Ms Coll/Matthews, H
Herbert Lionel Matthews Papers, 1943-1982 MS# 0856 ©2007 Columbia University Library This document is converted from a legacy finding aid. We provide this Internet-accessible document in the hope that users interested in this collection will find this information useful. At some point in the future, should time and funds permit, this finding aid may be updated. SUMMARY INFORMATION Creator Herbert Lionel Matthews Title and dates Herbert Lionel Matthews Papers, 1943-1982 Abstract Correspondence, manuscripts, notes, clippings, periodical articles, photographs, book, and pamphlets relating to the fall of Batista's Cuba and the rise of Fidel Castro. These files contain the documentation of Mathwes's noted series of articles on the Cuban revolution, the books which developed from these articles, and newspapers clippings, periodicals, and pamphlets, in English and Spanish, concerning the rise of Castro. Size 27 linear ft. (43 document boxes & 4 flat boxes) Call number MS# 0856 Location Columbia University Butler Library, 6th Floor Herbert Lionel Matthews Papers Rare Book and Manuscript Library 535 West 114th Street New York, NY 10027 Language(s) of material English, Spanish Biographical Note Herbert Lionel Matthews (January 10, 1900-July 30, 1977) had a long and highly successful career with the New York Times: He was a correspondent in Paris, Rome, and Italy, and war correspondent covering the Abyssinian War, the Spanish Civil War, and World War II. He was chief of the London bureau from 1945 till 1949, and a member of editorial staff from 1949 till 1967. Matthews is the reporter best remembered as a chronicler of the Spanish Civil War and the Cuban Revolution.
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