures; shoring; Nat. Bur Stand. (U.S.). Bldg. Sci. Ser 123. 46 pages (Apr. slope stability; soil classification; soil pressure; soil testing; 1980) SN003-003-02 168-7. trenching. Key words: built-up roofing; insulation; moisture; roofing; Construction practices in trenching and data on potential thermal conductance; thermal conductivity; thermal resist- causes of trenching accidents are reviewed. A study is made of ance. the soil properties and site conditions that must be identified in order to determine the stability of shored and sloped excava- The results of laboratory tests are presented describing the tions against cave-ins. Two possible alternate soil classification effect of the moisture content on the thermal conductance of methods are recommended. The methods are simple enough to roofing systems containing insulation. Roofing systems, consist- be used by construction foremen and at the same time use ing of five types of rigid-board roof insulations with attached parameters which can be measured or identified without ambi- four-ply bituminous built-up membrane, were tested. Moisture guity. The classification methods are supplemented by appropri- was induced into the roofing system specimens by maintaining a ate field tests and correlated with allowable side slopes and constant water vapor pressure difference across them. Moisture lateral soil pressures on shoring. gain in the insulation varied depending on the type and thick- ness of the insulation. BSS122. A study of lumber used for bracing trenches in the A procedure was developed, using a heat-flow meter appara- United I. States, L. Knab, F. Y. Yokel, W. L. Galligan, B. A. tus (ASTM C 518 type), to carry out thermal conductance tests Bendtsen, J. F. Nat. Bur. and Senft, Stand. (U.S.). Bldg. Sci. on roofing specimens containing moisture. More than 200 tests Ser 122. 221 pages (Mar. 1980) SN003-003-02 164-4. were performed over a wide range of moisture contents. The distribution in the insulation deter- Key words: construction lumber; construction safety; exca- approximate moisture was vation; hardwood; lumber grading; shoring; softwood; mined from core samples. timber engineering; trench bracing; trenching. Relationships between the thermal conductance and moisture content are presented. The relationships show that the presence In certain areas of the United States, lumber is used extensive- of moisture in roofing systems can cause significant increases in ly to brace trenches against collapse. The life and safety of the the thermal conductance, depending on the type and thickness workers in these trenches therefore depends on the structural of the insulation. adequacy of the lumber bracing used. This report presents a study of the properties
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