Roger and Full Board
EUGENE WATER & ELECTRIC BOARD REGULAR SESSION McKENZIE FIRE & RESCUE TRAINING CENTER SEPTEMBER 17, 2013 5:30 P.M. Commissioners Present: John Simpson, President; John Brown, Vice President; Dick Helgeson, James Manning, and Steve Mital Others Present: Lena Kostopulos, Joe Harwood, Steve Newcomb, Karl Morgenstern, Roger Kline, Todd Simmons, Anne Kah, Dean Ahlsten, Sue Fahey, Cathy Bloom, Mel Damewood, Patty Boyle, Suzanne Atkins, Alan Fraser, Jeannine Parisi, Brad Taylor, Dave Churchman, Erin Erben, Mark Freeman, Mike McCann, Mark Zinniker, Steve Mangan, Chris Taylor, Bob Vigil, Julie Bivens, and Taryn Johnson of the EWEB staff; Vicki Maxon, recorder. President Simpson convened the Regular Session of the Eugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB) at 5:35 p.m. He thanked the audience for attending and stated that upriver issues are very important to the Board, and that they appreciate upriver residents taking time out of their busy day to listen and provide testimony. He briefly explained the three different opportunities for public input in tonight‘s agenda, and added that the meeting is scheduled to adjourn at 9:00 p.m. AGENDA CHECK There were no items. ITEMS FROM BOARD MEMBERS President Simpson stated that he is always happy to attend the annual upriver meeting and that he regrets that the McKenzie River community doesn‘t have the opportunity to vote for EWEB‘s Board of Commissioners. He explained that each of the Commissioners represents two wards but that he is ―odd man out‖ in an at-large position. He told the audience to consider him their Commissioner and, if they have questions or concerns, to feel free to contact him directly via the main EWEB phone number or through EWEB‘s website.
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