Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 110 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 110 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 153 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 2007 No. 73 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Monday, May 7, 2007, at 12:30 p.m. Senate FRIDAY, MAY 4, 2007 The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was U.S. SENATE, portunity to complete our budget for called to order by the Honorable PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, the year. I have spoken to Senator SHERROD BROWN, a Senator from the Washington, DC, May 4, 2007. CONRAD on a number of occasions. I State of Ohio. To the Senate: have spoken to the Speaker on this Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby issue. It is very close to being in a posi- PRAYER appoint the Honorable SHERROD BROWN, a tion that we can bring it to the floor. The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- Senator from the State of Ohio, to perform It is my understanding the House will fered the following prayer: the duties of the Chair. appoint conferees on Monday, and we Let us pray. ROBERT C. BYRD, will do that on the next day. It is a O God, our Father, bless the United President pro tempore. privileged motion. There is 10 hours of States Senate. If anything is dark in it, Mr. BROWN thereupon assumed the debate, and there are some procedural illumine; if anything is low, raise; if chair as Acting President pro tempore. issues dealing with motions to in- anything is wanting, supply; if any- f struct. We will find out how many thing is in error, correct. Create in this there will be on either side. That will legislative body a unified force for good RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY take up a lot of time. in which its Members strive to find LEADER The WRDA bill is extremely impor- common ground. May the leaders who The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- tant. It passed overwhelmingly in the debate in this Chamber be led by their pore. The majority leader is recog- House. I hope we can do the same here. conscience and speak to You before nized. f they speak to each other. Make Your f way clear to them, and may Your glory be their greatest desire. SCHEDULE MEASURES PLACED ON THE CALENDAR—S. 1301 AND S. 1305 We pray in Your holy Name. Amen. Mr. REID. Mr. President, the Senate Mr. REID. It is my understanding f will be in a period of morning business today. There are no rollcall votes. Yes- there are two bills at the desk due for PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE terday, cloture was filed on the sub- a second reading. The Honorable SHERROD BROWN led stitute amendment to S. 1082, the FDA The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: bill, and cloture was filed on the bill. pore. Without objection, the clerk will report. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the In addition, cloture was filed on the United States of America, and to the Repub- motion to proceed to H.R. 1495, the The legislative clerk read as follows: lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Water Resources Development Act. A bill (S. 1301) to preserve and protect the indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Votes will begin Monday at about 4 free choice of individual employees to form, p.m., and there will be several votes at join, or assist labor organizations, or to re- f frain from such activities. that time. We are disappointed we were A bill (S. 1305) making emergency appro- APPOINTMENT OF ACTING not able to finish FDA yesterday, as PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE priations for American troops overseas, anticipated. I am confident we can fin- without unnecessary pork barrel spending The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ish it Monday night or Tuesday. and without mandating surrender or retreat clerk will please read a communication We have a lot to do next week. As I in Iraq, for the fiscal year ending September to the Senate from the President pro have indicated, I am going to move to 30, 2007, and for other purposes. tempore (Mr. BYRD). the immigration bill on Wednesday so Mr. REID. I object to any further The legislative clerk read the fol- debate on that can start on the fol- proceedings with respect to these bills lowing letter: lowing Monday. We also have the op- en bloc. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S5613 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 00:32 May 05, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A04MY6.000 S04MYPT1 cprice-sewell on PROD1PC62 with SENATE S5614 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 4, 2007 The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- end which painted a dispiriting picture drugs, described as a suicide attempt, and pore. Objection is heard. The bills will of waste, ineffectiveness, and failure to Lori had to rush him back to Nellis hospital. be placed on the calendar. achieve even minimally satisfactory His stomach was pumped and he was put in supervised care. f results. Despite burning through most of the 20 billion American dollars He continues to struggle with his ill- IRAQ planned for reconstruction, most Iraqis ness and now awaits another transfer Mr. REID. Mr. President, this week a are without basic necessities such as from the hospital at Nellis Air Force historic discussion began between Con- electricity and clean drinking water. Base near his home in Nevada to Wal- gress and the White House about the Only a third of Iraq’s children are regu- ter Reed here in Washington. way forward in Iraq. On Wednesday, a larly attending school, and 70 percent We all know that war comes with meeting occurred between the Presi- are suffering from symptoms of trauma casualties. I have talked about John dent and congressional leadership fol- that will likely paralyze an entire gen- Shoup. I have read quotes from Lori lowing the President’s veto of a spend- eration on which we are counting to Shoup, his wife. She is also a casualty. ing bill that would have made America harvest the seeds of democracy. She had to be hospitalized. She had a more secure, fully funded the troops, Iraqi Prime Minister al-Malaki, a nervous breakdown. and changed the course in Iraq. It has Shia, is accused of sabotaging efforts Our soldiers have always shouldered taken almost 41⁄2 years, but it appears for peace and stability by firing some the burden when the mission is to pro- the President finally is willing to con- of the country’s top law enforcement tect America’s security. John Shoup sider what most Americans and Mem- officials for doing too good a job of did that. bers of Congress have long known, that combating violent Shia militias. Presi- What is our mission today? When he we must change course in Iraq and dent Bush speaks of pressuring the was asked that question, he replied: move toward a strategy that will make Iraqi people to take responsibility for All we do is drive around and wait to get our country more secure. their own future. Yet while American blown up. It took 6 years and 3 months for the troops are fighting and dying to secure Our troops are interjected between President to accept Congress as a co- the country, the Iraqi Government is warring factions, kicking down doors, equal branch of Government. Prior to planning a 2-month summer vacation. trying to sort Shia from Sunni or last Wednesday, the President basi- We throw around a lot of numbers friend from foe. Meanwhile, Afghani- cally had ignored the constitutionally and statistics to highlight the failures stan is deteriorating. Osama bin Laden framed equal branch of Government, and high stakes of the war. We must remains at large, and al-Qaida is re- the legislative branch. From that per- also remember that behind each of building its strength. Our current spective, it was a positive step forward. these numbers—104 deaths during the strategy is not a strategy for success. During the first 6 years of this con- month of April—is a personal story. It is a recipe for more death and de- gressional term, the President basi- Yesterday, a Las Vegas newspaper struction, overburdening our military cally ignored us. There was a big rub- published an article about a 26-year-old and leaving America less secure. ber stamp. Anything the Republican Nevadan named John Shoup. After sur- Today’s USA Today newspaper Congress thought the President want- viving 7 months in Iraq, John returned talked about a lot of John Shoups. In ed, they gave him. But yesterday, the home to Nevada without apparent fact, they said there are 150,000 brain minority leader and I met with the physical injury. Many of his friends injuries caused by what has happened President’s Chief of Staff Josh Bolton were not so fortunate, he said. At in Iraq to our troops; 15,000 is what to further that discussion that started home, though, almost immediately, USA Today reports. Wednesday in the White House. I John’s wife Lori knew he was not well. We approach these discussions with thought the meeting was constructive, She said: the White House with an open mind comfortable. It is clear, at this early I noticed in the first week he wasn’t sleep- and sincere desire to move forward.