Ecoope Event

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Ecoope Event CO-OPERATIVE ENTREPRENEURSHIP: A tool for a sustainable, viable future I N T E R N A T I O N A L E V E N T S A N T A N D E R | S P A I N J u n e 2 1 & 2 2 , 2 0 1 8 G u i l l e r m o G ó m e z L a á R o o m F a c u l t i e s o f L a w a n d E c o n o m i c s a n d B u s i n e s s S t u d i e s About ECOOPE The Entrepreneurial Co-operative Experience (ECOOPE) promotes the co-operative business model among young future entrepreneurs to improve their future careers, be it as employees or as future social entrepreneurs, especially in those countries with high rates of unemployment. ECOOPE is co-funded by the European Union and involves eight institutions from five European countries with expertise in either entrepreneurship education or the cooperative model: CISE (Santander International Entrepreneurship Centre) and the University of Cantabria -leading partners- and Valnalón | Spain Co-operative College | UK EURICSE (European Research Institute on Cooperative and Social Enterprises) | Italy LUT (Laappenranta University of Technology) | Finland PEEP (Policy Experimentation and Evaluation Platfform) and the University of Porto | Portugal Let's "spread the coop" and benefit from the co- operative values for a more sustainable and viable future. Thank you, FEDERICO GUTIÉRREZ-SOLANA Director, CISE (Santander International Entrepreneurship Centre) - Project Coordinator "COOPERATIVE ENTREPRENEURSHIP: A TOOL FOR A SUSTAINABLE, VIABLE FUTURE" Guillermo Gómez Laá Room | 2nd Floor | Faculty of Economics, Business Studies and Law University of Cantabria | Santander (Spain) Day 1 | Thu, June 21 16:30 Registration & coffee 16:50 Official welcome and Introduction to agenda 17:10 The co-operative business model: more stable, competitive and decent work | Andrea Dávila, OIT, Cooperative Unit 17:30 Introduction to ECOOPE | Project overview and goals | José C. Ceballos, CISE 17:40 Presentation of ECOOPE's methodology evaluation tool // Minna Hämäläinen, LUT 18:00 Roundtable: "Co-operative entrepreneurship: a tool for a sustainable, viable future" · Moderator: Sarah Alldred, Co-operative College · María Ubarretxena, Mayor of Arrasate-Mondragon · Cynthia Lynn Giagnocavo, President of the ICA European Research Board · Laura Ferri, Secondary Ed. teacher, Entrepreneurship and Social Economy · Elena Badeanschi, Federazione Cooperazione Trentina Day 2 | Fri, June 22 09:00 Introduction to agenda 09:05 Presentation of ECOOPE's Good Practice Guide | Dana T. Redford, PEEP 09:35 Good practice expert panel and ECOOPE Awards Moderator: Ilana Gotz, EURICSE · Adoración Mozas, University of Jaén (Spain) · Richard Hull, Goldsmiths College, University of London (England) · Martin Strauss, Schülergenossenschaften (Germany) 10:20 Coffee & networking 10:40 Workshop: Lean start-up as a tool to solve co-operative challenges | Néstor Guerra and Aday Guerra 12:40 ECOOPE Secondary education pilot | Javier Vallina (Valnalón) and Cristina Soutinho (PEEP) + participants 13:10 ECOOPE Higher Education Pilot pilot | José Carlos Ceballos (CISE) and João J. Pinto Ferreira (Universidade do Porto) + participants 13:40 Closing (End of event: 14:00) S P E A K E R S & P A R T I C I P A N T S M a r í a U b a r r e t x e n a C y n t h i a L . G i a g n o c a v o E l e n a B a d e a n s c h i Mayor of Arrasate/Mondragón, President of the Board of ICA European Project Mgr FTC home to Mondragón (International Cooperative (Federazione Trentina della Corporation Alliance) European Research Cooperazione) L a u r a F e r r i A d o r a c i ó n M o z a s R i c h a r d H u l l Master Secondary Education President of Centro Internacional Lecturer & Director Teacher Training UOC (Open de Investigación sobre Economía MA Social Entrepreneurship at University Catalonia) Pública, Social y Cooperativa Goldsmiths University of (CIRIEC) Spain London M a r t i n S t r a u s s A n d r e a D á v i l a N é s t o r G u e r r a Professor at HLA Gernsbach Technical projects on Entrepreneur, Business School Students' cooperatives Cooperatives at ILO Professor and Lean Startup promoter (International Labour specialist Organisation) S P E A K E R S & P A R T I C I P A N T S A d a y G u e r r a S a r a h A l l d r e d I l a n a G o t z Entrepreneur, trainer specialist Projects Development World Co-op Monitor at EURICSE in Lean Startup and Manager (European Research Institute on agile methodologies Co-operative College UK Cooperatives and Social Enterprises) M i n n a H ä m ä l ä i n e n C r i s t i n a S o u t i n h o D a n a T . R e d f o r d Junior Researcher, Project Secondary Education Expert in entrepreneurship and Manager at Lappeenranta Advisor, expert in public policies, social inclusion University of Technology (LUT) entrepreneurial education and sustainability. President of PEEP J a v i e r V a l l i n a J o ã o J o s é P i n t o J o s é C . C e b a l l o s Expert in Secondary Education, Master Program Director ECOOPE's Project Manager Coordinator of the MIETE, University of Porto (CISE) Entrepreneurial Education Program in Valnalón CO-OPERATIVE ENTREPRENEURSHIP A T O O L F O R A S U S T A I N A B L E , V I A B L E F U T U R E ABOUT THE EVENT Learn how to implement and share the benefits of the cooperative business model and the strategies to make it an agile process to grow: Spread the co-op. Who is this event addressed to? 1) Secondary and Higher Education Institutions 2) Cooperatives and Social Economy Platforms 3) Future entrepreneurs 4) Individuals interested in learning more about social economy what you get DIDACTIC RESOURCES Receive our Good Practice Guide of European cooperative education initiatives Apply the ECOOPE evaluation tool in your organisation Workshop on lean start-up for co-ops and socents INSPIRATION Ecoope Pilot training programme implementation Roundtable on cooperative entrepreneurship Learn from real experiences NETWORKING European attendants from different backgrounds Synergy creation, relationships building Go a step further and connect! W H Y S A N T A N D E R ? CISE & THE UNIVERSITY OF CANTABRIA CISE boosts the creation of start-ups through innovative training and entrepreneurship support programmes that make use of agile methodologies and hands-on experience. CISE opened in 2012 within Cantabria International Campus as a result of the agreement between the University of Cantabria, the Government of Cantabria and Banco Santander through Santander Universidades. E N T R E P R E N E U R S H I P N E T W O R K I N G E D U C A T I O N EO VID A R T Discover Miró's sculptures in the exhibition at Botín Centre, Palacio de la Magdalena royal summer residence or Altamira Prehistoric Caves. L A N D S C A P E Enjoy a walkable city surrounded by green and blue, and located in one of the most beautiful bays of the world. C U I S I N E The north of Spain is well-known by its cuisine: enjoy our local gastronomy and don't forget to taste our typical deserts: "sobaos" and "quesadas". register here y o u t h . e c o o p e . e u / e v e n t T h e w o r k p r e s e n t e d o n t h i s d o c u m e n t h a s r e c e i v e d f u n d i n g f r o m t h e E u r o p e a n U n i o n ( G r a n t a g r e e m e n t N . S I 2 . 7 5 3 4 7 0 ) . T h e c o n t e n t i s t h e s o l e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y o f t h e E C O O P E p r o j e c t a n d i t d o e s n ’ t n e c e s s a r i l y r e p r e s e n t t h e o p i n i o n o f t h e E u r o p e a n C o m m i s s i o n ( E C ) , a n d t h e E C i s n o t r e s p o n s i b l e f o r a n y u s e t h a t m i g h t b e m a d e o f i n f o r m a t i o n c o n t a i n e d.
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