Harvest Show Fashion Edition September 15 September 13


Corvtr Flower Show Guest Summit toBuiW Sub-Standard On College Faculty I wo Jima Action Officials Clarify To HoW Water Sof.ry T«it Delicatessen Gets Recreation Center, Housing Hearing BySgt. Salerno Poliomyelitis Liquor License; Says Council Head To Be Held Soon Wins Silver Star J of the EdUsoa Junior High Situation Here A hearing will be held Thursday, Camp Pcndleton, Oceanslde, Cal. Reid Now Closed ool August 24 to the Ota The Board of Health at 1U Tues- Notwithstanding the protMta- Sept. 20, at the City Hall, at 8 —His "cool courage and fearless- day night meeting in discussing peration of America for $526 - o'clock, by Walter j, Smith, pub- ness" in action against the enemy tiona of President H. Walford does not mean that the real- the poliomyelitis (infantile paraly- Martin of the Summit Association lic officer, in the matter of the on* Iwo Jima, Volcano Islands, sis) situation here stated there are !«,* of the ewtern fectlon of tenement at 88 Summit avenue, from March 1 to 19, 1945 has for Liquor Control, Common Coun- summit will be deprived of com- only two cases in the city. Both- cil on Tuesday night granted a which has been declared^ a sub- earned the Silver Star Medal for cases, It was explained, contract- munity and recreational facilities, retail distribution liquor license to standard dwelling by a group of Sgt, James A. Salerno, 27, USMC, ed the disease outside of Summit. President Roine A. Betts of Com- Eric F. Danlach of the Brookdale citizens who inspected it in July. son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Saler- Th e health commissioners ln Council »id FrldV, The The apactnients in question were no, 465 Springfield avenue. Dairy Co., Springfield avenue. stressed, what they believe to be a In unanimously granting the li- school auditorium had been used said to be without private toilets Sergeant Salerno, whose wife, fact, "that considerable heartache cense council reaffirmed its fixed by residents of East Summit for for each family; to be. without the former Kay Stafford, and nine- and fear arc being created by un- policy, of limiting the retail dis- •ommunity problems meetings. wash basins, the kitchen sink be- year-old, daughter, Sandra, live at founded rumors." The Board of tribution licenses to 11. There had ' president Betts said the: city au- ing the only source of. running 654 North Irving boulevard, Holly- Health arc of the conviction that been a vacancy of one in this field thorities plan to build a commun- water, and used, for the baby and wood, Cal., is here attending the JOHN B. MacMlRPO "the City of Summit Is a safe and since Mr. DanLach had been ity gnd recreation house for the the dishes; to have no hot'run- Marine Training Command Troop place in which to remain." The in "on the ground floor" for a' resident of the eastern section. ning water; electric wlrjng un- Leader's School, a super-combat board further states "it Is con- j year with liia application, he was Thw will not be aa large as the aafc; ventilation of the toilet in- school for officers and enlisted stantly on the alert and any pre- Water Safety Tests given priority over Joseph Coyle, Field Hous« on Memorial Field on sufficient, according to the sani- men. cautions that the public should 25-acre tract, but it is expected tary code; and leaks in the roof. a clerk in Charlines Cut, Rate His platoon loader being, killed take will immediately be brought store. '.•'•'•". answer the requirements of the JAMES A. JACKSON . These apartments were, inspect- during an enemy attack at night to their attention." lnYMCASept.10-14 neighborhood, ed in 1943 and declared in need of Mr. DanLsch was represented by the "Esso Man," who will speak . JAMES^E. DOWNES on Iwo Jima, Sergeant Salerno Dr. Henry P. Dcnglcr, the health Frank ,plm of the Maple street "We have assured the residents at the Carver Garden Club Fall changes; since then some painting took command of the platoon, and officer, suggests ; that "instead of I of that part of the town," said Flower Show on Sunday after- and plastering was done.] Held by Red Cross firm of Pizsl & Plzzi. Mr. Piizi in rallied his'men. to beat oft the pausing idle gossip or rumors to i a letter to council reminded that President BetUs, "they wltl not suf- noon, in the Lincoln Y. M. C. A. The Common Council, Inter- enemy attack. The following day An examination course for Red Dowries Appointed friends, the individual should rail Crosii water safety instructors body that his client had made ap- fer for lack of recreation and com- racial Group, and the League of he led his platoon in an attack on the office of the Board of H«"''th | Women Voters ht^ve made a study wilt be held in the Y.M.C.A. pool plication a year ago for a similar munity privileges, even, though the a strong enemy position composed and learn the facts." ! September 10 to 14, from 7 to 10 Edison School has been taken from of the question of housing, and license and was refused on the Better Not Be HI To Post At Newark of many machine gun emplace- p. m. John B. MacMurdp, first aid, ground that the existing vacancy them. I can not say when such have used the inspection method ments cut into solid rock. water safety and accident preven- would not be filled for the dura- a building as planned will be for finding those apartments which tion representative for Red Cross, Sept. 15; Doctors "Although his platoon suffered tion. He also stated Mr. Danlsch started." they consider bejow the standard. will conduct the tests. Teachers College severe casualties, they, under Ser- U.S.O. Director, paid the city annually more than The one at 88 Summit avenue Those who have qualified for President Betts said he saw in Will Be On Outing James E. Downes of Norwood geant Salerno's leadership, at- $1,000 in real estate taxes, that he was chosen at random from sev- the examinations are: Miss Mil- the aale of the school an economic You'd better not be ill on Sat- avenue has been appointed an as- tained their objective for the day had six employees and ample store eral having no separate toilet for dred Hqqfstraat, Miss Phyllis benefit to the city. He added that urday, "September 15 This ts the sociate professor-. in the d»part» and held it during the night, Former YMCA Sec, space in which to conduct the each family, and there were many Nimmo, Miss Mnrjoric Sampson, thfe difference in the sale price and word being passed quietly by the ment of social studies at Newark despite repeated enemy counter- Grant La very, Paul Rcckenzaun, business, and that hisv customers with no wash basins, the inspect- the original cost of $600,000 would reception sots of members of the State Teachers College. This was attacks," according to his citation. and Don McMillan. had asked him to install a liquor ing group claimed. Visits Staff Here be offset in 15 years by the rev- Summit Medical Society. After all announced recently by Dr. Job*- '.r!jVT«l courage and fearleas- Those completing thn examina- department. Those who made the July in- Frank G. Adams, former boys' tion!) successfully will be qualified enue the city would receive in the health Invigorating days of the B, Dougall of Ashland road, pres' (. i•:. ^ ' i Inspiration to his In denying Mr. Coyle a retail spection were: Mrs. Kenneth Baldr work secretary of the Summit to instruct classes in taxes. late aummer. Summit physicians dent of the college. Mr. Down, . re in keeping with distribution license, Council did win, Mrs, Richard Miller. William Y.M.C.A., stopped In to sec the und life Having in this uren. "You must remember," he said, are hopeful that all of their clients will start on his new duties « t traditions of the so on the ground that all existing Dickcrson, E. Lakatoa, Raymond staff there last week. He hu« been Prior to joining the Red Cross that the Celanese people plan to will be feeling so well on Sept. 15 day with the opening of the , • ' Naval Service," con- vacancies were filled. It was also Taylor, Dr. Jacob Trapp and David for three ycara in Ketchikan. Area stuff in March, 1043, Mr. Mc- double the capacity of the plant. that they can get away tor an out- lege for the fall term. cluded tnc cicatlon, signed by Ma- Murdo was director rif thc> Jersey announced that no consideration Ludlow. Alaska, a« director of the U.S.O., At th* name time there will be a ing of their own with their ladies Mr, Downes for more than 20 rine Licut.-Gen. H. M. Smith, then and is now on a short furlough City Chapter's First Aid program would be given any further ap- decided benefit to the , local mer- and other guests. Mr. Smith, who was recently yearg was on the staff at Summit commanding general, Fleet Marine before going to the Philippines to and .in Instructor nt the Chnutau- plications as long aa no vacancies chants. It is planned to employ 3. Leon tkircmus, owner of Noc's appointed public officer on sub- High School tn the social science Force, Pacific. General Smith la be associated with the U.S.O. qua Aquatic School for ten years. existed in the prescribed number 500 people eventually. Salaries and Certified Dairy Farm, Chatham standard housing by the Common department, part of which time he now commanding general, Marine there. . . • . Mr. MucMurdo says swimming of 11. Council, is empowered, after the was chairman of the department- Is his first love. He coached many other income will be distributed and Madison, will be host to the Training and Replacement Com- Mr. Martin's objections were hearing, tc^rule whether the apart- He resigned from that post to till Mr. Adams, speaking of V-J Day swimming teams during the nine in a large measure among the Summit medicos on the 15th to- mand, San Diego Area and Camp embodied In the following letter: ment is or is not lit for human an unexpircd term as State Li- said, "The fighting military has years he »pcnt directing recrea- people of Summit,'* gether with the board of managers Pendleton. tional activities in the Great "In view of the application* of habitation. If It 1« not, the owner brarian after which, he served in passed its last milestone, while of Overlook Hospital and a group Sorgeant Salerno has: served 31 Neck, N. Y., park district and he the Brookdale Dairy and Delica- is required to make the necessary Washington, D: C, w secretary to the U.S.O. has just passed Its of -city officials. About 80 guests moDths overseas, In addition to won the individual life guard tessen fora plenary retail distribu- repairs or the city may do it and U. %. Senator Wakh from Now first." He said that the news of arc expected at the affair which the Iwo Jima Operation, he served championship at Long Island two tion license as advertised in th» the cost to the property. Jersey. On termination of his the defeat of Japan brought uni- Manila Devastation will be held at the farm's ice-house oil Guadalcanal and Bougainville years in succession. Summit Herald of August 23rd. I work with Senator Wivlsh, Mr. on versal expression* of the wish to and pond off Southern boulevard t.ht British Solomon h' >nd» *»rd When asked how he happened renew the objection made to this *Dowi.'«--VM*er,rne H'JS^.' *;,'d with a .get homo a,* soon nS,.i> .-•wjible from to choo.se the cutter h» did Mr.' in the township. « ' Midway- Islijjii.' i*. cull* cd : > ! # license in my letter of August 28, ftKuibed by Lt. Col publishing tlrhi And nwveu with thec* ii>, ylii t,: '.i .-'^fjiinltoned in MttcMurdo sttid, "vVben you enjoy The Tfoe farms, pioneers in the ugust 6, 1940, at New fork City, lflf#. "f ,.., his family from the Tall Oaks sec- ¥ Alaska, and that the job of the swimming as mudt as "I «!•?, to the 4 avffloiiDefense and trained at Parrls Inland, S. C. distribution of certified dairy Au; U.S.O. is to alleviate this natural point of Its becoming »n obses- "The particular area th which tion of Murray Hill to Pittsburgh, A native of Summit, hi1 was born Hulton to Kiwanis producti), have been conducting Pa. He and Mrs. Downes are now yearning. sion, you just decide the wisest the store la located i« amply sup- February 24, 1918. A brother, Pfc. thing to do is to make a profes- Lt, Col. Henry Nulton, Cdunty this buslncse for the past 30 years. Material Headache living in Col. Robert E. Wood- The task of keeping 'those In plied with this type of license and Clerk, and a member of the Elixa- j Sam Salerno, Is serving in the U. the services contented Is more sion of it." the combination of the aale of ward's house In Norwood avenue S. Army overseas in Germany. Mr. MacMurdo, a native of beth Kiwanis, gave a graphic word | until they can arrange quarters of difficult, now that the fighting Is liquor and foodstuffs frequently picture Tuesday to Summit Ki-; To Authorities Great Neck, N. Y., WIIH graduated leads to an unwise diversion of their ow.n. over than it was while the war from Great Neck High School and wanls Club of the devastation he County Section At the request of Uncle Sanri, who family income and increased con- Mr, Downes holds an under- was still on, and must be planned majored in engineering at Syra- witnessed wrought in Manila by the handed the stuff out, Executive Parcel Bequeathed for as long as "the United States cuse University. From 1983 to sumption of alcoholic beverages. Japanese. A witness of the retaking Offical Fred Mort, local property graduate degree from Franklin "Moreover, Commissioner DrLs- nnd Marshall College and a mas- continues to maintain armies of lfrai), lie wan a member of th« U. S. of the Philippine city by the Ameri- Board Publishes custodian, is engaged in making Marine Corps Reserve. coll has recommended legislation ter's degree from New York Uni- occupation in both Europe ami the can, y. Col. Nultoa spoke with an inventory of civilian defense Masonic Home Pacific, according to the national limiting stores retailing packaged versity. Dr. Dougall reports that considerable feeling. He said the equipment worth several hundred board of the U.S.O., whr> have nd- liquor to one for every three thou- Registry Removals dollars. his new staff member Is now work- Summit Trust Co.sand inhabitants. On this buisv Japanese "for same fiendish rea- In today's paper will be found a ing towards his doctorate. ylscd the Y.M.C.A.s to this effect. on" had used Manila churches The United States Department Sold to Developer It is expected that the United Summit should only have six plen- list of the namea the County Board The former Mary C. Allen M ammunition dumps and then of Commerce where the now de- Dr. Dougall reports an entering Service Organization will continue Hast Third Time ary retail distribution licenses, as of Elections haa ordered removed freshman class of 10(h He says 15 homestead property of about 25 when "the going got tough the Nips funct Office of Civilian Defense beyond 19*6. against eleven now outstanding.'^ from the election rolls in the City arc transferring to Newark from acres on Morris turnpike, Sum- Ta Harvest Shaw blew p the churches." He said left off, last week served notice The application of Oreate Gin U of Summit. The publication of the other colleges, This latter group mit, adjoining the grounds of,the For the third consecutive year 'here are only two churthes re- that the protective equipment for Canoe Brook Country Club, has broni of MHlburn for a transfer list Is obligatory in municipalities are mostly sophomores and jun- The Summit Trust Co. will donate of the retail consumption license mainlng in all of Manila, the air-raids which never came off was been sold by the Masonic Home where voters are permanently reg- not given for keeps. iors. Five servicemen are also re- and Charity Foundation, through the use of its facilities I for for Spring Lake Tavern in Morris Church of St. Luke's Hospital and istered. After a person falls to turning to the Newark institution. Nurses Needed This was a relief to most de- Frank Creger of Newark to John the Victory Garden Harvest Snow, avenue now held by Arthur Moil the chapel at San Tomas Univer- vot« for four consecutive years fense officals who regard the stuff, Among other new faculty mem- A. Astapoff, builder. The residence on Saturday, September 15, as\its was held over for action at the sity. The speaker emphasised his in a general election that person's on the property will be modern- now that the war is over, as white bers, Dr. Dougall announces that For Polio Cases ohare in the community and rta- September 18 meeting. belief that "it would take years of name is removed from the voting ized. The spacious barn will be elephant stock. A large part of It Dr. Eugene G. Willtins of Whitney tionnl projHct of food conservation The application of the Commun- engineering to rebuild Manila. list. road, Short Hills, will become the dismantled, there being in it much during the present emergency, On a tour of duty with the Army does nothing more now than take material which could be used in ity Church for transfer of its prop- Voter* are advised to check the up space in storage rooms. director of teacher education and the construction of homes. In Hospitals laid John N. Mny, Jr., «pcaklng erty to the business zone was re< in the Pacific that lasted for more list carefully to see if it contains instruction, Forty nurses arc needed Imme- for the bunk in the absence of Uncle Sam is willing to sell the The builder, according to Mr, ferred to the Planning Board. than three years, Lt. Col. Nultota their names. Should that be the diately in the State for tlic care Lawrence J. MacGrcgor, presi- w various items to the municipalities Creger, plans to build about 80 Approval was given to the pur* «m into details about his ex- case they must re-register if they of Infantile paralysis cases In vari- dent. at cut-rate prices, but except for homes at prices ranging from chase of the city from the U. S. periences on the road from Aus- desire to vote In the coming fall Summit Shares $10,000 to 112,500, just as soon as ous hospitals. The Summit Nurs- The Harvest Shows have, in a Department of Commerce of a tralia to Manila, He has consider- fire equipment there is little de- material may be made available. ing Council for War Service, In election in November. Voting in mand. For example, white arm measure, taken the place of the trailer pump for the Street and «ble admiration for the Australians, primary elections doe« not qualify In Refunds Made The realty was part of that be- co-opcratlon with the Summit Flower Shows of former yearn, bands, which were in vogue dur- queathed to the Masonic Home in Sewer Department and of a skid of whom he said, in part: one to vote in the general election. Chapter of Red Cross, is recruit- which wore originated and pro- ing blackouts, ore offered at a 3041 by the late Ambrose E. Van- pump for the Fire Department, "Australia gave as greatly of Other causes which plrtcc names By Jaint Meeting ing some of these In UII.H area. moted by Mr. MacGrcgor, and Approval was also given to tha rate of 79 for 10 cents, but what Refunds totaling $10,48tU8 to be derpoel, whose own residence was their resources and people. If not on" the "strikeout" list are death, opposite the property just sold. The nurses who volunteer from were stnged' In the bank lobby. purchase of a number of rain- greater ,|lan that Qf Rny other can this or any other community divided among 11 member munic- removed, left no address and not do with arm bands, even at those this part of New Jersey may find Mr. MacGrcgor welcomed the op- coats and leaser other articles for nation. Fourteen per cent of their ipalities of the Essex-Union It more convenient to servo in thn portunity to assist the garden pro- qualified to vote ns required by prices. Joint Meeting an n surplus, on use in city departments. The ma- Population of seven and a half trie constitution. Hospital and Home for Crippled gram in the same manner when Executive Official Mort holds their 1944 aimessments were an- terials above are part of the million were In the nrmed forces. nounced Thursday by Mayor (J. "Silver Screen" Children, 89 Park avenue, New- the emergency arose. equipment loaned by Uncle Sam to Australia fed more than #00,000 al- receipts for practically all of the ark. If so, they may call II um- stuff that was distributed, Of Harry Cullls of Summit, chair- The bank officials are glad that the Defense Council. M troops. She is the only na- man of the Joint Meeting. boldt 2-7600; or for the State, call t ) Public Schools course, there is this situation: the space i« suitable a.«t a stage Action was taken to rendvertUn " " in reverse lend-lease to which Mayor Cullls nald the refunds Harvest Show Class MA. 2-2418. Many of the original volunteers for lhf> Harvest Show, which re- for gasoline for city use. All pre- «'<• wre In debt." were based on the annual report Nursing care Is urgently needed Ready to Open hrtvo gone into nervlce, others have flects the work of the community vious bids which were submitted ''*• Col. Nullon, who to»k an ac- on sewer operations by Acting for both acute and post-acute KftrderiR. Their interest has in- before the termination of fu ra- moved out of the city, and (till Chief Engineer John Decher, sec- In Three Parts tive part In f|Vf nw,jor operations, stages of the dlsen-se. cluded making ft permanent record tioning were denied. President; September 10 other*, nn a representative of the retary of the commission, showing Final arrangements were made •poke only in superlative* about The New Jersey Crippled Chil- of the nhnws in photographs and Rome A. Retts of council explained h Summit public schools will offi- Mr mid him observed, have found that operation costs were con- by the committee In charge of the »» ''chief," Cknml DouglfM Mac- dren Commission will pny $10 per cially open Mondny morning, Sep- fine use for nuch article? *m nHr- siderably lesn than the year's tin- silver screen (shadow box) class (i complete file of these i« kept nt that t he city would now get "more Arthur, of the General, hi »ald, day and transportation. The need tember 10. Principals of all the rup pumps and aren't parting with aesamenta. Refund* were on the In the Victory Garden Harvest the bank, In 1913 a series of advantageous bid*." •n parti In desperate, .stated Miss Eloiflp school* met yeaterday nflwnoon them too readily. basin of actual tuie by each munic- Show to be held In the Summit advertisements on the value of Two ordinances were pacjtd at "t rton't think th«re In n Hvinf ipality, and were credited to Johnson, chairman of the Council. victory gardens WM run over the final reading, one "Relating to th« with Superintendent of School* The Commerce Department ha* Trust Co., Saturday, September 15. »n «rhn could do what MacArtbur William A. Klncald. All tpn<"hinK aecond quarter anmnnment*. Mrs. Howard Daly, chairman, with Up until August 30 there wprfl' bunk's name m an added In- I'ubllo Peace and Good Order In *l»h what h« had. Ml* (Mac set September 10 •• deadline for Refunds baited on tifte percent- 519 ruses and 47 deaths from In- centive to the program In Summit. tha City of Summit" and the othtr itaff member* will roport this this Inventory. the help of Mm. Allison H. Hearn, u schlevtptut,, art un- ages were: fantile paralysis, m compared The beauty and rlehneas of thn "to vacate that portion of Sum* morning at 9 o'clock to th« prin- Uncle 8mm han nuked munlclpftl- Summit, |1,D14.O4: lrvlngton, representing the Garden Depart- in military htntory," The cipal* of their respective bulld- ment of the Fortnightly Club and with 522 cases nnd 54 denths in Harvest Show and the enthusimiile mlt street between Broad street »I4 If «S living penon lll«>* to m»k« uWanted stock/ of $3,438.04; Newark, $2,944.6(P, East 1»#4. and Middle avtnua, and to release iBf*. Th« remainder of today and mrtl«Mt8l« available for coll«ctlon Orange, $1,MA12; lllllitkto. $1,1M- Mrs. F. L. Hughes for the Summit lnl«rfHt of the penplfi of Hummtt. understand th* Jnpmmm all public rights and interest rt* tomorrow will be »pent In . Etwltn lunty Nultln of the ( Union. tiflfTM; and Wcit Orange, jpoond, third, |nd honorable men- To Overtook Auxiliary e«lli»d that 2,000 people visited th* N tn» i»n»ntng *> achoola Monday, i pl«t« llntlng* «f what I* wanted * dlvt bomber pilot. !t«gl«tratlon of new Ktutknti nnd what i» to b« returned, tlon, . • ^.,J Dr. Evelyn Holt will bo tin- 1»44 HarvMit Hhow. U Oov, William R K»y, will toe h«ld today from l« (« J Any flower «r flowers with spesktr ml the next meeting of th<» The Weather— n m r Among th« equipment fiummtt Joint Installation f " « »' th« iumtnit noon, fm thwe who «!«• b «ny follftge In any contnlner, ar- Woman's Auxiliary of Overlook Carver Gardtn Club hold* I* about TOO h«lm«tn, which Hospital. Th# meeting will be lefieve It Or Not! t« rvgliter during H»»««' Unrt» Bmm will «»ll nt 15 c will sttt'ci-i'd Walter M tunfttft In hmvliiK nfiirrd I>r Holt given for vpgetnblen and n#Mki rogUt»r «h*-ii iHllflrm Tb« y g will KUi'fi>*>A MIM I'nlrldn Con wot t»n I^dlm' Aux- n»«tha • RtfiffM l«ll«f Woritrtwm Th* public In invited. U In th* air, with the fnHHf UK* J\*"Hren*t*» * t««wH)l* tn th# «r»d tl»»«t »»»•• "••'••*• Union County in vot« *t th<* Cl*«- iliary. T# 0|KHI N«r M«ml«y ff$tHfefii$f* lit &HlM9NtC 4PMHP# wMNr wMMI *lfit** Arm*t) i«rvle«» ,. It "ao'FHm nary wot* t»r»>|>min*ry to Ration t«l* year will b« 8#p- «ut«nu! *l#o holta til pteewur**. r 27 TO MGEi, YOUR PKOPBRTY, N. P. Borough a 18 The R*fuR«i* fleflef Wnrkroortia. No other chart*. Nd mlnlrnum iiiiiiinruN m*y h*> dftn N., P. TmMhlp ...,,...,... 10 70 Mapl* ntr«M, will rentimu Itn bulnnee reuulred Optn your me* od *\>*n£; Drdltp»rlly It will not nfltr« of th» Oly Cl«rk wljt pb*n» Kuttimlt «-dule on Mondny. S*»pt «rwii until » p, m tn *#P- flutter, tt»«lt f«r lut* r#(rl«tr*nt* t» io. It wilt b« open w»*kdiiytt «x- 31, 38, M mi ti to A ltti*f*it tfo Lyfljf fhMtftr ftnd th* * if (m- C. mn at Mr Wtatover Al'iea, preai D. ^ Rotwrt B. Wiodlurit. TV1 •so ftirioagiu.', Pfe. 4 eiety. aa»4 head of tie Home, mis- ' with the tddiej. He uaed Me.rsy f f.3fwarsi CO t C a EojtaE, F O 8-033*1 or 1»»-J. • tell tisem t&ey Btut jtay on the t: auwt Ise •tsac wui ae r*tura» ts Fart 43 DeForvas •• «ip. are » efert By Public Library ' gxauide returned ta ' this country drea. He distributed tee gift* per- Waiter'T«ub«j, PO 2 ^ aboard .the Steazuiup Joseph TeaL iac vanai Bocc*>:eio . -... •...... -,..; Mario, n avenue, ,• • Boccaccio, G. • A point- that naj been cossutt- and that magazine E«-Daft-How Coker, T.. eatly etnphaa'ized by the National Grange is, tha: 3 plentiful rapply is right. R, J. Luria Fatal Are -Laiighmg .." •,../,•.' of any*, give-n ' commodity is the . 19 Overlook, ?< -•3-31-45 ;--••;.• : ' • Crcaier. W.;P. 7 SEND YOUE i Spanish Trails to California .'...'. • beat safeguard afaiajt Ittflated Vincent N>*tai*. RM3/C • prices. ~ Hi . MorrLt avenue J-21-45 ' D« La Rfau«, T. CLOTHING l(>— Sgt. J. P. Frazer ' j Coroner'j Verdict; Accident ...... 8ft Division avenue 3-13-45 Hoaken, C J. LIBERTY CLEANERS & DYERS Lt Frank Eolg*r Brothers . Johojoa. P. H. U Brook-atrtet, Loft*, N. R. th« River Flowa CALL AJfD OCU\XBT SCKVILX Pteat Office «» IftfHa Spnagfleld ,,, 3-10-45 CpL Jauepa JJ. Sfaaaley Mac Dots aid, J. A«*. t>Br*aeli iteraa-S 8 Jliddie Avenue ' , 10-2-45 Black Moon'. ^tcMeekin, C. CLEARANCE Pfc. Jamea Taoaeil II* »ut-Orchard itreet 3-29-45 ""The) WarldT'.'-'i. '.-'"Mjirabail, B. Willianj J. McCrath. T/4 Fare**:! Sly Heart ... Moinar, F. 10 to 20% Off 392 Sprtngiield avenue &-4-4S Dea:h by Deaigu ...... Naah, A. Pfe. Tlsomas E, Laufh;er on tfae Hill .. Parton, M. • SPORTING GOODS • LUGGAGE 5 Sunaet drive 10-3-45 Yamino-KwUi Preble. D. L» • GARDEN HOS€ • PAJNT Lt S. 0. Baldwsa W*e«: Go«j the Road .Pridgen, T. Aa Ozark Anthology Umf Otimn of Prices 23 Jfountaan 10-1-45 WHAT MAKES YOUB You Con Now Buy Pfc. Matthew A. Circe Uo Randolph, V. You Cart AffoH to Miss 27 Morru avenue , . 3-30-45 You'll B« Sorry . Roger*, S. HATCH TICK? Lt Otborae D. Nichols Northern Light* to Fielda of MADONNA LILV precision craftsmanship 1$ thf hla furlough. i Van De Water, F, F. j ! I Married Them. Van Duyn. J, H. ! and complete oil units. Home From Union 1 Medicine Saow Webbtr, M. i Flrat Lieut Osborne D. Niehoid. i Silence in Court .. Wentwsrth, P. I bombardier-navlggtor on a B-W, PHONE US TODAY has e«r of flower* that will Summit, having flown from Tlnlan bloom in garden* of the United Summit 64006 in the Mariana* to California, State* nest year will fall far below 1 peacetime \tvtU, owing to the Enters Navy .shortage of flower aeeda. Seed To Victory Gardeners And Home Canners! Wayne Kohrnan, 8 l/c

Itl remarkable ea«« of application saves Antkju» Show and Salt tine sod labor. Its tremendous covering The fourth annual Antique Show Qfr Saturday, September 15th# 1945 powers save paint. Itl well known dura* and Sale will b* held ia tha Con- biiity saves your home from decay, repairs gregational Church on Church atrt«t tn Verona, on September 11. 8:00 A. Ki TO 8:00 P. M. and frequent repainting! «.. IS and 14. Two floor* of an- SMIRWfftMrVfllfAMS Uque* will be on jiale. ji.j^^^..; Till* iKow It sponsertd by tta Victory HOUSE Need A Loan? PAINT ' Committet Community W*r Strvictt Division of SWP Tht Summit Otftnst Council. '

MAKES COLORFUL NEW IIFI HOUSEKEEPING . •• " c ' \ IASYI FOt OLD THINGS! Th* Committee urges all Summit residents who art

A MtlO-MBOOth, coiofful, *m*f ingljf waibabt* «Mtlv» tn«M»l working a Victory Garden or canning garden produce to wall iflMb lot for f»failure, kiiclteiit, Hatha, watti. w«»4- dk w#n^ toyiu enter their prixe specimens in the show. ImtMrfNIVfiifAMf 17 SEMI-LUSTRE IT. WALL FINISH ENAMEiOID MR. nom m SUMMIT TRUST COMPANY Su, 44110 UTAlLISHtD 1 S 9 1 t Met M> SX! t» 1300 mm TOOAYI

E«MI< «• Dclii MM

tun H Aia.. JHE SUMMIT HERALD. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, I94S Rttunts From Italy Chtchmboord Mm Eight Months Hrit DrofH* loch Horn* for Good Af* PWltHfllt .avoidable. Exterminators a,Vbf«y, Per capita debt of thT y«it«* they have . When you set « bee or bird go- 21 f««ti in 1840 to over fl.OOO ttiiftj one who will, be Mountain avenue, has just re- fleaj in the bous*. ThU influx f$ ing from flower to flower you can ''year, according to th<> Xew Jer*ey shortly ami another *on turned from eight month*' active to the weather, and i« MO} ' thank him for working for you. Taxpayers A. duty with the Armed Forces in Italy. • • • * Upon returning, he went directly to. hi* family i farm in Canaden- •if, Pa. There hfe rejoined hi* parents and aiater Barbara, who will be a senior at Oak Knoll School thia fall. >. While home, be visited hU grandparents, Mr. and Mrs/ John R. Sullivan of Philadelphia. Pvt. Wilson will report to Fort Dlx September 13, and from there will proceed to Camp Carson, Colo., for redeployment. YES SIR. THE MEN WHO WEAR Honorably Discharged OUR HATS ARE THE MEN YOl'TURX PFV. ANTHONY many inquiries • have been re- years old, resides at the Baltusrol ceived from eager showers from road address with his wife, Hilda far afield. and son Gormen, Jr. He first As in former years, entry- feea started in the employ of the Com- will he nominal and prizes in all monwealth Water Company on Au- classes will b« modest trophies, gust 1, 1929 and his employment with the exception of the slake was continuous until he received clajses, in which entry fees go on a leave of absence to join the U. S. a division among winners. Navy, Prize lists, now in the mail,


•». A. I'IKANKO 1 FOR hl

• > i' in Hawaii nn Government ! it •* ft rk. He ha« a two-year contract | LCC'H Hlch expires in October, when he l xpeit* to return to Summit. I MERCHANTS 7.39 America now has nearly 70,000,- I 10 horsepower of installed elec- I •i>al grnciating; capacity, making Royal I on »!U and power available to 107,- AND MANUFACTURERS ROOT'S OWN ^,000 pooplp in ho-mej) and to Btmctm of Fmlvtlfan •'^OOO commercial and induatrial and Community Service v , e.or -

Technology has pla^d" a large a" in keeping up the supply of m. Once 70 to RO per cent » ., ...... „ ^ oil was left in the ground, «* HIP amount is naually not Those depleted stocks and bare shelves will soon piss into than no to 40 per cent. the realm of unpleasant memories. Your customers Will want and expect the wide range of selection you gave them before .;•"'•: •-••/.7 the war, and you will provide it.

But building up your stock will take money —lots ofTt, . w And here is the place to get it First National specializes in business loans of all kindsr* * In any «lay'« Whatever line of unsecured credit you are entitled to, you may H«* York HERAJJO TRMBJHB...* have for the asking. If your requirements exceed this amount, the loan can usually be arranged in another way through field t lik»ly to 8 to 12 warehousing or assignment of accounts receivable, or through fro* 1 HERALD TRIBUNE cooperation with a regional credit pool or a government lend- ing agency. CLOSED ALL PAY SATURDAY Let's sit down and discuss your plans now and have your In ()l>wrviin«*i» of Chump** " line of credit sctf p for the time when you need it. 7.W ,. 't «xolutlv«ly JEWISH HOLY DAYS for thlt nmmpvpr.

fhlt BCTIU ' —*«- 1* f "^ ^1 %3first}JiiJional Ivtry D«y mmm for an!) frust (fompani) of Summit >j * mmmd, DWOWT IM»UKANC« couponATIOM '


•'••%• THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER », 1945 (a covenant) to nipply "all Ms HntluthtmChurch useful purposes. Temperancp needs. the order ftf the da>, nt* 0K..; The BiWe Speaks Rev. Alfred A, Faitt Joseph recognised that if (*od'« Rosh Hashana, u.v.- Friday, September 7—The regard to drink, but in even- !• gifts to man were to be utilized a Pur. Mtmrr ea« SocietyjeULftuteJUn- tht cJwKh properly tna fully, thrift was "nee-. of-ufe, •'-' .-. ~ -:-* Jewish New Year, Th« topic of Dr. Buschm&n't parlors at 2:30. The board ^d jy For this reason, he Insti- Joseph was probably vev • ion sermon thig Sunday tt U m. m- ministration will meet tuted rationing in time of plenty popular during those j.c*/-, will be "Tb« Basle Element in church at 8 p.m. / In Past and Future in order to conserve and plan for plentfc but he had the tioC v Comes This Week , Education." Sunday, September 9—The Sun- the anticipated time of scarcity. intelligence to do what was'^ j ThU ha* been cho*en u being • Gun, Stifler ; day School will begin it*3fall ae« No crops were plowed under. No to live up to tiia side of tin- \'f REVERENCE IU4»h Hashana. the solemn fea- iy timely topic toeeauar tival that inarks the beginning of mtUcilimt 1WZ Sept. S tivity thLs Sunday at 10 a. na. Chil- livestock slaughtered except for the Hebrew New Year 5706, falls! of UM return of «o many young aast. W Tht highest type of reverence does not fie in rituals, "It imnt fair," said a man to me dren wishing to join the classes tne are welcome. At the morning wor- ^ dogmas, or mere reciting of creeds, although they add much day, SeptemWr is" and »7 During j revision «* educational policies not long ago, "when you compare —•sm ship at 11 Holy Communion will a ©(what is considered beautiful in religion. That spark of thea« holy days the Jew is obli-i "» the pott-war era. , the figures of Bible distribution gated to turn hit attention to his be celebrated. '" '•' " !| | the Creator wltich glows in every living human being is the : with those of other books." His moral and religious progress, Thursday, ' September 13-rThe !@ object most deserving of human reverenced We quite natur- when he should, so to speak,.-take' j argument- was" that any other •Luther League wil{. meet in the :|| When a Church School ally abhor thought! of the ancient arrangements which cre- Inventory of the status of his spir- Catvary Church ] book, if it had behind it so large church parlors at 9*p. m. a ated lordi and serfs—an inequity which resulted in degrad- itual Ufe. ' • ! 'and influential a promotion Friday, September 14—The Mar- ;|J Th* Shofar, or ram's horn, will \ scheme as the Bible, might reach tha Group will meet at 8 p. m« at igt ing and stultifying the character of the unfortunate chattel. be sounded the second day of the School to Open jtut a* high a circulation figure, j the name of Mrs. Ellen Scartiwa. grows zo% in a year— •'Give a man freedom, and he can soar to the heights, enslave festival. "The broken notes of the Sho~ The **••*• u the "' him, and he becomes a clod," far recall to us the greatness of Sunday, Sept. 9 gest word in his statement. No j Christian Science Church There's oi God in contradistinction to the preparation* *r* being other book could possibly have j "Man" is the Lesson-Sermon sub- It behooves our organized religion to assume the" de- • • fense of those in whom the divine spark is all but crushed smallness of our lives. At this /•the reopening of £•£!•«* a baeking as the Bible, has j for Sunday, September 9. time, especially, does it remind us vary Church School. Woodland-*-had In the past, and has toflay, ] Golden Text: "Hear the right, capable teachers out by the barbarity of our own society—I refer to those haw much we owe to Him fdrlhe and Deforest avenues, i«s&Sun-! and always will have. It* distribu- O Lord, attend unto my cry, give blessings of peace that .He has te laws in our.own nation, which are perniciously negligent of g £ ^ day<, s^Septembeptenlber 99. . pPupilupnas wilwil, lX tee* t ,^n t hmw > *™»™™? p ± yJL'fc ear unto my prayer, that goeth . sound rnaterials brought us. The Shofar bids us, y i ^r p departments at -Christian Church with no idea. * the fundamental rights of man. One of these rights is indi- cease following the transient and ill t 1 fttl ective financial profit but only out of the not out °£ feigned lips. ... As 9:30 o'clock with their former; for me? 1 will behold thy face In modern metnods vidual liberty. Legalities which permit speculation in natural ephemeral and to turn our teachers. New children may , be' conviction that the last ° rnan on resources of a country or community, on which the decent thoughts to the lasting ana eter- registered this week at the parish every continent, and island must righteousness: I shall be satisfied, nal realities of life. Our higher office or on Sunday morning at be given a chance to hear the when I awake, with thy likeness." adequate equipment livelihoods of millions depend, are shearing the individual responsibilities, a« children of God the parish house. A service of Word of God. (Ps., 17:1,15) ! of liberty as surely as the armies of Griaeus Pompeius appro- are made real to us and we are worship will be held in each de- Let it be bluntly said that the Christian ideals y sontew ha t conscience-stricken j Sermon. Passages from the f Ai i bl partment following which pupils Bible speaks principally through King James version of the Bible over our failure to fulfill the great i will be advanced to their new. the churches. This iss history, priated the liberty of the peoples of western Asia in a Imposed upon us by the include:, classes at 10 o'clock. The dismis- This is present fact. This is the a that ia within us. From the AAMMHUB *A %—A 5ftfi*k - tltsnlttvn^H 0fhw all ftttitrn11 rlmn And God eai(J, Let us make man i|j T livelihood for all future ° "our'chuVche's are a product of freedom, and it is highly ** ^tinueto be in our- .image, after our like- ~ .CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN TKe early church adopted the important for the spiritually minded to recognize that free- Rev' E" R Francis,-, trained Greek techniques of writfng^ and ness:" (Gen. 1:26). Correlative .dbtnj! is not "a matter of the spirit alone." Religious freedom, at Teachers College, publication and sought to spread passages from "Science and Health "? CHURCH SCHOOL with t>ey to the Scriptures" by its *« the ancient political freedom, and even freedom of speech are all depend- ly on! the staffs of Lincoln School, Mary Baker Eddy include: the^stlval TeaC world. There is no more fasci- opens Sunday, September ?, 9:45 a.m. ent upon the existence of true economic freedom. We prate fairs College and St. James" New Year-; litunrv in re &1 N nating study In all history than "Thev Scriptures inform us that of the inalienable rights"' of man, and then deny him the - Y, C, will again act as ^he study of the.struggle to make man-is made in,.the Image and with the LlX d itb !____ will always be ... . - the Bible speak the languages of Hkcnes-s of God. . . . Man is spir- inalienable rigjit to the bounty of the'Creator. : Surelyvthe ^\ot sponsibilities in Zthe senior^ depart- manigind. It &as the church that; alone, but \o the whole world. To ment. Miss Evelyn Boye wil} con- ending its missionaries farther itual and perfect; and because he •Creator, in creating all men, did not intend that a few men all His creatures will He manifest 1 tinue as director of the kindergar- and farther up the Nile, found it is spiritual and perfect, he- must should appropriate the land upon which the rest walked, His glory and His majesty. He i ten. department and. this year Mrs. necessary, possibly aa early aa the I be s(i understood -in Christiiii will establish His Kingdom on which has resulted in the greatest injustice and inequality Arthur J. Markham will return as third century to translate the Science-:" "'(p. 475) earth, so that there will be noprimary director with Miss Doro- conceivable to those who are willing to apply Christian prin- place for the rule of arrogance Bible into the Coptic tohgue, thea M. Morse as: assistant direc- descendant of the ancient Egyp* ciples to our economic life. . - and. sin." •;. tor. Herbert V. Mercteady will be j . Fountain Baptist Church Roan Hashana services kill be ti lt was the church that ap .KENNETH S. WARREN. lay assistant to Mr. Frauds while I ^.^ 3^m^ iQtemmt achol Rev. Merrell D. Booker conducted at the Jewish Commun-? Mrs. Charles Levett, will act as of his day, to translate, the Bible 9:30 a. ni;—Sunday School, grovt'th last season Of 28 per cent ity Center. They j>egin._. Friday 'secretary of the school and F. 11 a, m.- The sermon topic, "The evening, September 7, at 7 o'clock. Monroe de Selding as treasurer. into Latin when that language above the previous' year. The Saturday morning. Rabbi Esko- had practicallp y supplantep d the Fear of Slaves vs. the Faith of Presbyterian New Ihembers of the staff inr FreeWn." same high rate of increase ia be- witz will preach on the theme elude Mr. and Mrs. Waiter E. <3rcekj aS'the language,, of the Em- ing planned for this year, as.well "The Need for Humility—^'ow Kinnc, Miss Be£ty .Maze, Miss pire. I And so it has been the 8 p. m.-rRcv. Mr* Booker wilt Church School as an increase in attendance. More Than Ever." Lynn Grosklaus, Mrs. Kenneth churcfe that has, even, when it was preach on "Saboteurs." The most_ modern methods of Thc sermon to be delivered, at Stiles and Earl A. Lamb. driven v underground during the Wed., §:45 pJ m.—Praise and teaching are ,used in the church the Sunday morniiig service will ages, »ei?er ceased its labors 1 Anyone desiring farther Opens Its Doors school, such as visual /education, be "The Message of the Shofar: Conservatiorr-and Reconsfrucfion ^Ceniral Presbyterian Church projects, group participation, and Temperance.Sunday Lesson ; Pokes Memorial Church During the life time of the present generation, there has School will open thLs Sunday occasional testing of results. , Egypt's Part In God's Plan Necw pupils will be welcome. K«v. Nevie Cutlip office this morning and tomorrow been thc greatest destruction of life and property that the morning at 0:45. when the .various of the church, with his Bible, his Scripture Lesson: Read Geii. Mr. Cutlip will return to theforenoon for consultation. • - pen. his devotion, his patience and » departments of the school will be- 41:44 to 42:38. '• world has ever seen. It M comforting to realize that there gin their session*. The adult The Methodist Church pulpit Sunday morning at 11 his skill to render the safcred text o'clock, after his vacation. His The Ml. OHv« Church in the language of the people who Golden Text: "He hath given are already forces at work to counteract the losses that classes will cnot meet till later in Rev. Otto Carl Nelson, Puntor sermon'will be 'The Challenges of 83 Summit Avenue have not heard of their saviour. food unto them that fear Him: humanity has sufrered. • It seems absolutely certain that there •, the month." Sunday, 11 a. m, Annual Home Peace and Liberty." Rev*. J. Cornell Fischer The church sent its men with the; He^ will ever be mindful or His will arise from the ruins of war and destruction, a far greater * The church school showed a Coming Service with sermon by j Book not only to China and India 9:43 a. m.~Sunday School. , Rev. John Jackson covenant." (Psalm 111:5) ,, the pastor. A kindergarten Is pro- but' to the Esquimos, the bushmen Tho outline from which* this and nobler civilizatton than the world has ever known. 7 p. m. —Youth Fellowship. 10 a. m. Bible school. Mrs. Louise : vided for little children during the and. the Fuzzy Wuzzies of the lesson is prepared -is copyrighted Women'* Society Kinney, superintendent. • . . by the Iiili-riuitlnmil Council of The American people, through their" trials and tribulations church hour,-- Islands of the seaa. The Women's Society for Chris- 11 a. m.—Morning worship. HOIIKIOUM 4.'ilui*a|to>i and: Is used Tho official board will hold its At the last, Accounting the whole by. permission. •>• have learnej^ a valuable lesson In successful cooperation ami tian Service will meet Monday, 4 p. m.—Special program, with Waste' i.s sinful, God has made first meeting of the season Mon- 5 Bible has been translated into 184 pooling of; resources for the defeat of our common eneinir^ Sept. 10, at 8 p. m, in the assem- the Shaw brothers of Chicago , languages, ' the Testament a contractualpromiseto mankind dny, September 10, at 8 p. m. in i bly room, for, the first time,in singers. The sponsor wil] be M. The victories) In two wars should now furnish courage, wis- the parish, house. ' \ inti o2 2335 more, and some substan- fhe fall-winter season. Mrs. O. P. Bush. tial, although lesser part litil! 649 dom, understanding and faith that are so necessary to doffif Tho all-day meeting of the i Oakcs, president,,* will have the 6:30 p.m.—Young People'* Hour. more, so that 1068 languages now Woman's Society of Christian j other enemies that are even more powerful and formidable- Mrs. Anna Wiggins, president. possess the Scriptures—tongues Service will be held Tuesday, Sep- I enough, so authorities tell us, to than those that have goije down,to defeat. tember 11, beginning at 11 a. m., 1 Mrs, Eric M. North, president. Rosary Shrine Calvary, Episcopal Church Heretofore/the most potent forces of destruction••^•', invesTflficuT The church school, and Youth On Sunday, September 9, Rosary Rev. W. O. klBstrfvinir. KMfeur world. "been bacteria and insects. Just as scientists haytf. learno f !\ Fellowship will, resume activities Shrine will keep th« second nif the Rev. E. F. Francis. Cur«te No, n.aybe it ljp'A fair to com-' make the atomic bomb, a tool of* destruction, so now \M; on Sunday, September 16; «t 9:43 three Holy Hours of *he solemn Servfcei'-at Calvury Church 6n pare the distribution figures of tfiti Triple Novena fo Our. Lady. This Bible with those or any.other'book have discovered how to make rind use other tools to io:urcl a. iti. and 7 p. m. respectively. September 9, the Fifteenth Sun- when one considers"just this fea- L L MANNING Sunday, dedicated to the Hofy day after Trinity, will be Holy not only the microscopic organisms but also the irrit i'n? Name of Mary, will be offered ture alone, for no commercial and SON. E«- mi Communion at.8 a. m, church publisher hat' ever had so great insects, the carriers of disease. The elimination of ti)<'-•> Community Church especially for tca^kcrs ,and their 1 ITANIIY MRMIR, Qwtin Rev, .Jacob Trapp ' school opening session at 9:30 [faith in any book of his to believe pests, marks a great forward step in conservation of iiunn • pupils. A prayer invoking Divine a. m., and Morning Prayer an4 d The Community Church will re- ~ that he could get it translated into life aiid the reconstruction of a new world made" nece*<:iry Finest Display In gtata aid at the beginning of the school Sermon at 11 a. m. a thousand tongues and make open on Sunday, Sept. 9, with a year will be made by the Rev. C. by the autom6bile and airplane which, without control, wouM R«nd For Illaatrated Booklet morning service nt 11 o'clock. • New Chapter men want to read it. G. Moore, O. P., J. C. B,, chaplain soon spread famine and disease throughout the world. PLAINFIELD Dr. Trapp's sermon topic will be A group of older young people And what are thepresent facts? YOUR WILL "Religion in the Atomic Age." of the Cloistered Dominican Nuns. will meet at the parish house next Sunday; in this country alone, tho Devotions will close with .a pro- Bible spoke iri 253,000 churches, Other destructive forces that hdVe been unseen by th* Tuesday evening* September 11, to 1 cession of the Blessed Sacrament complete plans for the organiza- scores of thousands of Sunday majority of people are now being rapidly spread throughou . and Solemn Benediction. schools^ in military camps and ten the world by radio, moving pictures, newspapers, mngazin" tion of a "Calvary Young Adults thousand other placet where peo- Conditions change front year Chapter." Ernest May and Mrs. ple, were gathered under the aus- to year. Your own interesti and tho example of world travelers. These agents of human St. John's Lutheran Church Karl M. Joehnck are acting as pices of the church. No best-seller change with them. It it degradation and destruction work upon the nervous system RACQUETS Rev. W. &. Hlniunn, I'h. D. temporary chairman and secretary was ever accorded that recogni- therefore important that respectively. tion, yet that is 'the Bible's privi- Your Will - drawn with and are unseen chemical re-agents dissolved In and a put Bible School ?:45 a. m. Wm. F. lege every Sunday of .every year. your lawyer's advice—be up- of the familiar cup of coffee, tea, cocoa and chocolate, the * 5.75 and up Thoele, superi-ntendeht. Faculty Meeting The first meeting of the church The basic missionary* enterprise to-date, to meet present con- bottle of cola, beer, wine and whiskey and the volatile fvmit < Worship 10:30 u. m. Sermon: of the Christian church is to get ditions and circumstances. "Time for Spiritual Culture." school faculty will be held on Wed- a copy of the Bible into, every from burning opium and tobacco. The list would not be com-


Southemaires • v. »"' name an American vou \ \ StKver«g ;:.^..*,;i,.;::,;,: „ »nd Sell probably g llack Joe' or 'Swanm. Rlv- . ' *.* • but he'll be wron*/' 'rtatU the opinion of tK.South- Sres. colored quartet which i» ''Lduled to make an appearance *ftbc Summit High School on fcuwday, Sept, 20. " . These wellJknown tuner a» kf •-w „.,].. popular conception*' of Scan Negro melodies," thto Sio uoupe told nportara. tTtaey - |o more the real thing than *:op .,uey is a dish for th« Chinese. •« you want tos hear authentic American Negro music you've got 4 find the people who worked In the cotton fields, the com fields " md the levee In days of Southern i'avery," they said. "That's where ^ scfind the songs we-aing; we don't get them from book*. We hunt up uc oid white haired' Negroes In '^c South who remenlber the day* .__./• of slavery. Sometimes all we get \ *. ^- ^_ i * ^ ~ — _ a a scrap of melody, a Jingle line M' of the lyric From another aource, ;• r ,t wf will get a little more, perhaps from ?n old Negro mother." I The search for'"these old tunes

1 I is causeless; that's one reason the — , —*£• -^ -=c sS-fcj j-_ -- _ *3outhernaires have nearly 2,000 'on their list, and are adding; more every month. ,-. David Fables, Naturalist, To Lead Wdk at TrailsW* •y •»,-•• - ' . Aluminum David Fables of Eoselte Pajk. " / mil lead a nature walk on Sun- l day. Sept. 9. at 3 p. m.. from the ... TraiSside Museum, located in. the cursery area of the Watchung SReservation. Mr. Fables will dla- ill-Weather Windows Vua "Hawk Migration." Acting as host club during the - '* * month of September will be the * . > Watchung Nature Club of.which \

Miss Helen Moore of Plainfleld Is • president. * . • • that cost no more than wood! TraiLside Museum la open every Sunday afternoon from 2 to 5 A- o'clock, under the direction of MM. Mildred Rulison, park naturalist. Bamberger's launches ontt of your post-war dreams — neto I of Rahway. There is no admission charge. permanent storm windows that need no maintenance, clmt] Traileide is located off the park- change from winter glass to summer screen at the snap of a' ing circle above Surprise Lake, wrist, that are custom-made to fit. Storm windows that Chicken Mites Sleeping Sickness need no painting (aluminum is rust-proof), that last as long Carriers, Reported as your house (aluminum is tough), that your wife can, With the season for late summer Harcups of sleeping sickness now handle (aluminum is light). here, health authorities today re- t • ••-.'' ported that chicken mltea have just added to the list of carriers And aluminum isjndy part of the story I We put up the 'of this killing disease of horses. frames—yoyrjust snap in the panels: glass now to save The virus of, sleeping sickness ww related from chicken mites 30% ofyyour precious fuel, screens at the first mosquito •on a farm where horses had come dmn with sleeping sickness, the buuM next spring. No more twice-a-year- chore, no more American Foundation for Animal Health reported. ladder*teetering (the panels change from the inside), no ' It is believed that the mites pick Jp the virus from chickens, and more winters spent in glbom (the panels slide out for wash' in turn transmit the disease to> ing), no more clutter in the attic (the panels itack neatly people &s well as to horses," the Report said. "Veterinarians had in a closet). previously found that the vims rou'd be harbored from year to year by birds and poultry, and Best of all is the news that these windows cost ho more than l!>en pa^cd on by mosquitoe*. "«w, «nd the assassin bug, Mites wooden combination ones. They cost no more to start with are now added to this list of 'vec- tors.1 *- - and they cost less each year because there's no upkeep. '|n view of the late summer arid Call us and we'll send our representative to give you an «ny fall flarcups of sleeping sick- in the past several year*, estimate without obligation. Convenient credit terms can should take every step to protect their animals be arranged. Or see these windows in jour new Home 'now a^a'nst such outbreaks. Vac- '•""ation is recommended in those Service Center on the Seventh Floor. *''*-** whe'e the disease has ap- Jarc«« before. Efforts should be made to eiiminate bitlnf |naecU tables, to keep horses and out of lowland pastures, and them with nets while

thCr take 0Ur tlme , otS» People's"^", or we take- »"car*e

.'• • "X



'V *"!*»;. *jW -.H**# Ja~*SV i&4*^ J

\ * n to rmA la ut people ity of the Hew York HERALD type it CWiM Und \ retdAUe«««tt«* tft

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-•-.ffc. Vt edited to give you ail the f»cti, without L. BJNIK1CER

'OM 0F4MWCA'$ ClUUT STOUfmrnm ' ' ^ ' ~ It t GOOD TIMS itirt fttAitti „-*„<*£» mmmtwm*v . _!s.'4jrt».«» ii -i,*J&Ji.-, ».»- \ „,,-,;

* 1 . * ' fill your n#Widei,Xer ) : t * V ifs • --%M t * X . -.:.,/*•• 1 1

"i, i • i "K '* '*' -*> i "-...:.'. THI SUMMIT HtftAtD. THUtSDAY. SEFTiMK* 4, It4i Ifuagrav* Woodward af w TB^FSBWHWP Vs^R*JIREMRMM|PaP ^sTs^swlVWWspBPBFSf JUsWsfflP* w IP^sW^^t*. Worcester, Masn,../ The Rev. C»y Saury SMpJer, rector of «, Paul's Episcopal RAID Cfaurch, Chatham, officiated at the funeral service. QUALTTY WKBKLOa OT M. X furvivlng: ant four fona: ,,J!dwjn ty THB CAfiTBR PUBUSfflNQ OOMPANT Woodward, erf Montelalr; Juniua Bank Stvwt •ummit, flaw Jan** of Mew York, Thomas IL, of^Waah- lngton, andJfthaa of New York. The AJUHVamily first came to jMttttrs* «*•*••* 0«e% ftssusjffcM l J, «a Summit JM yearn ago, and have U O»for«ity wtUi P. CX D Or. , place, who wan in Memorial Hoc MRi. T. HERBERT HEKDERSOIi ^^- Raligtes, Ownl Htws pltsi, New York City, for almost WENDELL H. WOODMDB . Hwm ProvidenceSocial,. OwarsBorougl hIfsw an** three months Is now at his home, New Provtdraoa Township. Specta, Gtoaaral News where he will be for several weeke flft*m;»a». r. WALKER - - AdvtrUainf Director before fully recovering from his ill new. EDWARD W. HOLLAND ,.,,•,. • . - Advertising Manager 29, 1M4. Construction was ordered June 13, 1M0, Aaalitant Display A4v«rtlatnf Tilt Halted States Navy's 46,000-ton battleship, BEATRICE ARTHUR „ the Missouri, on which Japantae unconditional sur- and the keel was laid January 4 1041, at th» Mew During hU stay In the hospital KATHEfUNB C LEGO York Navy Yard. (Off. U. 8. Navy photo.) Mr. Burke had two serious and __ Circulation render, terms were signed, bringing to an end AOMBS AUJ&f . World War II. Th* Missouri was launched January complicated operations and prior H. ML GUEST _—^_ Cradit Maaagar and Circulation to thU sixty heavy x-ray treat- EVE FORBES Accounting OH, SAY; CAN YOU SEE? Burial wan In St. Teresa'a Ceme- ments. v. BASS ProduetU* Ifaaaftr, Job PrinUn* tery. - To all homing eagles Tax ratables In New Jersey have 3. EDWIN CARTER • • ' * ..T PubUahar by an < old bird who is gazing Mn. Martha Woodward Allen ahown alight increase* in recent THUE8DAY, SEPTEMBER §, IMS on future Peace Mrs. Martha Woodward Allen, year*, but have dropped over an who had lived at the Hotel Beech- 11-ycax period, reported the N«w I am like an aged eagle Jewey Taxpayers Association. Rat- V-JDAY wood for the pwt few y««js, died clipped of wings with sinews weak; able* la l»3ff< were S5,M1,OS2,B48 on August 28 at Overlook Hwpl- V-J Day passed quietly in Summit. There was not the Yet I glimpse a cloud wrapped mountain \ and In 184B, $8,439,nO,B». tal after a short lllneai. She was bint of a celebration recognizing the signing of peace terms grander than my aerie's peak.\ . . If we wUh to make a nmr the widow of the late James J. with Japan. V-E Day seems to have been sufficient for those For my mind, in hopeful musing, world, w« have, the materials Allen, and the daughter of the late who felt that a parade and some noise, with the two-day dwells upon a paradise, . * ready. The first one waa mad* Edwin Porter Woodward and out of chaos.—Robert Qulllen. holiday, were all that was necessary to rnark the first stage To be won, like nature's towers, . of World War II's end. slowly, by much sacrifice. , Now will come the reconstruction period for the devas- tated countries and the clearing up of the wreckage left in Now I cry to homing veterans war's Wake. And, of necessity, the building up of the morale from a vast, victorious, fight^- j" ' ,, of the; people in these,same countries; their forgetting as Can you see yon brightening ranges Modern Glass & Supply Co. jnuch *s possible the bloodshed, and the horror of concentra- waiting for your further flight, tion and prisoner of war camps. Hills delectable and heavenlike, ; The allied countries, through the United Nations Char- where man's freedom meets nil dreams? Announce ter and its various branches, must now set to it that tht Some say—These are false mirages. peoples of the Axis countries arc treated fairly and that Nay! Great leaders signal beams Their Removal to • animosities and hatreds are frowned upon, and that govern- Urging all to share this venture. ments are set up in those countries that will work with them Oldsters have their part to play. lot tht universal peace now envisioned. We shall back you to our limit Mew Quarters Let's see if Christianity will work. It has been said time and, like Moses, humbly pray. IN THI and time again that Chriatianity has never been givea a Set your eyes then on these summitf. serious try-out. Many other methods have been tried—prin- They are fair as well as high, Masonic Hall Building cipally those of war with world conquerors whose ambition Crowned with Brotherhood's rich verdure. was to rule tht world by force and according to their dictates Look and get your bearings. 4 Kent Place Blvd. —and failure has been the result. It's about time Christianity FLY1 had its fair and full opportunity to see what it can do. GEORGE P. EASTMAN. It may well be that the atomic bomb will put the quietus Wl CARRY A COMPLITI LIMI OF on tht "eye for an eyt and tooth for a tooth" idea that has so , long been in vogue and not only will be ushered in the thou DATES DEATHS • PAINTS • GLASS «SASH sand years of peace, but along with them the Christ idea, SEPTEMBER Jostph P. Ktornt "inasmuch as yt have done it unto one of the least of these -Thuw., 8 p. m.—Sub-atandard Funeral services were held Mon- • DOORS •TRIM ye have done it unto me." Housing Hearlng-Otty Hall. 8~Sat, 3:15 p. m.—— day in 8t. Teresa'a Church for GLAZING OF ALL KINDS Red Sox vs. West New York Joseph F. Kearna, 08, employed at POTPOURRI —Memorial Field. the Hotel Suburban, Ht U sur- MIRRORS — PICTURE FRAMES 8 and 9—Sat. and Sun.—Rosh Finishing touches are being put on In public and vived by three slaters, Mrs. Agnes Hashanah — Jewish New Nolan and Mr*. Mary Ryan of private schools for the opening day. That of the public Year. 4 Kviit rioet IhrtV Summit §4341 schools in Summit baa been set for this coming Monday a—Sun., a:18 p. m.—Baaeball— Providence, FL I., and Mrs. Anna September 10. Opening dates for many other schools will be Red Sox vs. Madison Colo- Fox of Natlck, R. I., and a broth- nel*—Memorial Field. er, Jamea H. Ifearns «f Hew York. found in the advertising columns. Now that the war is over 9—Sun., a p. m. — — we should not be surprised if enrollment figures for all types Charlines vs. Camp Kilmer- of schools will be greater than for the past several years. Memorial Field. Education is vital and Is being stressed this year in all quar- 9—3 p. m.—Trallslde Museum— ters. Fathers and mothers who have had young people in Nature Walk, David Fables, war work in the recent past should use every endeavor to leader. a to lft—Trenton State Fair. get those young people back into schools. »—Sun., 4 to 7 p. m.—Carver Baseball aeems to be picking up hi Summit. We learn Garden Club—Harvest Show What Is Summit's Greatest Need? and Handcraft Exhibit- that the gate last Sunday tops all others for the season. The Lincoln YMCA. boys are playing pretty good ball now, some "scintillating" 10—Mon.—Public Schools Open. stops and throws occurring in the Labor Day contest. Sum- 10—Mon., 8 p. m—Board of Di- mit appears to have a pitcher who knows what it is all about rectors—YWCA. • What Do You Think It Is? and what to do with the ball when he handles it. Madison IB—Sat, 8 a. ra. to 8 p. m.— • . . The day you slip out of the Harvest Show — Summit Is booked for Sunday afternoon, and as the Rose City team Trust Co. uniform in the world and >lij> on your has gained a good reputation the affair should prove inter- 15 and 16—Sat. and Sun.—Dahlia esting, j Show—Regional High School How Would You Meet This Need? first "civvies" while the titltfr+ioman looki —Springfield. on approvingly. And we hear there Is talk of a revival of the Lackawanna IT-—Mon.—Constitution Day. IS—Tues., 8:30 p. m.—Common Then am probably a number of need! of the city thai can be used to League for next year. "Bill" Homer, editor of the You remember vaguely that you icort Dover Advance, was in town Saturday talking up the idea. Council—City Hall. 80—Thurs., 8:30 p. m.—The advantage, and an of them within the means of Its citizen* to provide. a "thirty something" and are mildly «tf* He thinks Millburn, Summit, Madison, Morristown and Southernalres—High School, Dover, with another team should revive interest in the na- 23—Sun., p. m.—Horse Show— prised to find that Uncle Sam ha$ dm* tional pastime. Here'a hopin*. "Bill." Watchung Stables. things to your shoulder* and chest and note you can't get into your old size. WHAT DO YOU HAVE IN MIND? les , . . lots of things have changed "since you went away1*, hut somehow we've Sobmlt yoOT snggectlona to The Summit Herald. They vamt lit «m- managed to maintain our prewar reputm> tlon for quality and above average tailor- tirnotlve. TAey miul bt from a citizen of Summit, man or woman. For tho ing service. We think you're entitled W beat ones submitted three raises are offered as follows: the bm of everything and we hope you*tt RIGISTIIATION IUNK let U$ prove tee mean It.

.. ' • - 1st FIRST PRIZE: $25 War Bond , Victory Garden Harvest Show Your Civilian Tlimlqiiai-ters For Famous SICOND PRIZE: $15 in War Stamps Brandt; II, 1141 THIRD PRIZE: $5 in War Stamps Botany "500" mimed by D»off • • . f «*Jiion f»«rlc • • .

A4dr*ea 0irlef n m Freeman . . • lta» Judge* of th« contest will be» I wleh to enter th* r«r . m . Knit' t VtfeUbie*-

1 t . % - - . t' • • % •

4T * • il S • My MitvlMi win b* .t The •ummit Tn»et Oompaay m Friday *• i «ve»ing, tafttsaiNHr u, tofamm • as« • p. m. Utttr* ttwl bt hi tht offW of Th« Summit HitaM «ot tatw thw noon WM this blank before ••tiasfttwt SI to: Summit Defense iteMejttartwra, tf Sammit avwuM, Suwalt, «t brtng ftta rt 4ira«tly t« the bank for refiatraUoa. . il Ootobar 5th, aad shooM be wMmm& to "toMOtoit NmAt," Sunmft

Ammmmmmt of *Umm wlB bo pablWted In the ISIHM of O«t»fa«f Uth.


••';:. t>- > TW SUMMIT HE»AU>, THURSDAY,^EPTIMIER*. IM5 7 A. feobliuoa, 78, »f Kmit Orange." s to be 2nd A series of three picture* in the Call were napped of. Mr, Loane DEEDS Bedford Realty Company to Mr. • 13« Campbell's 7 3 r 25- will then certify his or her address to the Mevr avenue, 676.86 feet from Beek- (ounty Clerk who will then forward a ballot n road, Summit. Green Peppers 2"> 17* Bartfett Pears »15< Cottage Cheese ,,:,„':0^ to the semceman or woman member of your /.and Mrs. James M. Grose to Mr.Wd Mrs. Charles M. Wueat, family and give them the opportunity to cast property in the westerly side of their note* The following is a sample of the Oakley avenue, 820.46 feet from information requested. Kindly forward to Springfield avenue, Summit. the office of the City Clerk, City Hall, Joseph Monaco, unmarried, and i^ERGENCY! UNCU SAM others to Anna Monaco, property Summit, N. J. In the northwesterly sideline of . MEEDS YOU ON A FARM I HOW... RATION FREE! Park avenue, 52.37 feet from Or- Men, women, boy*, girls •— your k«!p is needed (Last Name) (FlmXuMl (initial) . (Serial Number) chard street, Summit. now. The summer and fall crop* mutt be saved; Katherine O'Kane, widow, to they simply can't be spared. Hera's your chance • to do one more patriotic thing. See your County WHITE HOUSE TEank or Katntgl CDate of Birth) Mary M. Cullen and John, her hus- band, property in the southeaster- Agent or Farm Labor Office — now! ly sideline of Aubrey street, 605 (Unit ana feet from Morris avenue. POPULAR BRANDS COLONIAL BRAND EVAPORATED MILK NelHej E. Wahl, widow, to Mar- (Service /wares*—snow APO Number If outside U.SJL Show tha Zachariadls, property at 355 US. Post Office to wfcldj mail is sent) Springfield avenue. CIGARETTES FRUIT CAKE 400 U.S.P. Units of ^Sunshine" City of Summit to Mr. and Mrs. d.i.oflO Vitamin D per pint. (Home A< incnuie street and Nuntfwr and Municipality) Edwin L. Groves, lot 31, block pkgi. 1.24 tin 12SE, tax map. (If disensrged.i dale and reason forxllscbarge) John Ericson and Mary Erlcson. executors, and others to Marjorle Your choice of thro* delicious blonds— IDateT" tafgaat«re of member of family—Relationship) B. Ericson, property at the inter- FREDERICK C. KENTZ, section of the northerly side of Dated: Sept 911M3L City Clerk. William street and the easterly cans sidy of Sayre street. Elizabeth Cameron and others, executors, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chamberlain, one tract constating HO RATION POINTS NEEDED! Announcement of "property recorded In deed book 1,312, block 228; and one tract Good news! Now yon can me this fine mSk Uberally known as Nos. 37 and 39 Beauvoir ... for your coffee and cereal... for cooking and avenue. Reopening Sept. 10. 1945 MIU im MELLOW / men »»• i baking...for baby'a formula...for avery nuttt needi J. H. Jackson Lumber Company Cone to AAP and get all you,want! to Mr. -and Mrs. Sandford D. ' ifk '•"" Steele, lot 292, map No. 2 Canoe 2^,4t« Brook Parkway. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Savacool Sinclair Service Station to Joyce Hosier, single, one parcel /or Zolr of Energy Every Day... MOtJtt AND SftlNGFiaD AVSS. consisting of one tract which be- gins at a point 160 feet from the Instant Coffee EAT A GOOD BREAKFAST! southerly sideline of Prospect Hill Sol Cafe tiM Do you crave fresh bread, roll*, cakes, donutt? VKDEB MANAGEMENT OF avenue, 901.97 feet from corner of *- Then visit tho Baked Goods Depurtment of yow Sinnyfleld lands of Hugh D. Jamison and un- Instant Coffee.m. ^: 60c MtP Super Market! You'll find grand selection! divided one-half interest in one HUGH J. LEE tract in the southerly sideline of Postuw <•"*• 22e «-^. 38c every day ... all guaranteed for quality . . . Prospect Hill avenue, 883.47 feet TootslBVM , . --47c freahneM . . . and economy 1 y from lands of Hugh D. Jameson, A World War II Veteran Read/ to Serve You and one parcel consisting of prop- Ovaltine •»>~35e i*»t»6Se Mello-Wheat erty In the southerly sideline of Frcshle SONOMA *•**' Keeker's Farina «» ** 20i at Efficiently and Faithfully as H» Served Prospect Hill avenue, 88347 feet MARVEL from lands of Hugh D. Jameson. Londond8rryiIfVK:.;12 Yoyr Country. Joyce Hosier to Mr. and Mrs. Sparkle Puddings . *.§e BOSTON WILDMERE Cream of Wheat James Savacool, foregoing prop- i% ^i !• erty. TiMlo Paddings . "«7e BROWN BREAD URGE GRADE "A" lf^ COMPLETE SINCLAIR SERVICE Peanut Butter •«>'» **»Zh Most of New Jersey's municipal- Cream of Rice <«-^21i FOR YOUR CAR ities are now sitting pretty, finan- Venice Maid *&Gr»&r 15e cially speaking. TWAS not always Wheatles «*^11e «^*«1St so. Only a decade ago, 90 out of Spaghetti 'Kl' t',r 13c Wheat Pnffs M**™™ •-••»• 5t BATTERIES RECHARGED — TIRES REPAIRED Bovrll Beef Extract "-38c •rwm its 660 municipalities were in de c unEL carton mi SunnyfleldComFlakei^Si fault of their obligations. Today, ArmoHr's.o m%Tcr.tl3 - 19c less than a dozen are in the red.— Idoz WWti Bran Flakes •••wwi« «~* 7i New Jersey Taxpayers Associa- White Vinegar «*««*« Us Parkerhouse Rolls tion. Garden Relish ,\Z 13c Gulden's Mustard •»- »»13B Date & Nut Loaf '' Ann Page Mustard - - 9c Breakfast Sweet Rolls » Qraeefnirt Jilce .-13c [2! BUTTER . MIttn Cheese THE UNDERSIGNED Southern Coffee Cake •• 21 • Irapefrilt Jelee jftL» uiPahst-itt Blended Juice . • • • 17c UlChed-O-BIt T.'.V Dundee Cake,. •-^ Blended Jnlci . .-:.,41o 11 Alfle Jnlce !••».» —20c 11)BtrdMt"'.r.^.V '-21 e BUSINESS HOUSES OF SUMMIT l T 121Chatean AVAVi •-•*• 23i Dundee Cab . •••••84« Lemon Jelce «, , •*-«Bc ;s Llederkrm ».m ;;;26i Pl«tfflf e Jilce Oraige Juice .Ti - • 19c m Kraft e..V,7:JS». '£10* Will be dosed all day Temate Juice »•«•• ::: 19c [.Blue Moon t\\\\\\ «14. Tomato Juice MM -»«-10C (*)GergenielaCheese*4ti Saturday. September 8, 1945 •tW MfM. Uwkif i, ar HNtftiry yNI rWWC Fre,k MACKEREL ^ 25c FLOUR FLOUR m OtWMNCl OF THI Fmk PORfilES ^ 27c NECTAR t34 Fmh Bl)TTERFI8H*3U r.1.23 ,\ Fmk WHITIH6 »12t OUR OWN 131 Jewish Holy Days Fmk Clille&r^-4le Cherries I^^S "- -30e Camtheir Cherriee MS M—4dt Camefcell' l i SiM ttet Polish tar *•* Hefc InsectkWe «»*27i Frelt Cocktail IT»« " - 33c Tomato Seap -«-»-• !r 1 !• h^wleie "iW,11 'ti8i KOOnMBTSSHOr HILL CITY PAINT & WALLf APER let Page H*«*thitiWie ^1C« Snlnooh •*#•**- «- <«1^ Tomato Sena «*un - 10^ I hi I Shoe Polish'^:-7. Klrkmon's^A^S 14* ChiffedSi4naeh3 :r17. Chill Sauce »-".. *OOTS DffTT. STOM LOUIS ROSENSTEIN, JEWILIR lrlilfe "IT 1MU§jllr%otlfaii41i ltnlnil •*•• ^*t(N atrtag Beant t« "—11c Chill Same Cow Brand Soda .3« netr W« W ^ 23t ^ 3f« Inihrlts Clowoer . -5. Catiap nmmnm U*.M.\1% Pnnei WiilW SHOi SHOP S. R FRUMKIN, INC. • Certo . . . «-«24- V4vlWIKCeektaN V: 15. Pmes iieeilifs &%h t£%h *TYU SHOT JIANini'S BlnMhette Blio 2 - !• ffter PUM UhU's ""Wmr* -le White Wee Uaindry lleneh TO *»*••§ A Peon m, I lie IM Isn £M* ttSlhe Caf»f*oiri'Ii5^-ri1. Irowt Ball umr uiiuNinf nw SUI1RJU.18 MAP IVORY SOAP MAY SOAP TAW a*aw lf«rrA««/* wM alto be dmei HOW OflllALI tic* .20. 3 <*• 20* Mmdm.St&mtxrl', Yum Ktppur * « ^Pwl^WWPJi I AV1MU1 omol WMNMt SfWRr

•5 ft" TH! SUMMTT HBIAID. THURSDAY, SEFTGMIH *. mt (A) 11 JlcCue. Mr*. Helen, Suro- wil. ..l. . ... "Any j»r«iu affected by N\ AWflafsV wfWm Of Mil Ml - the action of th« Board »liall have the THIBII I • t to make application to a judge jit-auk*. .., (At K4P* BOROUGH M i'Hi-tsi, Id* fA) Moll, Arthur ' wiil open bert D. Taylor la still awaiting word' .. .. . <>n Nt»vt>jiiBtr« 15M«, altd tin Dt I'arlfci. U>u\* {• (B) Hurman, Thuinae. Si-' Read/toOpen *Mia Election Day, for the purpoao «f Ptlk tL MKViBW AVssujg ' the fan saaaea of tbe Chatham about bis father, tbe Rev. Herbert obtaining an order euiitiins him to 12) Ot-rity, Patritk J»rs. vrad. Murray— Sciwot P.TJL oa Sat-Taylor; M yean of age, who has vote in tha district in vtbkh h» ac- urday, fcptaalMr a, at tbe school tually rt*lde-s., Th« burden of proof Wr»re, f HOMXiV September 10 been held a prisoner by tbe Jap* shall be upon the sipplicant, The {©> t Daye, Fred L. 71M. piwiie wui a* held rain or anese in China. The councilman's Judge of the Court.of Common Pleas, Parker,. Kleanor, iX. Summit, •itA) ST Kerner, Thoma* BOROUGH-The borough shine with gamea at 240 aad sup- if satisfied that th«« applicant Is'en- >'. J-; KL1SK rhh NOW Ml brother, James H. Taylor, who latltlcd*under tb«_lttvk'_!«.,votfe at auch ParUr, ruytuond P., Box 303/ (A) Wolff, CUarles. RK1>. 1. school* ai* ready to open Monday par at ft o'clock. in Free Chios, is a.Ls© standing by r'.vctlcai, iilid "atttr dcKTininlug tilt* buiuuilt. N. i- ' Torpedo Boat election district In which sui-h persw j|Ul.MAI> (A)) ''. * WlfWolfff , SSlaryl . RF1>. morning, September _ 10, at » so that he may go to hie four actually resides, may i«suf an order 51. ham, X. 3. o'clock, for tha 1MH8 term.Par - children who are also in area that directing the district board of that MOUATA1X A district to permit such iwson to vote. /Mutfay, -Teresa Y. Murray (A). Garciai , HarrieHi t M. Murray Mil' Man Writes ents of school chitdraa were re- had been held by tile Japs. Such person, however, must re-rcgli- Mr. and Mrs. Harms ter before voting at any tubsequent S <|U I-'J Pautrl. FKA«L 8TRKKT Returning students will find OF ELKCTIOXS. Hill) X. J. (A) Hanks, Thomas j. borough, a graduate of Summit four new teachers. Mrs. Celeste Pool feOROUGH JAM KB J. DAVIS. rhiiSrman, IMSSAH' K1KKK1 (A) t.'adrnus, Hattle. RFD. j chat MA THICK I). 5 Ki^Uc, Mrs. UoruUiy High School, class of UM, writes Donley of Backing Ridge will suc- " XOi'ICK IS HEHEBV CJIVE.V that. (in A hum, >>'. J. BOROUGH — Councilman A. G. pursuant to the |*rovluii>ii» of Title IS '• tAi Craback, Mildred - (A) Cadinua, William B., ll.F l> ••' one of his former teacher* from ceed Mrs. Irene Morahan, re- ul-li of the KerUed Statutes of New KnvVAKl) A. KOICSL'L '¥> MlKli, Miry W. Chatham. N...J. '"' his post of duty In the Philippines Harms and Mrs. Harjns on Labor Jtrsey, and by virtue uf the authority Hv!i)iiU>-si>j|)er of !S (U) Knfifd, Ititliih H. signed, as supervisor of physical H* KJ^tration.- 7 Tiitis. >l!' - Altlua, Suni- with Torpedo Boat Squadron 39, Day opened their recently con* conferred Ulton the Lnlmi County fin, KIUUKVIKW AVfc.M education. Mrs. Donley is a grad- structed concrete swimming pool Hoard of Kl*etk>iis by law the lol- KATHKItINK M. CAUD, Member. " T Tims, William It. Summit, (B) II* (jobron, Mrs. Anna in part, as follows: uate of Pamer College, class of VM'Ki'iiH lutve, after l'-

  • Adaias. Utto V. . concluded I Imagine that you still teaching experience, iliss Rhoda hvm disquulilied. or have beta im- mil. X. J. | KutlEley. Mrs. Nettle. Murray Mountain avenue. Murray Hill, the pro|»srl>' registered, or liav« died. - (A i (A) Ktutie, Anna'A. Murray like to hear, from some of your old Armstrong, a graduate of Mont- (I!) S-l> Urimett, Mr». Klir. S, N. J pool ia a standard siie outdoor Tlie follovviiiK liiissificutioiiH, (itsiR- !!\»lp rai.ilitUl, JOIJII H. Murray acquaintances so I waited until 1 clalr State teachers College, class nated .by tht» <>>d«« I.t'llerss, "A" — "B" .Summit, X. .1. SOITII STlltKT pool. Water ia furnished by the < KMKll, AVJJM.K 1 N (B) Cobb, Helen-KHz. Murray had plenty of spare time to write — ..,-... — aIKj "j^"tol |Ktltut(! reasons (A) ' * " i'uilapiniioi' . Aifixd. Mui-rny Hi!!, of 1915, with a B. A. degree, will local water utility firm. for lueligibiiity to vote and the |>t-r- 'V) MUKKUCCO. O'b'.stlno." Murray Ijos U. to you before letting you Ui on the succeed George Alien, social sci- sotis hereinta-low first naimtl are list- Hill. X. .1. J 1 1 N ; Murray (A) Mea, Mr». Ellzabelh While some grading remains to illMOX .tVEMIE ( \ » ' " i -arlai)lani>, (A) KelchcnbacJi, K, little news that' I have to offer. ence teacher, who resigned to ac- ed for one of the following rcabons: lilll, X i. . _ be done around the pool and some "A"-~-Mis8t«l four (ifiieral Klectloi)*. i)v\ lln, Miss ltos>'. ; Shortly after I visited you earlier (A) Horiiano, Joseiili J. cept a position as boys' work sec bousing facilities tt be added to "B"—Moved, Left N*o Address, Left (A) Ciiiily. Mattlie" .?. fA) Engel, August, Jr., this year I returned to the P.T. retary In the Rahway Y.M.C.A. Cuunty (I9:3i-ii). II! VISION IVII.M'li (Al Itom.'iiio.'Mrs. lt>»«-- X. Hill, N. J. tbe southern deck, tbe Harms and "<;"—Do iiiit nof.stss i|u:t]ilH-ii(II.IIM (I! I T Schenk, Kverett M. Kuiii- (A) 'I'll? ko. Jolm training center in Rhode Island CARL EHNIft-MOMM tJC Harold B. Lance, who formerly J: AVKXIK T their more than SO guests on Mon-! t» vot« as required by the CoiiHtitu- mil, X (A) , Itvbert and after a very brief stay there conducted a school by the same i tluii »iid Uw« of the Htale of New VtSlW STttFET Mvlils. Ivmli'l I.. (H) day used the facilities of the ad- [•»*"£' iaviils. M'.its;ai'«-t (A) Peck. Arthur J. J was sent to New York to await name in Summit, succeeds George usi-d .(ltt:Ul-ir.).. «'li«-.-l. Ant<.ui<. Younurs, -Mrs. Miuie aary to insure dependability in j Xckliisoii.. r^oulse assignment to a new P.T. squad- dition, to> the|r hothe attraction*. As i<» p^ciiijH tiiiint'd. tli* sjn-fi- KKVJIItK'K lid A I) Orduiril, Mif. Sally. Sinuinit, Tr;itltA< K KOAIJ combat, cleanliness 'and comfort MacAUUter as fic rta'ciir l.i indicated by iho naiil 05) -Mil), Ahiiiva l>. riuinniit, (At (A> Petk, Matilda industrial arts Beside* neighbor* and friends from X. .1. ron. About the end of lh« month for living, and to be in the conv )"ode_ l.itti IN "A" —"I"," — '•«:" — "I>" .N. ,1. Oi clmnl, ' VV,il|iaiii, Suuunit, V.MOX AVK.NtK supervisor. * Mr.Lance has de-the borough, guests were present that lu'itfdc.s ench name :irul may Sic |j Mi)>, l;'tlvvai'il A. Suinniit, < AI (A> KIIKCI, Rudolph. <"hutham, N j of April Squadron Thirty-nine left pany of good men. This squadron (P.) X.. .1, greca from Amhenst College and from Miami, Fla., and New York. {dfflnitrly nsi'ertaiiH'd by ri'idvltiK to *•••'. Ivan V- Suniinlt, (A » I rvliiR, Howttrd -E. : the Brooklyn Navy Yard and after j'.. Ai\iii'((r K. ,S\inimit, (lit SV" (A) UQOIIIIS. Julia L. Murray Kin is considered to be one of the. beat Columbia University. In redmt 11 llellc r ln abuvb e K. J. a very rough trip altong the East One of the social featured of the j ^ . -Maltli:i , K.. Sum- X. J yet organized and has In Its com- years he has been associated with clam An oppurui'nlty t» i')f . ..It 1,1, IIIUVK. (,\) JIoi>ltz, Mthlrvrt Coast we arrived at our base in day at the Harms, was a i mil,- N; li. plement the best men and officers Carteret Academy. Miss Marie Irary to H\Hh"ria>« will he t<> C.V) ol • K'ct'ii:iti, t'llftV)V(l. "Summit, Klflc M. Sutinnit, (U(U ) .Schilling:, «'urric, K.K.D. 1. m bake. N. .J: (in :iiJ st. ham, X. J. Miami where we, proceeded to un-Jth'at P.T.'a have yet produced. The Fern aid of Boothbay, Me., will re- *.»U nhow nauir liutrri x. j. dflrgo a three weeks' shakedown Iirnyltlt-<1 1 I.AVIXA <(M III' \V. Howard.' Suni- (A) Schilling, Crace A. HKD. Chat- conclusion of this war has stopped place Mrs. Loretta Meyerson in BJAU/C j i«!ihonally at Room (W :> Xld.v, Mrs. luait; M., SuriT- (D) ' SI." Ut ham, X. J. Addittond 51! In tlic mil, N. .1. period. When that was completed the outfit from get ting., any battle the junior Industrial class. Mlai init, N. .r. "o(;kf, Sutimilt. l,SIO.\ STKKKT we shoved oft from there and l prior to Sc-ptviitber 27, 1045. Kiiiluro ti, (.V) (i Melt-, X'ut.sy A. Summit, (AV , Hlcculo. Christina honors but in the short time thai Fern aid has had 26 years' experi- n aitiifiir and nul.mlt X. ,1. making stops at Cuba, Jamaica, we have becrr organized we have ence In her field. - Colombia (South Amor lea > and received commendations from an ^Families with, school children Coco Solo we reached the Canal admiral for performance along the new to the borough schools are Zone. coast during our shakedown and asked to register tomorrow (Fri- The trip through the Panama for our general organization. day) In Mr. Robert's office in Lin- Canal was one of the real adven- I guess this covers tiny news coln School between 9 a. m. and tures of ray long period of fervl- that may interest you about the 4 p, n>. tude In this duty. Watching the outfit I'm In. About myself there The entire teaching staff will Our Peace Time Plans workings of one of the greatest Isn't much to say. I'm In good meet with Mr. Roberts Saturday j accomplishments of American en- health, have a wonderful tan, anat 10 a. m, to make plans for gineers gave me am much of a enormous appetite, and am par-Monday's opening and the courae thrill as when we shot down our ticipating In any activity that Is of the year's work, first plane last time out in the provided for us. I do a lot of Mr. Roberts states the schools' area. Our division tied up at the studying because 1 have plans for program "will change somewhat piers on the Balboa side of the some dependable post-war employ- from the stress of war allowing locks awaiting the arrival of the ment. In the way of athletics, I've teachers to give more time to liberty ship which was to trans; participated in quite a few jsott- academic work. The flve-j«rlod a port us to our Philippine base, ball and hardball gurnes. My boat week program in physical educa* During the ehort time tliat I team hat the best record In the tion for boys in the eighth and was In Balboa, I had the oppor- division and I guess If time per- ninth grades will be continued. mits we could go on and take on tunity to locate a friend of mine The same program will persist the rest of the squadron. I played who was a former Summit High for the first and second graders, School "Great": R. J. Lalotte— in Miami and teamed with a Coast Guardsmen; wo took who wilt bo divided into the walk' known as Buddy. Bud is at the ers and riders, The walkers will present time connected with a a Serviceman's Doubles Tourna- ment. In Panama I missed out on report at 8:45 a. m. and will leave Topographic unit but this Is a new school at 2:15 p. m. The riders, assignment for him. Previously winning a free telephone call home when I was nosed out in a who will come to school on a spe- Buddy had been a service unit and cial bus, will report at 10 a. m. and he proved to bt one of the out-fl.nal ping pong match at the Naval Receiving Station, On this remain In school until 3:30 p, m. standing baseball and Mrs. Lydia Atteridg \m the helping and football players that was ever base where we are now stationed there isn't too much offered In the teacher with this group. seen In that area. He has played The cafeteria will not open until against college, and professional way of athletic activities. There are ping pong tables available and next Monday morning. This was stars — namely Terry Moore, announced this week by Mrs. Wil- Mickey Harris, and a few others— a horseshoe pitching court. We toss a softball Iron ml just to keep liam Landtnesscr, president of the and he must hava left quit* an P.T. A. This will enable tha ac- impression upon them because he in practice. I guesti later on we will be nearer a ball Aeld and that cumulation of supplies, sht ex- BU received •ore* wonderful plained. Mr*. Howard Smith and offers. His great performances should Invite competition once again. ' Mm. Fred Parker are the worker* haven't affected him in the least at the cafeteria. Complete meal* because he is still the same even ftro served at 15 cents each. dispositioned, clean living fellow Th eouulde of Lincoln School that ho always waa and 1 am posi- M«rh«dlsf Church has been completely redecorated tive that after this war (or peace, REV. HERBERT F. IMB1NETT this summer, the stucco touched 1 guess it is now) permits demo- The official board met Tuesday up and the wood trimmed. In bilisation and the Lalotte guy evening, Sept, 4. addition the corridor* have been comes home h« will continue to Thursdny, Sept. «, the senior done over In three shades of green make a name for hlnuelf. Bud choir will meet at the church at under the supervision of Mrs. cam* aboard my boat for a while 8 p, na. (Catherine Wright of the Board of and X took a few pictures, copies Sunday Education. The achool has been of which 1 believe will be sent to 10 a. m.—Tbe opening of the completely redecorated in a period you. regular letaion of the Sunday of three yean. A day after I visited Bud mySchool, after the completion of the boat was loaded aboard a ship summer session. Students will re- and ten hours later we were un- turn to their classes. derway. After a forty-day trip 11 a. m.~Morning Worship, The Council Settles . which, was dull and monotonous topic of Mr. Dabinett's sermon will we arrived at some Philippine be "One Week at a Time-But Island where we were unloaded. God's Year." Bus Franchise We went to a very large P.T. base IVotnen'a Society The Women's Society for Chrifi- almost immediately and there tinn Service will meet Monday Jolntd the rest of the squadron. Tax Question afternoon, Sept. 10, at 2 o'clock in BOROUGH — At an adjourn «d That evening word cams through the church parlors. Rev, John meeting August 2», Borough Coun- ovtr our radio that the Japs were Eakin of Chatham will be the cil settled 1U bus franchise tax willing to surrender. Men went gueit, ipeakiitg on Thailand. wild that night, All night long problem with Michael DeCorso, Hostesses will be Mrs. Richard owner and operator of the Sum- flares and rockets and ship fllash- Marsh, Mr*. Aline Genung, and llghts illuminated tha bay and mit-New Provid«nc« Bus Co, The Mm, Oscar Fauns. question of several months' stand* aleep waa just another word in Evening Guild our vocabulary but not an actual Ing revolvad around the iaau* of The Women's Evening Guild will whether th« council would tall* Include You thing. 1 gueaa this act of the meet Monday evening in the Japs changed a lot of ptaiM be- recourse to legal action against church parlors at 8.15, Slides will cause now Instead of joining the Mr. DeCono t» collect penalties be shown of South America. Mrs. agalast him for not filing with tha fight we an waiting around, an Donnell Power will lead the devo- advanced base for further orders borough body a statement of gross tions. » receipts as required by the State at to our next typo of duty. On>lr»—Thursday WiiU* at our first bast I had law when at the same time the 8:S0 p, m.—Jr. Choir, at home of the food fortune to run into two bus man was operating under an Mrs. j. W, Wahl. other Summit boy» who are In the annual Uccn«« issued bins by coun- F.T. duty. Th# first fellow I met I p. m,- 8r, Choir, at church. cil. WOMEN Social Club waa Don Woola«y who Is a terpe- Barred by the statute of liml- doman awaiting asslcnment to •{ The _Methodis .. t Social Club will mtet Ttm tvcnln U tat Ions from ruing for more than boat as . rtplacinwiit. Th. other | * «« ***• StOO, Mr. DeCorso agreed to pay ftilow vu Frank L«MtcnM. a Rlltn the borough this amount, the total q«art»rmajtt«r, who is in about representing flnt* til I10O for each tha MMM« posit l»n as Don, just of the last four months of 1M4. JOBS AVAILABLE NOW awaiting assign went It's odd how e BOROUGH-Mr. and Mrs. filar- On advice of his attorney, John thlapi work out: |uya you could F. O'Brien of Newark, Mr. De. huva tmn anytinto of th« r- Oommltt«« «s far W* the borough BERKELEY HEIGHTS, N.J. lnt«r«ftlnt H^tWM, m«n at th« 11 o'clock »*>rvle# will wa» concerned ana wtri for this *fim mu*Arm m wMch 1 amlie tniinlrlpullty for«*ttlng the Wh«l# At D., LI W. $MHm Mia tin* m ft ww *t mutter a» far m Mr. DeO»*W« 0m f IVIH mnhlni any payment *'as con- BORUWIM MIM Bl««nor Con cerned, However, Ouncllmen Han* m nw of lk!«rs(J»l«, N. Y., has, ##ll. Cunningham,Harms, and Oajr vlaltinf thhw Mi Mi Kva and Katli* concurred with IM ide* of eolltet^ ft boat ltr#y«r «f lag the WOO Iron! Mr. tM tti Pmtk. and It was «c«w«ttNfly i» ififim^ij THg,SUMM4TJHgiAU),THURS^yrSlfTEMSER 4, 1945 jrtiwriargev«rnmenF"S«Tr party to an election to determine for labor its bargaining agency in any .plant, large or small, anywhere ib the land? It leems to me alto- AMERICA UNIIMITED gether reasonable and feasible for labor and management to conduct By Brie Johnston their own affairs on the basi* of Tax,es and Jobs ^ mutual respect without official intervention. Precisely, because (ti. tori Not*: Tht* MtUct* I* P« •/ • writ* compliant Kite Johnston $ itw 600*th. e period ahead of us is a critical » Vtilimitti-" *»f jobation 11 prtsideat »t tht V. S •iir- el Commit f.) one, with difficult problems to be E TEND to thiak of labor and management in exag- solved, both management and gerated cartoon symbols. Labor is a tough, lean labor must take advanced posi- W tions on the solutions of their own fellow in overalls and squared paper hat. Management is problems without government in- a p,,t-bellied fellow with a big cigar and a silk hat. We had trusion. Independencr..._ e sacrificev%#d better expunge these false cliches from our minds, because tin a moment of crisia u not easily both fellows are Americans of roughly the same mental and "gained when the crista it ended. psychological make-tip. There are real management prob- It is simpler to lose freedom than : : to reconquer it. s t o be solvesolvedd . Upon their relationship there is The National War Labor board Grade Why prejudice the job in ad- no shadow of the feudal memo- .(.' bv assuming that two dif-" has been necessary in wartime. vance ries of master and serf whirh ,t sinctes of human beings j ,j, management - labor We accept government Interces- Kt darken sion to [regulate disputed just as arc 1nvolved? . .-I dealings in some other parts of we accept other restraints that • One is in work clothes, the j the world. There is no call for would be rejected in time of other in offi'-e 1 humility on one side, or for de- peace. But it would be hurtful, Top Quality clqtb.es. But In j lusions of superiority on the other if not fatal, to the future of nine cases out Union rule* that tend to ex- labor and business alike if the of ten the busi- clude ,. American workmen from sphere of management-labor re-, Ah—tender, delicious top quality "Grade A" chicken at this startling IQW price! Just the size you wont for broiling, frying or rocUtinfl. ness man han job* of their own preference, iations were preempted by gov- done an appren- that prevent . HMIUII busiitetHi ernment as its special province. ticeship in ov'er- Pur« Citrus pm Ih. Cra* from makiiifr u KP of it, that sty- Let me set down a few simple ~ LAMB al Is or their mie tochnoloKietil progress and propositions which seem to me SQUARE CUT equivalent. I n ptiiiiliio the consumer, must in fundamental in the evolution of a the tenth case flip end reuct ugaiiiKt the whole. healthy labor-management pic- Marmalade -.215c 2 his father — or labor movement. ture: • , , Ib. his grandfather t Pure orange, grapefruit and sugar. Buy a supply now! '• Shoulder of Lamb 35c 35t The faults of organized labor in ",. Practical cooperation be at> the outside- actical cooperation be Supreme rs a working man.' America in the main run parallel , iWecn labor and management doejS Farmdalc Evaporated Enriched Ib. The two parties to the bargain- to the faults of business. T*e tea- \ not implv an abridgement of the MILK BREAD Loin Ghops 59c 55c log process are fundamentalld y dency to reach out for power, to j rignt of expression of intelligent take all that the traffic will bear -, ifelf-interest by either side. Man- Toll 20-OI. Amer'i-iiiini s of the saroe hhunrmn I jn ,t given'situation, to forget pub- Coo Loaf ma given-situation to forget pub a«e.nent, in other words, must 2 18c 9c Rib Lamb Chops Ib. 46c 43c liber..They share the same phlos- ]ic interest, to overlodk the long recogrnize the'right of labor to NO FOI.STS NEEDED! Bar » supply D»lrd f«r rrn*. (I Ibit lo« price! . vitamin B«. Bt. nl»«l» ophy„„,„. ;-.their aim., and ambitions view in favor of immediate profit-J .^ek to protect its economic gains arc peculiarly American,' even which of these haa not been | 2 Ib. where the s:ale la different. In Labor) by the same token> mugt Shoulder Chops 40c 38c charged against labor and capital j recognize the competitlve-market human terms they meet as equils. alike, and with about equal jus- ; pressures on business OSCO Grade "A" tice? Y 2. Labor must recognize thnt u. Stewing Lamb Ib. 19c 19c FAILTS OF LABOR ARE national prosperity, and hence the MANY AMP VARIED Pork & Beans CM 8 4 well-being of workers, whether Our finest slow-cooked pork & beans. Try them.' 1. Arbitrary refusals to accept organized or not, depends upon a Legs of Lamb Ib. 40c 38c workers into membership. When free and prosperous economy. In- HUUOCK All-OIUEEN CENTER-CUT 6UENWOOO "OIA0I A' a union has a closed-shop con- terference with that freedom Is NO 2 4 QA tract, and when! therefore, no therefore inimical to the interest Asparagus CAN IOake> truly free and fair election*; ASPARAGUS 31 others that go through,the forms Our finest tend oil-green asparagus spear i. Supply them with our pies of democracy but are without a Round Steak Ib. 42c 40c 35c * OX1OCK 11-«i pkt trace of its spirit. O»M Mtdal, Pitltbvry, H.clitr't and cake. 4. Failure to render proper Corn Muffin Mix \2( financial accounts. Some unions FLOUR Plate Beef Ib. 20c 20c 18c have understood the need fltfsrrclalir aiScounCabllHy. Other* Apple iawerrrr. \5€ protest that they dart- not revea' PRESTO 26c 2 Ib. 27c Today's Suggestions their financial'status to the em- Hartley £Z£» £ lit Hamburger 27c 27c ployers, It Is an argument that Bargaining —Not Bayonets DAVIS •5T- Speedie-Whip S ORANGE CREAM will soon go down the drain. Ultimatums by either side prove 5. Too many strikes. I believe nothing, and concessions exacted Gold Medal, Hsckers, Plllsbury, Corosota 2 Bologna >»33c Slices . . .-. 10c that a large proportion of strikes by violence leave wounds that do are avoidable. not easily heal. Management, at its end, obvi- 4. Reliance upon government to 2 PINEAPPLE ously must revise ita traditional ... ., Liverwurst •» 39c ..' , , . . . . i solve labor-management problems Flour attitudethese havs etowar lingered udn onom.sm. It , ciwhorm neo . , T " " f«vwi«M Flounder . . Torte . . . . 45c tios unboundfederal .administrativ Lawsuits ane dagencies appeals, .17 Ib. longer blink, the fact that labor involving thousands of pages of Enriched Flour ".i' $1.05 i ItZANoLoaf ">-55c BOSTON will get a large voice in our peo- testimony and heavy legal fees, Our finest all-purpos? (lour, guaranteed to meer your Ngheir exptctattor* WHOLEWHEAT, RAISIN ple's capitalism, -Neither Its feel- arc futile extravagances. There is or w» will replace absolutely free with any other brand. d 0 Mackerel ... . .23 Ib. ings nor its interests can be treat- little an outside agency can ascer- 4 , FRESH ed lightly. The worker* will in- tain which the partiea lnvoIved«-do CHEESE FEATURES Scrapple "»17c Bread . ... 15c creasingly be told more about the Fillet of Haddock .41 Ib. problems of the business in which not know more intimately. Bleu Cheese p A fifth proposition applies more are engaged, in order trtnt ptMINTPIME 0 RATION CALENDAR fEACH ' fX licltl to they may comprehend the larK«r P y management. I am Pabsteft,t 6'j-ox. pig , 7 pit Chateau rr.2t.TtC scttlng U down not Hs a recom Red Stomps A' to Q' OSCQ "heat-flo" pattern and their place in it. Con- | - VZ Layer Cake 45c tldcncc. hereafter, will have to h, ! mendatlon but as a subject for 14c Bond Ost ?£Z"~ 49c (l| 10 Poinh tach b>i«d on knowlcdRr. not on clever | sousslon and inquiry, since it Li Mo .slogHiis i Oll often been able to "play" one firm AiCO Orsng. ' against another. Having jockeyed Nabisco Rib £ 21< : one concern into line, it can u«e IEA ^ i the resultant contract «.i a club to Apple Juice 100% Bran Landscaping Material drive others into line. MttnnKeinrnt has fulled In co- U Cocktail 15< Rice Krispws "Z lit ordinate effort by region or by Industry, fearlni thst this would Lemon Juice Wh "lnerettae iinlonl*Htlon.M But onr« OlINWOOD fonty N.. % Cm wm weog nlic frankly thai Humus * PeafMoss union* nr« here to ttoy—that col- I fancy poto*»« Why pay more' Grapefruit Juice 13f Cora Flakes X lf>ctiv«i b«rgaJnInR la nit mt*b- All tUNSNINI lb. pkt. lUhfd and iM«ful rr»IHy--theii Krispy Crackers \9( tliMt few IIMWII Its point. Floor WaC33f£J Fertilizers * Top Soil If management could organlir, 6 — 19cH l«fr.rt Spead-Up Bleach £ employ competent personnel to Corn deal with orfRnlted labor by ice- tloiiB and by IndiwtrlM. many of Building Stones * Fill the prr*tnt dlffieultiti might din- 65c Rppear. Und«r such art arrange- Danish Cabbage 3 - 1 Oc iPreservmyars IHAt I I-HAl fdUIT nient differences In wnf« acale* litre 'J"11 fXd •*"• and condition* of labor could N* buBCh c Jars ^65*^751 Shrubs * Evergreens recognized In the regional area at an Industry. N#ith«r l«b«r nor California K) Jelly Glasses •*"»$$( MCr rfcfin **mH nianftR«m«nt could fh#n u*« such Carrots dlffflrentinli mi m cloak for mon*»p« Metal Thrift lids -• 1(X White Housi STLiU oltotto pollclt*. AH our bright prt»«ptct# for th» *. 15cRubber Jar Rings »• H CERTO &W For Prompt Service poitwar y«an can h« wr«ck#d on the «ho«l« of induatrlal kttit*. Pears Paraffin Wax 2 Z Sure Jtil ^%m Hi CALL Oood Mar ralattona «r« tht, f^n* diinient,fll condition for tht critical 2 * 15c year* iihpad of u*. Both manage- Egg Plants B/^nMHWHHIWw « ^™^^T|^^ men( and labor have nothing to Oakite Summit 6-5937 pin and everything to !«•• in th» 1 KM, wr#ckag« — nnly mliehl«f-maktrs and en«rnl{>fi of our p«opl«'« capl- tnllam (in dprivo uny comfort •la from UtiliiHtrial conflict.

    plrlurc In not. a iwondarjr matter Summit Landscape Service to b$ d«nlt with In •parattmt* ft 77 I* a central chnlltng*. Nothing »*»riimi«M Ay* Wrnml*. N. J. ^i« than th« lift or dtnth of our f r«i economy la at ataka. Operated by JO THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMII* 4. IMS health A., Ut Amwd Um*m With Piesic i change of address post cards fut! main*. G., nished by th« poet office, returned >Vlnsp«ar,, p sample ballot envelopes and notices personally from the registrants that they have moved from thf countyt. , (A) Baunian. Henry J. Scotch Persons reading the notice in this ' PUIiu. N.-J. KF0 1, (A) jjmiM'lyi issue of the Herald are urged to Scotch Plains. N, J. i.\l Litsin*lyk- Joseph, It'KD I, ask friends on the list to "get in Si-oti.li Plains, N. •!,- , touch with the County Board of .U, Township Schoob >U) *™J:, RKU? Elections immediately if an error Sculi'h ! (A) fitzgrcrald, has occured.. Plains. N. J. E.. P.l'D 1, 6et Under Way 1 Scotch Plains. N .1. In Tether Ball (B) .Mumfoiil- t;oruon h. r.FD J to school thK morning at Calum» Scotch Plains. N'. -I bis, the Bonnie Burn Preventort- (B) .Mum (oiil, ls.ibtl K, Scotch Plains. -V. J- And Horseshoe um, and Regional High School, OerKer, Frank (l > TOWNSHIP-A feature of the Springfield, to face the first non- .Scotch Plains. N .1, ( \) i^t^ngd. I'T'tiiK .1., RFD morning program at Friday's clos- war school tiroj/'ln nearly four Stotch Plains. N. .)• n .years. As tlift/Herald was going (A) Su-nRcl, Mis- Kulh. RFD ing events of the summer program Scotch Plains, X. J. at Columbia playground was a to pre&s it was too early to learn (K) Williiiirison. Hubert, enrollment figures. Scotch -Plains. N. .1. playoff for horseshoe champioir- FI..\INHH-I> ships. Township pupili, who have (D) Oros.--, Clmrles It. ' In the senior Class A grouii bought several thousands of dol- .SL-OUII Plains', >' •'• A): •Hiifclainl, Herberi, Berkeley lar* worth of war bonds and stamps Frank Petrone and Earl Herbst are expected in their various grade (A) Knglami, Mars.net, Berkeley defeated Dominick Imbimbo and HolBlits, X. J. Robert Prince in two out of three levels to wage an equally active Berkeley (D) .Oriffin Oirui *., matches, 21-17, 18-21, 21-20. In the sales campaign for the Victory Heights. N. •». , „ ,, RD t, Class B group, Joe Cerulli and H. Bond Drive which comes next Siotch i'laln*. N" •'• , month. J Pasquale took Louis Zarro ond < JOHN B. LAGEB (A) I npe. William, in<"l' 1.-Scotch ^ Deapite shortage of materials Plains, .V. .1. John Turiano, 21-14, 21-13. For TOWNSHIP-Local desideaU and supplies, the physical plants (Al RIIMM: IHIIVK K. • 1. the juniors under 10,, Danny La > were attracted to the September •i|oii«-.' M'-- l'sr;iin:<'<. P.Kti S;isso and William DeMa defcatrd at Columbia nndt Regional have , 3 issue of Life page 94 featuring a II 1'lirius. N .1. John McGrath and Anthony been maintained and theusual (B). ItOOMI-i i lil.'t IHiMI. 1, I full page color photograph of John NVwfiiijili. l.i>wi-ll \V. Hl-'b Pcrillo. repairs made. v B- Lager of Springfield avenue, ii PUins, N .1. • ' In the tclhfrball. tournahicm (H) . TWIN KU.I.S U»t\l> Berkeley Heights, president of. the j 1 f'till .j;n-ohu.«, II n.'iyiiniiiit. Si'o playoff in Class A^group, DOniin- Township of New Providence Res- j ». v. .1! ,-. ItFU !, ick Imbimbo defeated • Robert TOWKSHIP ~ CSoaing d»y ac-One hundred thirty-flvc children gram each day. Outstanding , who said the playgrounu progra ,l;n obiis,' La \'i'i'iic, JPrincipaTUrges cue Squad. "Mr. John Lager—Dis- ' events among the boya have had filled a° long-time need here Mi-.iti.-li. Plains. N ,F. Prince. In Class B, Louis /inguisned Orchidologiat" - Is pic- itmU«* of the Columbia Pl*y- and a number of parents attended 1. Sroifh Plains, X. .1. Dayton excellent according to Chairman .softball team, winning two of the better citizenship in general.. I eat, it i.i regarded as likely that of Lord' Calvert "Custom" blend- * (Al* ' Hmiillwooil, Miirion I). — "I — bread prices may. rise next year. High School, is advocat- R cre36ion George May of the Recreation three scheduled games. The girls' Mr. Monica made a report,of the ltFl> 1. Si-otoh I'lixlns. N', .1 ing a'bacU-to-.sclibol drive. With •Men of DLstinc-? « CtemmHtee with the summer playground program at (B) Brnttii, IMPII K -- .1? — P.FDJ In part this la due to the fact that conducts hu or- I coopemtion of Jbe Beard of Edu-Committee and Chairman Charles program has included various 1. Scotch Plains X. .1. the war in both Europe and A-sia competitive games, mimic appre- last night's September meeting of (B> Prott-ii. IJ-iii.-ifil U. —".!• — PJ'D j the government subsidy of $1.50 cation, daily se&slons for five days M Monica, chairman of the Town- 1 over, unemployment will increase , chid business in Morris avenue, ciation hours and bobby shows. the Township Committee. He had 1, Sc-olcli Pliiiii -. X. .1. I on a bag of flour, the equivalent to a week over a period of seven ship Committee's recreation com- VAMiKV 114)A If 1 and jobs will go to. those who are \ Summit- 24 cents on a bushol of wheat, may wrecks of supeffi&ed play have mittee. . An average Attendance of Mr. \Monica was especially only superlatives In his praise of (VI «liiueen conducted en the Columbia 4 price we will pay for Cuban sugar he points out. J School athletic field. attended the playground's pro- a number of mothers in attendance | of the "playground. f|p|(l. N. •). Increasingly, youth of high school Final BaH Games WASHINWIUS AVKSI'K will be higher than at present, and (R) HMinp. Donald. Berk^tey Kiev, IMwaiil .J. Jr. H!» Hollii, .Mary i some of this may be passed on tn age who have not completed their ! B.-hiie. Matliildft, RU I, Scotch X. T" Noiice to Voters in KIUIIHT, Kinillt>, Uei (Al Me* iratli, John T, i(B» the consumer. Furthermore, lard schooling, will be dropped from | tf. N. .1. >rrunil lUstrlcl i I'litiiis, N. .1. (VI KniiilOin, I'.iizalit-lh O.—5 At Columbia Si-'iri. Sam.- .11:. ICllKaheili, ItFD. may be more costly, tod. after the employment rolls. It is of the ut- ! I < A r IKU.ro.N IIIIII.KVAIIH (A I FiMiihlin, Williain Al,—& l NEW PROVIDENCE 'NflllXiFIKMi AV>;M>: moat importance that every boy i j expected rise in the support price* Adatiis, (*i:rl | of hogs...... and girl shall be brought fticc to : TOWNSHIP ( A > 1'ijili.t, I»a\!il A., Hcr Playground Listed nt:i:*:r.v «;IVIA -,.!1V <.f TlUf iI-. N. .1. :• face with the need for thorough ! ACOI ST •;* ii.\jiE 1 s, N. J. j Back in the days of the deprcs- !•».; i- L v .I.* i> « I 11 ut < of (A) ("lurk, <'iiili«i iiif t. (At liiisilima, Charles, Ith'l Scot< li ' ' Board Publishes (A) Park, Mrs. Mildred, P.l>. 1, preparation for the years ahead. , . -•£ I 1- the ( A» e K, Jh p Plains, .V. J. . I | slon, an investigation conducted Mftnoriula I In I >r\ I MICH, .IniitfK J. i A t I fill. Jos«-|ililiw- ; Scotch Plains, N. J. Pur country can make the most of : '- '3 1 I by the Senate committee on agii- n. H. f i.» In I is' l IK I >cl MUCH. JuKcph M. i|t( Leu *, Kilward .1., Si-ou,li ! itself only as * the youth of high j w Ho trtl ihe (A) Sturgls, CUunitf, .Scotch I culture established the fact that « tun'i li«\<, A» I iiiliilai-d, SHIIIIIOI, I'I I'hiins. N.-J. VA-l). I | Inactive List K< 1'n, (i IS tlcights. N. .1. (Al l.(c Mrs. Beilha K,, Scotclii I'laiA*. N. .1. school age, who will be our leaders i « ii%ti« 5"<» 'i f'l'JiuJ In- (the price of wheat La not the con- <" tll.iml.-f, K f» 0 'in \ i \> Kline, I'ttir, llcrkoloy I'li'ins, N. -I. , ! ' ULI:N)»II»H AVKXTK in 10 or 15 years from now, arc! It di. | ( V) S1i.ii. (M Ueiiiti*-, Wilfred, Mvnray Hill, J trolling factor in the. price of II f NVIUlam K., .Scoti-li , given thorough preparation, he ' *'i "* ' ! hue *•-• Ktmi/ Mis Mary, HriktUy I Pl.-.liiv N. .1, Of Local Voters j bread. The priced of other in- linn i\ , -f 7. i t I.-. N. .1. i i A t SUn.Ki-1, i.e.-iip, Si.-oti.il Plain*, HAMII.'I' (* • II ; x. J. Htiglils, N. J, ^ —"IV j Mm-I'll i-i^int, .Ivimie Aiiilii-w. Kl'lt., Siutili Herald the Union County Board of j of bread, together with labor and For four year.*, war pressures i •; t\ II i i A > Tri-vnn, At \M -. ullt. Anut-lilhi I, have pushed high school enrollment j rf ft « t •»" t< 1 \r i Pt;«lii<. \. .1. ( U (iiilil, JlisH Anna—W>—Murray Elections is publishing; a list of j distributions costs, 'outweigh the >•!• Al t"vHiuM"« M. Mrs. l',i!i\f, Stutcli ,,. ' ( \ V '1'nrtifi, down and child labor up. A national j (H Jislt-d j A> ' Monlci*. ItHfitllnn Illll. N.liin>,' Cliurlt H <,'., i Ii4lhain, ' (Ai 'i'w nti, ray Htll. -N. .1, ante with the State election laws Ah rc H \ M .X. .1. / KUAII enrolment by appealing' to teen- i p, .,.Aji: ;)| N. .1. Ut'l' I. , Jvlui (i. P.I-'U.. i ! where there is permanent registra- Population Paradox 1 . 1 IM.-«n. Atinn T> (At W.u.k u 11!i (Viiry.y Matthew, KVD. t., Agers who have summer jobs,'who j imUuniio." n> ,nnt . Plains. X. .1. tion. These persons arc placed on < —1- A> !!> Jersey' exceeds all other state.-. I'l IIICI", f A) VVt licr, Mm. l,uil!li-., ''li.tlhiun, (A> Hick*, Miss AmiM. jobs and who ate still in school but Vin. eiHl unmn r\..\t~\: lowing reasons: moving from their > "> I- !» ' ( B> l.im.'i sti-oin. 1'utoK, Box Svutch Plftin , N. .1. except Rhode Island, yet there Hi il.»t. IKK l,\St: registered address; those who have thinking of dropping out to get a l. r Mmia) Illll, X. .!• , arc hundred* of square miles m V. STATION KTHt;i;l (\) W'anstall, WJII. K, V. O. 121, died; or those who have not voted - job. T ll, IMA MO.Ml HIM, lid U> f c I!i» (.'link, l>.iuil, Smt'cl) Plailm. *" MRKItTt NTREKT at a general election during four High school enrolments in the ,|p £.*•;!»•.* — It out an inhabitant. 1 ivttuil. rf i S. ,1. United States virtually doubled Ih, ami in:»y !•«' Mrs. rk» (A) Hertiaf, Minnie, Berkeley successive fears, \.\ ircIsht-..,.N 3. i(Hl l.'iitiliiii. llt'illm M., Scotch llelghtu, X. .!, every decade from 1870 to 1930, li ! Pluiiw, .\. .1., I!FI>. 1. (A) Malno. Miss P., Berkeley The list published in a legal ad- Limited numbers of pr«-war 2« II AMK A IMfIllOft, AnKKhi M ' I'liiiton, Harold W , Scotch H.lghtu, X, .1. when Ihcy reached nome five mil- iH,u.1-H i!|> (A> vertisement in thus issue of themodel electric blankets are bems (At A ni'idfi', Niiliolas V-. Pliiilix. N. ,1., HFI* 1. (A) 'IVfniper, Ullbeit, Berkeley lion student*. In 19HM1 the number |V|>«|.('oln All Sfar* to, N. .1. llfighti", 'N. .?. Herald on the basis of information manufactured again and a nr.v he K (H» Ka v .MaiKiiH't 1< . Scotch r: H. (A» (•. i,, i | >. i r 111. l.«mi-< .!' N. .1. (A> Trmip*"!', Mnry, Berkeley of students fame to an all-time if received {rom personal investiga- model may go into production be- am i(H) Svr>)iii turned and enrolment dropped to I Initilnili. 6,000,000 in lfl« and 45. Most of Wi'incr, :t'i" 1,.IIS.Ml, if this decrease in high school en- »'. troii.-. If rolment has been due, Mr, llalsry Z.trio, i declares, to the great increase in I'l'llu-i1. *f youth employment.

    The Regional llijth School ha* (mfrlrta not had a severe decrease in enrol- fit'Krniuo, 21) . mcTit'dtirint^t-itc war because teen- lmtilmtm, p : agers have; apprweiflted th« need I it-Kronxo. vl .... If for gettini a high school diploma IVrllln. 31. and iKcaw.ic of the growth in popu- I-'. Kf.«la, i- Pl#a*. kf »»n Jhat lation o/the six regional commun- Mnnili'lll. •*« * l« •»ntttt«l u nt I'irullo. if mtch »!#4-tt«r , ind al(*r ities. /Now that the war is over. VtliiflHlrJMf, lh 4 the (•Tfrttart It is/hoped parents of boys and person actUJk 1« *»f girl/ who have dropped out of At «U*ST 29 that dlt«frf'i S- to high school, will urge them to re- (llHrd-Rnll) Dodfrri turn and complete their high school Ah R »» tl#»iicliM, * 'tim H, B litfltall A third bollrr to Us heating H laH1*<|Ut% if unit The mvdarn lelepMn* •ysttm'is wire alone run into staggering figures, system, hy the Wnr Production .Mn'iid I. '/,! extremely complex. Unlike a com- Board, Conversion to till from coal many millions of feet. W , ttFO 1, v, ill now be posmMr, ApplknMon St-olvb Pt.Jir.0.. %" ,1 modity, it is composed of many kinds At \tVttV UAMK «nd apprwl for ifronvcrsion of the r of equipment which must be com- New switchboards take months to 0 \ build, and then more months to in- jtmiHtoriiim'.*! lieating system had «!«•!« IA* fttitMiltapo. OAl A, bined and made to work smoothly bp«n doni«MI by the Itevipw.i nnd i. n IF. i,,* *rti.» stall. Miles of new cable must be made App«iftl* Committee of the Petrole- IVrlllrt ;!b «B» J Ma*. «.1»»rit« J. I?Fl> 1, t>«t- with the apparatus already in service, 11. liiitilinbd, lh b»m. N. J and laid under streets and along high- um Administration for W«r. With N. Chla i If no, i- Enlarging the system is t long process. IVtrow*. If (B* Jf.*». Mr* ways. And for each installation of new the end "f itttioninit of furl oil .1. l-'«»t«. •» X. J, RFP I and giwoliiiF, restriction* on re-j'; 'Dtaiw, i* imrn nxr nmrr iMfftve* Nnfl factorial and getting taw apparatus, there must be myriad wire- <-»nverit«ii vtvre. lifted, in many V .» end connections, each completed by fHKIUWll'. Mirir materials is a huge task -but it's only Turin no tf hand. Mi-Cunt ft. H#0fhrV N J a start, The shortage of telephonl The ?«n«t(»ihnifj \M forced to j j"'Aarvn. i" ih> Ms .«»» ronvtrl Id wnl fn»m ml heating | equipment is tmtion-uidt. New Jer- Nearly all of New Jersey's 200 tele- tlire« ypur-Jt m« Third hdiler wnii j I nt. •ey'a share of the national output call* phone exchanges, over-burdened dur- applied for tMM'ftu»e the oth^r two ! rt for great quantities of switchboards, boiler*, nvdHEiiiR :i ymirn In ngt, 1 o X ing the war, need to be expanded. In Hi .1 o cable, wire, telephone ^ instrument*, hrenk down during tho winter. » •«i»e instances, new or enlarged 1 s o N J Appeal WH« mud* xevrral month» Primm1*, p and scoria o( other items. Cable and A !»»*.««» Ms* Mart* I U.ilml. #• % bilrfig are required. «fo. and wa« henitj t»efor« th« War i f M Mfd\ n Mart* K#itif!«f for til| * ahtdd, the war record of the Tile* 1 A • gi«vt> hU nidi. In rf ••*,. phone Organisation is the best index of what maf be r ttf n n m*riri» ntfmrr. thr h«v« betn mAde st t*Bect«4 of it In piicetime. That same cipachf will el tlM Holt- bt thrown solidly lflto the task now getting undei^ifi Wlttt 4M«tltMt *r delivery 13 «r«ftu fttttr It H No effort will b« 8pMed to Ait down the waiting itatict I* N fN fb ..., I-, ! Mm JnlM Hit ai quickly M possible and speed the return of |>. linl'lmlio, t J % n K. f**Prf»nrn, i * Mm, * "servfc* fl Ml, i ft m-d«y kiit« with m* t 0#ftttt#f km, whr» tlv« tn PlainfleW it martth* In *h« r«, «hi 'i Sundry P Wahw., X II1HY t M*HF*>t» t«d 1L, COMPANY

    (At I 'ft It » vm» 2THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY. SffftMIER 6, If45 II VMOB Slr**t in lost ttonwobly Discharged Camp Area en Guam The Herald ha*-been furnished with the following Information: A road within the base camp area of the 3rd Marie Division at Guam ha.s been named after the late Marine Firat Lieutenant Ar- thur C. Vivian, Jr., on the Sum- Horn* From the ETO mit Honor Roll. Major General G. hjschargees Have B. Erskine wrote ta Lt. ' Vivian'* parents in Weatfteld, enclosing a photograph of * "Vivian Street," [Opportunity to Join named "ats a mark of the admira- tion and respect felt for him by idisted Reserves his own comrades." York—Every aoldler turn- A copy of the order of Lt. CoL discharged fn New York, Sheffield said, In part: "Flrat Lieu- \ tenant Arthur C. Vivian, Jr., U. S. jersey and Delaware U of- \ Za an opportunity to join the Marine Corps Reserve, joined the listed Reserve Corp«, according First Battalion, Third Marines, on Announcement by Headquarter.. January 3, 1944. As Battalion In- Lcond Service Command. telligence Officer, be ably and effi- Army offer* aucb enllat. ciently operated hla section dur- The ing the intensive and prolonged ncuts not only aa a reward to training period prior to Ihe Guam MARY A, CUSANO Lewis for their war *ervlce but operation. Yeoman Second Class of the up to build strong reserve of "First Lieutenant Vivian landed c WAVES has recently been dia- Ley th future might bring. The^ on Guam during the assault ^*nhaaf Kt *&sjrged from the Navy under the L,, i3 nationwide. 1 i On August 1, 1M4. while leading" a new point system of demobiliza- I Veterans who join th« ERG Cpn- convoy to the ne«v battalion com- tion, after serving 30 months. Miss mand post, he was killed instantly tinue to hold the Army grade or Cusano received her basic train- PHOSPHORUS when the vehicle in which he was rating h&fd at time or dlkharge. /8GT. HUGH J. LEE ing as a yeoman at the A. & M. Also th At Redistribution campaigns: Algeria French Moroc- In every type of Station, Atlantic City co, Ardennes, Central Europe, Nor- ELECTROPLATING ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.-S/Sgt. mandy, Northern France, Rhine- Louis D. Curtis, 44,|NeKro. of 12 land, Sicily and Tunisia. He was Of All Metals in All Finishes South street, husband of Mrs. last stationed at Unterbernbach, Alma Curtis, has recently feturn- Germany from which point he was ROYAL from service outside the con- flown 9,000 miles to the United Plating and Polishing Co. tinental limits of the United States States. 152-158 Bleeker Street, Newark 4, N. J. and is now temporarily stationed At present S/Sgt. Lee k busy the Army Ground and Service trying to catch up with events that rces Redistribution Station. occurred during the past four SSrt. Curtis served 16 months years and with orienting himself Canned «Supply Sergeant in the Euro- with civilian lite procedure. When Revive Your Summer-Weary Lawn! ii theater of operations. He is he isn't busy visiting with his recipient of the European- friends and acquaintances, he may Scoffs Turf Builder and Lawn Seed _c=^ Vegetables! Nature provides ideal growing condi- h.mmirgcr '"J/X'.^hotv with hwnburscr! 2 ,b,pt< tapped African Middle Eastern Campaign be found at the home ot his sis- p Ribbon, Good Conduct Medal. , ter, Mr». G. Harold Rcuble, 720 tions—so feed your lawn with Turf omon Before entering the service, Springfield avenue, with whom he Builder grassfood to renew its health S S&t. Curtis wan employed by is currently staying. and color- plant Scotts Seed to fill in QUEEN BEANS hure spots with luxuriant grass. Caruso's Market in Springfield ,i', , .. salt »vcnue. SCOTTS LAWN SEED TTS TUKF BUILDER (grassfood > rived at pulfport Army Air Field Costs so little . ;,". 50 lbs feeds largo J, »nd brow" l»r >"» •» assign personnel where they will and has been assigned to duiy. WHOLE of most service and be perform- lawn of 5000 sq. ft. for $3.75. ,,**€ Kfltfail^ • Sgt. Sofie entered military serv- •>5 Ih* — $2.^9 100 lb« — MM KERNEL I duties in which they will be 1 Olir ice in August, 1942, and ha.s been S|M-cl«lliln(t In I.it«in anil I.Hiul«rn|>lnfl. t" toc« and onions. > tint *- " looked tac contented." AIM) 10,1100 <•!!•)il«. of CaUlmlnl unit serving ag an Air Inspector. Trpnl«il l son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Spen- «r. recently returned from aerv- a «.«<* k "utsidc the continental limits me United States and is now temporarily stationed at.the Army wound and Service Force Redis- tribution station. cPl Spencer nerved 28 months « Kif!,,mnn in the European ttie- of Advertised h McCain f- operation*. He Is a reclpi- CAMPMLI-MLIS McC «m of the following decorations: "ropAMcaii Middle Eastern IVORY SOAP CR Rn Ribbon, Purple Heart. of [tome on Thirty-Day ft!fl011 ****** WE HAVE OVALTINE oi jar »urr Sergeant Edward B *0mm for V,lamm \t to upend his thirty- rotation-, furlough, having HEM0 M.nil l»r hla 35th mission over tftl]-«unn«r on a B-3J>. •i.^.10^ pka Mm ** W-H« Crackers « ?!"*T Pabst-Ett ^ntttPH ««Hn thing, but a certain way ••••. Peanut Butter ^TKlnK

    iREENPEAS - Filled Podt Crisp — Tind§r All **4iib4ciiami9»,nM » g t ^ 3 2ij local plumber's or dealer's store. ' YELLOW ONIONS ««,« , .3 - IT/ ??HDf R SEAL CO. M1LONJ BARTLETT PEARS -- — PVBLICl }•

    # J«¥ STATII WAI IOH»t Ar4O STAMPS # la IHE JWkWT HttAlP. 4E>TEMIER 4. Instance the breech of a German versed that procedure, thereby Safety Council *- Alert TodaT* Mft Test** IMfenrfty W—d Alive Tomorrow. ~<«j~ kware Souvenir military training rifle chambered leaving a live eartridg* hi tite Hike sore there are no weeds and bored for the XL caliber rim* chamber when he or shv thought Tmrt, RaflKnl Sponsored by the Stats Depart, among the strawbery plants, for ftre loaf rifle cartridge "let go" the gun was empty. Instead the ment of Health, Rutgers Univer- aooa it rnlU be necessary to apply fto oran«« rtlc«% select 8e< Guns and ftsMs; after the owner had fired about a gun was Joaded, cocked and ready 363S0llfMw KUKS sity Is cowdurtlrm a summtr course, th« winter mulch. less oranges «r varieties with hundred rounds. to fire. A few weeke ago a G.L August It to September JO. to help minimum of seeds. pare with Much of the German made auto- home on furlough .did just that > secure more uniformity in milk ! Enough time was lost from farm very sharp | knife, Place on They're Dangerous matic pistol ammunition being and, but for the timely interven- On Game Kris i accidents last year to have pro- *O¥ * tion of one of my pupils, would testing la New Jersey. board and cut crosswise brought iato this country was Both the trout and rail bird sea- I duced five bushels of wheat for into have shot the wife of one of flay slices of desired thickness Instructor of tin Snail Ann loaded for sub-machine guns and sons in Vtw Jersey opened Satur- Electrons travel up to 148,000 ; each of the lS7.000.flWl persons in Firing School conducted by when these "souped-up" cartridges best friends. Will never mention day. ' miles * second in X-ray tubes. •the United States, says National on a plate with powdered sug«. the Ob* Rifle and Plato}, dub. are fired in a. semi-automatic pis- the names of the people concerned. tol, be It of German or American That particular G, I. learned the According to the Fish and Game Do not presume the guns our Council of the Hate Department mtttmJas; veterans bring home are manufacture, they are sure to hard way, was duly impressed and cause "heap much trouble," ruin will never make that blunder of Conservation, the thirty-day safe to fir*. Several instances extra trout period, which started have iMta brought to nay atten- thi pistol and, mebbeso, injure the again.. - man firing it. in 1M4, will be the final oppor- tion wfeere both rifle* and pistols The foregoing gives a few of tunity for anglers this year. Regu- burst wb«D flred and subsequent When unloading a semi-auto- .the reasons why cur smalt arms lations Identical to those prevail- examlMtion of the "remains" of matic pistol always follow this firing school was not discontinued ing during tot regular trout sea- tliose German arm* disclosed they procedure: on V/J Day. It is the abuse, not son that dosed July if will be in had been skillfully multllated in First, remove the magazine. the use of guns (and liquor) that effect this month. The daily catch a way that did not show when the Second, pull back the slice and produces disastrous result*. If ail is limited to ten trout, and the fish piece was assembled Booby trap* eject the cartridge in the cham- we accomplish is to teach our must be at least seven Inches in calculated to kill or injure some ber. pupils bow to handle fire arms length. t with safety to themselves and souvenir hunter. The worst of- Have witnessed more than one others, our effort! will be very Saturday marked the beginning fenAtr Is the much touted and accident and near accident when over-rated "P-38M pistol. In one much worth while.' of the three-month rail bird sea- the person handling the pistol re- son in this State for sora, marsh It took three men to maintain hen or mud hen (known as elap^ two on the firing line, so most of per and rail kings) and other rails; our boys served in- the "house- and gallinules. ND Federal stamp keeping" part of the service. One is required for the hunting of the - SUNNYBARN friend of mine, a weather fore- rail birds, under rules set by the caster In the sir force, was never CREATIVE ARTS DAY GAMP FOR BOYS AND GIRLS United States Fish and Wildlife issued an arm or given an oppor- Service. The daily bag is twenty- Reopens for Six Saturdays tunity to fire a cartridge, must flee sora and fifteen In the aggre- wait until he is discharged to re- gate of other rails and gallinules. sume shooting. He happens to be The possession limit Is one day's SEPTEMBER 22 — NOVEMBER 10 an excellent platol shot. Surveys The XJirl StoutsMiave set a goal Nature Study—Art-—Tennis—Horseback Riding? made at widely separated points « g , ••:' ' / of 250,000 victory gardens as their show that more than half of the It was also announced that new 20,000,000 garde^lots. ThisN Scout men now In service nave become regulations governing the hunting garden shows promise of a fine Alice Brundage Marsh, Director seriously interested in shooting as of migratory game birds limit the share of the national quota of State's waterfowl season this year 15 Frsnkjin Place, Summit Telephone Su. 6-0108 or 5866 a sport. Our school was organized Victory crop. • to provide pre-inductlon trainings to between October 13 and Decem- It now enters upon a lar-piess- ber 31. •'••.,, Scrambled Eggs; anter sphere of usefulness, According to a memorandum You can judge the value of Fisher furni- sent to the council from Wash- Mushrooms and Tomatoes ture only by the tigid Fisher require- toil Jar Rubbers ington, the daily bag limit during Scrambled eggs are always pop- the season will again be ten ducks, ular for luncheon or impromptu ment, of undeviating quality, by its last' Home canners will And plenty Including not more than one wood Watch For Our Opening suppers—and, though eggs are be- ing beauty, by the comfort and satis- of jar rubbers on the market this duck. The possession limit on coming a bit scarce, there are very year, and they will be of better ducks is two days' bag (except few who have yet been caught faction you derive from it long after the quality than last year, but they wood duck, only one allowed at without eggs in the house—they are still made of synthetic or re- any time). The additional daily purchase price has been forgotten, Mflet are still the "old reliable." . claimed rubber, making certain bag of five mallards, pintails or no mistake about if, however . < * Hjtfatf*! Firestone Super Store precautions necessary. widgeons is no longer allowed. A It isn't always possible, of course, to know when someone Is Unless these rings are boiled be- Federal duck stamp is required for prices are low, much lower, than they about to drop in with an appetite, 356 Springfield Ave. fore they are used, they may Im- all duck hunters over 16 years of so such tasty combinations as would be if we weren't on the highway part an unpleasant odor to the age. * mushrooms with scrambled eggs food. Home cooks are advised to and didn't keep our cost of doing busi- During the season hunters may can't alWap be served—but they PRICES boil them in a solution of 1 quart On Sept. 20th take ducks, American and red- can be planned in advance, for the ness way down. If you re planning to of water and 1 tablespoon of soda. breasted mergansers, geese and family. They should be rinsed after boil- brant and coot. In order to pro- buy an occasional piece of furniture or ing. Scrambled Egg* With Mushrooms onBETTER mote the coot as a table delicacy, a urhole houseful of decorations, be sure Home and Automobile Supplies The color of the rings means it has bgeen renamed "whitebill" 1 cup sliced mushrooms nothing—red, brown, or black by Ducks Unlimited, and it is 4 tablespoons fat to shop Fisher** first and DISCOVER Tfres and Tubes rings are equally effective. Smell- hoped that the new namo will per- 4 eggs, slightly beaten furniture! ing them will not tell one whether suade more sportsmen to put this '/:• cup milk THE DIFFERESCE! they will impart off-flavors to fowl on the table and thus help Salt and pepper Free Gifts foods—the only safe way is to boll control the disproportionate in- Toast points them. crease of the species. According Parsley 4 to the United States Fish and Saute mushroontrin two table- DRAWING FOR WAR BOND Tomato Trouble Wildlife Service, the 'whitebill" U spoons of the fat until tender. Melt Blossom end rot, a large black the third most plentiful amphibi- remaining two tablespoons of fat spot,on tomato fruits on the side ous migrant, ranking close behind in second skillet over medium SALESGIRLS WASTED away from the stem, is a water the mallard and the pintail. heat. Add eggs blended with the problem. Usually it occurs when The daily bag limit on mergan- milk and seasoned with salt and SOS MUULBURN ATOfUE, For Summit Store the early season is rainy and this sers, "whitebill," American and pepper. Cook until creamy, stir- it followed by a dry spell. The red-breasted U twenty-five. The ring constantly. Serve at once on k« Higkmmy, Omp. Ckantklmr fruits are worthless. Usually the possession limit on "whitebill" is toast points, topped with the MILLBLRN, NEW JERSEY damage occurs before it Is noticed. one days bag. The daily bag cooked mushrooms and garnished Sometimes adding water will help limit on geese or brant is two of with parsley. Serves X '* Open lYemitsj* • fcj«#m# • MlUimrn the later fruits. If the foliage either. The possession limit is two This may be served either on over the whole tomato plant is days' bag. There is no open sea- (roiled tomato slices or with the yellow and the growth is stunted, son on snow goose or Rosa' goose tomatoes as a side dish. it may be dut to lack of time or or swan. some fertilizer element. If enough The taking of waterfowl by ~? I we Stores **' lime has been added, try using means of bait, live duck or goose If the older leaves only are yel- decoys is again prohibited. It Is 356 SPRINGFIELD AVE., SUMMIT low, it may be the result of ex- unlawful to use any gun except SU 6-J140 cessive application of dry ferti- shotgun not larger than ten gauge lizer or to very dry weather, and holding not more than two fertiliser in water. shells. SEARS FOR SAVINGS CANNING SUPPLIES NEW LAWNS

    OUR SIXTH Superfine Lawn Seel


    jelly G1» « .•• ...••»**•• will be published M .#•* 2.19 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th, IW5 ' 1.67" 2.59 ft will bt repUt* with inttrusttna «nd timtly topic* of fashion ntwi Ball Glaw To|» S«wi SHADY MIXTURE . • * . ntwi of shops and stow ... in both Its ^advtrtiilng and GuMWax 2.59 * 4.19 n«ws columns. _ WHITE CLOVER SEED . «.*.. fc uitratioru of tht latait in fashions for you •ni your homt will 79' ** 1^9 6.85

    hold an important pltct with iptcial feature*.

    You can't afford to miu this edition. LAWN

    fUmembtT the daft—September 13th RAKES

    Summit 6-3282 aMMBTSVL•"...'••- '.u,,i. WeiM War I Ytt Mti riitown Trust Company a wtll- ant sales manager for a few yearj. rounded experience in all phases . Mr, and Mn. Ward have three Petroleum Production Aircraft Operatic* FOR' Monistown Trust U. S. production,u»t petroleum in of; trust work. children, a married daughter and Simplification two sorts—one in the Navy. Th«y 1M« averaged 2,250 gallons per each American family, which Your Name > . Announces Hew A&P Again Cuts live in Overlook terrace, Short One of the newest approaches to Hills, and Mr. Ward'* ctybs in- flgur* approximates tho amount simplification of aircraft operation Store Working Hours of oil required to heat an 8-rbom clude the Society of the Plastic* l* a "controllable wing," ill moves Asst. Trust Officer The Great Atlantic and Pacific house in the North Atlantic states the List apdustry, Sales Executive Club of around two pivots to giye control 'On George VavMlek, praldtnt ot Tea Company-has announced new New York, .Wyoming Club and —though, obviously, not every The MorrUtowa Truat Company, store hours to permit further. re- Canoe Brook Country Club. iuch house m so heated. without need for conventional Morristown, ha« announced the Of Inactive Voters? duction of the work week for it* Some men have all the qualities •ailerons,'"The wing is Andergoinj appointment, effective September 1, BOROUGH~Is your name on 7,200 employees in the New York of a steel poker except n occa- preliminary flight test! by one of of MM, Nancye B. Staub, to the Sdvoged Kindling Wood s li6t of inactive votera of the metropolitan area and surround- sional warmth. the major aircraft manufacturers. ou"h published in thla issue of bank's staff as A&sUtaat Secre- ing territory. And Scrap Lumber Sole *° Herald by the County Board tary and Assistant Tnut Officer. William M. Byrnes, president of Bids for salvaged kindling wood Mr. Murulck pointed out that in f Elections in accordance with A A; P's Eastern Division, said the and scrap lumber will be opened |( n the MorrUtown area are located Stat«elett > laws pertaining new schedule calls for the divi- at S p. m., Sept. 12, by the Atlantic the homes of a large number of sion's stores in Greater New U Overseas Air Technical Service ffla ncnt7regi8tration?- These business executives and others re- York's five boroughs, Long Island, Command with headquarters at sons aj* placed on the Inactive quiring estate planning. The Mor- Westcheater and part of Connec- f't for one of the following rea- rUtown Trust Company, in line ticut and New Jersey to be oped Newark Army Air Field. sons' moving from their registered with its policy i of designing it* daily from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m., six The scrap lumber- coneULs of ddresa without notifying the services to best meet the needs of days a Week. This reduction of short lengths of splits, mill scrap. Call board of their change of address; the community, has for some time three hours a week in shopping warped and rotted pieces, broken those who have died, or those who felt the need of adding to its pres- time will . facilitate cutting em- boxes and crates. have not voted at" a general elec- ent highly efficient trust personnel, ployees' work week to 45 hours, Persons desiring to inspect th«> someone trained and experienced Summit 6-2100 tion during foil© successive years. LT. TUEO. O. KINDBEBG he said. EDWARD W. WARD lumber or to aubmit bide, should BOROUGH — Funeral services )n estate planning, who could de- call MArket 3-5211, extensions 572 The list published in this issue vote full time to that phase of the Mr. Byrnes said hLs company His appointment as vice-presi- or 393. will be held today at 8 p. m. at the/ For America's Of the Herald as a iegai advertise- trust business. has reduced employees' working dent of Celanese Plastics Corpora- ment has been compiled by £ Brough-Dodson Funeral Home, hour* five Umee, or a total of 27 tion crowns 24 years of service :ount__,y. board on the basis of in- corner of Springfield and Morris Mrs. Staub'developed her repu- hours a week, since 1918. This Table Milk • tation for trust administration at with the. organization. General formation received frpm personal avenue* Summit, for Lt. Theodore means on the basis of the new sales manager since 1930 his 'investigation!" obituary notices, re- the Union County Trust Company, FUEL OIL O. Kindberg, 59, of Union avenue, work wpk, employees now have career with the founder of tile from, the borough health Elizabeth, where she started twen- the equivalent of three work days ports who held that rank in th«/ Coast plastics industry closely parallels officer, change of/address cards ty years ago under the guidance more leisure time each week than Oil Burner Service. I Artillery in World War/l. 'Trie the progress of plastics. Interrupt- furnished by the/post office, re- of Judge CJark McK. Whittemore, they had" 29 years ago. There will Rev. Herbert F. Dabinett of the turned sample ^ballot envelopes then President and later Trust be, no reduction in pay. ing his college years for service NOW d notices personally received Methodist Church will conduct Officer. with the Navy in World War I, j the registrants that they the services. Burial will be in the Mrs. Staub has been active in he returned to graduate from New Is the time to have your iiive••moved/rom the,county. Presbyterian Cemetery here. Lt. various professional banking or- More Botanical Oils York University with a degree in oil burner checked and re •persons reading the legal notice |Kinkberg died S>unday at Lake ganizations, including the Personal Bptanjcal oils* nearly all of chemical engineering in 1921. That paired by expert me- Trust Round Table in New York, which were formerly imported; are year he entered' the Newark plant , jn this issue of the Herald arc j Hopateong While he" was on an out- GOLDEN GUERNSEY Urged to/'ask friends on the list ing from a coronary thrombosis. the Association of Bank Women, being produced in quantity in Cali- In the quality control department. chanics. Also have yom to get in touch with the board im- Born in Denmark, Lt. Kindberg of which she is a member of the fornia. Extracts from leave*, blos- Two years later ho joined the sales heating boiler vacuum Board of • Directors, the American soms and cutting of sage, eucalyp- mediately if any error has oc- lived in this country most of his division whre he has successfully cleaned. curred. • ; • life. He had .been a resident here Institute of Banking. Elizabeth tus, pennyroyal; roses, geraniums, headed the sheet, rod and tube de- Chapter, in which she has served pepper and lemon trees arc for the past/19 years. The Union partment, the Chicago district as chairman of the Women's Com- sought by drug and perfume man- Rogers Coal & Missionaries to Africa avenue matf/iad been chief of the sales office and the packaging, de- N> mittee, Editor of Profit and Loss, ufacturers. One essence buyer has guards tori^the past 14 years • at member of the Board of Gover- a portable still on a truck and partment just as packaging with Lumber Co. find Visit Here, Seek the Veterans Hospital, Lyons. He plastics made its initial bow. Li CANOE BROOK FARMS nors, and at present is chief "con- trailer which moves around the Su 4-0528 S Living Quarters was a member of the American sul. countryside gathering seeds and the early 30's he left the packag- S«8 Broad St. Summit, N. J. Canoe Irook Rood Summit 6-2100 BOROUGH'-- Mr. and Mrs. Vic- l^on,' Meil-Card Post No. 144, Mrs. Staub brings to The Mor- petals from gardens. ing department to serve as assist- tor Maty, who have been mission- I Basliing aries for the past nine years in ! ' Portuguese East Africa ended a j at • |# f feu- day.s' visit on August 29 with UAn||A their friends, Councilman Herbert Mllllli D. Taylor and Mrs. Taylor in Clin- ton avenue. The Macys, who plan to be in this area while Mr. Maey To Hold Show NEWARK i; working for a master's degree in religious education at the At Regional H. S. Biblical Institute in New York BOROUGH-The 23rd annual Cily. are .seeking moderate living BACK TO SCHOOL show of the Dahlia Society of New quartets for themselves and their Jersey will be held at Union Coun- two. children. Anyone who can as- MONTCUIR I fy Regional High School gym- thr.se returned missionaries quarters is smked to com- niisiuui, Springfield, Saturday and BUT FIRST TO HAHNE & CO. municate with Councilman Taylor, Sunday, Sept. 15 and 16. The gym- nasium is large and affords ample space for setting up all exhibit* entered. There is also ample and safe parking space off the street. The schedule offers opportunity for anyone, from the novice who has never exhibited, to veterans of many shows, to find a class for their flowers, vegetables and can- ned/goods. Only a few of the 159 closes listed are for members | oiily, with the remainder open to \/a\\. For the first time, there are q cTftSses for "canning in tin." the ar v Ask your tins being opened at the show and contents examined by competent neighbors judges. 30 dahlia cla.sRes are for they read specimen blooms in all types; 33 classes are for vegetables, and 47 classes provide for quart and pint jars of canned vegetables, meats You'll get and poultry, fruits, juices, jollies answers ••••• and jams, nnd vegetables in tin cans. Classes for arrangements in That's because the dude annual and perennial flow- TRIBUNE ers, fruit and vegetables Any ex- hibit not provided for in the .schedule will be recognized by the judges and awards made if worthy Exhibits must be staked by 12 ath MA THE 1ES. noon, Saturday, Sept. 15. • H plus top-ootoh Bowling League Organized Here, Starts Sept. 20 Buy the BOROUGH -- A New Providence 113RAID Bowling League has been organ- tomorrow ized with Donald Irving ns presi- dent. Other officers include Rich- Vou'll enjoy it.* ard Badglcy, vice-president; Lin- den Adams, secretary, and Frank Mea, treasurer. The teams entered Include two ..from the firemen, the M A.MVthe t Building and Loan, ami the Men's Club, '"he first matches will be played Thursday, September 20. All games will be rolled on the Madison Recreation Center alleys.

    SCHOOL DAYS ... our new sister act clothing, book*, pen* and p^nclta, whool b»«, Navy officer'* bridge coat with brawi button**. or book fttntp , . , all Important Item* of All wool. Sise» S to 6 with legglpgn. 22.11 •*, r«uilpmrnt, but Hie mnln thing l« nhyftkul Th* tburden of burning falls upon Pelt hat, I.7t. For older sister, nlmn TVL the ryr*, the pita way In th« mind. Are Hi* 1f.fi, Hat, Ml of your child nil ready for th* nrhool ahead? SWter Nofade utrtped chamliray drMMen, Blue, Cammll tin fc'jr I'hyikian (mull hrown, aqua, rose. Btaet S to 6. 4.fl doetdr) unit mnki> mwm for older sinter, tine* 7 to II. S.ft y ehlld ha* normal, healthy rhlott. Cot I rtr writt> for thh fr**> Slttor prlncMM coats. All wool with fttltchtd mulhortinlirr booklet on lht> collar and pockefn, bright buttons. Siren $ to fix. 22.fl. Felt roller. 4.fl. In nlzen 1 to It NewtftMtrf#r« fm If.ft. Hat. 2.S0 PLASTIC CONTACT LINUS Slater nil-wool Jumper*. Aqua, geranium, triget 8 to 6. 7.f •. Ptqne btofiM, $4. Ml Older Muter Jumper In aqua only. %\% Ml Rayon Woate In white. 81M* 7 to lt. !.fl

    * CO. Tc1»' mnA Sltfff n loN fMWf •»€ Jl«ll«ltlv

    •- t

    -:-* MAHMI A IfR''T#^FFi! 14 THI SUMMIT HiUMP* THURSDAY. SEPTCMIER a, Honored * Dinner ) aveBUe- «• *•«•** . _ •-"I Married in Kentucky Eleanor Price Nolte •I Charles Carbone, .ion of Mr. and ; VVfin by hla family before he !ffl Dorothy J. Neville Returns to Summit Mrs. Anthony J. Carbone of Morris ; for the Army last week. Eleanor Price Nolte U returning •*—aa-fai iBride of S-Sgt. to 8un>Dait from New Orleans, La., Social wbere she baa been in charge of i William 0.Scarry the decorating department of La : Mr. and litn. John Neville of Ui Blanche. Urt. Nolte, who Meet Son in Canada 2Sew York, formerly of Summit, was in. buiineas here-on Summit Betty Burras Todd Mr. and Mrs. J, J Nevin of the ajjnounc* ti»e marriage of their •venue before going South, will Bcechwood ApU. have gone to daughter, Derotby Joan, to Staff reiume decorating shortly. Her Montreal. Canada to meeu their Sergeaat WlUi&za D. Scarry, son husband, Captain Lawrence H. Becomes The Bride younge-st son, Sgt G. U. Nevin of of Mr. and Mm. Joseph T. Scarry the Canadian Army. Sgt Nevia of Kent glace boulevard. The Nolte, is In Prance where he has has been overseas since Decem- ceremony mm performed by the charge of transporting supplies for Of Paul R. Dederer I ber, 1040, While in England he was Rev. Jobs Roley in the St. Louis the government. Mr*. Howard H. Burras of Kentj married to Miss Edna Sanders of Beftrasd Church, Louisville, Ky., place boulevard announces the j Sussex whom be expects will fol- on Saturday, September l. marriage of her daughter, Betty j low him to this country shortly Burras Todd, to Paul R. Dederer, • Grace Dantivono of New York with their baby daughter. Gay. '•%,. son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Otto , was the bride's only attendant. U. Comdr. E. J. Nevin, their Staff Serfeaat John O. Moylan of SUMMIT ANIMAL R. Deder«r of Edgewood road. j eldest son, is on duty in the At* Michigan wu best sum. The ceremony was performed by | lantic with the Merchant Marine WELFARE LEAGUE the Rev, Jacob Trapp in' the Com- j Hie bride and groom are gradu- ferrying veterans frtom overseas. ates of Summit High School. Mr*. raunity Church on Saturday eve- i KIND HOME WANTED ning. September 1, in the presence Scarry attended Russell Sage Col- of the families and intimaU' lege School of Nursing. Sgt. Male one-year-old, part spaniel, Scarry enlisted in the Cavalry in white and tan. friends. • ' Helen McCulloch May, 1H2. and served in the ith We Hove the "Write" and 34th Reconaiaaance Squadron Announco Daughter Call Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. Deane, Wed to Air Force until disbanded'and he wu given Equipment his present assignment at Fort Summit 6-2948 3d. of Beekman road announce the Knox, Ky. < Photo Underwood k birth of a daughter, Elizabeth, on Pfc, Spencer Boyd I Underwood.) August 28, 1945, • Zipper Cases • Book Bags iir. and Mrs. William P. Mc- Mrs. Franklin L. Hunt of Wood- Culloch of Summit avenue an- • Composition Book.' • School Pads land avenue is home after two nounce the ^marriage of their Every essential of good months at Hancock. Me. • ' ' 'daughter. Helen Mario, to Pfc • Crayons • Drawing Tablets Spencer Andrews Boyd, A.A.F". nutrition in our meal ; gon .of Mr. and Mrs. Thorpe Boyd • Dictionaries • Pencils , ; of Chicago, 111., on July 8, at Or- suggestions. 1W* TOP KNOT lando, Fla. • Compasses • Protractors Mrs, Boyd graduated from AkffX&U. Special Diabetics' Food Princeton High School, Wilson • Assignment Books • Book Covers College and the Berkeley Secre- tarial, School-... Pfc. Boyd was an officer in the Royal Canadian Air Loose-Leaf Note Books Force; before he transferred to the Health Food Center United States* Army Air Force 344 SprwafttW Av*. Su. 642B8 o»v£ cjj Hit .He was recently discharged under , Our Long Experience in Handling School the point system after serving MRS. WILLIAM V. StARRY NORCROSS overseas and in Alaska and is Supplies Will Help You FAMILY planning to take :i three months i committees, will be studying ques- SEWING MACHINES course in navigation at Annapolis tions of international organisation. Go Over Your Needs With Us Today Md. LOOK FOR ME OM Pfc. -Herbert Whyte social legislation, -possibilities for VACUUM CLEANERS full employment and tntercaltoraS S1ORCROSS Will Attend Katharine Gibbs Married in France relationships as well as ways acd Miss Elizabeth Jane Jackson, means for having fun and recrea- Expert Repairs SIEGEL'S GREETING CAHOS daughter of Clarence V. Jackson tion. All Makes of 15 Glen Oaks avenue, has en- ToSuzanneJacques All women and girls of this com- STATIONERY SHOP At rolled in the two year course at the Mrs, Alexander Whyte of Pine munity are invited to-share in the" Katharine Gibbs School In New ALL WORK GUARANTEED Grove avenue announces the mar- program of the Association and to 394 Springfield Ave. Summit .6-2191 SIEGEL'S York City and will start her train- riage of her son, Pfc. Herbert let the Board of Directors know SH. 6-0210 ing rtiis months She was graduated Whyte, AAF, to Suzanne Artdree what they think the YWCA can do ••mil Sewing Machine Service Stationery Shop from Summit High School in June, Jacques, daughter of M. and Mme. to meet the needs of this com- It4 Spring-Hold AT*. Sammlt, .*, J. 1M5. Leon Jacques of Reims, ''Marne," munity. 94 5—wit Aw. Summit France, at St. Andrce's Church in Wr.re Reims on August 11. Promoted HI! 11II11 lit 11 • 1111 M 1 III Itl Mill 111» M I tt< Pfc. Whyte b with the Ninth [or Our Air Force and was 'stationed near j Virginia Patrick* Kenney. VVAC DR. PHILIP BAER Beautifully a superb collection Reims over a long period. Speak- j daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Kenney of Woodland avenue, has SURGEON CHIROPODIST Illustrated ing French fluently he mrde many J Catalogut friends, among them M. and Mme. been promoted to the rftitk of cor- Angelia who attended the couple poral (T-5). Cp!. Kennedy is a'psy- Announces that beginning Sept. I Oth, his chiatric as-iistant at the Ti»ton as best man and matron of Honor. office will be open Monday and Thursday -SUITS Mr. and Mrs. Whyte plan to live General Hospital. Fort Dix. in Summit when he is sent to thia evenings from 6 P. M. to 8:30 P. M. Buy Direct From New Jersey's definitely Lane Fifth Avenue country. Look Manufacturer ... Y. W. C. A. Preparing BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 382 SPRINGFIELD AVE. women shop and select .their quality fur coats at Autumn comes each year with a ' For Ac five Season; ; SUMMIT 8-2656 BASSETT BLDG. Flemington Fur Company becauie Board Meets Sept. 10 Young they know that "from-factory-to- Mrs. Douglas B. Baker, presi- you" means GREATER savings. Vigorous expression from Lane. too! If you are hard to fit, your dent of the YWCA, naya that the Feminine coat can be rrfade-to-ordcr at no Suits just right for brilliant fall days. Board of Directors of the Associa- Fourth Annual ^ I extra charge. tion will hold their first meeting Virgin Wools in grey, red, black, forest green of the fall on Monday evening. CLOTH COATS September 10 nt eight o'clock at Lovely One-of-a-kind 100% virgin uool the Association building. Mast of Antiques Show and Sale cloth coat samples are- lavishly Sizes 9-17 32.50 to 39.95 the Board members will have re- STYLED BY adorned with fur collars, cuffs, turned 'from their summer vaca- September 11-12-13-14 tuxedos and borders from our fur tions and committees are already The Fernwood 1 P. M. to 10 P. M. factory. Come in and try on these at work on preparations for the lovely creations: hnnd-fini<| "The of course, hats and bags to match! activities of the /nil and winter. Hairdressers FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHUIU H Flemington Way!" Now that the war has ended the ; A Small Deposit Will Reserve everything from Lane Fifth Avenue 116 Summit Ai Church Street, Verona, N. .1. Your Selection Until Wearing Association is planning a busy j Tw« fiaor Display of Antique* Admission program based on its postwar and ] For Appointment Col Time! For Sale by E*UMiUied Dealers 40 Cent*, Inc. Tux open Friday and Saturday Nights 'fill 9 peacetime concerns. The YWCA I SU. through its member.*-hip, clubs and i FREE INSURANCE POUCY Same Low Pnc« Prevail in Ou' Agaiaw Fire, Loss and Tlwlt. Trenton Store 137 South Broad FLEMINGTON FUR COMPANY As Always 8 SPRING STREET FLEMINGTON, NEW JERSEY Our Factory Showroom Is Alr-Conditloned

    8o South St. It's First Opta Wt«kd»yi to 9 PJW. - Sunday* to 5 P.M. Motri&towN.N-* II Will Pay You (o Travel Any Dittanc* £' to the For Ow Gnaraaiccd Saviagtt Juvenile Shop Then mm "I Own Back to School My Own Home" JUVENILE SHOP BUILDING ...BUT DO YOU REALLY? 371 Springfitlo1 Av». Su. 4-311J COLLEGE REQUIREMENTS You don't own it completely until it's paid A WIll.TAILORtD TWMD SUIT, SWEATERS for. We'll be glad to arrange « mortgage plan AND SKIRTS — INTERCHANGEABLE* THAT for you that will make the home all yours Wlti SfRVE YOU FAITHFUity FOR SEMES- some day. Kates are reasonable; length of TIRS TO COMI. . loan and amount of the payments are fitted to Toy con create a charmingly in- REPUTE yoir SILVER your individual situation. Won't *you diiaiss dividual bedroom with Holly- Tweed Suih I $.98 to 39.98 • Enpi-rt repUtlnf mi tth this with us? No obligation on you* part. wood btdf . . , and *o irttxptn- ftnlihlni ef Umily fUhntrwur* Sweaters 3.98 to 8.98 KM pfftturl ill ttlu* ftf f»«« IrtlbiH to row*. Jail #*11 n.lnli»I.J .... §4149 Skirts 5.98+c 10.98 "Outfit Furniture for Lt*t" MARINO'S Citizens Trus t • »»-« tv*niBWoa» atom • Jostph Zeigner, Inc. mm* wm «f vtmmm mm, •« w*m m 4

    Summit JO int. ()|'«riOPM(«l Qt ^U I *rt I %t M J THI SUMMIT HIRAiO, THURSDAY, SIPTJMItft aflt4l ?i duration of bis stay in tht army, about China. These ideas will be, The meeting will begta wttb Fashion Shows MRSO,NAI.S7 thc theme-of Mrs. Hearn's dis-: defcsert, prepared by group 7 awl J B v Women's Society « "TuVner, daughter et of officers of the 3Uli%ia>ter of Ruth H. McOeorge. Ph. M. 3/C. cussfon.- | served by group « at 1 o'clock. Mr. andTlr*. William B Turner Uw P.E.O. Sisterhood. who has been stationed at Norfolk For Sub-Debs of Pembrook roM, leaves tomor- Navy Yard at Portsmouth, Va., To Hear a Talk row by boat to visit htr room&tt, Mr. and Mr*. Betcher H. Clark for two years, and who is now in Mia* Barbara Boggs of Wolfvllle, of Ashland road bave moved to Washington, D. C, jpeut last THIS DA* AKit) AGE At Bambergers Nova Scotia. On September 20, Chicago, wetk-end with her parents, Mr. On China's Future A "Sub-Deb- week for New they Till return to Wellesley Col- and Mrs. Howard D. McGeorge of fona The Women's Society for Chris- \' When does middle age start end end? In the Jersey teen-age girls will be pre- lege for their senior year. Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. Graves, Hobart avenue. * . tlan Service of the Methodist I sented at L. Bamberger k Co., Jr., of Whittredge road and their Church will hear Mrs. Allison H. decorating business there is no such thing! Newark from September ft to 8. A Mrs. Frank Harbison has $t- son Teddy are spending 10 days at Miaa Allct. Marsh of Franklin Hearn give a tolk on "China, a A grandmother may have,a gay and modern room finishing your 6bild with pre-sehool celebration including turnetl to the Hotel Suburban Cralgvtlle on Capt Cod visiting place, wajt at Asbury, Warren Coming World Power," *t their first meeting to be held in the , and a teen can have a dignified study! Wt U »ot enough! Shoes of three fashion shows and a "slick- from Rangeiey Lakes, Me., where Mr. and Mrs. C. Ashmesde Bid County, with Mrs. tiretchen Le- ific moulding can insure chick" beauty demonstration has parish house, on Tuesday, Septem- plan lor personalities and not just lor offacf she was a guest %t the Rangeiey dulph of Springfield avenue. man, for the Labor Day week-end. ber 11. , SrtVnd foot health in year, been planned for high school girls. Lake Hotel for the summer. me The Hall Shoe Store On Thursday, September 6, high Mrs, Hcar'n attended the insti-1 Lt. and Mrs. Richard L. Cuey. Butterscotch Ban tute held at Montclair Teachrrs | KI MU Pro-tek-tlv .hoe.. school girls will model the latest Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Hurst Jr., and their two children Buffy 3 cups brown sugar College in July, as chairman of in-' AT BETTY TELFER'S , """" *•<•• *« «"'• in fads and plaids in a "make your of Essex road have gone to the and Dick have returned fpoin 10 ternatlonal education for thc own" and accessories show pre- Mon mouth Hotel In Spring Lake. days at Hull's Beach, Cape Cod. American Association of College at Beat eggs and add the sugar. They toW «»e «f sented in conjunction with Spool Women. The speakers there em- JL that many parents give Cook in a double boiler 20 min- Cotton Co. and Simplicity Pat- Mr.' and Mrs. Newton A. Bur- phasized the point that the people ' Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Carpenter utes stirring frequently- Coo] and terns. Several sets of accessories, gess of Oak Ridge avenue have of the United States were quite of the year to immunise of Springfield avenue have re- add the following, first sifting the which are fashioned to make each returned from Oak Bluffs. Mass. turned from two weeks at Old unaware of the potential possibili- from winter cold*. Are you baking powder and »{t with the ties in the development of China. 1 ttla prccau costume as versatile as a chame- Forge, N, Y. Child Photography flour: , • U* * leon, will be shown with each of Mrs. Edwin p. Flindell, Sr.. has It was stated that thc hope was > the ten outfits modelled. This returned to her home on Lenox George R. Decker of Pint Grove Vt cups pastry flour to engender a study of China, I her history and culture in many IN YOUR bWN HOME show will be held at 3:30 p. m. in road from Bass Rocks, Gloucester, .avenue has gone to East Orleans, 2 teaspoons baking powder •Furniture of character" is a the store's Alcove Room, tenth Mass., where she, spent the sum- ',i teaspoon salt homes. The state A.A.U.W. plans Mass.. to join Mrs. Decker, who to further the institute plan in J that has been synonymous floor. mer. - • , ,; • , , • 1 cup chopped nuts t0 is spending two weeks there. other teachers* colleges. ? j Sh the Doyle Furniture Store. A The climax of the week's activi- Their son John, a student at Spread about U-lnch thick in a Candid --•- Portrait rious peace will assure the Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Bishop Brown University, joined them well-buttered (hallow pan, lined A future industrialized China* ties will be a "Back to School" ivlll be a power to be reckoned \ ELd /ustomers of Doyles a of Prospect Hill avenue have re- for the week-end. with waxed paper. Bake in a mod- fashion show on Saturday, at 4 with. She will furnish a market | selection of furniture. (ider p. m. Twenty girls from local turned front a visit at Pocono erate oven (350 F.) for 20 minutes for our goods, industry for our Manor, Pa. , Mrs. Rudd A. Crawford of Sum- or until firm anl lightly browned. . L NELSON SUmmit 6-2865 • • *, » high schools will model fashions scientists, and schools for our mit avenue and her sons Rudd, Jr., which the high school Sub-Deb Cut, cool and roll in powdered educators. We should know more i f'X Debussy, Wagner, Tschaikov- and Paul returned Friday from will wear to football games, tea Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Collins v all names of renown whose California. They have been visit- dances aiid formats as well as of Summit avenue have returned ing relatives in Santa Barbara, C«b works are recorded, for classroom classics. A guest star from Ocean Grov« where th«y Los Angeles and San Francisco Kotterity. Why not select an will make a personal appearance spent the summer. f thc flner mU8ic f01> since June. Cum ° and door prizes will be presented. T«joymc« from The Ross Record Mr. and Mrs. A'bert Ganz of High school girls who have been Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Porter, specially trained* by Bamberger's West 12th street, New York, and Smithtown, L. I:,"have purchased Jr., of Valley View avenue and will act as models Ir. all the shows. their sons Ralph 3d, James and September 2d marked the re- All Sub-Debs, of whom there are a home on Edgemont road. siling of the dining room at David are going to Mantoloking about 2,800 In northern New Jer- today for a week. Turkey Hill Cottage This Fall, sey, are invited to attend Sub-Deb ""'Mr. and Mrs. Emory H. West- .],« to take at least one dinner Week. ^Parecca and other inter- lake of Lenox road are passing the remainder'of the summer Rea- , Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Sackett i week at Turkey Hill andvgive ested teen-agere are also welcome. Ifeid of Springfield, 111., left pother a change from the routine Admission, of course, will be free. son at the Essex and Sussex Hotel in Spring Lake. -. * ' . Tuesday after having- been the of cooking. guests of their uncle and aunt, .'"•'••• Fashion In The News Mi*, Alfred C, Noyes of Wood- Mr. and Mrs. Wallace J. Alley, Do Christmas cards seem a bit General de Gaulle, like the true land avenue has returned to Sum- over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs Emote? The Wiss Store, 665 Frenchman he is. docs not lose an mit after spending the an miner at Alley entertained with a small [road,' Newark, reminds you it's opportunity to admire a pretty the Dorset Inn, Dorset, Vt dinner in their honor at Canoe later than you think. They say hat, which is designed to arouse Brook Country Club, on Monday I evening. that their collection of beautiful attention. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Wisncr of citds is now complete for leisure The story is that the general, at Crescent avenue have returned Mr. and Mrs. Jlichard L. Miller selection. the reception given him in Wash- from Marion, Mass. of Beekman road and their son ington by M. Bonnet, French am- Richard have returned from Hear ye, hear ye! Be on hand bassador to thc United States, was Mr. and Mrs. John J. Summer*by Hampton, Va:, where they have for thc 3rd annual Victory Garden greeted by Madame Diplarakus, of of Fernwood road have returned been visiting Mrs. Miller's brothtr Harvest Show at tfhe Summit Greece, whom he had known in' from San Dia, Minn. in-law and sister, Lt. Col. and Trust Company. Admire the ac- Paris and who was wearing The Mrs. Edwin O'Connell. Lt. Col. complishments of your neighbors. Hat. Mr. nnd Mrs. Claude A. Berry O'Connell has returned from three «... m. to 8 p. m. "Joli chapeau, Madame," said of Hawthorne place- have returned years in the Pacific. thc general, "production francaise, from their summer home in Branchport, N. Y, bicn entendu!" "Non, mon gene- Mr. and Mrs. James E. Downes, Sea, sun and heat gang up to ral, crcc par Madame du Ple&six formerly of Tail Oaks drive who make milady's hair and scalp dry chcz Saks," replied his fashionable Mr. and Mrs. John C. Biodsky have been living in Pittsburgh a and drab. The Jeanne Beauty guest. of Mountain avenue have returned year, returned to, Summit last Shoppe conquers this trouble with from Lake Fairlec, Ely, Vt. week and are making their horn* This hat that won thc general's scalp treatment. Specify a treat- temporarily in Norwood avenue. ment the next time you go to eye is one of Saks-Fifth Avenue's Mr. and Mrs. A. Victor Harris Mr. Downes will take up his duties Jeanne's, "hat coiffures," very tall and tied have returned to their home on tiiia fall a« an associate professor on at back to show the coiffure, Valley View avenue from Lake in social science at the Newark and made of back net and covered School is in! Once again the Mohawk where they spent thc State Teachers College. with dotted veiling, studded with 'inch box comes to the fore. summer. large flat pale pink silk roses. >iother, for tempting sandwiches, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Reeves of Ridge road and daughters Vir- try thc kind of bread you use. Mrs. Albion C. Buckley has re- ginia, Anne and Emily have re- rat Bake Shop has 13 kinds Summit Girls turned from the Breakwater turned from Buck Hill Falls. ]t:m rhich to choose. Court Hotel, kennebunkport, At Elmira College Me., and U living at the Hotel Two girls from the Summit area Suburban. Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Stollery Housccleaning ' presents head- are among the 12S new students of Wildwood lane bave gone to ichcs in a maidlesa world. Capa- who have just completed a four- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Corwin Falmoutb, Cape Cod, for three ble housewives will soon be pre- day period of getting acquainted of Hawthorne place, their daugh- weeks. ring their homes for winter. with classmates and campus at ter, Mrs. Lee 3. Ranck and grand- A short-tut to trouble is to send Elm Ira College. They are: Mary daughter. Wendy Lee, have re- Mr. and Mr*. C. Dallas Reach of your rugs to Bedrosian's for ex- E. LeMarc, daughter ef Mr. and turned to their home after spend- De Bary place and their son and 'crt cleaning, right now. Mrs. Robert W. LaMnrc of Tem- ing the summer at their bungalow daughter Charles and Corinne are plar way, and Shirley Thompson, on Cranberry Lake. «K returning today from their farm daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. in Erwinna, Pa. Nutrition has taught the benefit Thompson, Jr., of Colony drive. Mrs. William H. Mount of High of health foods. To insure your street has returned from Ocean Mrs. David Ludlow and son Park, Me. (Mid substantial health lunches, Coldframe Used James have returned from a three weeks' visit in Detroit with Mrs •rrange to have him eat lunch In Fall and Spring Mrs. Carlton G. Winans has.re- Ludlow's family. tach day at The Summit Health Advice from the county agricul- turned to her home on Waldron Center where they will partake tural agent, is to construct a cold- avenue from the Essex and Sus- Mrs. Stephen G. Kent, Jr., has nly of proper foods. frame if there is space for one sex Hotel in Spring Lake. arrived from California by plane near the garden or house. Now for a visit with Ensign Kent's I or a little later in the fall, lettuce Mrs. Marie Peteres of Division parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Kent September 4th-opcning of the may be transplanted into the ! avenue returned from a month at of Shadyside avenue. Ensign IFall term at thc Summit Secre- frame which will furnish leaves Spring Lake and nas gone to New Kent left for the Pacific directly tarial School. Students possessing long after frost has killed plants York City for three weeks. after the capitulation of Japan. 'heir diploma will never fear keen in the open ground. competition in thc business world. The coldframe will also be an Mrs. Howard A. Moll and «ons Donald R. McGeorge, son of Mr Want to be a superior secretary? asset to the garden for getting an of Morris avenue are at their and Mrs. H. D. McGeorge of Ho- Enroll.—adv. early start next spring. summer home "Tangier Beach" bait avenue, was here last Satur Dames Quarter, Md. Mr. Moll day, on his way to Camp Bland will join them for his vacation in ing. Fla.. He was In the last over- September. 26 draft. His wife and three chil- dren are in Cortland, N. Y., with Mr. and Mrs. L. Parks Shipley Mrs. McGeorge'i parents, for the DUTCH BULBS of Blackburn place and daughter Emmy Jane have gone to Macki- wMi life anal irsaaai by Alaaaaa's, tfc«aa> tmy* girl an COMING FOR OCTOBER PLANTING nac Island, Mich., for two weeks. They joined there Mrs. Shipley's mother, Mrs. Charles Herzog, and '/ tyylcal •§ g—d ttUaklBg aail plaaailatf by pmrrnt* wh« k«»w thai their son Walter, who have been Louis E, Stahl there a month, and their other two sons, Freddie and Parks, Jr., who taday wiat Halhwi mItaa character, ga«al laaka, ataaalaui. FLORIST have been there all summer.

    *32 Springfield Ave. Su. 6-1058 Mrs. Wallace Alley entertained Monday with a luncheon ia honor Mlt maaay all-waj I alaM )ackat rfitaMaa* ay Samaack tliawn wW» ftay Hiat sip cloMd. Tko shirt it waihohl* catron cara'Mroy i a •awvartihlo l«Har

    |lakatftlsaa11ta|lf ' ... . , 1S.M This poor fellow may be ., «im«i 24 to 32, / lt.M •lightly ungTtinmatical but his reaolve is very •hirt in Mtmmm, hl4i or light brown, ilaet 12 to M, I.TI pralMWorthy. He finally decided it was time for ' " ' * '..ft ' ' atnttri firl'i all-Jool paa |ackat «o«»le-breosted, with novel hirttaat . * says BOBBY JELLlSON—fonptckid bus drivir ** him to replace those worn-out chairs in his tfo SBALTEST VILLAGE STORE PROCRAM recreation room, so he m*i illf aaahatt. Navy, in tiaai 7 t* 14, U.tS Joking »slde-5e»lte« Ice Cream tins everything that makes went to Rigby's and se- I • ' • • lected some ultra-com- Waal a4aM skirt af preen mi red eem^notion, littt • to 14, I.»l iW four full enjoyment of Am«i«'i favorite treat fortable modern furni- R^ifiwto borof in tfivy fait, . ' ' ' *••• ture, With this and the It rial puritr-vholenomeneJs-tMtf-appealing nWr-aixd lovely genuine rattan he -* >.i good sound nouriihment. So, for kt cream at Ml best selected for his nunroom, fflfrHi mafa*la iaat oil-wool rwotd an mm iMa aai vatar-raMNaat his back will feel much "S y, visit jour Ctstlta Stalttit Dealer. better, .• •Utaa |ah«riiiiJa« tha o»Kor. 4mi raamy alaih aatRa«« atta* raV«n RIGBY'S * t***^^ . ahanMaff. T«a»L alaai 14 ta Mt • i . MJI. «# 1 Mitrtt Ave. fpriwftttt ICE CREAM Infer Heialatt A' •ftfr

    •> „;**. 14 THI 5UMMIT HEMLD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMIER 4, IMf' many application* are-already o« Tfce beat w* bop, School, which tnla year to Summit baud ner profnn. Harold F. Hudtoa. Mexico, *OL, for the 57th atailon S, for the .esiion 1WMT. Cadet which began Tuesday, September true wbaa we're tnw to It* Mto year ftt eoflttlatlMtf oper»> Ill* oflkers ot ttae corporation prealdeat of the school. aaM: *^ICUa Metcalf M the sou of »'• "a »«* Joaoa followed the standard train- 1 The Academy Is .opening with in oa, . alwawayys had away Sum- and member* of the board (hat B. U Metcalf of Beechwood road. mit pupil* With the addition two ing procedure ae established by its usual capacity enrollment, sad The wrwfcr «t4WtMl Board or yean afo

    Classes in the right appreciation of music Louise Rado School of Music BEMELty end the understanding of iti elements ""••„ •wwtyltl «mw« for Mil «tto«l * tndwlu. »tli«« tnmvu. Dtilln- Announces fulduaftrullr. Pltrtnrntlenlr* • • '.' . - • New Urn Sept 11, Bulletin. DEPARTMENT FOR ADULTS ' ' " OAK KNOLL 4it Uiin|l»« An.. N.H.C. H

    ••'.'••. . SCHOOL Of THE HOLY CHILD SGT. PETER RADO JR. si r-rMHttat, I. or»«w. N. J. ENSEMBLE PLAYING AND SINGING has received an honorable discharge from the SUMMIT, NEW JERSEY PIANO VOICE Army of the United States and on the first of COMPTOMETER October will resume teaching the piano. Alice Brundage Marsh, Director Resident and Day School for Girls THE OFFICE WILL 8E OPEN Telephone Summit 6-1317 SECRETARIAL 15 Franklin Place, Summit Tel. Su. 6-0108 or 5866 College Preparatory and General Courses 114 Summit Avanua FOR ENROLLMENT SEPT. 18th TRAINING J| Graduates In th« LMdiif S Ii N- . - .-It < '•: ' ' »i >. 1*MMH>HIMHI Completely Separate High School |1 r: >< . '. .,••;:..'. i • • . i- < i I i-ING

    I NEWARK COLLEGE Music ' Art • Athletics * Dramatic* : Newark Preparatory S;hool •KM Placi:r$chool for Girls OF ENGINEERING IHS Service Withia Reasonable Dbtaece SUMMIT, N. J. • A professional school supported by the State of New Jersey and the City of Newark* located in the heart SCHOOL REOPENS SEPT. 11th of Industrial New Jersey.

    t will reopen on • Day and Evening Programs offer courses for Bache- Hacfcbtvt Road! and Prospect Street lor of Science Degrees In Chemical, Civil, Electrical or Mechanical Engineering. Business k Stcrttirlal TeL »LM1H • Individual programs may be arranged for Veterans Thursday, September 27th Sehofll of flii Ormgtt and others requiring special courses of study. FOR ITS 52nd YEAR 30S Main St., Orange Day Program Fall Term Start* October 1,194S OR. 3-4051 Evening and Graduate Cannes start Sept. 17, 1945 PRE-KINDERGARTEN THROUGH HIGH SCHOOL Howard B. Lloyd, B.C.8. M^r. Registration September 10-14, 1945 MISS HOOD'S SCHOOL COLLEGE PREPARATORY AND GENERAL COURSES Wm. C. Cope, D.S.C. Pret. For Information Write or Phone THE REGISTRAR BUS TRANSPORTATION CAN BE ARRANGED IF NECESSARY Chktteicd Vttfi the 1»M» ot Jl, J. 317 High Street Newark 2, N. J. NURSERY KINDERGARTEN Founded 1883 . MA. 3-0042 MHIHItH H n»< THE PRIMARY SCHOOL Limited number of children offers special advantages. The children mr% eared for from 3 age groups; 3, 4, and 5 9:00 until 4:00. A hot lunch is served at noon, followed by Newark Academy Elkwood Ploy School ANNOUNCES rest and play periods. Expert teaching, art, manual training, Founded 1774 Hours: 9 to 12 rhythms, tinging, dramatics and French are included. Both Fall Session FIRST GRADE Two days a week children may remain imffl boys and girls are accepted in the Kindergarten and pre- Storting — Sept. 10th kindergarten. TO 5 P.M. with dinner, long rett end afternoon play. COLLEGE ENTRANCE For Children from Three to Five Years 9:30 to 12:00 75e per morning HARRIET URNED HUNT, Head Mistress Reopens Sept. 19 Two - three or five days a week Opens September 17th Head Master lit School Dally TRANSPORTATION FURNISHED Registration Friday, September 7tK Day School for Boy*. Bu» S«rvlce Swrnntr Settle* Thru Aug. 31st to suburbi. Convenient to Broad St. and Rosevllle AVP. atattom MRS. ADELAIDE McGIFHN, Director and Friday, September 14th of LackftwannR and to City 71 Paiiaic Avenue Tel. Summit 4-4399-J Subway, TELEPHONi SUMMIT ft.3175 FOR APPOINTMENT Thomas A. Shields, Head Master Orange ft First Sti. Short Hills Country Day School HUmboWt 3-1770 CARTERET SCHOOL CATALOGUE ON REQUEST WE SCHOOL rOR YOU* 'A Junior school for boys and girls from pre-ltindergarten WIST ORANGE, N. J. through 8th graiie BUXTON CHAIACTE* PHYSICAL MORRISTOWN SCHOOL BUItDINC A Better Education For Your Child Country Day School DRVILO'MEMT Great Hills Road, SOfOlAftSMIr* Short Hill., N. J. • Mel eebeiertk etemliag at Cert*r«t> dmfai la** * The Prep School In TAt Country •MALI. UMTOD CLAWB8 die fact taeaii irwiliMtrmilMM tot» «*?*gi^»Nfa* smal l dass srea in MB Open* September Uth wakk it tMMtodf* te fifttft preparation for the most exacting secondary schools ACCREDITED Boarding and d«y icheol fe* k*f%, freJei feVfttaftWI Ptyt 4MM wMi C Ta Uffee thefithm* f-ll. Thorough prtparaCon for college MANY SUMMIT PUPILS men who und«r»t«nd boys and Hlelf A««d*mt« Preparation for <»WWIM»ww ej# M| pRMRfMMpii wTvM Nrmft *n<( Progreiifva Col- jHrwweem ftsVRwA IfeWNMNk §Nt§te$$ 0 ' .. —* ewfe m Cm*** ***** m mmtim* Sm«ll eliiiet. hill athletic prefrtni Iff all ' OPENING ITS 54th YEAR , t«f«i In addition to Arf# Muile, Oreheifre, 1 Dramatlei, Shop, •eye le • Thursday, September 20Hi ' \ Nit MMlas ^Z ArMatlci. Mr 48th YEAR OPENS SEPTEMIE* PbrMte eatHMl* mA •ea WMHwfer wtamm WtMUmt tlir White, sf _ 1 0 catcher, to Pick o shortstop of Charllnes Softball Softball Association New Jersey game. Reader's right is seen Iron The Millbum Kiwani* sponsored Total* :...... 39 9 9 C5 at third. Thus ended the Red Man Louis Twill, the Charline re- Summit Red Sox .130 000 000 0—1> Totals ...... IS 0 1 team, is here seen scoring the Class B title, 6-2, to the Esso Fed- baseball team made it two out of Soxs chance for victory, sending N. V. Firemen 000 300 010 '6—9 Eastern liel ceiver, who is watching the firut Ab. R. ii. first'run of the game, August 36, eration of Bayonne. £huck Ochs three against the Summit Kim-ani* ••* fiae into the 10th inning. . Two-base hits — Selegnn. (jelsler. , ib : \ Esso man cross the plate. (Robert Three-base lilts— Makiisy. Home runs 2 1 0 1 sponsored team, when it Slipped Is the 10th, the vlsitora teed oil —Hun. Bases ,o'n balls—off O'Connell Cirelli, ,c .., 3 1 1 at, Warinanco Park, Elisabeth, (center), vtnatile Bell Labs man, Osborne, Cranford, photos.) 3, off Auer 1, off Halboro 4. Hits— T.ai"4ntlnov cf ^ _ 2 0 .0 the Hill City Boys, ft-5, August » tfjisst Halboro, the Sox's hurler, LaSapio, p .....^, .'....,..;. 1 0 off O'Connell, 7 in 2 and two-thirds u on Taylor Field, Millbara Bob, •cr four singles, a triple, and for Innings; oft Auer, 4 in 7 and one- Bush, 3b , i 0 0 measure drew three passes. third innings. Double play—Bruno- to Slnegra, »f ~i - Z 0 0 Jumps to Colonels Pearson, star shortstop for the Michaels. Winning pitcher r- Auer. •Annelli. ss _J :...... 2 0 0 Expect Crowd of Fans for Red Sox, B* tie fire was out, the Fire- Error* — Michaels, McElroy, Otten, Carlucci, If _... — 2 1 . 1 Summit Red Sox. was on the mound i.'ily, Guardia 2. Stolen- bases—Rup. Mazzuco, 2b 2 1 0 a«2 sad scored five times and for the Millbum team and limited Jmplres, Morris, Robinson, Wlddos. Uecker, r{ ' 2 1 0 Mad/son Colonels' Game Sunday l-x the game on ice. However, plenty of it. Gerity has been re- Summit to, two hits. A number ol Total! IS An overflow of. baseball fans is *J» Red Sox came back in their Shufffeboard Courts expected at Memorial Field Sun- liable all season with the Sox/ errors and his wHdnesa attributed itf sf the 10th and put on a de- American Legion day beginning at 3:15 p. m. to see Saturday against the Macks, the to the Summit scores. • At Memorial Reid Lb. R. 11. •ersised rally. With one down, A. Bontempo, c , „.....' 2 0 0 the Madison Colonels meet the RedJSox had a ilim left-hander in &>gr.m reached first on an error Soon Ready For Play Bojx1*, sf :....: 2 0 * 0 Summit Red Sox. (Please see else- right field that is the other, ace. E. lion tempo, p 3 u 0 »zi scored on Hap Makaay's The Board of Recreation Com- Twill, 3b -.... 3 0 0 where on thU) page the letter of His name—Lefty Maire. Lefty is Expert Bicycle triple to center. The latter scored missioners announce the construc- Uace, If „ 2 0- 1 Manager Lusardi of Colonels.) on a tour of duty with tne Army Sperco, lb » •„.. 2 •• 0 0 •mbtn Guardia bungled Scola's In- tion of two concrete shuffleboard Pllley, 2b 2 0 0 The Colonels were "hot" Labor at Camp Upton. On a camp team, Repair •*5»;4 jap. courts at Memorial Field, which W, BontemiK), ss _ 1 0 0 Day afternoon on Dodge Field, among hk other accomplishments are located near the Field House. Pctrocco, cf _«..* 1 0 0 The home team started off mak- Tarantino, rf „ 1 0 0 Madison, when they took over the this year, he shut, out the New izg bay against O'Connell, the This adds another out-door recre- New York Firemen, 5-1, behind York Sanitation team on three oc- Totals 19 F.rt-.en"s starting hurler. Michaels ation sport to the many facilities CbarUnei the twirling of Dick Kenwortby, casions. The sanitation team, in- School Days giving first when he was hit by now available. The courts will be Ab. R. H. who jumped from the Red Sox to cidentally, only recently walloped open for use just as soon as the Parnil, ss i 1 1 a j-;:ched ball. Pearson forced him F\uil, ht 3 1 2 the Colonels. the New York Police Department, a* second. Then Rup easily picked grading around them and the cur- Klvlen, lb 3 0 0 . However (Manager Lusardi's 20-1. Local fans will remember Approaching ing process is completed. The DlParlsi. c ...... 2 0 0 that the Red Sox took the N. Y. c2 Pearson on an attempted steal. Casper, 3b ~ 2 0 1 permission hasn't been asked in Schlosser singled and scored on Summit Old Guard, which has Piccione, p 2 0 1 order to write this), the Firemen coppers, 5-4. Malre also was on shown an Interest in the con- Brydon, If ...... 2 1 1 had to use Auer, who was forced the mound for bis camp team Sf!«g3a's double to right. Vass, 2b 0 I 0 Hove your bike The Red Sox scored a trio of struction of the courts, i» donating Eastman, cf 2 0 0 to work seven and two-thirds when the Chicago Cubs of the two sets of cues and discs. . Eastman, cf 2 0 0 innings Saturday against the Red National were on the losing end r.ns ia the second. Successive flin- Sommo, rf - 2 0 1 gs by Makasy, Scole and Halboro While ehufflcboard is mainly an Sox. Auer was tired Monday, but of the score. All In all, Sunday's adult game, but the board la work- Totals '.: 21 he was the only effective hurler game here promises to be a num- Fixed Now filled the bases. Guardia threw Umpire—Pryce. trUilv la first to catch Michaels, ing out a plan of scheduling and the New York team had, O'Connel ber one attraction. reserving for the use of the courts American Legion plainly showing here Saturday President Frederick G. Slglcr of Whether it's a major op- ng Makasy and Scole to Ab. R. Ht Halboro reaching third. He so that all citizens who are inter- A., Bontempo, o 2 0 1 against the Red Sox that he was the Red Sox Athletic Association ested may have an opportunity to Boyoe, sf 2 0 1 not equal to the task. reports that the opening battery eration or the mere tight- *«ored oa Schlosser's second sin- E. Bontempo, rf 2 0 0 s'* to Mt play. These plans will be sub- Col*, p 3 0 0 While the Colonels were "hot" for the Red Sox will be no less ening of a holt you can mitted when the courts are ready Twill, ss 2 0 1 than Union County's Senator Her- ...WITH OOIO 1ON0 Rup »raj really the boy that 0 on Labor Day, the Red Sox were W, Bontempo, 2b 2 0 be sure your hicycle wUl for play. A. Baldwin, cf - 2 0 even "hotter" as they set back the bert J. Pascoe and Lt. Colonel GYPSUM WAIXlOAltD tpelttd disaster for the Red Sox. 0 0 Sperco,- lb — 1 0 Otto Mack*, 4-0. Henry Nulton, county ojerk. Presi- Ia the fourth with two of his Dlt'arisl, If 1 0 Big, sturdy panels of Gold Bond receive prompt and care- City Duckpin League 0 1 Manager Art Hall of the Red dent Sigler adds that Morris xasxts en bases, he parked one of League Valgentl, 3b , 1 0 goupina jiffy. ..right over ctd, PtaPt . HSOO HTH G Av. Sox is confident his charges will County's Senator Harold Plerson ful attention here. M tt.be n-Long „» 33a 917 272 Totals 17 will be numbered among the cracked walla and wifinga or d»* 319 90S 251 Bell tab* give a good account of themselves Irving-Adams 38 tectly to framing ia aew work. GilchrlKt-Nardlello 38 300 790 220 Ab. R. H. here Sunday against the Colonels. starting battery for the Colonels. SU. 61024 l>orwart-0a*t 37 318 843 244 Konash, cf -. 2 2 2 Oh yes, It should be added, Presi- And with the Gold Bead Par* Faul-Ca»per _ 38 325 841 260 Ochs, c 2 2 1 He has two aces in the hole and Kivlc-MaeMurray.. 35 333 915 249 Koch, If ~ 3 1 1 three, if Pete Gerlty decides to dent Sigler declares Manager Lu- forated Tape System, joint* an Plcclone-Terranova 33 299 811 242 Bone, 3b - 0 0 wear a uniform, to throw against sardi has promised to start Charles completely concealed . . . wafl* Eckerson-Hardy .... 35 302 771 227 Sherlan, 2b ... 1 0 Vass-Wiepoldt 32 2B8 755 232 Pnpe, rf 1 0 the Rose City team. Buonato Fucha on the mound for the Col- are made smooth and •eanakta, 0 Mommsen-Davls .. 29 7« 204 Whlnn, p ...... 0 showed Saturday against the Otto onels. Fucha is the Colonels' RICHARD KENWORT1IY ready for paint, wallpaper or any Ifiiaty Paint 793 228 Takncs, lb .... 1 (I OarRlulo-Taylor .... 26 293 1 leading hurler today. Moroney-McCool .. 22 274 712 21!) Koenlg, as .... 0 Macks that he has class and. who started the season as a otlscr type of GccorsjtiofS* 1 1 U HSQ Vass, •* _—.. pitcher for the Summit'Red Sox Let us show you how easy and 4S 1ST m.9 25 9 has jumped to the Madison Col- and Wallpaper Maben 48 188 134.3S Totals Inexpensive it it to roodcnuM •» MoloicycMi 131.22 City Duckpin League 48 167 t'mplre^—Tarantino. onels. On August 25 in the first with fireproof, non-warping GoM 9 Sola «> Kfvjen 5t 12'J.27 Angast 18 firialts m 12P.24 Summit Police night game of the season for the Wleboldt » 42 Pis. Bond Gypsum Board. Pay for 129.13 Colonela at home on Dodge Field, Faul 51 ns 143 136 163—444 the work cm our Budget Plaa. Co., Inc. Lorry Scorinzi Robertson 21 126.19 Buonato's 4-Hitter Maben „..... 174 148 1^1—473 Kenworthy started for the Rose Adams 35 179 126.18 Reserve Scores Irving 4» 171 125.(1 317* 284 31S 917 City aggregation. He had a bad DC FONT AND Uast 4S 124 32 (•) won roll-oft first frame that kept the Colonels SU. #-M2t 160 121.15 Stephens-Miller Co. PRATT-LAMBERT PAIlOl Helps Red Sox behind throughout the game. The Picclone 48 17!» 121. Faul .. 1E9 172 US—444 At Teaneck Match 5appli«s and Dorwart 61 172 120.45 'asper „..„ .... 158 145 143—432 former Red Sox man gave a free U1 SprtBKfleMI A MaeMurray ...,.„ Si 201 120.25 The Summit Reserve Pistol Club Material* for Homrn Bmlldrri Taylor ._ 3S 120.9 317 pass to the flret hitter and when iid.13 Take Otto Macks Tn sent two teams to the Interna 38 Russell Place SSISSUMII. ?*. J. Hardy 45 » the next batter dropped a bunt, Xardtelto 39 154 113.18 lai-Munay .... ss 175—357 tional Police Pistol Match staged 111.30 Behind the four-hit pitching of he elected to throw to second but Moroney 49 159 Klvlen 87 iVo IIS—345 Sunday, August 19, at Teaneck by Eckerson 42 16K 109.32 Nick Buonato, Boston Braves' farm hU hurried throw carried into the 108.14 .Mommaen 51 151 hand, the Red Sox on Labor Day ~170 " 239 293 702 the New York Mirror. Both outfl€ld and there were runners sreCool 30 163 108.13 teams "brought home the bacon." fillchrlst 51 156 107.43 afternoon at Memorial applied a 158 146 135—438 on first and second with none out. NOTICE fiarglulo 42 159 10«.7 4-0 whitewash to the Otto Macka. Dorwart .... 70 104 93—267 Team No. 1 shooting a high Both of them scored. Vass 45 130 103.40 96.37 Earlier in the season the visitors score of 1,168 points out of a pos- Davis 3!> 182 228 24!) 228 705 Oh yes, the Colonel* were play- NEW CARS AVAILABLE defeated the locals, 4-3. sible 1,200 captured first place in Chariines Book TrCool ., 8ft 115 97—300 Claas A. This score is the highest ing the Ashville Bluci and lost, About Oct. 1st To all purposes and intent, the Joroney 127 5-4. Kenworthy funned eight bat- Camp Kilmer Here Red Sox put the game on ice in shot by an auxiliary police team SOL US Yow U«Kf Cor NOW 215 274 202 691 In the match's history. ters. He WM relieved from the Prteca PaM Sunday for Softball the flrat Inning. Pearson opened game for a pinch hitter In the the flrat for the Sox with a sin- Onrgullo lit 109 109—334 Not to be outdone, team No. 7 DRALEK Charline*, 1945 City Softball aylor (blind) 110 110 110—330 came through with a score of seventh. Charles Fuchs, who re- Let Us League Champions, will play gle through second, advanced to lieved Kenworthy, was charged Dc«ato - second when Bruno drew a pa*s. 226 219 219 864 1,068 to win third place In Class C. Camp Kilmer at Memorial Field, Because of the large number of with the loss, his fourth against -Both runners advanced as Selegna GHchrist 126 96 152—374 five wins. Give Your Cor Sunday beginning at 2 p. m. to en- 140—416 •hooters, further scores have not able fans to iee the Summit Red was being retired at first. An in- Nardleito „ 128 ISO field sacrifice by Kenworthy been posted aa yet. Information A REGULAR Sox-Madison Colonels baseball 2S2 24« 292 7»Q as to individual ttandings, etc., acored Pearson, Bruno going to BtH Labs' Girls game at 3:15 p. m. Adams lit 1OK U23 will be published at a later date. third. The latter acored on Grey- Irving 137 101 117—3 Frank J. Osmulskl and George Toppl* Millburn, 12-11 Check-up H. S. FoofboU Ctwdldatei shock's alngk to right. The win- The girls' softboll team from 180 209 249 74* Pearson, both members of the ners added a run in the sixth. Bell Laboratories In Murray were OR. Hire*, Spwfc Vtaa? and Bat- Report for Practice local club, acted as range officers Scola doubled to left, reached Hardy 104 111 140—1*4 hosteiMM August 21) at Memorial rfeecimi la time will,, save More than three full elevens r«- 150 135 132—417 during the match. third when Malre was retired at Itobertson Field to a noftball tff»m from time M4 tafore trouble. ported for High School football preliminary practice this week. first, and scored on Ocha's first 2(4 218 272 771 MIHburn. A 10-run explosion in CABS WASHED The lada had a physical examina- of two single* through second. The ifommstn 91 7J 108—272 S*oton Opmis th« second Inning enabled the Bill tion Monday and received their fourth and last Red Sox run came Brooks 92 154 87—.132 L&hs' team to go :m and win, For Wotchunq Troops 12-11. equipment. Coach Elwood C. in the seventh. Bruno drew a paaa, 227 1»5 (04 The fall,season for Vvatchung Cor nog will spend the first two stole second, dashed to third on a Mlllhnrn •4 V»SB 84 l04_ j Troop* for children, T-1T, opens H. SU.tV324f Ab. n 1 weeks mostly in conditioning wild pitch and acored as Ken- Wlfboldt 171 137- •444 next week at the Union County VAnn Mnyo .3 2 work. worthy waa being retired at first. KipBiior Mayor 3 1 I 213 "SMI Tii Park Commlsalon's utables off WlttKop % ** 2 A« an indication of Buonato's Glensida avenue, Summit, Con- 3 ii ;i •ffictlvtness, the Otto Macka got Orranova 148 lfrS 14S—3JB Kst.-llR ...... 3.'..'.'.' 3 1 1 i'lcclone 118 1*7 U4—m ducted for members, with or with- A?x*tfft -..,., . % 1 only two men as far ai third, and H],|.pn tt. . 3 0 1 out experience, the troopers will v on* aa far aa second. Buonato 211 243 247 I'lildta • ''" 2 PLUMBING AND HEATING be offered. Instruction in equita- Antullo ... 3 0 1 showid pltnty of haadwork, cov- Ollchrlst „. 135 101 tion, care of the horse, and tack. Sale$ and Servke ering flmt with finesse on two lan 131 144—402 The Watchung Troop for boy» and ... i? ii T» occasion*. Anothtr time h« rac«d 2«S 121 240734 girls undtr 13 will start Monday. Ai>. n. M AUTOMATIC GAS WATER HEATERS behind the catcher and shagged J>T«rui»>nh«u*. 3b ...... 2 ' t 1 119 117 107- -*4.1 The Watchung Girt* Troop for Smith, p 0 ...., ; a i 1 Batten A Radlaton « fly for a putout, «rmnovn 100 12? 161- those over 11 will Mart B#ptem- t Hrtiwii, *« , .„„»- 3 1 I Manual! Kcd Hox btr II and 14. The Watering Ad- *i Ab. »t» 244 lii Tii m n. vance Troop for graduates of th* Klsrh#>r If 6 ft } Ftarnon, ss -377 Brv lh 2 1 1 Bruno, Sb * 2 If* 1*4- Watchung school will start W«d- SHARP PLUMBING CO. 0 .... Ml 142 471 Hls«.rnull-r, if ... 2 i HtWg, cf 0 neaday. The course will run for , % I Ksnworthy. lb 1 GEORGE i. MABP Jry»bock, 2b 0 241 270 in* no 10 daya and will offer opportunity Jnv<«)it *f ' ' *"*" s o icofa, If 1 (*) won roll-off .,, "n 'it ts Ave* Malre, rf 0 to rldfi In the paths of th« Wat- T'»t»1s Ochs, c fl Morn#y »» 105 leCm chung RMirvatlon. For additional Beor.r-Jmknon. \!tr plrf—I'rycA. Bnontto, p 0 MoCeot 119 10* Information, you may call, 8u. i (II) t 141 HI Til ITS i-tim WtstNtw York Htrt UT 111-467 Sotunloy vt. Rtd SOK 1S2 O, Palermo, If NMMMHnMi III ls>Y KOIHIfli Wtat N#w York baseball flub Irtvldsun, Ib 149 ill 24S I0» Un«4|ed«»I Kay Dool#y of Undtn will b# here Saturday at Memorial Vldolin, Ib wm mm FOOD •llmlnated Jan L«vln*, * J. «>3, f|«Jd f»r thtlr third »pppRrane# Buriw, lb Out .. 1« ll# II4-I74 JIB 111 Jl»—174 Sunday la the womm'i (first of th« y#«r ftgalmt tb# fiiimmit fwrwart round) 111 the Ntw Jtrity public (27) Iti III 219 T4I Rtd Box. Karh t»«m ban won ant cotirto t#B«l« churoplonnhlp at gam* In thl# «trlti. The gam* lUskln*. M trying . Warlnancn Park, KUt*b«>th. NMHwjvlleh, p Adam* •tart* »t a; 15, Ice Cream Oepf

    wso hit ALBUMS - RECORDS tijtvtdton. 40c « Quart-In Bricks »•*£•> I. off Bttonnto K0Si RADIO SERVICE In »*Sn5£?mrli t» viowm >rU« Ngins with and takM It* m lit tii Rummlt Am Iftt tmwm Mtp to faith ManaMN but art flM Tiff SUMMIT HftAlO, THUHSfrAY.'sEntMIER k, IMS sun it has a chance to keep un- i dcr each pear. . , • J Simple "Super" Serve on lettuce with sections of Off Hull in Hhtory banana on two aides, and mounds of mayonnaise blended with an Salads For Hot equal quantity of whipped cream. Summit Since 1869 Women Serves fl. It tte March W •title* at *• as«d for A b»ll for entertainment Weather Menus TMsaato Salad KtraM, which earri* Ham m* purposes la tb« city sad therefore O^riag toe summer^ one just 1 cup canned tomato soup • *f*»«frMt Edition," ntarcnc* «u bad live second Boor constructed let Crtmi md Cote for Kit CUMrtft cant seem to plan a menu that >i cup cold water • t* th* «r»ctloa of th* old With tola la miad. Although there doesn't include a salad—except 1 chopped green pepper 's pound cream cheese Hall hi Summit tnont. It wu * building for entertainment brtaklast. of course—but aside from that particular meal—salads 1 cup mayonnaise , «% also stated that sometim* th« DM (Howard Hali, now Masonic are terribly in demand—big ones 1 minced onion Herald might run * story about HaJl) it ,did not K«m to have 3 tablespoons lemon juice ( «nd little ones—main dish salads Summit'* City Hall*. proved very popular. Mr. Henry's and the little kind that we serve V,s teaspoons gelatin bere It is, with wbst in- vision lasted fur a very lew year* to accompany our dinner. Here 1 cup chopped celery could be gathered as j and then died out, bec»u»e enter. are two more to increase your 2 tablespoons tomato catsup Soften the gelatin in the cold t» where they were and when tainmtnt had changed somewhat repetoire: with the advent of silent picture* Ume Pear Salad water. Bring- the soup to a boil . occupied. and add the cheese. Stir until and other contributory cause*. 2 packages lime flavored gelatin Congress Kail, which in itself cheese has melted, then add the Mr. Henry tells the Herald the 4 cupa water feat aa • interesting history, being construction work was done by gelatin. Chill, add the chopped •rected by St. Teresa's Church. « pear halves vegetables, catsup, lemon juke, William S. Post and Harry B. 6 maraschino cherries •emir Broad street (Park ave- Coggeshall Add oil, a teaspoonful at a time; CLEAN YOUR To Newark: Mr. Henry continued In the beating well after each addition. 7:45, 10 A. M.; 12 M.; 3, 4:45, automobile business until 1921, and Continue until U of the oil has from then to date has devoted his 7:50, 8:30 P. M. been added. Add vinegar a little j VENETIAN time to the Real Estato and In- To New York and Points Beyond: at time, beating constantly. Add i surance business, and HS New 6:45, 7:45, 9, 10 A. M.; 12 M.; remaining oil slowly, beating con- BLINDS Jersey Motor Vehicle Agent at 2, 3, 4:45, 7:50, 8:30 P. M. stantly, then remainder of milk Summit. To Post Offices Between Summit and beat thoroughly. and New York: with th* 3-pi** 7:45 A. M ; 12 M; 3, 4:45, 7:50, Cook Fish Some Day Cheese stays fresh a long Ume 8:30 P. M. if wrapper in a cloth dampened Bino« fish does not improve with To Post Offices West of Summit! 1/BXLl age, plan to buy nnd cook It on with vinegar and stored in a cool 7:30, 9 A. M,; 3:45 P. M. place. the same day. And take care to To Post Offices on Passalc and cook it at low temperatures Delaware Branch ft. R.: the V» Skrl ONMT M Avoid over-cooking it too, for long 7:15, 8:30, 11:30 A. M.; 4:30, 7:50 mm slats... cooking ruins the dcllcntc flavor P. M. JOHN STANDERWICK The ¥• Ohm twits mn4 p and texture of fish. Sundays Only: Cnnerrl PltHlit «nf Successful Teaching Saturdays—7:30 A. M. to 1:00 P. ML Experience wt ttca safe in %atv tions of 1995,312,301 in 1935, reports ONLY. t safe ta DIP. Two the New Jersey Taxpayers Asso- Holidays -8:00 A. M. to 9:00 A. M. Beginner* — Advanced a iMpoocH of DIP la ciation. This building was constructed for Chester C. Henry, who has the rarcel Post CHILDREN — ADULTS M • matHS WMfc>day Weekdays—7:30 A. M. to 6:30 P. M. . a «h« WINDSOR WAX CO., Inc., m qr.DSrtttiavwM* If you do not have a pastry motor vehicle license agency and real estate business in Summit Saturdays-7:30 A, M. to 1:00 P. M. I.fiion* Glr*n »t Vnpfl'i Itomt * d«nar.w«rl«lilM or STUDIO fck dM qukk. blender, use a wire potato masher avenue. Mr. Henry conducted nn automobile sales room here for Register .Window for mixing shortening with flour ypnr.i. The* second floor contained nn entertainment hall. Weekdays-7:30 Al M. to 6:00 P. M, 121 Halited! St., East Orangn MAPLE HARDWARE tt foyt, JDtf }• for such things u pie crust, bis- (HernW photo-Brooks,) Saturdaya-7:30 A. M. to ltOO P. M. ORango 4-W75 3tS SprlRffltM Avt. cuits, etc. Money Orders We«ttdays~-9:O0 A. M. to 5:00 P. M. L Because foo<|n lose moisture dur- Saturdays-9:O0 A. M. to 1:00 P. ML ing the procejM, flavor and appear- General Delivery Window ance often are sacrificed through Wcekdays-7:30 A. M. to 6:30 P. If. • Five Day Week • Improper. packaging which per- Saturdays—7:30 A. M. to 1:00 P. M. mlt.1 leakage. All frozen foods P. O. Lobby Open should be wrapped in moisture- Wcekdays-fl:O0 A. M. to 7:00 P, M. anii-vapor-proof material. Holidays -0:00 A. M, to 6:00 P. M. Grocery Clerks and Checkers (Time Indicates opening and METER REPAIR MAN Sewf small white snaps on the closing). two bottom corner* of your cur- Summit Pott Offlca to Work on Wcston Meters tains and about onc-thlrd of the Matt Schedule MALE or FEMALE way up from the bottom, When Rent a Post Office box. cleaning or airing the room, snap Less than one cent a day and u|> the curtain* and they will not get your mail at often at you wish. Full Time Permanent Positions GRID MECHANICS get wet or soiled, Us* air mail—only five etnts more than an ordinary letter. If properly prepared, packaged Us* special delivery to expedite In a Btmneu Free From Reconversion Problcm$ and stored «t a sero-or-below your letter and parcel mall. temperature, quality foods will re- Remit all currency by money Nd •xp.ri.nce n«ctn«ry. Good pay and unlimited op- URGENT main in an excellent atat« for order. thre« months to two years. Most To guard against loss, register jaoHunlty lor «dv«nc«nn«nr. Low cot» group in.uranc* Permanent Position For frojteu food*, however, should not or ln»ur« valuable letters and! be kept more than a y«ar. parcels. and hoipitfllufl+ion privlUg... Liberal v«c«flon policy. PARTS ASSEMBLY No Rdcmc Nk&wry From Your Prmnt Employer. (Third Shift—I* to 8:80 A. M.) OPEN No Clrtirancc Mummy Through lh S. E. 8. Off kit* Light Work—No Experience SUNDAY MOBNINO APPLY IMNlBkAtlLY TO YOUR N1AI1SY 9-12 NATIONAL UNION RADIO ACME MARKET or AMERICAN STORE Nwark % N. Summit Hardware a A. M. to 4P. M. AMERICAN STORES CO. 111 FARK AVI. THi SUMWtT HEtULP, MUKiD^Y, SIPTfMHH *, 1941 It Notice To Voter^ in U) M remftola, Jerry WOODLAND AVEMCE (•) U MueTlcr, WBL, Jr. u> U) n Briu. Eveiro m. RtCMt looks DotHrtwd Wright, and "Apartmant la Ath- SUMMIT f (A) 7 BLAUUCBJI 9t»t wsrt SPORTS M^^ftsfl ens'* by Glenway Wascott koTiCt W HBKKBT OtVBN th«, -- - JW York,.:... 13 SHUCKX t*> - J» Delmontt. JuUa \ • ' ' ,. i -1 We*t K«w Y To Co** CM» Salt Jm -t to tht pwvtstew of W. W:31- (D) •4 Burwell, Robert - -. • .Picatinny ~.iu~ I AU kinds of books ar* f1 5fei of tnine* Bevtotd *t»tut» of Kjtw Jersey. «B> 2 McOriff, Petty U. i _„ Jersey City Haughtt^ns ., _.4 Various books hav* been «- irtue «« «»• auUwrltjr eonfsrod (Ai 2 McGritt. (tstliie !„ . AJientonn Red wox 2 by Uie committee aad during tin ih« Union Count* *oai? of Eltc BtrX.'HHU0li HO AD j 4 , ... „ Weat Xew York .-..,,3 ceived by the committee for the summer donations may be takes "' W toUtafollowing 4 3J Poulos, Uagdalen* L, HIGH AND rMN .___ Wright (A^ro -^ '. 1 to Hamilton School what* apaos Iglblc to vote because Uwy have • A) an Luck, Mrs. Fanny. A. (A 1 Peepiea, Pearl II. held every year in the fall, accord- has been set aside for then. If ,j or have been dlwjuallBed, or hav* <5 iuiUNRi*, rain) ve w Y»irM rolice ...... 4 •a iinproperly Mtfsurea. or have died. tD) 73 Madigan, Neal <«' ing to the chairman, Mrs. Joseph anyone finds it impossible to tan* SI Mount, B«itr XSM Manager LusanB - X,*w York rir«t»«n „.... 3 H iollowluf classification*, designated DE FOK£8V AVfcNlE them to the school, arrangement* • Letters' 'A" — "B" .-* "C" u» „. Crmnfoid «;ijui!» „.. u V. Charles, Jr. Among them are ti e (A) S Badger, Josephine H, 9 I U will be mad* for their coSsctloa •XV consiltut* reaaona for Infll- Kt'tXIO A V EM IE 4 ... ._ . Cra'nford «Ilant» 2 to vote and tbe pemons hereln- 8 Wemy, Mrs. A«M« Hottkt, Maria several recently published books nullity (B) 1 Johnston, Elizabeth 73 Allen, Mrs, Kites •. OUmsf*. Lota M Writes a Letter 4 ,_?_.,. . Jrvijigiini All ?Jtar» ...._. 1 by calling Mrs. G. Elinors SehuUs, ttrst named ar* listed for on* of (B) 1 Johnston, William F g Niun, «„. «„, ..'Irvlnstun'Ali St*t» _w_j 5I{£"« 'followinfi g reasons: 7g Ni « • including "Black Boy" by Richard •Summit «-0tl»»M. 1 *KH.NWOOD BOAU (B) »7 Blaytoa. AdrUnn* f. H. J. (Gil) LuAwrdi, trcuurtr Otto Ma e Brokaw, Frederick OAKIJW AVKNCB sad tunagcr of the Ms4iM» C«i- Stw Yurk Firemen ^...,9 ..£••_ Mov«d. UK No Address, Heft '....0 munty (19:31-15). CB) 6 Brokaw. Janet E. (A) 1 Thomas. Morri* I* HAHlHOHNt 4VK.MK i (B) 1» D«we, Frsmk a. tA) ooels AAwtciAtioa, bu Uk«o «- c'-Do not posses* quariittosttloas to ach nams and way be definitely (A) #•> Jackson, Aaron (A* 6«8 Ackerman, DoreOiy (D> » Barker. Jua A- | •I'fitamed by referring to the corre- S Melton, Uroy E, (A) «68 Ackernum. Edward H. Oolmcif will draw » "full sponding letter Jn the above el«sslflc»- (A) 88 Powell, Mary E. Prnnember Affair (A) 8S0 Jansseo, Bnuna (A) IS KsEter, Matssarat C. tA) ss Thomas,'Edward (A) 1.718 Smith, Julia M. (A) 41 ScartBst. E4«ta U '"AII "iportuiiity to present proof toll- (A 1 111 O'Netta, Janet (A) \723 Iflll. Miss Naomi (A> 4B NeKale, Paatoal* like Mother ,rarv to sudi reaaon will be giveu to all (A) 133 Bukton, Hydney C. (A) H52 flanford, Orarge C. (A) 44 Bwse. Tha44ua ~rwn» whoie namea ar* listed below. (A/ 133 lit Lucia, Ralph (Al 752 Sanford. Mrs. Ida tan.HHU County's public links players will M(i\i.lf(l such persons appear personally Club, Kenilworth and Union. Palf me right to maRe application to a (A) 171 Gllmore, Esty ASNLAMD «O (AX 19 retrucein. «a»ty M. ju.)K* «t the Court of CommoJ? Ptsaa of (B» 174 Alpaugh, Walter A. (Hi JH Helthall, Jack V. management has been adamant all The tournament, a pro-member I'nio'i rnunty, during the t\j[O'weeks ira- (Hi 125 Leaveni, Annie If. m'edijtfly prefedlns th* Oeneral Election (A) 174 Bernhard, Glizwoeth (A) •» Dykde. Mra. Aasa year in booking- the Red Son and best ball affair, scheduled for 18 (A) ISO Carpenter, Florence (A) 128,Atwater, Ralph W. (A) Tt lajfotlla. Paaauale Be surf !n November 8, 19«, and on *ald EIw- (Ai 1S5 Beall, Lloyd C, Jr. (A) 160 Dey, CUnrlsaa W. 91 raOon. Mn. Ftora contended that we were net in the hole*. Is sponsored by Galloping • 1 in' Day for the purpose of obtaining an (A) I Sit Marvin, Dwlght E. (A) 188 Ksrufman, Pora U. (D) 9» Fleeter. CfcarWs S same class. Hill Golf dub, of which Lieuten- er-ur Kititllng him to vote »n the district (A) 198 Hummel, Elizabeth c. ' (A) 265 Bassett. K. BUiaketjh (A) MT Breoa. Jeae>h m'which he actually resides. The burden tD) 315 Webbe. Hn. Ullle H. I have been In the baseball pic- ant Coakley was professional for woof shall be upon the applicant. The (A) 200VVilliaws, Lottie (A) IMA MtOvsa, 0( , UAI.DRUN AVENUE BLACKBUIN rLACS (A) IM Cwas, WlBiam ture too many years to make any many years; The Union County wn oi the Court of Common Pleas. If (A) ft Cox, Franeellsi A. Lt'istiei tun the applicant Is entitled (D) 8 Mahon, John (Ai 10 Newman, Mrs. Mae (Bi 29 Ingmanaon. John H. auch crack. Class can only be Park Commission and the \ New uritr the law to vote St auch election, BLACKBCKN ROAB ,r'il after determining th* election district (A) 3€ Peale, Lorna B, (A) Sit Infaurtlnl. Jeha proved on the ball field and sot In Jersey Professional Golfers' As- UHITTREDCE ROAP (O) 83 Eltner, Robert O. (A) Ml , Jotde< Scatt in' which such person actually resides, (B) 97 Anderson, Immoiia M, newspaper columns. sociation. The sponsors plan to .,„• iS,ue an order directing the district Min»UV0nsV I (A) «U Bembry. Ea»fc«r The only question that arose in make the event a-n annual one to DOGIVOOD DRIVE (A) 23 Parcell. Veronica •a., to vole. Such.person, however, must COLT *OAJ> bo known as the Coakley Memo- ^register before, voting at smy subse- (D). 22 Hamlln, Arthur 8. tA) G. Jaawa T. my negotiations with Summit was (Bi 31 Faust, Gertrude B. (A) 28 Andersen, Allc* U. (A) MtfMwaa. Mary £ rial Tournament ,jfnt election t>y court order or other- DRUID ULL KOA0 the fact that being * first year (B) 31 Faust, Walter L. * (B) 32 Keckler, Chat. W. am Summit was not drawing The New Jersey P. G, A, will (Al 34 Sigal. Mrs. Sylvia (B) T Flnsta, y *'['LEASE NOTE . that the two week EDCiEWOOD ROAD 33 Keeklen Maud X. lit lit Hanrtsvn, IB*S' a. well enough to warrant me fring- present Galloping Hill with a period ai)o\r) referred to commences on (B) 35 Hamar, Mildred 8. 13 trtgsms, Kew W. « Blanchard, I. Munro (A) (A) 12 Williams, CBnaa UNION COUNTY BOARD EDUKWOOD DRIVE 23 Beek, Marjerie D. (A) 34 Ptraaeo. Jota A. because I felt that- Uw Chamber tenant Coakley, nr&t Jmey pro to OF ELECTIONS. (A 1 9 Willlsms, Maude OREENBRIAK D9HVE (A) 37 Alleo, Georgia A. JAMES J. DAVIS, Chairman. (U) to Cravath, Adelaide 37 Beaver*. LSn*Il of Commerce would have to take give nil life in the European war, I Hi 13 Simmons, Georgia A. LARNED ROAD (A) MAURICE D. J^cBRIDE, . . ESSEX ROAD / - (A) 41 Denipxy. Lbcta* too big a financial risk. I went was a P. G. A. member fourteen (Hi 105 Davtci, A. Powell / BLM feTBKKT . Member. (D) 3 Merritt, Annie M. • (B) 105 Davles. Muriel A. " through the same thing last year years. He served twice as the Union Rickii Kj Co. 2» Clapf. Ftoreaca B. EDWARD A. ROESEL IB) 25 Bright. Dewey W. MIDLAND TEBILftCB (B) Sn-rrtary and Commissioner of (D) 25 Knowles, .Mabel H. (A) 3» tttaslBg. Harry when we first organised and be- tournament chairman and wag a (B) 19 Irish, John K. / LtNtHCf rLACE Registration." FERNWOOD ROAD % (B) 19 Irish. Mrs. UMB. fore we sold the team to the peo- member of the executive com- KATHERINE M. CARD, Member. (A) 67 arenler, Amanda ' (A) 1J Dart*. SalH* M. MOUNTAIN AVEX0B 2» Bcrumnd. B4n* mittee for several yean. Hr»t Ward , Mret District (iLENDALE ROAD (B) 188 Huywen. Mrs. Klalt (A) ple our financial loss was terrific. 1 A) H Witt. ElCrleda (A) 24 Bcrtraad. KaaaeS COLONIAL, KUAD (A) 199 Hardt, Franlc H. 39 Asdamaa, Arthur I certainly could not expect a team Among the professionals who al- (Bi H6 Wlsllcenus, George (Bi iu Buderboon, Evelyn J. (A) 209 Johnston, Beaale (A) HOBART AVENUE , UOCXBT D9UTE like East Orange that was estab- ready have signified their lnten- (Bi 1»S Wlsllcenus, Lisel E. (A) 209 Johnston, Patrick It Moewley. Alfred L. KDGAK 8TBEET (A) 31 Hesse, Mrs. Helen (A) 209 Lonergan, John (B) lished to book me at their field Uon to compete are: Frank Krln- (B) 11 Mossier, MB. WUsam ITS ALL YOURS (in H Kelly, Jean ID) S3 Jamison, Hugh D. (B) 2:00 HHaughh , CarletCl a 0. KKNT PLACE BOULEVARD (Bi 67 Atwater, Margaret C. ,. (A) 13 ?c«rb*M, VMit M. and help carry my financial bur- gle. State Open Champion; Emery (B) 220 Haugh, Chas. J., Jr. (A) IT Forresun. Dartt B. (Ai 2U Mast, Felix J. (A) 57 Neel. Raymonde ** / OAK KNOLL ROAD den. This year we were offered a Thomas, State P.G.A. king; Maur- DeMalo, Angelina 3. (D) 155 Hubbard. George M. (U) IS Van Llew, Helen B. (A) •7 Scteeftter. Hesrr K. we are established from a draw- Jersey P.G.A.; Johnny Farrell, becomes available, this (A) 155 Washington, Anna / (A) S3 knr, RosaeU H- IAI ;i LaKer. Adelaide W. OAKLAND rLACE tot cumas. EUeo B. ing standpoint Unfortunately we Baltusrol pro and former National (A i sj Lynch, Eivlnat M. (Ai 155 Washington. Le Roy / (B) 56 Grether, Frank H. (B) (A I 165 Reffie. Frank / (•) 106 Kenaah, MJchael could not accept the booking as Open Champion: Johnny Kinder. Ii tht plact you wilt get iK' >9 Morris. Martha OAK RJDCHE AVEKCS MOKBtB ATBKTB iB> !'3 Alpxandrr, Conrad (A> 200 Hummel, Edward C. / (A 1 181 James, Myrtle L. (B) 220 Malmgren, Hilda / (A) »3 Ssnrawtr*. Rachel H. they plsy at home the same days former State P.G.A. king; Jack It at Its quality btst iM' M Alexander. /.urn* L. (Dr 165 Randall, Harry D. 297 Lamb. Qmatta J. i .\ > US Pnyder, Florence (B) Us Kane, Pouglasa M. PARKVIEW TERKACB (A) MS Tenser, Oeoe»trr« teurs who will be paired with the 1 Ei i:> Kane, Orrald H. B. ' MOMRIM * ES8EX TURNriKE (A) 42 Lleb, Frank C. (A' 149 1'cterson, Walter (A) Cale, Edward B. PINE OROVI AVEKCB XBW BHOLANB- ATKKUE In this type of baseball class pros are: Hike Elko, Lester Jan- thing especially which 1B1 :r>.' Fox, Josf-ph (A) Cale, Peggy-B. (D) 62 Frank, Harry C. It KbkMtrtck. Sdtth does not enter into the picture; koiki (Summit). Bill Hilditch, 1B1 132 Fox. Shirley SO. PROSPECT HILL AVENUE (D) 105 Murray, James J. •AKLANB rLACB drawing ability is the only con- Hugh Peteraen, Mike Kascin and shoppers like about our MADISON' AVKNCE (A) 50 Roiey, William H. PLVMOmni ROAD (B) • Merrew. Latter C. 1D1 10 Johnson, John T. (B) S8 Zwolinskl. Helen D. (D> 14 Hlckcy, lunlee X. 18 Schreyer, Wm. A, (A) 46 O'BrieB, PersU attentive service they (B> 235 Mizionl. Renat H. (A) 19 Lannln, Miss Mary (B) 41 Caw ley, James I. order to break even and at least represented in the event by Park SI'KIMiFIKLD AVENUK TEMPLAR WAV (B) 41 Cawlsy, Margaret (D) 19 Arautraag, s (Bl 55 Haicn, Burchard M. 1,000 people for a night game. Commissioner Caxton Brown of unfailingly get (A> (97 Fleming, Thomas W. 7 FRINROMC fLACE (A) 19 HettM, J. Barrtet STA.VLKV AVBNtJB WESTMINSTER ROAD (B) 1 Williams, Klsie a. (A) 19 •tattsater, Ddbcrt W. The only reason I am writing Summit and Acting Superintend- (D) Bain, Conrad 8. (B) 16 White, Mrs. Laura 8. (B) 1 William*. Fred M. (A) 19 Solrwater, Stanley this letter is because 1 have a soft WKST KND AVENt'K WIIITTIIKIXIK ROAD (Al 20 DcnJke. Margaret D. ent of Recreation George Cron. / rROVTKCT STRUT (n> '2i H»;is>ini. Claudia b. . (Di 47 Hsrrdy, Chas. S. (A) 64 PrendergaM, Jams* KAUJMABi AVKNUE •pot in my heart for Summit and The tourney, in honor of the for- iH> '.'7 sanjfim, ^rank A. (A 1 SO Fryer, Florence B. (Ai 122 Senla, J. Grant (A) 43 Howard, Arthur R . have a host of friends there. You mer Galloping Hill pro who lost S3 MoUnarl. There** M. iv-m.1. Miss Marry'IS. First Ward sixth District (Bi 129 Montgomery, Horace (A) 84 Cttssmo. Chaa. and do not realise that I got my teur tournament, and is likely to >A • if I'i'tvkowjkl, Wm. DE BARV PLACE (Bi 129 Montgomery, Msrry K. (D) #4 Pannutto. Anccttaa baseball start In Summit with the develop Into one of the biggest 1 A . 25 riigimo. \Jrs. N. (A) • • Poole. Richard A. (A) 13S Ter Meer, Albert (A) 76 Martin. Arthur J. '»' lid Slnotra, Anthony (A) 12 Matthews. Delia F. WATCHUNO PLACK (A) 7» Smith, Tent old St Teresa Club < which was one events on the P.G.A. calendar. It iRi M Hlnngra, Mrs. Jtnnls (A) 12 Matthews. Mabel (A) 16 SterHnc. Patu« 1 (A) 3 Mact^od, Wm. J. of the best around) 27 years ago will be limited to Jersey players. (A 38 Vailu'rro, Kranel» (A) 13 Hcheck, Charles (B) It Lytle, Cha-lts S. (D) S3 Bwaey. Chas, tt, BROILERS, FRYERS ntllhOllU ROAD, (D) 21 Roberts, Ada B. (Bi 8 Lytle, Edn» O. (A) m Lantf. Mis* Albetta when,! was 18 years old and that A standout golfer and soldier, * * WflWnVOffB ROAD (A) 96 Vtncettt, Warren iK' :'7yJrthn»toni, Itome'r ' * ""' Becoad Wart TMfi t later went back and caught for Coakley was the lone Jersey golf iB' .Ti N'ntslngir, Elizabeth 17 Klrwan, Juliana ASHLANB ROAD ifi. II Miller, Nathalie P. (A) 23 Weat, Lulu B. (Hi 7 Westby-Oibaen, FalUi (A) the Red Sox in the old Lacka- professional to make the supreme • B.' H Mlllnr, Richard F. (A) 23 Weat. Preston I. (Bi 21 Collins, Laura 3, (D) &T0 Denaer, Philip C. n anna League for two of the beat sacrifice in the European conflict. I WOK BROOK rARKWAV FRANKLIN PLACE (Bt 27 Lenfestey, Brtnteri (A) •TO Oanaoa, Mra. Eva Baxter. Evelyn F. (A) •« Tunis. Phlhp A. (Ai 53 Falkenburg, John (D) »•» rtorwltt. Paal H fellows that I ever had the pleas- He was a member of the P.G.A. •D' ril Keayon, L. C. (A 1 24 Hammond, Mrs. Jane ELM NREBT (A) »T0 Lf4sn, Jewrph P. ure to play ball for—Harry Dor- for fourteen years and during that 1A1 it Kenyan, Lnurw IV. (A) 28 Gundel, Mary E. (A) AS Corby. Robert H. (A) •TO Shryeck. Kn, Mary A 'R II Bradford, Marlon M, (Pi 45 Kentz, Andrew A. (Ai 74 Aleibury. Serena (A) 5T0 Imlth. Mssrsaerlta wart and Andy McNamara. time served twice as itx tourna- ROASTING CHICKENS il> il Went, Livingston (D) 48 Htahl, Edwsrrd L. (A) 74 Haten, Joseph (A) 570 Stiller, Anna P. Nothing would please me better ment chairman and was a mem- T lanrty. Harvard W. • A 17* Rflyra. M»leleine (A) . S8 Bottl. Mary K. (l>i 18 Syrret, Chas. F. (D) 9 Tttetsaav. X*m B. ' (friendly) such as we have had in O'Connor said the P.G.A. will (HATHAM ROAD I1LENWOOD PLACE (Bi 21 Ranker, Anthony (A) 17 HtrduMr, Alma B. the past present a memorisl plaque to the 'A- 'j| Gardner, Mrs. Leah (A) 4 Crate, Edward (D) 23 sitzler, Mr*. Eon* (A) 17 Herekster. John P. •A- :t Memenway, Charles (At 12 Hurst, Mrs. Marie tA) 38 Evans, Howard (A) 37 Brtiteatach. Cyrfl This is not intended as a criti- Galloping Hill Golf Club. Dan 'V lj Loderlck, John E. (At 14 Wheeler, George LINDEN PLAOa (A) 3T BrtttenlMch. C. ft cism. I Just want you to know Kenely. Coakley's successor at the (D) 14 White, Minnie L. (B) 46 Mitchell, Muriel Was4 SereetfH (A) 20 Andreus, Miss Betty my side. Hill, hopes to obtain permission 5 Campbell, L. Neil MAPLM STREET Asmreov AVEMUB 48 (A) 2H Whitted, Rllie It Martin, Oliver J. (Bi 155 Began, Mrt. Esther (A) 4 MelBtrre. Kle«fi>ea Say hello to all my old friends; from the Union County Park Gom- 15 Anderson, Mm A, (A) 34 Jamison, Charrles 361 Sprin f!eW Avt. I PI* W* (A) 38 McGrlpp, Elliabeth (B) 159 aaian, Oeerge SS Karpeaaal. Jeftn J. and tell the* that I expect to see 9 17 Crofut, Marguerite MOUNTAIN AVENTB mission to plant a tree near the IA' lit Sllhtoe, Wm. (A) 38 Tyner, Oscar 144 Buae», Betty (A) 36 White, James (A) 12 Wilson, Rrted* R. (A) them all at the park Sunday root- clubhouse as a further means of lA- -.1 Kanr. Katherlnf. F. (A) 28 Campbell, Mrs. BtU «. (A) 144 Smiui, Osama IA1 31 SmalUy. Howard (A) 36 Wood. Matthew 144 WMtledi. ABee M. ing for their home team which perpetuating Coakley'a memory. (A I 40 Wilson, Mrs. Ehz. (Bi W) Sargent, Robert H. (.ATKS AVKNt'K (A) »3 Van Duzer. Fred. 0. (A) 147 lan*»H. JMm they should be proud of. l'i I,a»plno, Carmatti P. (A) 40 Miles. Ki-trllr A. 130 MttrtMO. Jaeepei J. (A) 40 Worthy, Bealrlce ' (A) Hi Rlckerby, Vins P. (A) Sincerely, -'i Mannlon, Ellen A. (At 88 Rogers, Christina V, IS1 Kartan. RmsWn H. '-'11 Mannlon, Patrick HOBART AVE.ME (A) 86 Rogers, Wlllsrd (A) 191 Antrwa, FrasiBi* H. J. LUSARD1. IIICKORV ROAI1 (A) 32 Meurer. Joseph P. 1, (A) 118 Eagles, Audrey B. (A) 194 VagaemaB. Heavy H M Hiniehrsnd. Mrs. A. (A) 32 Wledman, Leila M. (Ai US Wllday, Marjorle B. (A) 1S4 SlBgletim. Kjwte* P. st.—Tou also stated that Sum- iB IS lllidfbraiid, T(nro. (A) 8S Pevear. Mr«. Kv# E. (A) 129 Muffy, Marguerite (A) mit was booked at Madison on the IRII* ROAD (Al 78 Kafp, Walter B. OAK RIDGE AVENUE (A) 1S8 Ctatni*. Msur T. 15th. As yet this is not true. There II Olbblns, William A. •I (iaiithler, Theresa L. (B) 19 Backer, Uslls E. (D) US Oaks, Amelia L. (A) YOUR WASTEPAPER -! CnmplMll, ratrleK (D) 20 Harner. Charles ROWAN ROAD to Madison If we caft draw well '-'••' I'mipsr-y, Jmnes M. RIITHVKN PLACE (D) 9 Stiles, William C, 39 smith. Annie V. I.HVIH AVKNt'K (U) 33 Waters. Ethel M., RAVMC STREET (A) money. '-' Hrharf. Robert ttrRINOFIELD AVENUK (A I IN Good, James St Sake*. CawM P. I- Mlmonson. Charles (B) 285 Brodhead, Miunii- (A) IS Sanders, Ftossle 0. M OarfMr. Fannie H. I- simonion, gusati (A) 288 Mlnnella, Kllzabeth (At 18 Sanders, John M Oaf nser. T. S. I -I HiTburger, Mrs. t. (A) 268 Pulling. John T.. Jr. (A) 19 Francis, Walter Itt Cleaves, B—»sr V. WILL BE COLLECTED -''I MrDcrmott, J. Alvah (A) SI Westbrook, Ellave (A) 19 Perry, Suala (D) 11T MMdMB, Starr LINCOLN AVENt?K (A) 71 Gllmore, Addle (A) 20 Gordon, Wm, Rice. Ba«to M. Chart*** •' Oamulslil, Virginia IA 1 (A) 71 Moore, Jnmea (A) 12 Hamrick, Reed BtU Lain (A) 77 Cephan. Anolt» Zirrillo, Patrick TULIP STREET 1H Laird. Wllttan. Clba •>"••> Cutiona, Peter WALDRON AVENUE (A) 102 Ddnohue, Robert L. 1S4 M«D«r, J. Fred Eastern FIM| CA 1 '•'"1 Huh. Frank. (A) 2S Oeddls, CCCIIIH (D) 138 Tharaud, Janet <»> 1S4 M«A«r, Msntnl >'>'> Northdurft. Henry First Wsvrt Hevenlli District WILLIAM nUKBT •<») IM Tatar, Anns. W. •'-'t Cnrlonf, Carratlla RADICAL' AVKNCE (A) 8 Kplscopo, Joieyii IM T»Uar, Onust C, SEPTEMBER 16 and 23 ">-''•• Rorowskl, Mrs. F. (D) 35 North. Krnest D. IMI.VHV nmmw , Vimivw • A • '••!i Katitdla, Joseph BKKCHWOOD ROAD ASBWOOD AVENOB At the height of the European •''H Ztchlrhl. James B. (Dt 123 Clark, Mrs. K. B. (A) 43 Luciano, Jsrrn J. (A) 9)6 AtB*. i\ 1 campaign, the Job of hauling Ord- '"'i Cardonp, Fred tB) 153 Bonyun, Harry A. (A) 41 Rleta, Mrf. R*ea - Bl F*ttr. Ala*** •"'51 O#inilo, Pasnuale BKI.I.EVIK, AVENUE (A) 63 Lomlwrtl, John MSJ*isimwjwa nance ammunition to advanced HTRKrT (B) 27 Booss, Muriel (). (D) S3 Bruno, Frank M Smalt, Harriet pstnts Behind the fighting front re- • i Btttterwnrth. R. H. U) 28 Raabe. Augusta (A) 84 Jannelll, Mary RIVER RQAI) BELLKVtK STREET (A) 6* Oteemelewskl, Thee. M Lenre. Mra. Uta fBtrsd the sferaUM of Ordnance nHIMBTMra Of Tll#tfMMn vf AMMTHMM B4iyi III 4? RuMtll. Thpm»» (B) 29 Temple. Oertrude (A) »4 Williams. l**k (At at Puffy, MM L trues* a distance of MS.000 miles "1 Pnwton, Marguerlta RELLEVUE AVIWUB (A) «• Millllo, Mm, MtlM 1 Illl «l rorrt, Ilrnnli BH liu»»n, Mrs. C, W. (A) 118 Foster, 3. Rhoada M BftagMMb Mi* Bra is •*« week. This adds op tc saere vital atccssitltt of lilo otto •*• #tw tauirfot wMtb wo MI IAI r'H Hnrnotunlnn, JeJm (Bi M lltidsa, IWwin V RALTUtROf, rLACK U% Ca«aewe«. BOM A. T. than twenty times around tht , IVKAVRR NTRKKT (Di l')5 8e!ter, Kathryti (•'. (A> 20 Orliy, James t. A> 'At •, K IVttlford, AstneMh St ©»»«f»». 'Ai 1(1 «<•>•• Mrs. Ada (D) 19 Way, Carrie M. (A) 91 Treuton, Frank I. A> 11 Htcwart, Henrietta CREST ACHE COURT (S) 41 Dajraiek. Albert A» (D> If -i vviigon, RoHtta (Rt 7 Mason, Mrs. Mabel J, (B) 41 Dsrdlek, Eu»ene A» ' «Mfl IR 1 'H nisoldl, Franeeiw (B) 15 Hyde, Mrs, Dorothy (B) 41 nsrtlck, Mrs. Irea* Al VI V SSS 'A) iil (A) 2 Ponton, Mm. Reals MtmuE > Fox, Edward HILLCREiT AVENUE (A) 36 Murray, ««as. O. A> 1 (A) (A) 31 MacCuteheon, Mary I> Itt Va«s»a». M» * Uiira / *^< Botert, Andrew (A) II MeroneV, Bitiawre M. SI 114) v«u»**». Wiaytaad mjon, Mrt. Hurts. MILLilDK AVBNUK (A) U Ru«k, Catherine >. < *» t Nmft IMstrlet (Di 1S Mafftl, Anthony RENRT 8TRF.MT A) 131 mmm, wmmm (A) 19 Patterson, Irene M. A> ltl BMIIW, Wtmtt HKRVHWOOD MOAD (D> II French, H«rtnrt C. A) « rnrransr, Dorothea MtRMAINlS ROAD (A) 19 De L«ea, Fannly 'A) (A) ' 8 Htartnrd, Beatrice RUdBBrl rLACB WtffAK .._ 'A> J £feplfy, «4«ey •. NORWOOD AVENUE (A) t Carlson, Lt« J, 4*1 • OaetreMe, Frank, tr, UK FOUi&gf AVKMVB (!)) 19 Franhlln, Ituford (A) • MeGrath, Mary 'At OXIMIW LANK Mil ! W^wdi, I^ulss 314 Wlllnugliby, J»m»s (A) » M«C»e, mrttHy t, Si mmm, H*wwWttlfftsv«t (A) m Irvine, Hn* T, (A> M MiCue. Mm IT ySH IrWI IWI fMr1 PI Will SHHI J Bmith, r£>t*ntm A. WAM.At'K ROAD (A) M M«Cti», K«mri .1 PI *Ng»y,_Ajrt»g^w. RUSMtLL ' . J «m»Mi, Thowaa fl, (A) 19 Wolff, Mrt, Alta J. ; A) Si **»'|H>»*, ffffM.9 » •••••rtw, Kutiei (X* W Wmtt. ItoNrt F, (At II m VMIM. 1 R»»lrn .A. j| Rtl»|t, Rulhryn R Fuller, Msrjartf I/. L#lKi»»y, Chail" F. m mmmmm ' •""'", Illithftti-,, (0) A* m~* ~~ #«1 tmm, bill M, ItNP, M. •»tl JtttM, R»h»fi Olark •t MHivitr*, Mwln I?. (*) ijt Mm. B**jnt Si MHIuIrt, Mrs. Lsrti* mm (A) I imm THE AMBKAN LEGION 11'< %*. *. THt SUMVOT HHALD, THURSDAY. SEPTtMICR 4, 1945 surf it hta a ch. wca to keep der each pear. ' _ Simple "Super Serve on lethiet w|th sections of Half in History banana,on two sides; and mounds Salads For Hot of mayonnaise blended with an Summit Since 1869 equal quantity of whipped crcaiii. Women Serves «. the l&rch M adMon 41 tin aatd for a ball for entertainment Twnato Salad which carrle* tha purpoaea ta the city and therefore Weather Menus tttte During the aummer, one Just 1 cup canned tomato, soup Edition," reference had the aecond floor constructed Ice Creom o»d Coke for the ChUdren can't aeem to plan a menu that Vt cup cold water ./.-•* 4 1 te> tha erection of th* oldwith tiii* In mind. Although there doead't Include a «alad--exc«pt 1 chopped green pepper |CMgr Ball is Summit avenue. It was a building for entertainment breakfast, of course-but aaide ',i pound cream chee»« use (Howard Hall, now Masonic from that particular meal-nwlads 1 cup mayonnaise ; iraa also atated that sometime the 1 minced onion Hall) it ltd not seem to have are terribly In demand-big ones Htrald might run a story about 3 tablespoons lemon juke proved vtry popular. Mr. Henry's and little ones—main dish salads Summit's City Hatts, and the little kind that we serve IK teaspoons gelatin *W*11, hers it is, with what in- vision lasted for a very few yeara to accompany our dinner. Here l.cup chopped celery^ formation could be gathered aa and then died out, because enter- are two more to increase your 2 tablespoons tomato catsup Soften tho gelatin in the cold tfe what* they were and when tainmeat had changed somewhat repetoire: water. Bring the soup to a boil occupied. with tlw advent of silent pictures Ume Pear Salad and other contributory causes. 2 packages lime flavored gelatin and add the cheese. Stir until Congress Hill, which in itjclf cheese hat melted, then add the Mr. Henry tells the Herald the 4 cups water has an Interesting history, being construction work waa done by gelatin. Chill, add the chopped ejected by St. Tereaa'a Church. 6 pear halves vegetables, catsup, lemon juice, William S. Post and Harry B. 6 maraschino cherries owner Broad atreet (Park ave- Coggeahali (Poat 4k Coggeshall) and mayonnaise. Place In re- Ipie) and Chestnut avenue, a* a 2 tablespoons lime or lemon frigerator to Jell. Serve on let- both retired; James G. Ovens, J / school' with ball apae« on the whose aon, John, Is continuing juice - tuce leaves with a garnish of ground Soar, was used by the th* carpentry business and did Where the Township Committee might have held its meetings Dissolve Ume flavored gelatin In stuffed olives. wtrnsbJp Committee aa a meet- some of the work on the present during some of the years that have passed. This Is a matter that la two cups of hot water. When iftg place in which to conduct the thoroughly dissolved, add two Herald Building; and Joseph O. open to verification. Photo from which illustration was made is owned By rapicl freezing of food* in Township's affairs. (This is quej- cups of ice water and the lemon Chryatal. plumber, who Is at ill in by John M. Mullin of William street. home freezer*—at a temperature ttottable—wme aay jraa, some say bus!new in DeForest avenue. Juice. of sejro or below—original colon, j$». We have been unable to lo- The building has not exteriorly Choose a pan or deep dish suf- flavors and freshness are pre- eat* anyone who would positively ficiently large to accommodate 1 been changed, etill having its Summit's First and Only Bona Fide City Hdl served. Extensive testa have proved aay this is so. Reader can take iron grill work and little balcony, the aix pear halves. P.our into this that no nutrition losses occur dur- his choice.—Ed,) but inside changes have been n(R- enough of the gelatin to make a ing freezing or storage. "Later, information tells, the essary to meet city requirement*. Ice cream and cookies spell layer about .two-thirds of an inch committee met in a paint store thick. When firm, arrange aix The ground floor ha* been turned glamor to any group of young- unit of refrigerator until half of If you have dampened mQre owned and operated by James into Police Headquarters, police sters from the toddler set through cherries on it, with halves clothea for ironing than you were Kelly, about where the LAB build- frozen. Scrape from freezing tray pears over them. Space carefully rest room, jail, Courtroom and the teen-agers. No matter how low Into chilled bowl. Beat until able to Iron, place the dampened lag now stands in Union place, justice's retiring room. The sec- your sugar ration may be, you to permit cutting the finished clothes in the Ice box. "This i par- Ifow long the meetings were held smooth but not melted* Replace salad Into six pprtions, with a 8 ond floor houses the City Clerk, can manage to provide both cook- in freezing unit. Before mixture ticularly dealrable in hot weather her* deponent sayctb not, but the the,City Qffldal. Common Council ies and smooth Ice cream for piece of pear in the ceh.ter of each. as it prevents mildewing. committee held its seasions there la completely frozen, beat again Add the rest of the gelatin, being conference room, Receiver of summer treats > by • using sweeten- until smooth. Finish freezing. in the 1800 hundred*, just previ- Taxes, City Treasurer, Board of ed condensed milk, a creamy ous to the erection of the "Old Serves 5. » • • Tax -Ajse&sorn and Building In- blend of whole milk jmd sugar Magic Five-Way Cookiet ;- City Hall." spector, abo Common Council that needs ho extra sweetening This building Is of brick con- 1 1/3 cups (15 oz. can) sweeten- meeting room and vault space. of any kind. ed condensed milk. First Church of Christ, Scientist struction, two stories high and On the third floor is the City En- You can make the children's 212 Springfield Avtnua Summit, Ntw Jtney .was built, according to the legend •a cup peanut butter gineer's offices and a meeting place favorite flavors In a few minutes' . Any ONE of these 5 ingredients Oa the corner atone, in 1892, under for the Board of Fire Chiefs. A Branch of Tht Mother Church, The Fint Church of Christ, kitchen duty and forget about 1) 2 cups raialns > * the direction of the Township A little personal history of Ches- wartime restrictions on store sup- Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts Committee composed of Parker 2) 2 cups corn flakes ter C. Henry: >-..„. plies. With one-half can of sweet- Sunday Services at 11 A. M. Sunday School 11 A M. Vf. Page, John A. Hick* and James 3) 2 cups bran flakes Chester C Henry spent his boy- ened condensed milk, evaporated 4) 1 cup chopped nut meats Wednesday Meeting at 8:15 P. M. H. Kelly. DAvid F. ORourke, hood in Morris Gounty and came milk or light cream and flavoring, who at that time conducted a con* 5) 2 cups chopped dates to Summit in 1895 where, with you have five generous portions. Mix sweetened condensed milk, ' alructlon business in Summit, waa James Ely, started a bicycle and Cookies made with sweetened • tke contractor. Cady & Brewer peanut butter, and any one of the Christian Science Reading Room sporting goods business in the condensed milk are magically five ingredients listed; drop by Were the architects. Mr. Cady was Howard Hall Building which had failure proof, too, besides requir- tie architect for many homes in spoonsful on greased baking OPEN TO THE PUBLIC just been completed by Joel G. ing neither sugar nor flour. sheet. Bake in moderate oven 840 SPBINCiriELD AVENUK the city. He was also at one time VanCise. Magic Vanilla lee Cream Summit's representative on the (376 degrees F.) 15 minutes, or Open dally II to 4:30. «xc«pt Sundays and holidays; also Friday In 1897 Ely 4 Henry moved their (Automatic Refrigerator Method) until done. Remove from pan at j Board of Chosen Freeholder*. businej to the westerly part of the •venlne* 7:30 to 1:30 and after th« Wednesday meeting. 2/3 cup sweetened condensed once Makes about 30 cookies. Literature on Christian Selene* may be read, borrowed or purchaiel •This city hall at one time, be- building: now occupied by- Wool- milk aides the upper floor being used worth's 5 and 10. This building 1/3 cup water bjr the governing body, bouaea l Mayonnaise Made . waa built by Dr. J. Boyd Risk for l ,4 teaspoons vanilla A Hose Company No. I, later Union occupancy by Ely & Henry and 1 cup chilled light cream or Without Eggs losf e Companpy y No. 1 and tho Hoookk John McClay. who had also start- evaporated milk The shortage of eggs and the YOU LOVE YOUR DOG/ and Ladder Company. It is now ed his dry goods business in the Mix sweetened condensed milk, difficult job of finding mayonnaise f u«ed by the Board of Health and Howard Hall Building. in the markets when you need it water, and vanilla. Chill. Add If he Is lost he cannot tell where be lives, but * metal l|ook and Ladder Company. In 1900 Mr. Henry was Appoint- cream or .evaporated milk, mix has caused quite a few anxious •So much for the only building ed City Clerk, succeeding paniel well. Freeze rapidly In freezing moments to many housewives dur- name and address plate can. t|at was ever constructed in the C. Day. George Wilcox was Mayor, ing these hot days when salads are city to be uaed as an actual mu- Charles S. Day waa Councilman- the order of the day and mayon- SAM BROWN nicipal building in the three-quar- at-Large and President of the Erected in the late 1800's. Now occupied by the Board of Health naise Is just what is needed for tar century life of the town. Council and Ruford Franklin was and the Hook and Ladder Company.—(Herald photo—Brooks.) Postal Information the particular aalad you want 'MAIN AVE. . STIRLING, N. jP) 'From the old Townahip Hall one an active Councilman from the Malls Open Well, like anything else—if you travels up Summit avenue two From New York and All Points Firat Ward, together with Charles Where City's Business is Presently Conducted can't get what you need, you pre- blocks, turn* tha corner into F. Wood and John E. Sayrc. and Beyond: pare it without and nine times out Rivets supplied free. Tag tj-ps with attaching Sbrlngfleld avenue going weat and the Gouncilmen from the Second 7, 8:10, 0, 11 A. M.; 1, 2:15, 3:45, of ten, everyone is amazed with price. uteeta up with Use present Munici- Ward were George C. Hand, 4:45, 9 P. M. the results. For Instance—prepare pal Building, the second atructure George W. Baldwin and A. A. From Newark: your own mayonnaise without IBc Each Post Paid filom the corner on the left Buckley. 7. 8, ,11 A. M.; 2:18, 4:45, 9 P. M. eggs—it's simple and good. AM# Jeney'i Mont Complete Dog Shop •This building wai built by Che*- Jn 1902 Mr. Henry added the From Post Offices Between New- t^r C. Henry in 1W» and waa ark and Summit: » . Eggless Mayonnaise * •ale and repair of automobiles 1 teaspoon sugar. named Colonial Hall, seating about to his buaineaa and rented a barn 8:30 A. ML; 4:45 P. M. 790. The ground floor apace wa* From Poat Offices West of Sum- \'i teaspoon salt STIRLING CENTER CORP. opposite the Hotel Beechwood Vi teaspoon dry mustard .,-• ... used entirely by Mr. Henry as a where Lincoln School now stands. mit: Vsllrjr Hoad, Springfield A»e., Stirling. ailei and showroom, with repair 8 A. M.; 1, 4, 7 P. M. U teaspoon paprika In 1903 he waa appointed agent 6 tablespoons irradiated •face in the rear, for Cadillac for the Cadillac automobile, which From Post Offices on Passalc and astomoblles, a car that was popu- Delaware Branch R. R.: evaporated milk was the first year it was built and 1 cup salad oil lar In the 1900 hundred*. it waa immediately popular. This 8:45 A. M.; 1, 2:30 P. M. Mr. Henry had visions of tht Sunday—Special Delivery Service 2 tablespoons vinegar necessitated larger quarters and Mix sugar, salt, mustard, pap- In 1905 Mr. Henry built the build- 10 A. M. from all Points. Weekdays—7:30 A. M. to 9 P. M. rika and four tablespoons of the WhatsthaDif? ing above referred to aa tho pres- milk. Beat with rotary beater. ent Municipal Building. l MaUa Close To Newark: Add oil, a tcaspoonful at a time; Mr, Henry continued In the beating well after each addition. CLEAN YOUR 7:45, 10 A. M.; 12 M.; 3, 4:45, automobile business until 1924, and Continue until U of the oil has from then to date has devoted his 7:S0, 8:30 P. M. been added. Add vinegar a little VENETIAN time to the Real Estate and In- To New York and Points Beyond: at time, beating constantly. Add surance business, and as New 6:45, 7:45, 9, 10 A. M.; 12 M.;remaining oil slowly, beating con- BLINDS Jersey Motor Vehicle Agent at 2, 3, 4:45, 7:50, 8:80 P. M. stantly, then remainder of milk Summit. To Post Offices Between Summit and beat thoroughly. and New York: wHn the 3-pieee 7:45 A. M.; 12 M.; 3, 4:45, 7:50, Cook Fish Somt Day Cheese stays fresh a long time 8:30 P. H. if wrapper in a cloth dampened Since fish docs not improve with To Post Offices Weat of Summit: age, plan to buy and cook it on with vinegar and stored in a .cool 1/BXM 7:30, 9 A. M.; 3:45 P. M. place. the same day. And take care to To Poat Offices on Passalc and cook it at low temperatures. Delaware Branch R. ft.: TlwVB Staid Avoid over-cooking it too, for long 7:15, 8:30, 11:30 A. M,; 4:30, 7:50 *WM slats... cooking rulm the delicate flavor P. M. JOHN STANDERWICK and texture of fish. The VI Were Justs mn4 smnm Sundays Only: Concert PlanUt ana Tenchtr slats... 7:50 P. M., all points. Authorized Teacher of the Tax exemptions on New Jersey ProK-renwlvfl Courne of Tka VI Tapa-Car* Cleaner property now total $1,317,345,362. Stamp Window Plitno Lesson* «M«m tapes «n4 c«r4t. This la compared to total exemp- Weekdays—7:30 A. M. to 6:30 P. M. Many Years of SuccMiiful Teaching tion* of $995,312,301 in 1935, reports Saturdays--7:30 A. M. to 1:00 P. M. Kxperienc* Nn IB VIW Holidays —8:00 A, M. to 9:00 A. M. Ca—lef Ifltn Mi ONLY safe hi DIF. Tw» th# New Jersey Taxpayers Asso- Beginners — Advanced ciation. This building was constructed for Chester C, Henry, who has the Parcel Post CHILDREN — ADULTS Weekdays—7:30 A. M. to 6:30 P. M. «*• WMftlOR WAX CO., Inc., H**>Km ttJ If you do not have a pastry motor vehicle license agency and real estate business In Summit Saturdays—7:30 A. M. to 1:00 P. M. LtMoni Gfrtn at VuptVi Horn* blender, use a wir* potato manner avenue. Mr. Henry conducted nn automobile sales room here for Register Window or STUDIO for mixing shortening with flour several yeara. The second floor contained nn entertainment hall.— Weekday*—7:30 A. M, to 6:00 P. M. 131 Halsted St., East Orange MAPLE HARDWARE q^fekfordtehee. for such things aa pie crust, bljs- (Herald photo Brooks.) Saturdaya-7:30 A. M. to 1:00 P. M, ORange 4-W75 cuita, etc. Money Order* We»kdaya-9:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M. Because foods lose moisture dur- Saturdays—9:00 A. M. to 1:00 P. ML ing the process, flavor and appear- General Delivery Window ance often are sacrificed through Weekdaya-7:30 A. It. to 6:30 P. M. • Five Day Week • improper packaging which per- Saturday*-7:30 A. M. to 1:00 P. M. mits leakage. All frozen foods P, O. Lobby Open should be wrapped in moisture- Weekdays—6:00 A. M. to 7:00 P. M. and-vnpor-proof material. Holidays -6:00 A. M. to 6:00 P. M. Grocery Clerks and Checkers w (Tlm« Indicates opening and METER REPAIR MAN Sew small white snaps on the closing). two bottom corners of your cur- Summit Post Office To Work on Weston Meters tain* and about one-third of the Matt BoheduU MALE or FEMALE way up from the bottom. When Rent a Post Office box. cleaning or airing the room, snap Less than one cant a day and up the curtftitui and they,will not get your mall as often as you wish. Pull Tim* Permanent Positions GRID MECHANICS get wet or soiled. Use air mail—only five cents supra tbaa an ordinary letter. If properly prepared, packaged Us* spaelsl delivery WV In a Bu$im$$ Free Fmm Reconversion Problemi and stored at a stero-or-below your totter and parcel matt./ temperature, quality food! will re- Remit all currency by money Nfl txptritnet ntceuary. Good pay «nd unlimited op- • URGENT . main in an excellent stat« for order. three month* to two ymrs, Most To guard against lost, rsgister portunity for •dvancamant. Uw colt group iniurinct Permanent Position For froten fooda, however, should not or Insure , vatuabt* letters and he kept more than a year. parc«ls , ,. •'••• • ;• . and hoipitaliiation privilagti. Liberal vacation polity. PARTS ASSEMBLY No Rekme Neeemwy From Your Present Employer. (Third Hkift—I* to «:30 A. M.) OPEN No Ctmmnee Nemitmyfhrough II & fl/j. Oftkm Light Work—No Experience SUNDAY MORNING APPLY IMMIDIATILY TO YOUR NIARIST NATIONAL UNION RADIO »-• 1» •'.•,'•'•,.• ACME MARKET or AMERICAN STORI Nwark 'I, N. I, Ji«u-m., «A.N. to 4 P. Summit I ioi rAKK AVI, SVMMIf AMERICAN STORES CO. ••*? • 1 ••• To Voters in THSSUMMtT HWAL0* If Rtd $ox Rtcord SUMMIT Ustattt Wtutaai LUcMt look* * ffcL and Apartaeot ta 4«, ami. It, Madison Colonels' :»-«.....-»-.,.,.=„,-.,[. .Ml.. Mam -.-..I _« afl.r >EW ENaum " teiaaiat*. RMI It Cranford (itantx _.. ; V. Charles, Jr. Among them art tl.r O" constitute for lefli- <*) » Badger, Josephine H. *LS»'&». M». Maty L. will be made for their eoOeetUw Kl« LID AVKNIK 57 W«r.,, Urt. (A) . Kottkl, Marie • .'.. Irvington Alt Stars ,_. 1- '•sty to vote and tUepersona berrln- (A)" 4 s*mleh»tki. Nick coastquenct, he writ** tht sport* D«ceie4 <^ A9 (At Ml Killy, Kmlly U. « II u Indicated by the s»ld Cod* Let- ?« We»tbrook, Floyd (A) 1 Vanuf, Mlaa Jeatl* At Hilt Sept. 21 I (B( «5» DooUy, Harriet T, preaaini hU exception* and at tat f ••A---B '-"C"-"B"- Uial pre- 4Ai 74 WestbrooK, Mrs. J. tA) U Wright. Edtth (B) «sa Dooley. Jtmes L. SUM expreMins; the hope tht rach name and may be deBiiittly (A) »s Jackson, Aaron (A i 464 Ackennan, DoraOiy (D) 3S Barker. Jane A. uttermilk ainfd by rettrrin* to the corre- %•> Thomas, Edward 41 Icartntt, Idwtn L. when he bringa his Rose City sg- (A i 716 Hmlth, JuUa U. (A> The cream of New Jersey's pro- importunity to present proof cen- (A) 111 ONetta, Janet (A i 721 Ifill, MUa Naomi (A) 4« NMal«, Pasquals grcfstloo here Sunday to play tht lite Mother to turli reason will be gi-ven to ill • At 133 Button. Bydnry C. (A) 44 Boone, Thaddus fcsaional and tht beat of Union (A) 793 Banford, Oe«rfi 6. Bed. Ltuardl'a letter: whole name* are listed below, (Ai 133 1 if Luc-la, Ralph (A> 7M Sanford, Mn. Ida •RUNPIKB ROAD such persona appear personally •D) 133 Wheeler, Oscar H. County** public link* players will used to , (D) J5t Riraoldj, Paultot IS ntnui, Matteo Sports Editor: JTi>rti''>» SB m the Basement of the .Court UJ> US Baird, Harold 8. ' WWtm STREET pay golfing tribute to the late ,I «P ElliaDeth, prior to BeptemtHtr Sil* (A) 147 Fault, Marion A. ttcNaer DRIVE U1 (A) 17 Cox, Charles H. Dear Ed. Ueutjenant Francis X. Coakley on churn / tl'is" Failure to appear and iubmlt proof (D) 1M Klllaf Theodore U. 'Bi t Line*, Mn. Anna W. (A) If Crssa, Luey ,, ftioreisfid. will require: "Any person (Bi 160 Kyari Nellie (Bj 25 Polo. Mrs. V|©J»t (A) 17 Russell, Lue B. It. In your i*sue of last week you ^epteinber 21 at Galloping Hill ifTtctei by tli« action of toe Board shall IBJ lai Dano*. Mlsa Helta J. (Bi :s polo, Vlnctnt if. It Florentine, Ann* stated that the MadUon Colonel Golf|CIub, Kenilworth and Union. k»ic the-right to make application to a «A» 171 Gllraore, Esty 8e«oa« Wart •ifiai 19 PetrucHII. Kaney it. hiAit'ft the Court of Common fleas of «B» 174 Alpaugh, Walter A- ARHLAMD moAD management hu been adamant ill The tournament, a pro-member (Bi 11« Helthall, Jack I). BTMNOriELD JtVBNCK i-nron County, during the two weeks Ira- (Ai 174 Bernhard, Elinroeth (A) Lji-itely preceding the Oeneral Election (Bi 12» Leavena, Annla M. •3 Dykle, Mra. Anna year in booking the Red Sox and beat ball affair, scheduled for 18 *A» iso Carpenter. Florence 77 Iannella, Paaqual* Be sure to ask for^ Z November a. I»*5. and on said Elec- 185 Brail.'Lloyd C, Jr. (A • 128 Atwattr, Ralph W. contended that wt were not in the holts, 1* sjporuored by Galloping tion Day, for the purpose of obtaining an (A • ISO Dey, Clarriasa W. . (A) •1 Fallon, Mn. Flora iss Kamfman, Don C. «imt class. Hill Golf QIIJJ, Qf rtich Lieuten- r (A) 196 Hummel, Elizabeth C. 107 Irenn, Jaatph ,"which he actually waide* The burden 200 Willltmu, Lottie (At 265 Bassett. H. EUiabeth I have been In the baseball pic- ant Coakley was professional for li proof- shall be upon the applicant. The (A) (D) 315 Webb*. Mrt. Ulltl H- (A) U0A JUmul, Domtnico Lite el the Court of Common Pleas. If WALDBO.N AVCKCE BLACKBV1N fLACE (A) 112 Cro»s, WlUlam ture to^ many, year* to make any many years; The Union County CD) 6 Mahon, John * Wai* Math J«ija( (A> 40t WlillUM, Irent newspaper columns. lociation. The «?onsor» plan to n,r issue ail order directing tile district 2 McDonald, Edward (B) 97 Anderson, Ewmoca If. iy,sn1 if that district to permit such per- tint Ward Filth District COLON* 0WVB (A) 413' Bemhry, Esther The only question that arose in make the event an annual one to •, ' CEDAR nREEt ' ,in to \ote. Such person, however, mutt (A) 22 Parcell. Veronica tny negotlationi with Bummit was be known as the Coakley Memo- ,, rrelBier before voting at any sut»«- 22 Hamlln. Arthur a, COLT KOAD 11 Mcfhrwaa, Jamts T. iu,r* election by court order or other- 31 Vaust, Gertrude B, (A) 2« Andersen, lAllct M. 11 MeOowsan. Mary S. the' fact that being a first year rial Tournament. • (B) 31 Faust, Walter L. DRUID UVLL MAD CKKSTNtn AVEKCE 34 Slgal. Mn. Sylvia (B) 32 Kedtltr. Chaj. W. . (A) T Flmla, Anthony - ,-•• team Summit was not drawing The New Jer»ey p. G. A. will "rLEA.sK NOTE that "the twoweek KDGKH'OOD ' ROAD (Bi 32 KetkUr, Maud E. 13 HarrUwn, Inti 8. / well enough to warrant mt bring- present Galloping Hill with a T,,ri