Hystrix It. J. Mamm. (n.s.) 20(2) (2009): 121-126



1Dipartimento di Patologia Animale, Profilassi ed Igiene degli Alimenti, Università degli Studi di Pisa, Viale delle Piagge 2, 56124 Pisa, Italy *corresponding author: E-mail: [email protected] 2Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Piazza dei Cavalieri 7, 56126 Pisa, Italy 3Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Piemonte, Liguria e Valle D'Aosta, Sezione di Imperia, via Nizza 4, 18100, Imperia, Italy

Received 17 July 2009; accepted 10 November 2009

ABSTRACT - During 2004-2005 and 2007-2008, 189 foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and 6 badgers (Meles meles) were collected in different areas of Central Northern Italy (Piedmont, Liguria and Tuscany) and examined for vasorum infection. The prevalence of the infection was significantly different in the areas considered, with the highest values in the district of Imperia (80%, Liguria) and in Montezemolo (70%, southern Piedmont); the prevalence in Tuscany was 7%. One badger collected in the area of Imperia turned out to be infected, representing the first report of the parasite in this species in Italy. Further studies are needed to evaluate the role played by fox populations as reservoirs of infection and the probability of its spreading to domestic .

Key words: , badger, helminths, Angiostrongylus vasorum, Italy

RIASSUNTO - Angiostrongylus vasorum nella volpe (Vulpes vulpes) e nel tasso (Meles meles) in Italia centro-settentrionale. Nel 2004-2005 e 2007-2008, 189 volpi (Vulpes vulpes) e 6 tassi (Meles meles) provenienti da differenti aree dell'Italia settentrionale e centrale (Piemonte, Liguria Toscana), sono stati esaminati per la ricerca di Angiostrongylus vasorum. La prevalenza del è risultata significativamente diversa nelle varie zone, con valori elevati nelle zone di Imperia (80%) e di Montezemolo (70%, provincia di Cuneo); la prevalenza in Toscana è risultata del 7%. Un tasso proveniente dall'area di Imperia è risultato positivo per A. vasorum; questa è la prima segnalazione del parassita in tale specie in Italia. Ulteriori studi sono necessari per valutare il potenziale della volpe come serbatoio e la possibilità di diffusione della parassitosi ai cani domestici.

Parole chiave: volpe, tasso, elminti, Angiostrongylus vasorum, Piemonte, Liguria, Toscana

INTRODUCTION affecting dogs and wild canids (e.g. red fox Vulpes vulpes and Canis Angiostrongylus vasorum (Baillet, latrans), which can cause severe 1866) is a metastrongylid nematode respiratory and circulatory distress and,

121 Magi et al. sometimes, sudden death. (15%, Leoni et al. 1986; 6%, Iori et al. Adult worms live in the heart and 1990; 24%, Poli et al. 1984; 39%, Poli pulmonary arteries of canids. Eggs et al., 1991), but all these surveys date shed by female worms are transported back more than 15 years. to the pulmonary capillaries, where The aim of the present study was to they hatch into larvae L1, break out investigate the presence of A. vasorum into the airspace, are coughed up and in red foxes and badgers in some areas swallowed to be passed in the faeces of of Central and Northern Italy (mainly infected . Various species of Tuscany and Liguria). and snails are exposed to L1 larvae by feeding on the faeces. Inside METHODS these intermediate hosts the L1 larvae develop into L3. Canids infect A total of 189 foxes were examined. themselves by ingesting either snails The animals were killed during the and slugs or frogs (paratenic host) (Bolt hunting seasons 2004-2005 in Tuscany et al., 1994). (Central Italy, within 42°30'-43°40'N A. vasorum is mainly transmitted in and 10°25'-11°40'E; 0-900 m a.s.l.) and wildlife with the fox as its final host. 2007-2008 in Liguria and Piedmont Since its discovery in France, A. (Northern Italy, within 43°45'-44°40'N vasorum has been found in many and 7°30'-8°15'E; 15-780 m a.s.l.). The countries in Europe, Africa and foxes collected in Tuscany originated America. Recent reports suggest an from plain and hilly areas around expansion of the geographical range of Grosseto (37), Cecina (50), Pisa (26) the parasite that presently appears to be and Siena (16) (see Magi et al., 2009 spreading from its traditional endemic for details). The animals collected in foci with an increasing incidence of Liguria originated from the district of infection (Morgan et al., 2005). Imperia (45), while those from Available information on A. vasorum in Piedmont came from the municipalities Italy is limited. In the , the parasite of Borgo San Dalmazzo (5) and was found in one from Tuscany Montezemolo (10), both in the district with respiratory distress, successfully of Cuneo (southern Piedmont). The treated with ivermectine (Della Santa et sampling was opportunistic. Six road- al., 2002), in two animals with severe killed badgers (Meles meles) were also cardio-respiratory signs from Abruzzo, collected (4 from Tuscany and 2 from which died shortly after admission Imperia). All carcasses were sexed and (Traversa et al., 2008), in four animals stored in sealed plastic bags at –20 °C, examined post-mortem in Latium while the intestines were kept at –80 °C (Scaramozzino et al., 2007) and in one for at least seven days before necropsy, animal with clinical signs from Apulia, in order to inactivate potential sources successfully treated with fenbendazole of infection. (Sasanelli et al., 2008). Larvae were detected by preparing Research on angiostrongylosis in the smears of different pulmonary sections. red fox in Italy showed an infection Lungs, heart and main vessels were prevalence ranging from 6% to 40% dissected and washed to search for

122 Angiostrongylus vasorum in Italian foxes and badgers adult parasite and larvae. studied simultaneously by a multi- were clarified with lactophenol and variate logistic regression model. The identified according to Anderson analysis showed that the only (1992). significant effect was the one related to The chi-squared test (Ȥ2) was used to the sampling area (P ൏ 0.001), while compare the percentages of animals the effect of gender was not significant harbouring parasites, while parasite (P = 0.43). burdens in the foxes from Liguria and The median burden of A. vasorum was Piedmont were compared by the of 3 nematodes per host (range: 0-40) Kruskal-Wallis test. Multivariate in the municipality of Montezemolo analysis was carried out using logistic and of 2 nematodes per host (range: 0- regression (Armitage et al., 2002). The 10) in the area of Imperia. The software employed was R 2.8.1 (R difference was not significant (Kruskal- Development Core Team, 2008). Wallis H = 0.98, d.f = 1, P = 0.32). One badger from Imperia was found to be RESULTS infected.

A. vasorum was found in the DISCUSSION cardiopulmonary system of 52 (27.5%) foxes. The infection prevalence in the The prevalence of A. vasorum was seven areas was significantly different 2 highly variable between the areas of (Ȥ = 101, d.f. = 6, P ൏ 0.001; Tab. 1), study. The foxes sampled in Liguria, a with the highest values in the district of region never investigated before for A. Imperia (80%) and in the municipality vasorum, showed a prevalence much of Montezemolo (70%). The overall higher than in foxes from Tuscany. A prevalence in Tuscany was 7% (95% similar patchy distribution of A. confidence interval: 3.2% - 12.8%); vasorum has already been reported in there was no significant difference among the prevalences in the four areas other countries (e.g. Morgan et al., 2 2008 and references therein). It is examined in this region (Ȥ = 2.4, d.f. = 3, P = 0.50). The prevalence of difficult to explain this high variability infection was significantly higher in between neighbouring areas, lacking a male than in female foxes (Ȥ2 = 4.30, precise knowledge of the biology of the d.f. = 1 , P = 0.04), but this effect is parasite and of the relative importance probably spurious and caused by of the various intermediate hosts in its sampling (many male foxes were transmission (Koch and Willesen, gathered in the areas with higher 2009). It is likely that interactions prevalence). In the area of Imperia, between the climate and intermediate where the sample was big enough to and definitive host densities influence allow a statistical analysis, the preva- the chances of parasite establishment lence of the infection was not different and persistence and therefore the local among sexes (Ȥ2 = 0.56, d.f. = 1 , P = risk of infection for foxes and dogs 0.45). Furthermore, the effects of area (Morgan et al., 2008). of collection and gender of the fox on The infected badger from Liguria the prevalence of A. vasorum were represents the first report of the presen-

123 Magi et al.

Table 1 - Prevalence of A. vasorum in foxes recorded in the seven areas considered. N = number of foxes sampled in the area; F/M pos = number of female/male foxes infected by A. vasorum, F/M neg = number of female/male foxes not infected by A. vasorum.

Study area N F pos F neg M pos M neg Prevalence (%) Grosseto 37 2 20 1 14 8.1 Cecina 50 2 29 3 16 10.0 Pisa 26 1 16 0 9 3.8 Siena 16 0 7 0 9 0.0 Imperia 45 15 5 21 4 80.0 Borgo San Dalmazzo 5 0 3 0 2 0.0 Montezemolo 10 2 1 5 2 70.0 Total 189 22 81 30 56 27.5 ce of A. vasorum in this mustelid in should be repeated at least on three Italy. In Spain, 3/47 badgers from the samples, collected on different days, western Mediterranean area (Torres et because the shedding of the larvae may al., 2001), and 10/24 from the Basque be intermittent (Patteson et al., 1993; country (Millan et al., 2004) were Oliveira-Júnior et al., 2006). It should found positive for A. vasorum. As far be pointed out that angiostrongylosis as we know, these are the only cases can cause severe cardio-respiratory recently recorded in Europe. problems in the dog, resulting The prevalence recorded for Tuscany eventually in the death of the animal. was much lower than that reported in Furthermore, ectopic locations of the both 1984 (24%; Poli et al., 1984) and parasite are reported in the dog, 1991 (39%; Poli et al., 1991). A. especially in the eye and in the CNS vasorum is reported to be more (see e.g. Oliveira-Júnior et al., 2004; frequent in the fox than in the dog Scaramozzino et al., 2007). (Morgan et al., 2005), canine In the light of the present results, angiostrongylosis representing an veterinary practitioners should be epiphenomenon of the parasite’s wild aware of the possibility of canine cycle "Gasteropoda-fox", as found in angiostrongylosis, since in the study other European countries (Bolt et al., area the prevalence of the parasite in 1994). However, it cannot be excluded the fox is relatively high. Transmission that the infection in the dog could be is possible (Bolt et al., 1992, 1994), underestimated, due to specific although it is not fully proved that fox diagnostic deficiencies. The laboratory populations act effectively as a analysis of fresh faeces by Baermann’s reservoir of the infection for dogs. The technique can give false negative foxes sampled in the present study results when applied to a single sample were from rural areas. Urban and sub- and thus it does not guarantee the urban foxes have presumably greater absence of the infection. The analysis opportunities of contacting domestic

124 Angiostrongylus vasorum in Italian foxes and badgers dogs. In endemic regions, dog volpe (Vulpes vulpes) in Sardegna. angiostrongylosis is reported to occur Parassitologia, 28: 268-269. frequently in places where several dogs Magi M., Macchioni F., Dell'Omodarme are confined into relatively small areas, M., Prati M.C., Calderini P., Gabrielli such as kennels, and where fox density S., Iori A. and Cancrini G. 2009. is high (Bolt et al., 1994). Further Endoparasites of Vulpes vulpes in Central Italy. J. Wild. Dis., 45(3): 881- research is needed to estimate the 885. importance of Angiostrongylus Millan J., Sevilla I., Gerrikagoitia X., infection in dogs hosted in kennels in Garcia-Perez A.L. and Barral M. 2004. Tuscany and Liguria and to explore the Helminth parasites of the Eurasian relationship between the prevalence of badger (Meles meles L.) in the Basque the infection in foxes and dogs. Country (Spain). Eur. J. Wildl Res., 50: 37-40. REFERENCES Morgan E.R., Shaw S.E., Brennan S.F., De Waal T.D., Jones B.R. and Mulcahy G. 2005. Angiostrongylus vasorum: a Anderson R.C. 1992. Nematode Parasites real heartbreaker. Trends in Parasit., of Vertebrates, CAB International, 21: 49-51. Wallingford, UK. Morgan E.R., Tomlinson A., Hunter S., Armitage P., Berry G. and Matthews J.N.S. Nichols T., Roberts E., Fox M.T. and 2002. Statistical Methods in Medical Taylor M.A. 2008. Angiostrongylus Research, Blackwell Publishing, vasorum and Eucoleus aerophilus in Oxford, UK. foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in Great Britain. Bolt G., Monrad J., Henriksen P., Dietz Vet Parasitol., 154(1-2): 48-57. H.H., Kock J., Bindseil E. and Jensen Oliveira-Júnior S.D., Barçante J.M., A.L. 1992. The fox (Vulpes vulpes) as Barçante T.A., Ribeiro V.M. and Lima a reservoir for canine angiostron- W.S. 2004. Ectopic location of adult gylosis in Denmark. Acta Vet. Scand., worms and first-stage larvae of 33: 357-362. Angiostrongylus vasorum in an Bolt G., Monrad J., Koch J. and Jensen infected dog. Vet Parasitol., 121(3-4): A.L. 1994. Canine angiostrongylosis: a 293-296. review. Vet. Rec., 135: 447-452. Oliveira-Júnior S.D., Barçante J.M.P., Della Santa D., Citi S., Marchetti V. and Barçante T.A., Dias S.R.C. and Lima Tardoni S. 2002. Infestione da W.S. 2006. Larval output of infected Angiostrongylus vasorum nel cane: and re-infected dogs with Angiostron- review della letteratura e presentazione gylus vasorum. Vet. Parasitol., 141: di un caso clinico. Veterinaria, 16: 9-14. 101-106. Iori A., Costantini R. and Cancrini G. 1990. Patteson M.W., Gibbs C., Wotton P.R. and Parassiti in volpi provenienti da alcune Day M.J. 1993. Angiostrongylus regioni italiane. Parassitologia, 32: vasorum infection in seven dogs. Vet. 153-154. Rec., 133: 565-570. Koch J. and Willesen J.L. 2009. Canine Poli A., Arispici M., Marconcini A., Man- pulmonary angiostrongylosis: an cianti F. and de Monte D. 1984. update. Vet J., 179(3): 348-359. Angiostrongylus vasorum (Baillet, Leoni A., Garippa G. and Masala S. 1986. 1866) in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes L.) Osservazioni sull'elmintofauna della in Italy. J. Wild. Dis., 20(4): 345-346.

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