APPENDIX 1 Re: e-introducing Annabelle Sheehan <
[email protected]> Tue 7/05/2019 12:40 PM To: Graeme Mason Cc: stewart till Hi Stewart Do send me any information or questions you have. As Graeme says I will be in Cannes and so if you are not perhaps we can catch up by phone when I get back end of May. I have cc'd my EA. REGARDS Annabelle Sent from my iPhone .��:,NZFC_Pr Annabelle Sheehan I Chief Executive imary_Bloc New Zealand Film Commission I Te Tumu Whakaata Taonga k_with_Re Level 3, 119 Ghuznee St, Wellington6011 I PO Box 11546, Manners Street, Wellington 6142 0 � I L,I;cid:
[email protected] ,tl,:cid:image004.j;:
[email protected] On 7/05/2019, at 11 :23 AM, Graeme Mason < > wrote: Dear Annabelle and Stewart, I wanted to e-introduce you. Annabelle - Stewart was my boss at PolyGram, and has for many years held a variety of top level positions ft roles across the gamut of film and television enterprises (as well as charities and sports and film agencies and much else besides). He made the move some time back to relocate from London to LA and also to add to his various commitments with his own development ft production slate. Of note for today is that he has one specific NZ themed project, for which very unusually for you and I he is not looking for S just input and especially thoughts on creative talent he and his partners might work with on it.