Harvest Show Fashion Edition September 15 September 13 57th YEAR, N». U SUMMIT. N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER Corvtr Flower Show Guest Summit toBuiW Sub-Standard On College Faculty I wo Jima Action Officials Clarify To HoW Water Sof.ry T«it Delicatessen Gets Recreation Center, Housing Hearing BySgt. Salerno Poliomyelitis Liquor License; Says Council Head To Be Held Soon Wins Silver Star J of the EdUsoa Junior High Situation Here A hearing will be held Thursday, Camp Pcndleton, Oceanslde, Cal. Reid Now Closed ool August 24 to the Ota The Board of Health at 1U Tues- Notwithstanding the protMta- Sept. 20, at the City Hall, at 8 —His "cool courage and fearless- day night meeting in discussing peration of America for $526 - o'clock, by Walter j, Smith, pub- ness" in action against the enemy tiona of President H. Walford does not mean that the real- the poliomyelitis (infantile paraly- Martin of the Summit Association lic officer, in the matter of the on* Iwo Jima, Volcano Islands, sis) situation here stated there are !«,* of the ewtern fectlon of tenement at 88 Summit avenue, from March 1 to 19, 1945 has for Liquor Control, Common Coun- summit will be deprived of com- only two cases in the city. Both- cil on Tuesday night granted a which has been declared^ a sub- earned the Silver Star Medal for cases, It was explained, contract- munity and recreational facilities, retail distribution liquor license to standard dwelling by a group of Sgt, James A. Salerno, 27, USMC, ed the disease outside of Summit. President Roine A. Betts of Com- Eric F. Danlach of the Brookdale citizens who inspected it in July. son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Saler- Th e health commissioners ln Council »id FrldV, The The apactnients in question were no, 465 Springfield avenue. Dairy Co., Springfield avenue. stressed, what they believe to be a In unanimously granting the li- school auditorium had been used said to be without private toilets Sergeant Salerno, whose wife, fact, "that considerable heartache cense council reaffirmed its fixed by residents of East Summit for for each family; to be. without the former Kay Stafford, and nine- and fear arc being created by un- policy, of limiting the retail dis- •ommunity problems meetings. wash basins, the kitchen sink be- year-old, daughter, Sandra, live at founded rumors." The Board of tribution licenses to 11. There had ' president Betts said the: city au- ing the only source of. running 654 North Irving boulevard, Holly- Health arc of the conviction that been a vacancy of one in this field thorities plan to build a commun- water, and used, for the baby and wood, Cal., is here attending the JOHN B. MacMlRPO "the City of Summit Is a safe and since Mr. DanLach had been ity gnd recreation house for the the dishes; to have no hot'run- Marine Training Command Troop place in which to remain." The in "on the ground floor" for a' resident of the eastern section. ning water; electric wlrjng un- Leader's School, a super-combat board further states "it Is con- j year with liia application, he was Thw will not be aa large as the aafc; ventilation of the toilet in- school for officers and enlisted stantly on the alert and any pre- Water Safety Tests given priority over Joseph Coyle, Field Hous« on Memorial Field on sufficient, according to the sani- men. cautions that the public should 25-acre tract, but it is expected tary code; and leaks in the roof. a clerk in Charlines Cut, Rate His platoon loader being, killed take will immediately be brought store. '.•'•'•". answer the requirements of the JAMES A. JACKSON . These apartments were, inspect- during an enemy attack at night to their attention." lnYMCASept.10-14 neighborhood, ed in 1943 and declared in need of Mr. DanLsch was represented by the "Esso Man," who will speak . JAMES^E. DOWNES on Iwo Jima, Sergeant Salerno Dr. Henry P. Dcnglcr, the health Frank ,plm of the Maple street "We have assured the residents at the Carver Garden Club Fall changes; since then some painting took command of the platoon, and officer, suggests ; that "instead of I of that part of the town," said Flower Show on Sunday after- and plastering was done.] Held by Red Cross firm of Pizsl & Plzzi. Mr. Piizi in rallied his'men. to beat oft the pausing idle gossip or rumors to i a letter to council reminded that President BetUs, "they wltl not suf- noon, in the Lincoln Y. M. C. A. The Common Council, Inter- enemy attack. The following day An examination course for Red Dowries Appointed friends, the individual should rail Crosii water safety instructors body that his client had made ap- fer for lack of recreation and com- racial Group, and the League of he led his platoon in an attack on the office of the Board of H«"''th | Women Voters ht^ve made a study wilt be held in the Y.M.C.A. pool plication a year ago for a similar munity privileges, even, though the a strong enemy position composed and learn the facts." ! September 10 to 14, from 7 to 10 Edison School has been taken from of the question of housing, and license and was refused on the Better Not Be HI To Post At Newark of many machine gun emplace- p. m. John B. MacMurdp, first aid, ground that the existing vacancy them. I can not say when such have used the inspection method ments cut into solid rock. water safety and accident preven- would not be filled for the dura- a building as planned will be for finding those apartments which tion representative for Red Cross, Sept. 15; Doctors "Although his platoon suffered tion. He also stated Mr. Danlsch started." they consider bejow the standard. will conduct the tests. Teachers College severe casualties, they, under Ser- U.S.O. Director, paid the city annually more than The one at 88 Summit avenue Those who have qualified for President Betts said he saw in Will Be On Outing James E. Downes of Norwood geant Salerno's leadership, at- $1,000 in real estate taxes, that he was chosen at random from sev- the examinations are: Miss Mil- the aale of the school an economic You'd better not be ill on Sat- avenue has been appointed an as- tained their objective for the day had six employees and ample store eral having no separate toilet for dred Hqqfstraat, Miss Phyllis benefit to the city. He added that urday, "September 15 This ts the sociate professor-. in the d»part» and held it during the night, Former YMCA Sec, space in which to conduct the each family, and there were many Nimmo, Miss Mnrjoric Sampson, thfe difference in the sale price and word being passed quietly by the ment of social studies at Newark despite repeated enemy counter- Grant La very, Paul Rcckenzaun, business, and that hisv customers with no wash basins, the inspect- the original cost of $600,000 would reception sots of members of the State Teachers College. This was attacks," according to his citation. and Don McMillan. had asked him to install a liquor ing group claimed. Visits Staff Here be offset in 15 years by the rev- Summit Medical Society. After all announced recently by Dr. Job*- '.r!jVT«l courage and fearleas- Those completing thn examina- department. Those who made the July in- Frank G. Adams, former boys' tion!) successfully will be qualified enue the city would receive in the health Invigorating days of the B, Dougall of Ashland road, pres' (. i•:. ^ ' i Inspiration to his In denying Mr. Coyle a retail spection were: Mrs. Kenneth Baldr work secretary of the Summit to instruct classes in swimming taxes. late aummer. Summit physicians dent of the college. Mr. Down, . re in keeping with distribution license, Council did win, Mrs, Richard Miller. William Y.M.C.A., stopped In to sec the und life Having in this uren. "You must remember," he said, are hopeful that all of their clients will start on his new duties « t traditions of the so on the ground that all existing Dickcrson, E. Lakatoa, Raymond staff there last week. He hu« been Prior to joining the Red Cross that the Celanese people plan to will be feeling so well on Sept. 15 day with the opening of the , • ' Naval Service," con- vacancies were filled. It was also Taylor, Dr. Jacob Trapp and David for three ycara in Ketchikan. Area stuff in March, 1043, Mr. Mc- double the capacity of the plant. that they can get away tor an out- lege for the fall term. cluded tnc cicatlon, signed by Ma- Murdo was director rif thc> Jersey announced that no consideration Ludlow. Alaska, a« director of the U.S.O., At th* name time there will be a ing of their own with their ladies Mr, Downes for more than 20 rine Licut.-Gen. H. M. Smith, then and is now on a short furlough City Chapter's First Aid program would be given any further ap- decided benefit to the , local mer- and other guests. Mr. Smith, who was recently yearg was on the staff at Summit commanding general, Fleet Marine before going to the Philippines to and .in Instructor nt the Chnutau- plications as long aa no vacancies chants. It is planned to employ 3. Leon tkircmus, owner of Noc's appointed public officer on sub- High School tn the social science Force, Pacific. General Smith la be associated with the U.S.O. qua Aquatic School for ten years.
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